How can we not act unilaterally?
All I’ve heard the last six years is how “Bush The Cowboy” acted unilaterally against Afghanistan and Iraq and al Qaeda, in general. How could we not use the goodwill al Qaeda generated for us in taking potshots at us to gather a consensus worldwide to fight terrorism and evil…blah-blah-blah-blah! Well, let me ask these short-sighted imbeciles; what choice do we have besides acting unilaterally.
Yesterday, President Bush told the UN they should do something about Myanmar or Burma or whatever it is today – a brutally repressive regime that the UN ignores (Bloodthirsty Liberal has a whole slew of posts on the situation there). There’s the Rawanda genocide, the Darfur genocide, Iranian and Syrian nuclear programs. Every single day I read from Little Green Footballs that “The Religion of Peace Strikes Again in Thailand“. Russia and China are ganging up, Venezuela’s Chavez is buying arms, suppressing opposition and forming military alliances at the cost of his own people’s living conditions.
Anyone who reads Kamangir for a minute knows that Iran is a repressive government which squeezes the life out of it’s citizens daily.
What has the community of nations done to ease suffering in North Korea? Besides pay-off the government to continue repressing their people.
And who is stepping up? Where are all of the do-gooders who are sickened by these regimes and the absolute injustice? How can the US NOT be cowboys when the rest of the world is populated by pussies and pretentious pseudo-intellectuals who are willing to bide their time with useless sanctions and empty discussions while hundreds of thousands – no, millions – suffer daily.
They suffer because they’re women, or because they’re the wrong color or the wrong religion, or because they want the right to speak freely, or because they’re gay – all of the reasons that these neo-liberals claim to be “their” issues, “their” reason to exist. And yet, they expect the Conservatives to do something about it, because they can’t summon the gumption to make the necessary decisions – it’s easier to let the suffering continue than to hitch-up their collective trousers and get off their dead collective ass.
Who’s being the humanitarian here?
Category: Foreign Policy
Liberals should hang their head in shame for all of the above reasons. It seems to me Russia is spreading all the Anti-American hatred with the help of it’s new puppet states. Who’s idea was it to engage the enemy? Russia and Iran are perfect example how engagement fails when you’re dealing with tyrants.
Jonn – you can’t see me but I’m giving you a standing O for that post! Well done my friend!