Social Justice Warriors oppose camouflage
![black face](
I thought this story was satire, but apparently not. The British Army took some flack on their Twitter account because of a picture they posted of a soldier wearing camouflage paint. The perpetually outraged responded;
![Black face Tweet](
The Ministry of Defense responded;
![Black face british Army](
The British Army removed the picture, which probably doesn’t help.
…and the SJW jump the shark.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
This is what happens when people with no f’ing clue decide that a) they have an opinion, and b) think that someone else cares to hear it.
Retards insist “perception is reality” because they make such crap so painful to others it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Which is truly the bane of social media. It allows morons to broadcast their “expert opinion” to the masses.
I always love when people who have never served a day in their lives wish to educate me on military affairs.
The “M” in masses is silent.
In this case, you are correct.
What you did there….I see it.
While i totally agree on the clueless libtards wasting bandwidth, I would like to add that the camouflage in question is poorly done, it does not break the outline or merge with the background, it shines quite a bit, and it creates artificial dark spots easily detectable by the human eye in that environment.
Let’s just put it this way. That dude would never graduate from the US Army Sniper School.
That bothered me, too. Why I suspect he’s a noob.
I smell toast….I think I’m having a stroke.
Must go watch anti-SJW vids on youtube to remedy this. I suggest Undoomed, Bearing, Blair White, or Milo Yinnapolis.
Louder with Crowder is better than all of those channels combined. I advise you check out his socialist protestor video in which he goes undercover. It’s comedic gold.
I love louder with Crowder. But he only has one video a week #neverdaily. The other channels just fill in for the rest of the week.
Was this latest SJW charge led by COL Ellen Haring?
She will have a statement out in the next issue of Military Times about how using camouflage only happens infrequently, therefore it is unrealistic to train with camouflage.
To prove her point, she will be jumping into Mosul in a neon orange string bikini to locate the next ISIS leaders who need a Hellfire.
OK, Graybeard, that comment was more than a little bit ‘offsides’. In fact, it was borderline cruel.
I really didn’t need that image of Colonel Haring in a string bikini in my minds eye this afternoon. I really didn’t. This day has been bad enough already today without you throwing that image on to the pile. Damn it, man.
So, I’m confused. Are you sayin you wouldn’t “hit that”?
Only with an 11 foot long 4×4.
(for those who won’t touch anything with a 10 foot pole)
Calling IDC SARC! I say again, calling IDC SARC!!!
(Mick pops red star cluster)
He has been notably quiet lately…
Sorry, brother.
Maybe a nice Guinness will alleviate the pain.
But at least it wasn’t Gretchen Evans in a string bikini…
That would take a bottle of Jameson to erase.
Bottle? Did you mean, “barrel”?
I’m a cheap date.
You also forget easily if a bottle would be enough to purge that image from your mind. (smile)
Only if it’s Brain Bleach. Some images require much more than mere alcohol.
I am getting more forgetful with age.
What a bunch of fuckwits. The MoD should have told them to “bugger off” and grow the fuck up.
Stupid shites.
I believe the correct British translation for “fuckwits” is “fookin’ wankahs,” VOV
Perry, thank you I stand corrected…
Oh, I think the British use the term. First ran across it in an Ian Rankin novel, and this source says it’s part of British slang.
And yes, it’s perfectly descriptive of those clueless SJW wankers complaining about camouflage paint. (smile)
Excellent list at the link, Hondo. Still, Rankin might have picked it up from listening to too much rock ‘n’ roll. And do the Scots even count as British? At the risk of flag-waving xenophobia, I’d also argue that while the British are capable of some truly gifted and creative profanity, Americans are the all-time champs when it comes to dropping F-bombs…
No, Scots aren’t Brits – and they’ll tell you that themselves. (smile) But I understand lowland Scots from the border region (where I believe Rankin hails from) are culturally very similar to the British. And I also understand most of the slang – except for slang that’s in Gaelic – is largely common to both.
By the way: I’ve heard a Scotsman publicly give advice on using the terms “Scottish” and “Scotch”. He said you should NEVER call someone from Scotland “Scotch” – call them a “Scot” or “Scottish”. The term “Scotch” supposedly is only used for things that can be bought and sold – as the man put it, like “Scotch wool, Scotch whiskey, and Scotch politicians”. (smile)
I wish someone would find the cocksucker that invented Twitter and beat the shit out of him!
This thing called social media has dumbed-down this world more than anything I can think of.
More than one of them, Cacti35. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass and launched in July 2006.
But not to worry: this, too, shall pass, when most of the twitterpated idiots get hit by a bus or a cement truck they didn’t see when crossing the street to find a moji whackdoodle thingy.
Twitter, twatter, or whatever, I agree with the above comment. The upcoming generations spend so much time staring at their phone screens and texting that in a hundred years the human race will become extinct, due to becoming too stupid to reproduce; unless, Ex-PH2’s prediction becomes true on a massive scale.
But, it like a cornucopia of free porn!!!
Darn Redcoats.
What if they used clown face?
Idiots would tie it to Creepy Clown mania lately…
I would imagine that the clowns would be outraged, demanding an apology, then back to terrorizing people.
This is so fucking stupid….
And just keeps on rolling….
…and the idiots self-identify. Again.
Considering everything, I see both sides of that coin, The perpetually outraged ALWAYS make the most noise and ALWAYS misunderstand, so often that it appears to be an intentional misunderstanding. That way they can make more noise, more ado about nothing.
However, just from a practical standpoint, wouldn’t it be more practical in the jungle to use the other green/brown/tan colors?
The only reason I ask has to do with that black greasepaint I see football players wearing. That can obviously be misinterpreted by the Perpetually Outraged as having something to do with insulting America’s aborigine tribes. (N.B.: I no longer refer to them as Native Americans, and THEY call themselves Indians or use tribal affiliations.)
If he was prepared for a night op, the dark paint makes more sense.
Of course, if that is a dark green, or if black is all he had left in his cammo supplies, then that’s what he had to use.
Or he could be a noob who got carried away.
It depends on whether it was before or after Labor Day. A fashion faux pas could have devastating affect on racial harmony.
Since no-one else mentioned it. The black, or dark, most football players used is just under their eyes. It can help reduce the glare effects on a sunny day.
Mind you I have no/zero/nil idea what the current lot does. [shrug]
What-da BLOODY FOOK aren’t SJWs offended by these days? I REALLY MISS the Good Old Days when this world wasn’t so chock full of perpetually offended PUSSIES!
Possibly the interwebz just lets them become more visible than they were in the 1970’s….
Who gives a shit? When-or rather, IF- IF they get jobs when they finish school, they’ll spend their entire lives trying to unionize emptying wastebaskets and cleaning shitters in the skyscrapers where they ‘work’, wondering what the hell happened to all those promises they believed.
Count on it.
IMHO that’s IF they don’t become welfare leeches while sitting in “Occupy” style protests demanding six figure incomes because they spent seven years getting say, a BS Degree in Gender Studies.
The perpetually outraged spout off from the comfort of their flats, sipping spiced tea. Perhaps they should sign on the line and go into combat in their pajamas and see how far that gets them.
Racism is in the mind of the idiot SJW beholder.
Yep. Those who view the world through race-tinted glasses will see a racist behind every tree – whether there’s one there or not.
They’ll holler RAYCISSS if you point out that oak trees and maples have BROWN trunks, or that goldenrods have YELLOW flowers, or that there is a hybrid tulip with BLACK petals, but not a true BLACK – just a very, very deep PURPLE.
What I find most disturbing about this is the military apologizing to the idiots instead of saying “Fuck off, you ignorant twats”.
For facksake people get a fracking life Lol….
Cubs 5, Dodgers 2 – end of 5th inning.
Dumb ass sons of bitches are gonna be…dumb ass sons of bitches.
Being Irish I was equally offended!
What next?
Trans-genders calling out Scottish soldiers wearing kilts for making fun of them?
I’m sure they’ve got that on next week’s agenda.
Eh those commenters on the camo are jackoffs anyway. That “Apprentice Puntx” or whatever her name is is some kind of Marxist retard who when confronted with the idiocy of her comment replied that she doesn’t care about the lives of British soldiers… then went on some anti-colonialism rant.
Sheltered idiot.
More like over-sheltered booger-eating bedwetting candyassed thumbsuckers.
Who is wearing total blackface as camo in a jungle? they need remedial camouflage training
Someone should go full Heisenburg on these SJW types and send them to Belize!
Militaries trying to appease the perpetual outrage of twitter social justice trolls is a task in futality. I’m more upset someone decided that caving in to such scum was acceptable rather than to just respond with a an all caps “fuck off, hippies” response.
Or, since it was the British Army: “Sod off, ye bloody f**kwits!”
I know. I know. I failed another pc test.
Oh, stuff your pc test, Air Cav. Remember that most of this crap started some time in the last 3 years, when a small part of a generation, a snotty little group of social morons with brains the size of a pea, spoiled brats all of them, decided that they should rule the world because they didn’t like reality when it smacked them in the face.
They are a loud, unhinged herd of twits who make up less than .001% of the entire population of one country, never mind the world (even smaller percentage) but who get far too much attention from the frothing, screeching noises they make. They have no job skills. Their degrees, if they have them, are worthless. They will be the next bunch of perpetual homeless shits living under a bridge on Lower Wacker Drive, waiting for sandwiches, with most of their perfectly-rearranged teeth falling out of their mouths.
Just thought you’d like to know.
I can think of a few PTSD-pretenders who fit that description.
I am now convinced that we need The Purge. When it happens, it will be the libtards who are purged. Not because they are the ones targeted, but because they are the ones who will be self-defensed to death by those of us who actually know how to fight and kill.
Wait – do you mean you think they’ll come running to us and beg US to have mercy on them?
My vision of it is a bit more optimistic. Some day, the house they live in will be sold by their parents, who decide to retire to Pango Pango and don’t want to take them along. They will be evicted by the county sheriff who sees them as trespassers, and who is called by the new owners to dump them on the streets because they won’t leave. They will insist that because they grew up there, they have a right to stay if they want to, but since they don’t understand the epistemic flaw in their opinions, they will only be able to stand on the curb, waiting for the next bus, and will wander aimlessly through the next months, until they cop a squat under a bridge spanning a dammed-up creek.
Here’s what it really boils down to. They simply do not like competition, so they do everything possible to eliminate it.
They do not want a level playing field. They do not want everyone to have an equal chance. They want to lie, cheat, steal and destroy their way to the top.
Competition is something they detest because they might lose and they don’t like losing.
Lest I forget, top of the 6th inning:
Cubs 8 – Dodgers 2
GO CUBBIEESSSS!!!!! Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey, goodbye!!!!
Middle of the 7th inning:
Cubs 10 – Dodgers 2
Someone tell me how this works: for 2 each is it best of 5 or best of 7?
Divisional series are best of 5. LCS and World Series are best of 7.
The Cubs and Dodgers will play at least two more games this year. The second (and if necessary, the third) will be in Chicago (2-3-2 format regarding home games with the team having the better record playing the first and last two at home).
Addendum: for the World Series, the team with the better record doesn’t necessarily get the home field advantage for games 1-2 and 6-7. The league that won the All Star Game earlier that year gets that advantage. Previously, the leagues alternated that advantage.
Which, in my baseball purist opinion, truly sucks. It should alternate, not depend on the outcome of a game that otherwise doesn’t count at all.
Then again, I still hate the Designated Hitter, so make of that what you will.
I am with you on the DH-which is a vile abomination that should be killed with fire-but I like that there is now something that matters about the All Star game as opposed to the wretched Pro Bowl or pathetic NBA All Star game.
Top of the 9th, score still as follows:
Cubs 10 – Dodgers 2
Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win!
YES!!! Now to win tonight … and bring it home to Wrigley Saturday!
Final score:
Cubs 10 – Dodgers 2
I now believe it to be the end times with both the Cubs and Indians in the World Series. My favorite AL team vs. the sympathetic NLC underdogs… which way to go?
No, there is still one game to go against the Dodgers.
so I saw later… ran into a “Cubs Win!!” story and failed to read more than the headlines. Wishful thinking… never liked the Dodgers. One thing I can say about traveling in Eastern zone…too damn early to function right.
I take nothing for granted, but I do want the Cubs to win the final game in this series.
HAH!! I am, as all those people who have known me for years have claimed, PSTCHIC and the Cubs are indeed in the Series!!!! Now if I could only figure out why everyone I know adds that extra syllable into the word and makes it sound like sy-kot-ik…
unless it has something to do with my typing skills… PSYCHIC
They have one team guy down in Arizona who has been cleared medically to play, so he’s playing with the farm team down there. I believe they’re talking about putting him in as a DH.
I wonder what the SJW would have thought of the Marine Security Forces in Gitmo when they were called over the help quell the riots with the Haitian Refugees in the early 90s.
The Marines there used Gray and black cammie stick to paint their faces like skulls. Apparently it intimidated the fuck out of the rioters.
Walking forward with fixed bayonets probably scared them as well.
I got a DD214 of someone and it says for military education “BASIC TRAINING 16 NOV 1973, WATER SURVIVAL 04 SEP 1973”. The person served from 04 SEP, 1973 to JULY 18, 1975 and was discharged an E-1. It says assignments “USS R B ANDERSON CA. DD786, USS BRISTOL COUNTY LST 1198, SSC NTC SAN DIEGO, CA.”. No transcript of court martial in file.
Does that mean this person got in trouble during navy school since he has no military school education listed? This person died in 1998 of alcoholism. He abused his wife and his kids were taken away by the state.
Here’s the DD214
That is not a DD214. It’s an NA FORM 13164, Information releasable under the Freedom of Information Act.
Completely Different.
Since he got out as an E-1 after serving less than two years, the chances are he was separated for disciplinary reasons, but that is not a 100% certainty.
That he either was reduced in rank or not promoted points to him being a problem child, however there is a chance he was discharged for other reasons (Hardship or medical). His Actual DD214 would show that.
There used to be an open rate policy, you went to Bosun school, and straight to the fleet. While at your ship you would strike(apply for a position) and learn it by OJT. These were none technical rates, you didn’t need a rate until testing for PO3. To be a Petty Officer you must be rate qualed and recommended for promotion as well as score on the semi annual test.
Getting back to the topic of the post, I’m surprised nobody has asked this so I will:
If the “Irish Guards” are in Belize, just who in hell is guarding the Irish?,/i> Now those little green buggers will be everywhere!! 😀
Only after six rounds of Guinness. The Little People love to come out at that time.
These are the same weapons grade fucktards who claim black holes and black ice are racist terms.
I fucking wish I was kidding.
Saw a meme on FB that said there would be no salting the roads this winter because black ice matters.
Remind me not to travel north this winter.
If you can, please provide a reference or resource for that, SEA. Thanks.
I heard that they were even protesting against salt trucks on the roads this winter because to them, black ice matters!
[…] blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on SJWs opposing […]
Why would The Ministry of Defense even respond to these attention whores? Jeez, why feel the need to respond to immaturity, stupidity and attention whoredom? Responding to them somewhat validates their status and opinion. Who GAF?
Cubs 3 … Dodgers 1
Two run shot, top of sixth, followed by a double. Only one out. Top 6th. Go Cubbies
Update: Bottom of the 8th
Cubs 5 – Dodgers 1
Here’s a quote from someone’s twitterpating:
When you get on base with Lester and ‘dance around’ and not steal, u are saying to #Cubs ” your’e better than us” = loser mentality #Dodgers
Does this sound like they’re giving up or something?