Bomber attacks US troops in Kuwait

| October 9, 2016

According to the Washington Post, a bomber with a garbage truck loaded with explosives rammed into a truck carrying 5 US troops in Kuwait injuring only the driver of the explosives-laden truck;

The attempted attack is the first by the Islamic State group to target American troops in the tiny, oil-rich emirate that’s a stalwart U.S. ally. It comes as authorities already increased security ahead of a major Shiite commemoration in the coming days.

Kuwait’s Interior Ministry identified the attacker as Ibrahim Sulaiman, born in 1988, and published a picture of the alleged assailant in a hospital bed, a bruise beneath his right eye. The ministry said the five soldiers were not injured. It said Sulaiman had multiple fractures and injuries.


The reported failed attack comes ahead of the Shiite commemoration of Ashoura, which marks the death of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, at the Battle of Karbala in present-day Iraq in the 7th century.

Kuwaiti police have promised increased security ahead of Ashoura. Two Iranians were arrested in recent days for taking “suspicious” photographs ahead of the commemoration.

Thanks to AW1Ed for the link.

Category: Terror War

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“The ministry said the five soldiers were not injured. It said Sulaiman had multiple fractures and injuries.”

Hmmm. I wonder if some of those injuries might have happened post accident.

One can only hope.

Hack Stone

This was no boating accident.

He probably just wanted to get their attention in order to discuss the impact of Climate Change in Southwest Asia.

2/17 Air Cav

And two US troops were wounded when yesterday on IED exploded while they were on security patrol near Chapahar district (Nangarhar province) in the vicinity of Jalalabad Airfield. This will continue, in dribs and in drabs. There is no possibility that we will change horses from the oBaMa nag to a war horse, so what say we just get the hell out of these places.


Bangladeshis drove the garbage trucks on Arifjan once upon a time. I don’t know who does it know, but it’s almost certainly TCNs (no way a Kuwaiti does a job like that). The one time I had the escort duty for that (2003) one of the guys was working just for the opportunity to collect the drink cans to turn in for recycling-and he was happy for just that. They probably can’t get explosives onto a U.S. base, but their are plenty of opportunities to attack Joes traveling off post.

Mike M.

Every time I deployed to Iraq, 3 year long all expense paid vacations with the US Army, it blew my mind how laid back the environment was in Kuwait. Guys and girls in civilian clothes walking around without weapons without a care in the world. Sure, Kuwait is our allly and we have had troops from all branches stationed there for quite some time, but it only takes one bat shit crazy extremist to throw a wrench in that system.

Hell, the Army used to send our guys to Kuwait for R & R during deployments. I never accepted the R&R offer because I was too paranoid to walk around without my weapon even if it meant I was missing out on a few beers and a dinner trip to a Chilis restaurant.


Well on the bright side the Club AJ singles web page is still up and claiming credit for 5 marriages
174 knocked up female soldiers in just the last year ??
And playing a part in a dozen relief of commands in Kuwait and in CONUS


“174 knocked up female soldiers in just the last year”

Reports of IDC SARC sightings in the AO have been greatly exaggerated.


Speaking of IDC SARC:

Sulaiman = Suleman. Octomom’s younger brother by another mother?

The Octomom, a prime target for an IDC SARC direct hit.


And the MSM media is reporting on this heavily (sarc).
Moments ago the WH released a report on spending $7B to fund job programs for transgender-islamo-socialist-20somethings. Claiming that they are, “an underfunded, underrepresented group in the ME”. (Sarc but possible give the group ‘in charge’)


Yup! guard duty at the LSA just got real. I used to tell people all the time were not just guarding a stop sign.


Ah, it’s just Kuwaiti workplace violence.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Is Kuwait duty considered a “Deployment” or an “Overseas assignment”? Does “Deployment” define getting combat pay? Is there even a difference in the two descriptions? I am curious.


Good Question Frankie.. in 2010 it rated the GWOT-E ribbon
Fam sep pay for some units, others got full Combat pay aka
imminent danger pay’ if you also served in Iraq…
While other units only got the later hazardous duty pay
If I remember right third army only got cola plus Fam sep pay..
Some buddy’s of mine on their way home said there is no more imminent danger pay anymore unless you serve more then 60 days north of the wire and they only pay you for that month, I guess out of 200 of them almost all of them received cabs on this deployment to Kuwait because of all the service north of the wire. When he gets home next week I’ll ask him to jump on here to answer more of your question
As it currently is over there.. and not 5 years ago ???


My understanding is that they are authorized the GWOT-EM, unless they meet the 30 day consecutive or 60 day non-consecutive requirements to qualify for the OIR medal.

In Kuwait soldiers are authorized the Combat Zone Tax Exclusion (and credit as a combat tour in the records); however, they are not authorized HF/IDP unless they cross the wire into Iraq. In order to qualify for Shoulder Sleeve Insignia – Former Wartime Service (aka “Combat Patch”) a soldier would need to qualify for both the combat zone tax exclusion and have received HF/IDP. The overseas service stripes are authorized for every six months of service within the Centcom AOR.