Sunday morning feel good stories

| October 16, 2016

David Peretiatko was a homicide suspect who robbed and stabbed a fellow in Las Vegas a few days ago. So when police called his wife’s father in Grand Traverse County, Michigan to warn them that he might show up there, they were informed that he was already DRT (dead right there) from a gun shot wound. Police aren’t saying who shot him, but his wife was also injured.

A homeowner in Boone County, West Virginia was approached by 40 year old Jack “Anthony” Webb, an armed intruder, in the backyard, so one good shot made Jack DRT (dead right there). The police said that there would be no charges against the homeowner.

In Houston, Texas, 24-year-old Hashem Abu Amarah and 20-year-old Faisal Abu Amarah began assaulting people on the street because the folks had fingered the two for a burglary beef, but charges had been dismissed on the pair. The homeowner went inside his house and came back with a firearm and shot them both. Hashem Amarah was DRT and Faisal Amarah is in stable condition at the hospital.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

The police called a family to warn them of a person, and the family told the police that they had “handled it”, and that the guy had been shot dead. Nice. In two other incidents, there are 2 dead bad guys and one marked for further identification and in the hospital because of his perforations.
Thuggery just isn’t that safe while we law abiding citizens have our guns.


Too bad that Texan didn’t exterminate BOTH THOSE RAGHEADS!!

Deplorable B Woodman

Sounds like Mr David P’s life is the stuff that soap operas are made from. He and the wife didn’t even have custody of their own two children? WTF?! He also managed to piss off everyone, espscially including his in laws (which isn’t difficult).

Well, what crimes he may or may not have committed (lawer weasel talk), he’s paying for them now with The Big Dirt Nap.

And the world is a more peaceful place…….now.

Deplorable B Woodman

Sounds like Texas has started to switch over from playing “cowboys and indians” to “cowboys and muzzies”. GO COWBOYS!!!

And the world is a more peaceful place. . . . now.

A Proud Infidel®™

A Cowboy, an American Indian and a Muslim were awaiting their flight at a regional airport in Montana one day. The American Indian looked out the window and said “Once we were many and mighty, now we are few.”. The Muslim replied “Once we were few and now we are many.” with a sneering expression. The Cowboy lifted the brim of his hat from over his eyes and calmly said “Back then the game was Cowboys and Indians, nowadays it’s Cowboys and Muslims and the game ain’t really even started yet.”.

Pinto Nag

Just pray that we don’t make the mistake of putting them on Reservations.


We’re just waiting on the green light here in Texas…


From these stories, it appears to me that the local law enforcement peeps have their heads on tight and straight.

Where to live: must have mountains, fall colors, no yodeling neighbors, horsies and maybe some cows, no gun restrictions, nice summer and winter weather, and no gun restrictions.

Several options are available. As long as they allow critters, I’m good.

Roger in Republic

Ex, Google Ferry County, Washington. You can still buy wooded mountain property for less than 2000/acre, no income tax, and no democrat has been elected in 50 years. Open carry or ccw no problem.


Notice the abundance of Liberty you described is directly proportional to the lack of democrats.


And turncoat Republicans.


Add Arizona to that list! 🙂


Almost a 4 for 4 DRT!

Has that ever happened here on the blog?