Sunday morning feel good stories

| October 9, 2016

We start off the day with another clown story, this one in Healdton, Oklahoma where an armed woman prevented a fellow in a clown mask from getting into her home by firing a warning shot which set clown-boy’s ass on fire as he jumped over a fence to get away from the scene of his crime.

In Marion County, Oregon a grand jury found that 19-year-old Carlos Texidor was justified when he shot dead 20-year-old Anthony Brown who was trying to burglarize Texidor’s home on August 1st.

Murder charges were dropped against Rocky Armendariz in Las Cruces, New Mexico when prosecutors decided that he shot Christopher Lauster to death in self-defense last month. Armendariz confronted Lauster when he caught the thief in his garage. Lauster struck him in the head and Armendariz responded with gunfire.

Two armed intruders forced their way into a Muncie, Indiana home. The homeowner took up arms with her own gun and busted caps on the pair. One escaped but showed up at the hospital for his wounds where he was arrested. The other, 22-year-old Trayon Lawaun Turner, was DRT (dead right there). A third person, a resident of the apartment, was wounded by the criminals, but he’s expected to recover.

Near Huntsville, Alabama, a burglar is being treated for his non-life-threatening gun shot wounds after tangling with an armed homeowner.

26-year-old Terry Webb tried to rob a man on the street in Tacoma, Washington. Unfortunately for Mr Webb, the intended victim was licensed to carry a concealed weapon and he shot Mr Webb who was DOT (dead over there) at the hospital.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

6 incidents, 4 dead, others wounded, some pants filled with smelly stuff. One well trained, well disciplined woman shot two invaders who intended to take advantage of her. One of them is dead and the other is wounded and in custody. Stay armed, stay aware, and you will stay alive.

NR Pax

Parents, please don’t name your child Trayvon. It only leads to tragedy for you.

NR Pax

My mistake. I added an extra V. But try not to name your kids something similar.

Hack Stone

You inspired me to look up the meaning of Trayvon.

Here is the money shot: “Although unique, your little bold Trayvon, is sure to make it a memorable one.”

NR Pax

Why yes he did. Not in a good way but fame is fame.


Not sure I’m buying that origin for the name, either. The only German term for “brave” I can find that’s even remotely similar in sound is “tapfer” – and I can’t see how you can get “Travon” or “Trayvon” from that.

NR Pax

The origin I had read was that it was “Travis” with “Von” attached to the end of it. Ghetto chic basically.


My dictionary shows the meaning of Trayvon as “target”.

Bill M

Thanks. I thought it meant dumbass.


That’s when it’s spelled “Travon”.