Tuesdays with Claymore

| October 11, 2016

Rainbow farting unicorns dispensing Skittles


Beware stupid people in large groups

Spongebob’s new ride

Trump 2020

Read my lips…

And she hates them all

Tea for two

Condemning fake outrage by the purveyors of fake outrage

“Stalking” poor grannie

Apparently Trump supporters want to kill all liberals?

Wrath of Khan

Let’s go to the tape

Well that explains the smell

Over to you, Joe

Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea who you are

Hillary needs to play the Dude Card

Refined by fire

Ramble on…

To summarize; no one likes the bitch

As if no one saw this coming

You should put some ice on that

For the NeverTrumpers…this is what they really think of you

Paint chip eater

Pukey McPukerson

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Unfortunately, it is not going to be a sweep for the Cubs. Giants won last night 6 to 5, but it took them 13 innings to do it.

There is no success without a struggle, however, and this Cubs team is hot.

“Frack” – it’s the reason I don’t put bumper stickers on my car. Those arguments that come to blows over nothing are so… churlish.

‘Refined by fire’ – OK, Trump trash talk 2005 v. Bill Clinton getting a blow job from Monica Lewinsky while he was on the phone with SecState.

‘To summarize, no one likes the bitch’- because ‘domain over others is the god of evangelicals’ – so they know about ISIS/Daesh? And they want a dictator, too? Just trying to understand the cranial cell turnover here.

I get that push-me/pull-you thing out of this. They can’t figure out what they’ll do, so they’re waiting to be told. But can they pass an 8th grade 19th century math test? No.


I’m just going to drop this in here, because it needs to be here.


There are many other resources. But this is why I am not impressed by trash talk.

2/17 Air Cav

Just want you to know, Claymore, that I read nearly every one of your links this morning. They didn’t give you much to work with this week–or last week, for that matter. Is something afoot at DU?