Manning gets solitary confinement
Don’t ask me how, but Bradley Manning, the traitor who was sentenced to thirty-five years confinement at the Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks was able to report to his supporters about his recent encounter with the prison disciplinary board for his failed attempt to commit suicide;
“My three member disciplinary board took place today.
I presented evidence and was allowed to question witnesses through the board president. The hearing lasted four hours. There was a break for lunch.
I waited nervously for the board to vote. I received the decision after 30 minutes.
I was acquitted of the “Resisting The Force Cell Move Team” charge.
I was found guilty of the “Conduct Which Threatens” charge. This charge was for the suicide attempt.
I was found guilty of the “Prohibited Property” charge, which was for an unmarked copy of “Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy,” by Gabriella Coleman.
My punishment is 14 days in solitary confinement. 7 of those days are “suspended.” If I get in trouble in the next six months, those seven days will come back.
The term for this status is “disciplinary segregation.”
I wonder if he’ll be able to communicate with his fans while he’s in solitary. Maybe if the Army cut off his contact with the stank-ass hippies on the outside, he’d have less of a reason to perform for them.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
“Suicide attempt?” You’re not doing it right, Bradley.
Attention whore gotta attention whore.
Jesus, I’ve seen five year old kids who whined less than this little douche.
Yes, but if you spanked him, he’d probably enjoy it.
Definitely NSFW, clergy, children or those with virgin ears:
How true it actually is.
If it wasn’t for the blue, I’d have thought that was Manning. He sure does like the punishment.
I think the squirrelly little bastard thrives on the attention!
I seem to remember that back in the bad old days. Someone seeking sexual reassignment surgery had to undergo a rather lengthy period of psychological counseling as the end decision to lop off your junk was pretty permanent. It would seem to me a suicide attempt would call into question the individuals mental stability for such a decision.
Not just said counseling, they were required to spend at least a year living full Time as a member of the sex they wanted to be before they were allowed to have surgery. This shit has gone WAY, WAY too far, I thought prison was supposed to be punishment, not an attention-whoring arena!
Why is this freak show still making headlines
Skippy – the same reason as Cindy Sheehan was when Bush was i office. The press needs a martyr every so often for a “cause” they “support”.
Bradley is nothing but an attention whore, and the press just eat up what he’s able to spew out while in prison.
Because some people seem to want to pay attention to him and some media sources are giving them what they want.
Case in point; TAH is sharing stories about him and the members of this board seem to pay a lot of attention to those stories.
The left wing sources I read don’t mention him much. Though I am sure there are left wing sources that do. Every story I have seen about him I have seen on TAH.
Shut up you dumb queef
If you do not like that there is still news about Manning why are you spending time reading news about Manning and thus maintaining the incentive for your sources to provide news about Manning?
Seems like the actions of a dumb queef.
Your response is incoherent and lacks sentence structure.
Dude seriously you are fucking stupid. Damn stupid person.
“Seems like the actions of a dumb queef.”
Oooooh, extra-airheaded grasshopper, you are lowering the collective IQ of our dojo.
I actually went and filed a Hurt Feelings Report… me good he did.
Just from the Guardian Lars:
They’ve even given the little douche his own column by correspondence.
I am not saying liberal sources do not cover it. I just do not see it much in my sources. Though I actually spend more time on right wing sources than left wing sources.
There is a segment of both the liberal and the conservative communities that really seem to care a lot about what is going on with Manning.
And thus he stays in the news in sources that cater to those circles.
This is one of those circles that seem to care a lot about what happens to Manning.
Well this is a milblog Lars and Manning is a military story, so I’m not sure why you’d be surprised that we’d talk about him (back under the bridge you go).
By the thunder of Thor’s Hammer, I believe you’re right, Lars. Nobody is paying any attention to Bradley Manning. Why, just in the last two days there have only been stories in:
The New York Times, Fox News, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, The Independent, Newser, The Intercept, The Atlantic, TIME, The Verge, Deutsche Welle, Reason, Salon, Esquire, VICE News, Boing Boing, The Washington Times, UPI, Jezebel, RT, BuzzFeed News, Sky News, Reuters…
Just think of the media uproar that would erupt if I were to post the following on some dipshit venue like Twitter:
Can we please have a six-month break from NEWS ABOUT BRADLEY MANNING, THE USELESS WASTE OF HIS FATHER’S SPERM??????
The explosion of angst and hatred from the left side of the public fence would probably outweigh the snorking and guffawing from the right side of the sane fence.
What the little asswipe needs is a smack or five that makes his nose run and his eyes water.
After that, ignore the little shit. And no, he should not have a blog or any other ‘special’ shit. He’s in prison for committing a Federal offense, sending classified material to Wikileaks, never mind picking a fight with a girl who beat the crap out of him. He lost his rights the very minute he sent his first leak to Wikileaks. PERIOD.
Now, my cat Miss Punkin Squawkypants, who is a WHOLE lot smarter than Braindead Bradley, just informed me that the washing machine has finished the spin cycle and the laundry is now ready for the dryer.
She’s half Siamese. Those damned Orientals! They’re gonna take away all the mousing jobs form US cats!
I care about Manning because I want to be aware of the money that the Military is pissing away on this useless cock sucker while denying actual wounded, honorably serving service members. In that way, every thing that happens to, for, or about him is noteworthy to me.
On the Fox website, they called him a “her”. No wonder I don’t go to fox much.
Shouldn’t he be rewarded for a suicide attempt?
The little slapdick better lose his internet, phone, mail, and visitation privileges now that he’s going into solitary.
It’s only for a week, FFS. Put him on a submarine where he’d be out of contact for 2-3 months at a time.
Maybe then he’d really off himself.
As some of you many know Bryan Battaglia and I have been friends for 32 years he was my Di at Pi anyway he did a tour of Leavenworth a few years ago about the time they caught Manning with the Bruce Jenner in a dress mag contraband. You know what they told Bryan how this another got it. He had a guy on the outside with a radio shack drone flying it over the wall I shit you not and Manning wasn’t the first you can bet the SEAC stopped that shit. Manning put lives at risk in Afghanistan and now we gotta pay to make him a woman. I’m so done
There’s some unusual syntax going on with Bradley’s message out that seems different from his so-called columns in The Guardian. It’s almost all the kind of simple declarative sentences you’d find in a McGuffey reader:
See Bradley.
See Bradley in court.
See Bradley get his pee-pee whacked.
Ouch, Bradley, ouch.
Kinda makes you wonder if the little reptile has gone full psycho, or is getting some high-octane meds.
If everything he receives is required to go through inspection, how did he get any kind of contraband novel?
Lots of ways-prisoners can be very creative. Drones were mentioned above, but big sling shots (believe it or not) are also used to fling stuff into the yard to be picked up by prisoners during rec time. To say nothing of staff smuggling stuff in-it happens.
When I worked in the State prison, staff was the ONLY way contraband got in. The only difference between the inmates and many of my coworkers was the uniform…
I’ve also worked in a prison and I mostly agree with what you say, but there really are other ways to get stuff in, depending on the prison and its setting.
Staff is probably the most common method though. Easier and more certain than other means.
Is he actually IN prison? Or just staying at a room in the on post lodging there?
He’s got all these things the rest of us have to pay for (our own and his) and is in constant contact with the outside world. What the ever loving fuckity fuck?
Solitary confinement. I doubt it will mean anything to him. He still has Richard to talk to.
Solitary? For the sake of other inmates, isn’t that the only logical place to house him each and every day?
Granted, there are plenty of bad guys there, but does any of them really deserve the additional punishment of having to deal with this psycho?
I’d call “it” a queef but “it” would probably like it. So I’ll go with my usual…Shitbag!
They’re doing this all wrong. He needs to be put in general population and given no special consideration at all. At that point, it’s up to Jim whether he eventually leaves on his own two feet, or on a stretcher.
…up to HIM…
I like JIM better! 😉
Folks, this is more of a punishment than you might imagine. Think of the dicks he will not be able to suck while in solitary. He’s probably going to require intensive therapy when released from solitary.
In the meantime, fuck him.
Someone remind me when the adults are once more in charge of the country.
“In the meantime, fuck him.” Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
That’s not an insult, in this instance, ex-OS2. It’s merely a statement of fact.
Things not to think about when sucking prison cock
“If this what they mean by a teabag, I get the feeling that ‘getting a mouthful of Prison Stew’ may not be what it appears to be either”
Well, you guys can always contact the Admin at Leavenworth and let him/her know just how fed up you are with this twatwaffle doing his attention-whoring act and playing the victim card, when he’s been convicted of a federal offense.
I’m tired of hearing about him. He knowingly committed a federal offense. He lost his rights. Why is he more important than a US troops being targeted with gas weapons in Syria?
This idiot can’t even kill himself without screwing the pooch on it !
REMEDIAL training and safety talks on being successful NEXT time around !
Be all you CAN be Bradalina, accomplish the mission !
What color to Smurffs turn when they strangle?
Purple, but more than likely darker blue.
So solitary that they forget to feed him or let him out.