Gee. What a Surprise.
Ever wondered about those nearly 900,000 “refugees” that Germany admitted last year? You know, how they’re making ends meet?
Well, we don’t have to wonder any more, courtesy of Fox News.
Short version: a sh!tload of them are receiving Germany’s equivalent of “welfare”. Here’s the money quote from the above article.
The Federal Employment Agency said 469,403 immigrants from asylum seekers’ eight most common countries of origin received benefits in June, a 93% increase from a year earlier. The number of Syrians tripled to 292,326 while the number of Iraqis rose by almost a quarter to 68,813.
As the title above says: gee, what a surprise. Even Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming.
What’s not a surprise is that the German public is getting kinda fed up with getting stuck with the bill – along with the increased crime caused by the refugee influx.
The Fox article above includes a link to a Wall Street Journal article giving more details. Unfortunately, you need to sign up to get access – and I routinely pass on doing that. So I can’t give you any of those other details.
Now, tell me again why we have some kind of “obligation” to do the same thing here? Especially since we know that some number of those so-called “refugees” are in reality terrorist operatives using “refugee” status as cover for infiltration?
Oh yeah, I remember now. It’s because DC is currently run by a gang of naive idiots without the sense to pour p!ss out of a boot.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Economy, Foreign Policy, Terror War
Angela Merkel, you stupid little bitch, you ruined your country and destroyed your own party; enjoy the ride to oblivion…
Idiocy, incompetence, scandals, cowardice, imbecility, duplicity and stupidity can always be expected from the feckless fools running the District of Criminals these days along with criminal conduct. There is nothing they don’t want to “fix” until it’s FUBAR.
Hondo, you forgot to include “with a hole in the toe, and directions on the heel”, one of my Pa’s favorite sayings!
A European population developing increasing amounts of resentment towards a minority group, albeit with good reason this time. I think we’ve seen this movie before. It does not end well.
Indeed. Though the term “pogrom” is of Russian origin, that type of activity in other parts of Europe wasn’t unknown.
Sigh. Ich habe die Nase ful mit dire. “I’ve had it up to here!” Or the literal translation- I’ve had it up to my nose with you!” She has ruined a beautiful country, its cultural richness will disappear and I will have people tell me I should “go with this”. No. Globalism is NOT my thing. Es tut mir leid, but it’s not.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzngg! What?!?
Oh, did I fall asleep and miss something again?
How hard is it for all these ‘goodhearted people’ to understand that a death cult like ISIL/ISIS/Daesh has only one goal and that is to overwhelm you and your kind and your resources and kill you?
What does it take to wake these people up?
I found a website that is trying to deflect the accidental discovery of Ohrdruf aattached to Buchenwald by saying it wasn’t as bad as Eisenhower said, etc., etc.
I guess if they don’t have to face it themselves, it doesn’t exist, it’s just a rumor or a story, or it never happened.
The object of that death cult is to destroy us, all of us, and then go back to breeding with their own sisters.
Have you seen that bumper sticker that says “You cannot COEXIST with those who want to kill you.” – using the unicorn-crowd’s “coexist” meme.
I just may have to get that one.
No, I haven’t seen that yet. If you do find one, let us all know where you got it. Thanks!
But according to the German media Merkel is fantastic, those who oppose her are right-wing extremists, and Clintoon needs to emulate Merkel’s example.
Mutti Merkel needs to go away – say, to Turkey?
Ergodan might just receive her in style, considering how she sold out the German journalist who insulted Ergodan earlier this year by ruling he could be prosecuted under an archaic Bismark-era law still on the books.
They are not naive thier actions are intentional. They intend to replace us citizens with foreign voters so that they can be elected into power perpetually.
No, they’re going to replace the citizens with foreign fighters and breeders so they can kill us and take our place. It’s called an invasive species.
Been a lot of that going around lately.
Puh-leeze those (Muslim) immigrants are just collecting the jizya, which the damned kafirs owe them anyway having surrendered their homeland.
Whee-multiculturalism is great!
A great simile was brought out a while back about the “only 1% are a problem” stat, posing “if you had a large bowl of M&Ms and a few were dosed with deadly poison – how many would you eat?”. Simple, direct, understandable… and when Trump Jr. used it in an interview, the media jumped all over him for comparing people to Skittles, demeaning refugees as worth no more than candy (well, in the case of mideasterners, probably worth considerably less) insensitive etc. A great demo of how perennially butthurt the media is about anything said by someone to the right of Stalin.
When I was stationed in Germany, I listened to more than one German bitch about all the Turks coming to Germany just to leach off the German welfare system. Not like the couldn’t see the possibility of this happening.
And one day in Germany, one of those refugees that like to grope “inappropriately dressed” women will put his hands on a Turkish woman. And there will be blood.
yea, my first day at my unit as I was meeting everyone, they all seemed to have the same advice for me, “Don’t mess with the Turks” “Stay away from the Turks”.
Here’s a little light reading for you.
“What we need today is that very small group of wise men who were prepared to suggest and implement radical ideas at the end of World War II, to arrive at a theory of victory instead of a what we are reduced to relying on today, which is a strategy of tactics.”