Navy restores ratings
Bobo sends us a link to the Navy Times which reports that the Navy has decided to restore ranks and ratings;
The move comes three months after the Navy stunned sailors around the world in September by eliminated ratings titles, including those such as boatswain’s mate that dated back to the founding of the service.
The extraordinarily rare move comes after a fierce backlash from the fleet that became a distraction from the Navy’s broader effort to reform the antiquated personnel system, Navy officials said.
Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, called it a “course correction” and acknowledged the overwhelmingly negative reaction from the fleet was a key factor in the decision.
The rest of us can continue to be confused.
Category: Navy
Oh good. For a while there, it seemed even us old Army guys would know what every sailor’s job is. And that’s just so wrong.
If only Shinseki had the brains in 2000 to reverse his black beret decision after three months…
Shinseki was more concerned about his job at General Dynamics Stryker plant after retirement. Cha-ching$$$$$$$
Now, Richardson needs to “retire” because of this fucking fiasco! Preferably on January 29th… before Mattis and Trump “fire” his fucking stupid ass.
When is Raymie Maybebus leaving? When? I will be so glad when he’s gone!!!!
But he did so many good things for you guys and gals!
Couldn’t pass up the opportunity after all the wonderful things he did for my home state!
I’d say about 30 seconds after Mad Dog Mattis takes the helm.
Geez, that long?
So that means that the powder monkey and coal shoveler rates will be back in force?
That’s good to know.
‘Antiquated personnel system’? If it’s antiquated, it’s because people are still using quill pens instead of typewriters. Maybe someone should tell Admiral Dickwad that he’s an antique, too.
I’m hoping for a return of Fore and Aft hats, tail coats and breeches; especially for female personnel.
Hey, the WAVES had those flat hats for a while during WWII. Then they went to the more practical bucket hat.
Ratings are what one gets in performance evaluations. Ratings are content guides to movie viewers. In the Navy, ratings are a super secret code for jobs. I think.
2/17: Sounds good. Rate: One’s enlisted pay grade. Rating: One’s job (Corpsman, Machinist’s Mate, Electronics Technician, etc.). There are 50 +/- Ratings, which are further broken down by NEC (Navy Enlisted Classification). There are hundreds of Navy NECs, as each rating has their unique set of NECs. Heck, there may be 500-1000. Within the Hospital Corps rating there are an additional 40 +/- (?) (It’s been a while.) NECs, such as 8404 (Field Medical Service … A Corpsman who serves with and supports the Marine Corps); 8407 (Radiation Health); 8451 (Basic X-Ray Technician); 8452 (Advanced X-Ray Technician); 8416 (Nuclear Medicine Technician), etc. Doing this from memory. Those currently serving or who have served more recently than my 25 year ago retirement may want to tinker with this.
“In the Army & Marines, an enlisted job is called an “MOS” (Military Occupation Specialty). In the Air Force, the enlisted job is known as an “AFSC” (Air Force Specialty Code). In the Navy & Coast Guard, an enlisted job is called a “Rating.”
I have at least 5 NEC’s 🙂
About time some sanity returned. Hopefully this is just the beginning of things to come.
Translation: after 3 months of realizing you weren’t going to shut up and color, we decided go move onto other “good ideas”.
Seriously, would you Army/Marine types really like it if anyone besides you knew what you do for a living? Aren’t those secret codes like MSNBC101A-11B3e more important than people knowing that your job is really stocking shelves in the Supply section?
Ours is really not that hard. We also generally say our job title, not the MOS code when asked.
Take my name for instance. The only 3 digits that matter are the first three.
19 – Branch – Armor
D – MOS – Cavalry Scout (enlisted)
2 – Skill Level ie E5 in this case
O – Special Skills – None in this case
R4 – Additional Skills – Stryker Qualified.
But it is only the 19D that matters 99% of the time. If asked, I just say Cavalry Scout. If a Sailor is asked and they say Boatswains Mate (hopefully spelled that right) that isn’t any clearer lol. But if you can’t break down what Cavalry and Scout mean collectively, you might be a moron.
Hey Army mind your own business. Our traditions our business.
Yeah! Leave the Squid be. And their Naval Infantry too!
Leave ’em alone!!! You bastards!!!
lol, did you know that was a guy?
Did you not get the joke?
Quoth the anchor clanker.
“Navy traditions”
Said during a contentious strategy meeting with his admirals.
Interestingly, the Navy outlawed the lash in the US before the Army did.
A quick look in the (dis)orderly room reveals that sodomy is still in vogue.
I’m not sure what’s wrong with you Army guys. My Navy rating of MT2(SS) with the NEC 3313 is a lot easier to understand than my Army 11A FA 59 ASI 3H, 6S, 6Z, 7G.
Heck, I’m retired Navy. What the heck is an MT?!!!
Missile Tech. Plays with the Tridents on boomers.
Oh, were they FC’s (or was it FTs?) before?
I’m sooooo confused!!!!
Thet be Mountain Herbie LOL
ET1 (SS) 3363. Deal with it, Admiral.
IS1 – 3905. Independent Duty Intel Specialist. Tell Mabus and the CNO to take the train!!
PH2 – Photographer’s Mate, 2nd class. Deal with it, buddy boy.
Army 67N2F – So there. (sticks tongue out, runs and hides)/smile
ET2(SS) 14NO
AMH2, and I held the following NEC’s:
8342 F/A-18C O Level Maintenance
8312 Aerial Refueling Stores Maintenance
8377 S/UH-3G/H O Level Maintenance
8378 SH-60F O Level Maintenance
I can’t find the NEC for A-7E O-Level Maintenance
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco or Loose Straps Means Floppy Titties?
ET1 with the following NEC’s
1510 (AN/SPS-49(V)5 and 7) RADAR Technician
1589 Fleet Electronics Calibration (FECL) Technician
Can’t remember/find my other two, both for obsolete navigation gear (LORAN and pre GPS satnav)
The rest of us can continue to be confused.
This is indeed the correct answer…but it’s their ball park they should get to have a few home field advantages and if ratings keeps them happy…everyone wins…so it sounds like a good plan to me.
Ratings let you know what they do, don’t need a cook showing up to work on a plane.
Another Trump win.
Try to deny it all you want but the new sheriff is already influencing our military positively.
It would be easy to get tired of all the winning that Trump has caused.
Who the heck am I kidding? I want MORE!
No question. None. The Pentagonals are trying desperately now to deny their past and get right with the new boss–who isn’t the same as the old boss. Except the Marines, that is. Those guys held strong against the push.
Alton Doyle Glenn will be glad to know he’s a Seal Sniper’s mate First Class again!
pffft….his rating = CHT
Ahhhh the sickly sweet smell of CHT, who could ever forget.
I don’t know about sweet…sickly, yes…sweet, ahh no. Nothing cleared all the skaters off the fantail like pumping out the CHT underway…you’d never seen those guys move so fast.
H2S for all my friends!
Change for the sake of change, or worse yet, in an attempt to appease the PC crowd is never a good thing. Kudos to the Navy….
I’m sure the Army will stop worrying about Redlegs now.
Whaddya know, Mabus and Richardson “saw the light” and made a correct decision!
Richardson was probably reminded by somebody about the old maxim regarding giving an order you know won’t be followed. Mabus is probably curled up into a fetal position and sobbing for someone to make the bad man go away.
Both surely know they’re not long for their jobs.
API: I saw what you did there re “saw the light.” Kinda like management by opinion poll, frequently fine tuning based on resistance to previous ‘highly-researched-and-thoughtfully-implemented’ decisions. Or, if you prefer, going along to get along with the SJW/PC Movement.
And the
Dear LeaderAdmiral runs red-faced to his safe space.Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
I look forward to even more sensible decisionmaking now that the adults are back in charge.
I thought they used 24 hour chronometers in the Navy. That reduces his opportunity for correctness to once a day.
Chronometers? If it ain’t digital they don’t like it. “New and Improved” and all that.
I often wonder if millenials understand this axiom … didn’t they all grow up with only digital clocks?
You’re right. They don’t know or understand hands on the clock face.
Not related to digital clocks, watches, chronometers etc, but have any of you ever seen the movie Aliens in the Attic, where the techno kids are having to dial 911 with a ROTARY phone? 🙂
Good to see that the Navy folks are getting their ratings back!
Glad to hear this…
Now they can get back to getting more tranny’s in the Navy. They’ll get along well there since most Squids wear high heels anyway !!!
11B all the way !!!
I thought the NAVY was the first service allowing the alphabet social warriors in since like 1776.
11Bs and their “foxhole fantasies”. 😉
Seems to me the highest profile Tranny belongs to Army.
Call me crazy, but the USN rating system was always easier for me to understand than the USAF AFSC system.
During my Air Force career my AFSCs included: 3A011, 3A031, 3A051, 3A071, 3D071 and 3D171. Even with those AFSCs the actual job titles changed multiple times.
In the Navy I was a Quartermaster (QM) aka marine navigator. The rating has a 227 year tradition as it was established in 1789. Everyone in the Navy knows what a QM does. I’m thrilled that the Navy has reversed this decision. 🙂
A computer tech confused by their AFSC? Even a bullheaded 1C1 knows what you guys do.
But how does a quartermaster equal a navigator? No disrespect intended, but in every other aspect of life, isn’t a quartermaster a supply guy?
You may have to ask the Royal Navy why.
Supply guys are storekeepers (SK).
They navigate the ship.
Because he/she is Master of the Quarter Deck. On the Quarter Deck you will find the Binnacle (holds the Compass), and the Helm(steering wheel).
Well, that explains why there is no 1/2 Master, 3/4 Master, or Master of the Whole or, if you prefer, Entire.
Well, we all have met the 1/2 fast types……
QM used to be an officer’s job. In the age of sail, The Quarter Master was Master of the Quarter Deck, the place on the ship where the helm was located and navigation took place. This tasking has always been one of the most important, and honorable duties aboard ship. As Petty Officers, Chiefs and Warrants were NCOs working toward commission, the navy allowed them to serve as Quarter Masters (which freed up the gentrified jerks who bought their commissions to drink more rum!).
We in the Navy know you landlubbers think it means “Quarters Master,” but now you know… and as GI Joe says “Knowing is half the battle!” 🙂
My Dad was a QM, and I was and ETV (Navigation Electronics Technician, modern submariner version of QM).
I was lucky enough to participate in exchange programs with both the Royal Navy (UK) and the Royal Canadian Navy. Although I was only an E-5, I was billeted with officers and ate in the wardroom in both instances because navigational duties are considered officer responsibilities.
The old, wooden sailing vessels were steered from the quarterdeck.
A Quartermaster is either a “Master of the Quarters” (Army accommodations), or a “Master of the Quarterdeck” (Naval helmsman).
Or so I deduce.
Not to mention that the highest award in Sea Scouts is Quartermaster – which is to say that everyone knows what the QM does, and the position has respect that extends beyond the Navy proper. (Navy improper?)
I have no clue what the AFSCs are anymore. I recognize the entry, 3-level, 5-level, and 7-level designators, but that’s all.
What is so hard to understand?
Trump ain’t even sworn in yet.
Just the threat of him taking office has accomplished more for America than Obama’s whole 8 years.
That is exactly what I first thought of when I read the title of this one. Making America Great Again before he ever takes office.
Great observation, Grimmy. He shoots! He scores!
ID 10 T (S)
The good admiral can make another “course correction” and resign, effective 20 Jan 2017.
Why wait?
Since the Navy’s former most senior E-9 proposed this abortion to SECNAV in the first place…it is only fitting that part of his legacy was shit canned.
Now…let’s bring back Chief Initiations, Dungarees, Working Whites/Blues, and quit trying to be a fucking social experiment.
To quote OS2: ‘Cocksuckers’.
How about for shore duty in non-grunge environments, summer light blues?
That was before my time, but looking at the photos; I like them too.
They don’t Initiate Chiefs any more? My God. Then this newest bunch of Chiefs is no better than Bernath. My initiation is still fresh in my mind 35 years after it happened. Standing with my fellow initiates and swearing the Chief’s Oath is something I will never forget. In my day, no Chief would recognize another as a Chief unless he had been initiated by his peers. And they all knew who was and was not a REAL Chief.
That very same E-9 did away with initiation. Now, seemingly, they do charity work…and march around.
Another of E-9 Mike Stewart’s “great ideas”… dude must have spent most of his time as MCPON on his knees “polishing knobs”, IYKWIM.
You knew who was a CPO and who was an E-7 before Mikey the Knob Slobberer fucked that up.
I’m sure that doing away with CPO initiation did wonders for cohesion and Espirit de Corps, but knob-slobbering kissasses will always sell out in any way they can in order to curry political favor even if it means selling their souls like politicians. I used to drink with a salty old Chief who could cuss a brand new tugboat in two before I could even scratch the paint on the Bow, he told me war stories about HIS CPO initiation and how they had “made it optional” but an Initiated CPO’s ID would have “CPO” on it versus the uninitiated ones whose card would read “E7” and up on it and WOE BE to the uninitiated among their ranking peers. That was about ten years ago, and I hope that the U.S. Military starts to rediscover and re implement some of its traditions which have been thrown to the wayside in the name of candyassed pisspants touchie-huggie-feely thumbsucking Goddamn political correctness which is little more than a social and spiritual cancer.
Does this mean no more ARCOMs for AD personnel who troll social media looking for politically incorrect comments from soldiers to serve up to the Pentagon?
More like an *AWWW, SHIT* on their NCOER for jumping the Chain of Command and NCO Support Chain all for publicity while degrading the public image of the US Army, how’s that?
I likes it.
As a Marine I don’t care a lot. The idea of changing traditional rates “jus’ cuz” seems like some more pentagonal bullshit. But, this somehow seems to be a sign of better times ahead.———-29 days.
Pencil pushers need something to do to make it look like they actually work.That or creating a nonexistent problem, so you can magically come up with the answer! Yay me!Here’s you cookie, Todd!
My pencil pushing results in more stripes on my Soldiers’ sleeves. Just sayin’. . .
Good…righting a terrible wrong. That was the worst damn ideal since New Coke!
Cocksuckers did the right thing.
NOW McCain decides to jump on the bandwagon???
“Unfortunately this was not an isolated incident of pointless policy tinkering,” he stated. “A number of other recent policy changes also appear to have been made with shallow analysis and unnecessary urgency.”
Better late than never, I guess.
And another article here: