Free Burma Protest in DC

| September 28, 2007

Friday September 28th at about 4 PM there was a protest that began at the Myanmar Embassy and moved several blocks blocks through Northwest DC to the Chinese Embassy on Connecticut Avenue. Actually, I got at the Myanmar Embassy early and the Burmese has already begun, with very few Americans in attendance;

Here’s a YouTube link to one of the speeches in their native language.

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Then the monks showed up;

And the crowd started growing;

This is what endeared me to the movement. Whenever one of the Burmese would talk to a monk, they’d put their fingers together like this. I can appreciate a culture that reveres the piety of their old world while enjoying the benefits of our culture. To me that represents our melting pot – the western dress while observing their own culture’s traditions – without forcing the rest of us to bend to their particular whims. And so I, in turn, felt a measure of reverance for their culture.

Although I commend the unions for showing up and lending their support, they brought very few rank-and-file members, but a lot of chiefs. Of course when you have topheavy leadership they took control away from the Burmese folks who were there and it began to look like a strike with chants like “What do we want?” “Democracy!” “When do we want it?” “Now!”

Most of the Anglos that showed up were from Georgetown, GWU and American University. But the Code Pink gals showed up in their official protest clothes complete with Impeach Bush hats

As well as some of the ANSWER creeps like this one in her Arafat scarf and ANSWER T-shirt who was chanting something while the monks were singing. I wonder if she knows her little Arab buddies bust up Buddist shrines every chance they get. I thought it was pretty offensive myself.

Somehow the Impeach Bush stuff just didn’t fit in with the call for a free Burma – especially since President Bush made a point of telling the UN to get off their fat asses and do something about Burma just the other day. In fact the Burmese at the protest were thankful;

This guy was live-blogging the event to Burma

Finally, we were on our way to the Chinese Embassy

With the Burmese Monks leading the way

When we got to the Chinese Embassy, the monks stood between the protesters and the embassy much as I imagined they stood in front of protesters in Rangoon this week.

Protesters shouted “Shame on you, China” (Video)

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And the monks led a traditional song (Video)

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I’d say several hundred people showed up – and for an underpublicized event that’s a pretty good turn out for a Friday afternoon in DC during rush hour.

I felt pretty good about myself afterwards – it was pretty black-and-white who was the good guys. And the good guys were well-behaved – well except for the US college students who couldn’t follow instructions from the police – like “stay on the sidewalk”.

There shouldn’t have been any US partisanship – but there was. Some goofball fellow wearing a pink tie and pink socks and a pink “Peace” bumpersticker on his hat pulled up on his bicycle and yelled “Impeach Bush and save Burma” Of course, he got a giggle from the barren old hags from Code Pink – but pretty much was ignored by the others. Other than that, it would have been a nice non-partisan event supporting an oppressed people.

Michele Malkin has the skinny on what’s happening in Burma. My protest buddy (three protests in two weeks), Kate from A Columbo-Americana’s Perspective was there and took some great pictures. She exchanged words with a Pinko, apparently.

UPDATE: Spanish Pundit attended the protest in support of Burmese in Madrid today (Saturday) and writes a bit about Zapatero’s response to their plight.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Protests/Rallies, Society

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[…] Update 9:15pm Eastern. There was a Free Burma protest in D.C. earlier today. Here’s video via This Aint’ Hell: […]


I found it sad that Code Pink had to make this a partisan issue. Most people ignored it though, and kept their eyes and thoughts on Burma. However, I think you calling people out as “Anglos” is not right, and a bit offensive in my opinion. This isn’t a color or even a political issue- this is a human rights issue, and it doesn’t matter who you are. I wasn’t an “anglo” today. I was a human helping another human.

I am glad you came today and I hope you continue to come to USCB protests.

Jonn wrote: Well, I used “anglo” because I’m tired of saying “white people”, the term “Americans” didn’t fit because I’m sure many of the Burmese are now Americans. It wasn’t meant to be demeaning – just descriptive. By the way, you took some great pictures, too.


Jonn – I commend you for taking a stand for these innocents. Proof once again that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Compare that protest with the one in Burma and tell me which country holds the higher ground.

I am appalled that Code Pink and ANSWER tried to horn in to get some free publicity. Truth be told both groups have a history of supporting thugs like those in power in Burma. Quite hypocritical of them.

Jonn wrote: Thanks, Robin. I’m sure the Burmese understand which country holds the higher ground. Better than many Americans.


[…] John from This Ain’t Hell has also posted some photos of the event. […]


Hi, Jonn
Nice coverage of this, thanks. I think more people would like to know that this demonstration took place, would you mind my posting a link to your blog on THC?

Jonn wrote: Nope, I don’t mind at all – I didn’t know there were still people discussing things over there. Glad you found your way here – I hope you stick around and bring your friends.


That’s reprehensible that the Code Pink etc. had to turn it into something it wasn’t!! This was about Burma not Bush. What idiots.

Jonn wrote: Reprehensible, but not surprising.


Send to me mails about the schedules for Free Burma Protest in DC.

Jonn wrote: According to Kate at A Columbo-Americana’s Prespective (at the link above) “Protests following this same route –from the Embassy of Myanmar to the Embassy of China– will take place every day starting tomorrow, Saturday, 29 September, at 1:30p.m.”


I always respect your pov, if I felt better, I’d be here more often.

Thank you, I will post this blog of yours over there more often. There are always new faces there who will appreciate it.


Great post on this. FREE Burma!!!

Bush slammed the UN and the rulers of Myanmar in his UN speech last week. The only country that has any influence over Myanmar is China, and they can’t and won’t push too hard. There is too much Oil & Gas there that they need.

The UN must do something, but they never use military force to fight.
That is a huge problem.

Illegal drug and ruby fortunes are a BIG part of this too.

absurd thought –
God of the Universe wants
complete narco states

criminals in power
loving the corrupt drug war

absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
shoot peaceful protesters

calling for democracy
which you must never allow

absurd thought –
God of the Universe thinks
keep trying communism

you can never KILL too much
pursuing Utopia…



Great post on this. Thanks for helping. FREE Burma!!!

Bush slammed the UN and the rulers of Myanmar in his UN speech last week. The only country that has any influence over Myanmar is China, and they can’t and won’t push too hard. There is too much Oil & Gas there that they need.

The UN must do something, but they never use military force to fight.
That is a huge problem.

Illegal drug and ruby fortunes are a BIG part of this too.

absurd thought –
God of the Universe wants
complete narco states

criminals in power
loving the corrupt drug war

absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
shoot peaceful protesters

calling for democracy
which you must never allow

absurd thought –
God of the Universe thinks
keep trying communism

you can never KILL too much
pursuing Utopia…



cip it up and do not 4 git to toilk and truit tham how you wech to be ty c-ya