Mosul; the battle for Obama’s legacy
Chief Tango sends us a link to the Washington Post which is wringing it’s collective hands over the upcoming battle for Mosul, worried because “The stakes are high not just for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, looking for a win that would shore up his political standing, but also for President Obama, who is seeking to deliver a battlefield win in the waning days of his presidency.” (Emphasis mine)
The previous administration handed over a fairly peaceful Iraq, but Secretary of State Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden screwed that up by not being able to convince the Iraqis that they needed a continued US presence. How did the Obama Adminstration screw up the status of forces agreement (SOFA) with Iraq? Well, according to the Wikileaks Podesta emails, it was just because they didn’t want to put their names on a Bush Administration agreement;
The Iraqis are keenly interested in understanding President-Elect Obama’s position on the SOFA. Indeed, a number of senior Iraqi officials – including a number of Prime Minister’s most senior advisors — are claiming that Mr. Obama will not support a SOFA signed by President Bush and interpreting the few messages publicly available as a pretext to reject the agreement on the table. After you have had time to review the SOFA text, we ask that the Obama transition team express support for the SOFA, lest the Iraqis use previous positions or the absence of comment to scuttle the deal.
The Iraqis then lost Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq to ISIS, now they have to take it back. They have to take it back so that Obama can have a win to cap off his presidency – once again they’re depending on the troops to make them look good;
Military leaders have sought to stress that the U.S. advisory role in the Mosul offensive will be far different than it was prior to the 2011 withdrawal, when American troops nominally operated in support of local forces but in practice led much of the combat operations themselves.
In the latest deployment, the Pentagon last month again increased the number of U.S. troops, bringing it to well above 5,000. One key task for those troops will be helping Iraqi leaders orchestrate the movements of a large, fractious force that will include up to 12 Iraqi army brigades and tribal fighters aided in the broader Mosul operation by Kurdish peshmerga and powerful Shiite militia factions.
“The U.S. strategy of by, with, and through [local forces] will culminate in Mosul, and hopefully in Raqqa not too long thereafter,” a defense official said, like other officials speaking on condition of anonymity to speak freely.
Other American troops will advise Iraqi units in the field. Under current battle rules, U.S. advisers can accompany local forces at the battalion level, which would place them closer to direct combat, with authorization.
“It’s risky advising at that level, we know that,” an administration official said. “But again, it’s one decision that we think will help provide more effective coordination.”
U.S. advisers will also accompany troops from Iraq’s elite Counterterrorism Service, who as in previous battles are expected to spearhead the assault into the city.
Other measures the White House approved in the lead-up to Mosul, including Apache attack helicopters and HIMARS long-range artillery systems, are expected to play a key role in the final dash toward Mosul.
There are now more than 5,000 US troops in Iraq – an infantry brigade-sized element. Previous restrictions on participation of US troops in combat (boots on the ground) have been lifted and the message is clear; Obama needs you to win this one.
At the same time, American commanders will be anxious to minimize U.S. casualties in a conflict that has received only reluctant support in Washington. Since U.S. forces returned in 2014, three American service members have died in combat operations.
They ought to put Obama, Clinton and Biden in the vanguard to insure it all goes well for their careers.
ADDED: The Washington Post reports that the battle for Mosul has begun.
Category: Terror War
No boots on the ground. Braking headline on CNN.
CNN reports setbacks, blames Trump.
“…blames Trump for reportedly saying not nice things.”
Fixed it for you.
Word peace is closer.
Sapper, I know you meant ‘world’ peace, but ‘word’ peace is a much better way to describe it.
Who was it said ‘peace in our time’? Wasn’t it another crapweasel appeaser?
Whirled peas.
Hmm. US “advisors” going into combat with “allied forces”.
Well, why not? I mean, that worked out “oh so well” the last time we tried it – right?
Why, yes. Yes, it did. I believe it was a Monday in March. What a way to start the work week.
The Glorious Leader wants to look good. Evidently he doesn’t realize that his presidency has been such a failure from start to finish that nothing can salvage it.
My prediction is this will not go well. ISIS is willing to die and take as many as they can with them.
The one named for Muhammad’s horse has no end game. Does anyone honestly believe all of these little groups of Islamic thugs is going to suddenly play nice with us even if ISIS disappeared?
They will rise up against us…the acronym will change, but Islam can not and will not accept anything short of global domination.
All you have to do is wrap pork wienies in bacon, cook those, stuff them into buns, and drop them on the ISers. Tell them in no uncertain terms that their death cult leader demands it. They’ll turn on him in a heartbeat.
There’s the whole sectarian issue, too. Sunni city folk and Shia (mostly) troops will not play well together for long, if at all.
And I hear that Maliki is trying to make a comeback.
That will bode well for Iraq’s future.
It’s like the swallows returning to Capistrano. Battle for Mosul-2014. Battle for Mosul-2015. Battle for Mosul-2016. Why doesn’t the media just says that the US has eliminated ISIS. It’s obvious that most of the public wouldn’t know the difference/care anyway.
I like that idea and agree completely. The CNN propaganda has already begun, with a report that ISIS is incurring heavy losses. Amazing, isn’t it? Victory is in sight! My ass.
Swallows returning?
Hell, it’s more like the turkey buzzards returning to Hinckley, Ohio every year.
Everything gets picked clean and then gets shit on as a going away present.
“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly….”
As God is my witness, I thought that Obama Administration would be the most open and transparent.
Fear not! The curds are there, too, right on the front line. The curds represent many different varieties of a frontal assault, everything from gouda to cheddar and mozzerella, to really stinky cheese like camambert and roquefort. The curds will definitely – what?
Oh, sorry, I thought it was about cheese.
Somewhere in Texas, Chevy Chevalier (the Cheese Casanova) was getting a micro-woody over your comment, Ex-PH2 😉
AS TO his locationame, he’s downrange…in Waco!
I thought perhaps he’d line up right away to do his doody for his country, so I threw some crumbles out to lure him in, Senior Chief.
Oh great Ex-PH2, now you got me “Hankering For A Hunk O’ Cheese!!
Hey, I think that cheese singer is riding Dudley Do-Right’s horse.
Am I right or am I right?
Not only a cheese slayer, but a horse thief.
Obama’s legacy is secure. Does anyone really think that academia or the media is going to let out nation’s first black President be called a failure? Years from now there will be some “revisionist” (i.e. truthful) history written about how incompetent he has been, but there is no way that our “opinion leaders” will call him a failure in the near future.
Well, but, but — it’s 3 1/2 weeks to the election. How can he possibly present a victory? The logistics alone are a nightmare!
No, I think he’s leaving an intentional, complete mess to whoever gets his job in November, regardless of the outcome. He’s making a final statement, showing his real contempt for the USA and all of us.
“first black President”, 68W58? When did that happen? I know of the 2008 and 2012, MULATTO, 1/2 black and 1/2 white guy who pretty successfully passed himself off as black to his voters and supporters, with them not accepting that Nappy Hair and Caramel Skin do not a black man make.
Wow, Obama can’t catch a break with his ethnicity.
I’ve heard the birther/racist argument that he’s really Kenyan, but the ‘he’s a mulattos and not really black’ theory is new to me. What exactly does that have to do with anything?
What does it have to do with anything????
Not a fucking thing.
Ask Frankie Cee, he brought it up. It doesn’t make sense to me, either. Then again, that kind of racist nonsense never does make sense.
Well, I had a feeling last night. I do occasionally get those, but sometimes they turn out to be gas. I knew something was coming to a head. This is it. Wait ’til you get your recall notice. You thought you were done with it, right?
Hah! You children!
Do you always have to use so many sexual innuendos?
Do you have flood insurance?
I don’t need no flood insurance…I can swim. I tied to escape the Soviet and the Hooters girl but I couldn’t shake them.
They woke me up to tell me how bad things were outside…you would think they would use my example and die in their sleep quietly.
Nah, not around my domain. I will just float away in a sea of Vodka bottles and one dollar bills.
Sounds good to me. I haven’t been to a boat party in donkey’s years. I’m up for that.
Gas is sexual? Well, whatever you want to do in the privacy of your own bedroom/bathroom is okay.
Here’s a bit from the BBC. The reporter sounds Amish to me. But what do I know? There’s a video.
Ah, sure now, she’s an Irishwoman, she is!
Really? I thought maybe she might be Lutheran or Presbyterian with that accent. Hard to tell, sometimes.
So even if they take it back what guarantees are they that they can keep it from the next group that replaces ISIS/ISIL?
There is still no plan for dealing with the strategic long term interests of the US here. I see nothing to make me think that there will in fact be any sort of plan forthcoming.
Without a long term plan to stabilize the region I really don’t care who controls what particular shithole in the ME and how fucking miserable they make life for the inhabitants. Why are we risking lives if there’s no plan? What in that shithole is worth the life of a single American if there is no plan to make sure we aren’t going to place Americans in harm’s way again next year, or the year after? Why would we get our soldiers killed without a long range plan to stabilize the region?
Are we now destined to keep sending troops piecemeal for all eternity because we are too fucking stupid to either walk the fuck away or come up with a real plan?
I’m not impressed lately with what supposedly passes for leadership either from our military officers or their civilian overlords.
You don’t understand, VOV. It’s 3 1/2 weeks to the election.
Whoever gets elected gets stuck with it.
That IS the long range plan.
The 0ne doesn’t want anyone to blame him for anything. His (?) motto is “It’s not my fa-ult!”
“What in that shithole is worth the life of a single American ”
VOV, you don’t get it. “They” told us that Iraq is important so the Bushes can get the oil, with the help of Halliburton and Kellogg/Brown and Root.
For the sake of argument, lets say Mosul is taken back. What then?
The Iraqi’s certainly won’t hold on to that city.
Beyond that, I hope all U.S. troops involved in this clusterfuck make it home safe and unscathed.
Obamnas Legacy in part will be that Mosul had to be retaken from the JV Team, because of his incredibly inept foreign policy.
This would all be funny but for 5,000+ Americans there. That fact removes all of the humor from this debacle. Benghazi.
I know what the mood is in my son’s Airborne NG unit – bleak.
They are certain they will not be sent to fight ISIS.
They don’t want to fight Ivan.
Coupled with a Captain who cannot do basic land nav and scheduling, the guys in his Company are pretty pizzed off right now.
I had to do some gentle motivational for him yesterday after he got off-duty, try to encourage him.
Wish I could get the 1st Sgt to slap the Capt around some – respectfully of course.
Gee whiz, Graybeard, are you saying the captain would get lost on a marked trail in the woods? Can’t read a map or figure out a compass? Doesn’t know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west?
Yeah, he probably can’t even tie his own shoes without written instructions, either. Send him to me. I’ll straighten him out in less than a week.
For that, after 25 years teaching 11 year old boys to read a map and compass, I could straighten him out.
And the idiot runs his men – who have been at their regular jobs all Friday – all over looking for where they are supposed to be and not finding it until just about 0500 when they were supposed to be in position at 2200? Tell me how that would work for you against ISIS?
The dumbduck doesn’t remember the first rule for any commander: Take care of your men.
And I’ll bet money he won’t let anyone have the terrain map or the red-lensed flashlight except HIM, too.
Well, if HE’s the one who got them there at the wrong time because he’d get lost in a paper bag, then HE’s got marks against him, doesn’t he? I mean, he’s the one in charge, right? I’ll bet he’s never used anything except his GPS thingy to get around. Doesn’t pay attention to night sounds, either, such as frogs in a pond or where a highway is – you can hear traffic on it if you listen, see vehicle lights, if you look. People like that will definitely get others trapped and killed, never mind lost.
That’s not a bet, that’s a sure thing.
The bad thing is he sends his men home at the end of the weekend tired out, frustrated, demoralized and in danger of falling asleep at the wheel trying to get back to their regular jobs.
I’m just thankful that my son had his wife along to switch driving duties with him on their 6-hour drive home. (1/2-way across Texas is no easy trip) They left about 1600 and arrived at 2330 – with meal breaks, coffee refills, etc.
For sale cheap: Iraqi rifles, never fired, dropped once.
The French are in Iraq?
At least the French waited until the bad guys actually showed up to run away.
In fairness to the frogs, though, LeClerc was a natural-born asskicker, far better than De Gaulle.
Joan of Arc kicked some ass in her day…
The French are actually sending in aircraft to bomb the place.
Yep. I, too, am wondering how long it will take the Iraqi “Army” to fall apart. Again.
I know how to end this quickly. It’s Mosul, right? It’s not some backpacker’s hovel. It’s a big city with a lot of streets.
So order up a whole lot of hog carcasses, heads attached, with IEDs/bombs, whatever embedded in them. Drop by the planeload on Mosul. When the curious hordes go out to see the pig bombs, BOOOM!!!
This is the perfect opportunity to deploy an entire battalion of transgender troops. They can demonstrate how they are just as capable as the non-transgender troops, and it will give the ISIS/ISIL troops the chance to interact with a diverse opponent. They keep telling us that diversity is our strength, time to put up or shut up.
Now THAT would be truly representative of the first fairy president’s legacy.
BTW, since I haven’t been in for half a century, which part of slit trench latrines is reserved for trannie troops or is the entire thing considered gender neutral?
Ol’ Poe is so confused…
That would be the bottom part.
From supporting terrorists in Syria to going back to Iraq because Obama fucked it all up. I’m surprised we haven’t had a coup in our military yet.
Too many gender-neutral generals-no balls…
CNN had a story this morning that ran some numbers and raised some interesting questions:
Apparently the total forces trying to take Mosul amount to around 100,000 against ISIS’ estimated 5,000. Given the superior numbers, there are multiple possible outcomes:
1. Coalition forces unequivocally take Mosul and kill or capture the majority of ISIS opposition.
2. Coalition forces don’t take Mosul and the coalition falls apart which has longer-term implications.
3. Coalition forces take Mosul but suffer enough casualties to turn it into a pyrrhic victory which causes the coalition to fall apart.
4. Coalition forces take Mosul but a large number of ISIS is allowed to escape. According to the CNN piece, if the total number of refugees trying to leave is more than 100,000, roughly one-tenth the population, there is a loss of ability to screen those making the exit.
Most likely ISIS will put up some resistance, then try to blend into the population and simply walk away. The foreigners will be easy to spot, but the Arabs will have a pretty good chance of making it out.
This is touchy. I was in Basra with the ISOF brigade when the PM kicked JAM and other Shia militias out. None of the government forces really trusted each other. The PM sent regular army divisions from other parts of the country because he didn’t trust the divisions in the South. The ISOF guys didn’t trust the Army guys, and no one trusted the police. All of the players were posturing for power and influence almost as much as they were trying to defeat the enemy.
When it comes up, page down and look at the still pic. Raise your hand if you see a problem.
You mean the guy spraying dirt?
Those two highways – (1 and 80) run adjacent to the airport.
So the NYTimes is showing the avenues of approach, huh?
Yes, I see the New York Times giving away every piece of information they can tweak out of someone on the ground, when they should learn to keep their damned mouths shut.
To paraphrase Lurch Kerry, “How do you ask a man to die to protect a lame duck president’s mistake/legacy?”
I don’t believe there is anything in the ME that is worth a flesh wound to a US trooper. This is Obama’s last ditch effort to prove his manhood.
Never mind Mosul! This is more important!!
The Vietnames government wants the USA back as its best buds. I kid you not. 40++ years later, they want us back. After all that stuff about a millenium of getting foreign governments out of their country, we’re welcome to set up shop again.
I tell you, I;m just thrilled to death over this. Thrilled or chilled or… well, something.
Forty years after WWII I was stationed in Germany and loved it. Times change. (Ironically I was stationed in the same town in which my father was the senior Occupation officer – second generation!) Nowadays Vietnam is just a place on a map to everyone under 40.
Here’s an update for you all: The ISers/Daesh are using human shields in their defense system against attacks on Mosul.
Par for the course with them, isn’t it?
I don’t know if the crisis is deepening or it’s business as usual, but this is an update.
Also, there’s some concern that ISIS/Daesh will use chemical weapons, per Reuters this morning. Well, isn’t that kind of thing what they do, anyway? They’re burning tires to make it harder to see what’s up in Mosul.