Saturday morning feel good stories

| October 15, 2016

An off-duty police officer in Houston, Texas was walking his dog when another dog attacked his dog. The officer told the dog’s owner that he was calling the police. The other dog’s owner began punching the officer in the head, so the officer shot his attacker multiple times. There’s no report in the article of the wounded man’s condition.

Two gunmen tried to rob a Cleveland, Ohio barbershop. That sparked a gunfight with two armed customers. The only casualties in the shoot-out was a 5-year-old, a sixteen year old, and a 26 year-old all of whom seemed to have nothing to do with the robbery. All of them are at the hospital being treated for their injuries. The thieves sprinted on down the street.

We talked about Army veteran Craig Noggle in Akron, Ohio earlier this week when he shot Daniel Givens who had forced his way into Noggle’s home. Sadly, it seems that Mr Noggle died in a car crash the next day. Givens is still in jail, though.

The other day we talked about a 15-year-old, Deondre Larise Brannon, who was DRT at a home from a single gun-shot wound in Wellford, South Carolina. A gun that didn’t belong to the homeowner was found at the scene leading police to believe that the homeowner’s life was in danger. Police have also arrested a 13-year-old in connection with the crime. The homeowner had been the victim of a car theft earlier that same day.

In Malibu, California, a security guard got into an altercation with an intruder along the Pacific Coast Highway. The guard ended up shooting the intruder who went to the hospital in critical condition. I sure hope the homeowner who hired an armed security guard isn’t one of those Hollywood anti-gun folks – this might look bad for them. The guard looks good for this, though, apparently he was stabbed in the eye.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Something for the two bit punks to consider: “When you and your buddy are committing a crime and your buddy gets shot and killed by the victim, you are going to take the rap for the death.”
Life ain’t easy when you are living sleazy.

Deplorable B Woodman

Never bring a dog to a gun fight.

Deplorable B Woodman

That Ohio barbershop shooting is one hot mess. Normally I’d say, “more range time”, but I can envision a few details in the circumstances where vision and shooting would be less than optimal. But if that’s the case, shoot less, aim more.


Mirrors in front of you, mirrors behind you.
Is that one perp or twenty? Did I just shoot myself?

Deplorable B Woodman

I guess God took Mr Noggle to the place and point in time to accomplish the task, then called Mr Noggle home.

Deplorable B Woodman

With a name like “Deondre”, I can only guess at the boy’s skin pigment (sarc/).
The mother seems to be taking it well, considering. She’s not blaming the eeeevil whitey for her son’s death. My condolences to her, she sounds like she really tried to raise him up right. God’s peace to her.




The public sympathy for young teens committing crimes and being treated as juveniles in law is possibly wrong.

I’m not Jewish, but in their tradition, a child became a man at age 12. “Today you have become a man”

Roger in Republic

It is age Thirteen, but I get your point. By that age a person should know the difference between right and wrong. If he chooses to do bad he should pay the price.