Nazi Imagery in Arab Press

| January 8, 2009

The Jewish Defense League has assembled some of the editorial cartoons from the Arab media that are using Nazi imagery to condemn Israel’s actions against Hamas in Gaza and put them in a slide show. Here’s a few;

I’ve looked for Arab-hatred in the Israeli press and I’ve yet to find any. A statement from the JDL;

“The Arab press serves both as a powerful influencer of opinion and as mirror of the larger society, and as the conflict between Israel and Hamas plays out in the daily newspapers, anti-Semitism and Nazi comparisons have reached a fever pitch,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director and a Holocaust survivor. “In this incendiary environment, where anger at Israel already seethes in the Arab street, cartoonists and editors are doing more than heaping invective on Israel. They are fueling a toxic mix of hatred — for Israel, for America, for Jews, for the West — by dredging up anti-Semitism in its most lethal and virulent form.”

Yeah, I’m just waiting for angry Jews to take to streets of Europe and burn innocent people’s cars and demand that the cartoonists get beheaded.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Terroristas de Hamas matan a parte de los asistent…

Al novio le pegan en la cabeza y lo matan. Después destrozan el mobiliario. Y todo porque estaban cantando canciones en una boda.

El cristiano palestino que lo narra se pregunta por qué si Hamas hace estas cosas, no hay musulmanes que salgan a la…


Nora: eso era de esperarse… No se te olvide que ésta es la dizque religión de la paz. C*ño…qué mundo tan inmundo! Que estés bien, pelada!!!


The hypocrisy justified by Hamas and their apologists is repulsive; the fact that Palestinian extremists are given a pass of sorts to murder their own people is something I will never be able to figure out. My question is: where are all the human rights groups so prominent in the West decrying this sort of barbaric behavior? -crickets chirping-


Here’s a couple of statements from the Hamas Charter:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

That is the intention of the Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian people who voted Hamas in as their leaders.

If anyone has displayed the behavior of the Nazi’s, it’s Hamas and their supporters. That’s why we call them Islamofascists.


Yeah, I’m just waiting for angry Jews to take to streets of Europe and burn innocent people’s cars and demand that the cartoonists get beheaded.

It’s too bad Jews and Christians don’t exact the revenge that the Islamofascists so richly deserve.