CNN claims that it’s illegal for you to read Wikileaks documents without their filter

| October 17, 2016

I know that’s how they’d like to have it, but, no. Imagine the FBI scurrying all over the country trying to arrest people who read the Wikileaks documents, but ignoring the people who put the information in the hands of the leakers in the first place by ignoring the laws and their oaths.

The only people who have a duty to obey privacy laws are government employees in their work environment. Yeah, we try to protect people’s privacy here by cutting out social security numbers, birth dates, addresses and phone numbers, but we have no duty to do so – we do it out of the kindness of our tiny black hearts.

But, good luck with that, CNN. I’m sure the three viewers that you have left will believe you.

Category: Media

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Watson, go fuck yourself.

You’re the offshoot of an illegal alliance between your mother and a can of tunafish, so shut the fark up.


CNN is so 80’s.



The only thing that I’ve heard WRT Wikileaks is not to open any of the docs on a government/military unclass computer. Because some of the docs are technically classified, opening or saving a classified document risks you losing your hard drive and a report of leakage into an unclass system.


But if it’s my very, very own computer, then it’s okay, right? ‘Cause I was maybe gonna go snoopin’ around in there… or maybe not.


OMB and DoD issued guidelines re Wikileaks, No Easy Day, etc. The gist is that it remains classified material: you can’t access Wikileaks directly from unsecured computers; you can read stories about them on cables and media sites but can’t download the actual documents without clearance or to unsecured computers;; and should refrain from discussing the matter with those not having appropriate clearance. You can also buy NED, and there’s no need to store it in a secure pouch.

MSG Eric

If you are “subject to UCMJ” you will be punished, in whatever way they deem necessary, for accessing wikileaks documents that are classified.

However, if you are no longer subject to UCMJ, you can look at whatever you want.


Well, I’m not subject to anything except my own bad taste in clothing and literature, and whether or not my cats approve of my choices, so then it’s okay.


My final 214 gives me the right to tell Clinton News Network to kiss it. Talk about an inflated sense of self importance.


“It’s different for the media.”

Note to self: Given the choice between (a) Chris Cumo and (b) a dog, pick the latter as my lawyer.
For you non-lawyers, that’s a common hypothetical in Con law, 1st Amendment/media courses, and bar exams. It’s pretty much a gimme since “he’s just a blogger, not a member of the media” is the only surefire wrong answer.


CNN…The Crescent News Network. All Fascist, all Sharia, all day.


CNN is Hillary’s little bitch.


The Clinton News Network does not want any lowly US citizens finding out anymore scandalous information that is detrimental to… well, the Clintons.

Go figure.

A Proud Infidel®™

CNN – the Clinton PRAVDA.


Word ^^^^

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I thought Cuomo had a few ounces of sense left, I was clearly misinformed. That’s one of the dumbest fucking things I’ve heard from a journalist in recent memory and I’ve heard a lot of stupid fucking things lately from so-called journalists.


The reason he said it is because he believes it. The media is welded to the left and therefore they see themselves as sharing power with the present regime.
It is that simple.


Journalists don’t have to have brains, just but loyal Leftist cocklickers, any more.


Chris Cuomo is taking his cues from the bosses at the Clinton News Network… and he knows better than to piss off Cankles, otherwise she’ll use the Barbed Cock of Satan on his ass.

How low can the media go… I don’t think we’ve seen it yet.


Quit asking. They’re taking it as a challenge.

2/17 Air Cav

“It’s different for US.” Asshole. No, it isn’t different for a reporter or news outlet. There is no special media shield or exemption from crime commission. If it’s illegal for me, it’s illegal for this clown. He actually believes he’s special. Asshole.


This will ultimately backfire. Someone better than me can link the video clip from the movie 1941…

Sergeant Frank Tree: You shouldn’t touch the ordnance at all. But more specifically, you should never pull this hand-operating lever to the rear.

Ward Douglas: Never.

Sergeant Frank Tree: Do not push a clip of ammunition down into the feed rollers here.

Ward Douglas: No, sir, never.

Sergeant Frank Tree: You never restore this lever to firing position. Do not make sure that this cover is completely closed.

Ward Douglas: No sir.

Sergeant Frank Tree: Never depress operator’s foot triggers here, here and at the rear here.


And you should never, EVER, read Wikileaks’ Clinton or DNC emails…


Well, who would want to?


Funny, they weren’t saying this about Wikileaks during the Bush Administration

Perry Gaskill

The question in my own mind is what kind of incredibly fucked up world does Cuomo live in that would make him think what he said to be true.

Although Edward R. Murrow would probably be too classy to bitch slap the man, Jimmy Breslin could well be inclined to punch his stupid face.

The Al

Maybe we can get Jeremy Clarkson to punch him like he did Piers Morgan

2/17 Air Cav

“Let me through. I’m with the press!”

“First, if you cross that yellow tape, I will arrest you. Second, go fuck yourself. Any questions?”

MSG Eric

“Our filter”

The Clinton News Network can’t have any voters looking at documents that will show how corrupt and full of shit she truly is. They can’t see the lengths she will go to to garner herself more power and influence.

That’s why their “big” story about released emails was a special “Risotto” sauce recipe. Basically, flat out saying, “We don’t care what she does, so don’t pay attention to anyone saying anything bad about her.”


Someone should tell these hyperbolic twits that they are more boring than the Kardashian clan. I can get news directly from Europe, the UK, Japan, China, whatever, thanks to that incredibly generous modern thing, THE INTERNET.

If you look at a search page for Reuters, BBC, FNN, or any of the vaguely less-biased sources, you’ll see that CNN is usually well behind the others in posting up to date information and theirs is either a copy of someone else’s or so full of bad writing that it’s less informative than an old issue of Green Lantern comics.



F???? CNN
I’ve read over 6000 plus pages so far and someone should shut these guys down
Talk about Clinton propaganda…


Sorry, my fat fingers hit the report button. My apologies.


Don’t fear the commie!

Island of Misfit Toys

CNN the same ones that had no issue with the Manning Wiki thing and telling people how great it was etc. for shedding light on things. Of course the bone heads yesterday were hammering Trump over the term limits thing saying there are already term limits for Congress. Oppps

People should be concerned about what is being revealed in the Wiki stuff and in the undercover videos. I hate Wiki and can’t stand what they do. Simple rule though had HRC and crew been doing the right thing from the get go there would be nothing to leak or reveal.