“Nothing to See Here. Move Along”
Looks like a couple of other “non-terrorist events” happened yesterday.
Jonn’s already mentioned one of them – that “intentional” explosion in NYC, along with the discovery of a possible pressure-cooker bomb 4 streets north – that NYC’s mayor says isn’t related to either terrorism or the New Jersey bombing earlier that day. So I’ll discuss the other.
In Minnesota yesterday, a guy with a knife sliced and diced eight people at a shopping mall. (All but one of his victims have been treated and released by medical authorities, and all are expected to survive.) He was wearing a private security company uniform at the time of the attack.
The incident ended when the low-life bastard perp was shot and killed by an off-duty cop from a different legal jurisdiction who by chance was in the mall at the time. That off-duty cop was authorized to carry concealed, and was indeed carrying at the time of the incident.
The low-life bastard reportedly asked at least one of his victims if they were Muslim. He was also reportedly heard referencing Allah during his attack.
Local authorities have so far “declined to call the attacks an act of terrorism, saying the suspect’s motive isn’t known yet.” Gee, that seems mighty . . . nice of them. I guess that means there’s no reason to be concerned.
“Nothing to see here, sheeple. Move along.”
Yeah, I’m thinking my leg feels wet again. And it hasn’t been raining.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Terror War
Keep reminding me how it’s a “peaceful” religion.
Again, not all terror groups are Islamist, but funny how a large majority of terror-related attacks are perpetrated by Islamists?
Fuck em and kill em.
I want to put that on a t-shirt, but I’m sure I’ll have a hard time at the school my kids go to whe. They see it
Is that the short version of a mother barbarian’s advice to her warrior son?
Korg! Ravage and Pillage! -Then- Kill and Burn!
You got that right….help the economy, create a BOUNTY on those a.h.’s…..one nose or both ears, or maybe both testicles would shake them up more!!
the tough part would be FINDING the testicles on one of those rag headed goat fuckers!
I know I’d want PPE on before collecting said testicles.
hell yeah, just think of all the fleas!
“There is no specific and credible threat to New York City from any terror organization,” de Blasio said late Saturday at the news conference. “We believe at this point in time this was an intentional act.”
I mean, is it me or do these two statements from de Blasio seems as stupid to you as they do to me? The friggin’ blast already occurred and there IS no credible threat? And he BELIEVES AT THIS POINT that the detonation was an intentional act? Cripes.
Yes, they do.
Go back and see what I said about denial on the other thread. It’s a mental disorder.
There is no specific and credible threat to New York City from any terror organization,” de Blasio said.
While standing surrounded by 15-20 police ensuring his safety was secured. Later De Blasio was driven home in a motorcade of 4 SUVs where his security detail protected him while he slept.
Same as Obama, same as Clinton. It is easy to talk about guns being bad, mmkay? when you have taxpayer funded armed security 24/7. They don’t have to worry about their own, or family’s safety because someone else is protecting them and paying to protect them.
Extra s. I’ll regret that one day when I need one.
I have a bunch of “s” stockpiled, let me know when you need some.
I thought 2/17 was full of “s” already.
It’s a Word!
It’s a Plan!
It’s. ….. Letter Man!
Dah dah Dahhhhhhhhh!
Denial is a mental disorder.
It appears to be infectious, too. Is there a vaccine for that?
Several vaccines. They come in 5.56, 7.62, 9, .45ACP…
So WHO THE FUCK carried out those actions? Was it:
A. Santa Claus
B. The Easter Bunny
C. Jehovah’s Witnesses on cocaine
D. Elvis Impersonators on LSD
E. Radical Muslims
Let’s not forget that libtard lefties want to continue infesting US Soil with muzzies.
Dude. You left out my favorite category: “Self Loathing Homophobe”. It’s quite clear to me that you never went to grad school. I’ll be in my safe space.
I’ll bet it was not a deplorable!
The first three people I list as “Deplorable” in my life are ME, MYSELF, and I!
I heard something about it being the Amish.
They heard the following sounds before the explosions:
clip clop, clip clop, clip clop, clip clop BANG!, clip clop, clip clop, clip clop
Also worth mentioning that this happened yesterday too:
Terrorism, definitely. Competent terrorism? Nope. But I don’t see why they’re trying so hard to say it’s not terrorism. It’s the same as with the German attacks: ‘oh, it’s not terrorism even though he was praising Allah and threatening infidels because he was mentally unstable and had a history of mental instability’.
Doing crazy things in someone or something else’s name does not make it less terrorizing. If the intent is what matters, it’s terrorist; sure, say he’s crazy, but that’s just an extra detail. It doesn’t cancel out the terror any more than the terror cancels out the crazy.
(And farm update: still pregnant. This kid is as opinionated as his folks, I guess!)
Call a large animal vet and see if he can help you out, Farmgirl.
You have my sympathies. I hope you don’t drop this foal when you’re out on the tractor. 🙂 My best wishes to you for a SAFE and smooth delivery.
Thanks! We don’t have a tractor so that’s not a worry. I’m on twice a week checkups and everything looks good – they even caught contractions on the monitor last time. (I didn’t feel a thing.) Kid just is NOT in a hurry; I’ll be at 41 weeks tomorrow, whee. 😛
My husband’s already offered to contact our local friendly cattle farmer for the pulling chains…
Are there any Navy ships close by???
In theory, probably? But we’re at 500 feet of elevation, so I’m not sure how much help they’d be. 🙂 Plus, nothing secret or surprising about THIS pregnancy! At this point I only look not-pregnant from behind. Any other angle and there’s not the blues that could hide THIS bump…
We used to tell expectant moms to engage in the same activity that got her into this situation. It can stimulate labor and the fathers rarely object to “giving it a try”. LOL
Always wondered how the kid-to-be felt about that…”hey! Stop that! It’s already crowded in here, stop poking me!”
Bless your heart. Being pregnant through the summer is awful. I know my wife was never comfortable.
Thank you! There’ve mercifully only been a couple of weeks where all I wanted to do was hide in air conditioning and wait for it to be over. Right now I mainly am suffering from impatience – getting tired of serving a troop transport!
Well, Farmgirl, this one is definitely showing signs of being one to teach you patience.
Still praying for a safe delivery, with all appendages and plumbing working.
Denial. Yep. Unless you’re Mr. Webster:
Full Definition of terrorism
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.
When the definition doesn’t fit their agenda, they just change the definition.
ISIS claims responsibility for the Mall attack.
Go figure.
If only New York had a ban on explosives this never would have happened.
If only Minnesota had a ban on knives, this never would have happened.
I can’t believe that horrible cop shot that man who was only armed with a knife.
All good points. And won’t someone please think about the children.
Amazingly enough, I see no reference to the identity or racial makeup of the DRT perp or the cop.
You want to take a wild guess?
Close–stabber was Somali immigrant and cop was white.
YEP, and he was asking people questions about PISSLAM before he attacked, did he mention Mo-ham-hock (PIGS PISS upon him)?
What happens when they kill us all and take our wives and daughters? What happens to the wives and daughters Dave? Did Muhammad not specify? I guess they’ll just improvise, huh.
Take our wives and daughters???
That’s when the real ass-kickings will commence. Islam will be a thing of the past…
I was expecting Dave to answer with something like this: Quran (33:50) – “O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee” This is one of several personal-sounding verses “from Allah” narrated by Muhammad – in this case allowing a virtually unlimited supply of sex partners. Other Muslims are restricted to four wives, but they may also have sex with any number of slaves, following the example of their prophet. Quran (23:5-6) – “..who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess…” This verse permits the slave-owner to have sex with his slaves. See also Quran (70:29-30). The Quran is a small book, so if Allah used valuable space to repeat the same point four times, sex slavery must be very important to him. He was relatively reticent on matters of human compassion and love. Quran (4:24) – “And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.” Even sex with married slaves is permissible. Quran (8:69) – “But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good” A reference to war booty, of which slaves were a part. The Muslim slave master may enjoy his “catch” because (according to verse 71) “Allah gave you mastery over them.” Quran (24:32) – “And marry those among you who are single and those who are fit among your male slaves and your female slaves…” Breeding slaves based on fitness. Quran (2:178) – “O ye who believe! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the murdered; the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female.” The message of this verse, which prescribes the rules of retaliation for murder, is that all humans are not created equal. The human value of a slave is less than that of a free person (and a woman’s worth is… Read more »
But, but, but that’s the religion of peace…or was that the religion of pieces?
Thanks Dave. Those quotes certainly directly the horsesh*t we’ve heard for so long about how peace-loving islam is.
At the risk of beating the election drum too frequently, Ol’ Poe believes these incidents offer additional reasons to vote against the continued lunacy of the left as personified by every candidate in the presidential race except Donald Trump.
Clinton, Johnson and Stein all want to open our borders. Trump is the only one of them calling for a more sensible, carefully monitored and closely controlled approach to immigration. If you want this kind of liberal (and libertarian) lunacy of allowing an endless flow of unvetted Muslims into this country to continue, go ahead and vote for one of those three.
Ol’ Poe, deplorable old bastard he is, will be casting his vote for the candidate who wants to kick some terrorist ass and take some Islamist names and that damned sure isn’t any of those three liberal wimps.
The bad thing is that any vote not for Trump, in any way, is ultimately a vote for Hilldabeast.
I hope some of our conservative friends realize that.
Speaking of Johnson, I just read that the stoner was on a CNN talk show this moring and was asked about the NY and Minn attacks. He replied, “Well, first of all, just grateful that nobody got hurt.” Don’t bogart that joint, my friend. It’s some goooooood sheeeeeeet. Cripes.
Ol’ Poe. that basket just keeps getting bigger Mr Trumps other basket its filling up but they are a quiet but very nice group. We’ll see them in November when we give Clinton and Americas Dad Cain(ya right) a group moon
Speaking of that open borders thingy, Angela Merkel’s rating has dropped drastically directly because of her open arms-open borders policy, and a rightwing rival in another state is more popular than she is now.
Now, really, we do NOT need the Nazis back in the saddle, but that appears to be the direction the wind is drifting toward.
And Oktoberfest kicked off officially this weekend, which means the migrants will be really riled over such flagrant behavior.
well, if the rag heads mess with a bunch of drunken Germans during the high holiday of Octoberfest ( yes, i am 50% German) that’ll really push them over the edge..
Funny how the “open borders” crowd don’t seem to live near the border. I’d love to give Hillary a guided tour, introduce her to Mrs. Rober Krentz.
From what I read, attendance at Oktoberfest is down the first weekend.
Not every beer drinker is as mindless as Mutti Merkel.
Teach the wives and daughters to shoot first and ask questions later.
I’m waiting for the stream of denial from the Oval Office.
That’s correct. I live in A very rural area. I don’t know that I could get any farther into the woods (and I love it). It would take a sheriffs deputy at least 30 minutes to get to my house and that’s if he happens to be on my side of the county at the time. For that reason “Blaster-6” always answers the door gun-in-hand. I think you stand a better chance of getting shot if I am NOT home. She definitely protects her cubs.
Wanna stop this crap? After execution, bury them with a pig carcass. In prison, put a pig in the next cell. Yeah, I know, I’m a heathen. What I also know is I don’t give a shit. I care soooo much more about decent citizens than I ever will about this trash. I’m sure the media will call this workplace violence or whatever.
You’re right. I guess “they” think that we’ll show them love and compassion and they’ll turn into good guys.
It’s worked so well with the graduates of Gitmo, hasn’t it?
If you really want to stop it, remove the women and girls from them, have them neutered, and drop them off about 5 miles offshore.
Liberals live in the land of denial. They have too because any intelligent review of any of these incidents, or any of the preceding incidents worldwide, can logically only lead to the conclusion that said incidents were, indeed, terrorism. If they admit to terrorism as a cause, then their entire argument falls apart and they are left looking stupid in the face of the facts. Deny or look stupid: their only options. They don’t realize they look stupid either way. Stupid’s a terrible way to go through life.
How does this have anything to do with Liberals?
I rest my case.
Quod Erat Demonstatum.
3 attacks in 2 days within 1,200 miles of eachother, IN THIS COUNTRY! When will people learn that until we can look at, and recognize, the mindset of these 7th century savages, that we can not blindly accept them into our country. And I have no idea whatsoever how we would be able to determine which is the most likely to either kill us or enable another to kill us. I stay “locked, loaded, and aware of my surroundings.
Ok, I might fight for the daugher…the Spousal Unit…hmmm.
Might be my revenge on ISIS…the cold heart of a Soviet woman who is pissed.
Sounds like a good way to dispatch ISIS, send them Russian internet brides. ISIS will be extinct in about 3 days.
You’re telling me a good guy with a gun stopped a terrorist in action? In a gun free zone?
I’ve decided that if I am ever involved in a bombing I’m going to shoot the first SOB in the crowd that I see smiling. You know that they have got to be watching their handywork.
Even if it isn’t them, it is someone supportive of their dastardly deeds. So, win either way!
Just in:
“Police believe the two devices that were detonated in New Jersey and New York were made by the same person, a law enforcement source told Fox News on Sunday, as authorities move forward with investigations into the incidents as well as the ISIS-backed stabbing rampage in Minnesota — separate incidents that have cemented fears the United States is still a prime terror target.”
This is my not surprised look.
OH, golly! AW1Ed, you just spoiled their Sunday dinner and after-dinner checkers match.
“separate incidents that have cemented fears the United States is still a prime terror target.”
Um, yeah. We haven’t NOT been a prime terror target since about, ohhhhhh July 7th, 1776. And before that was only because we were a territory of one of those peoples from Europe that talks funny.
Dahir A. Adan has been identified as the mall attacker. Somali refugee.
Are they sure it wasn’t Cartman? I hear those Somali’s are Muslim, which means they are totes magoats peaceful Bro.
If he truly has Refugee status, it will be very interesting to see what becomes of him. I’ve got ten bucks that says he never gets deported. NEVER.
Um, to paraphrase a famous Star Trek actor:
“He’s dead, GDC.”
So I guess he won’t be deported then.
But does this mean Ann Margaret’s NOT coming, either?
Obviously. Dead bodies do “the long dirtnap” vice being “deported”.
True Hondo, but it would be much more appropriate to remove the refuse from our soil… unless of course it was fed to the hogs, or dumped i a landfill..
Not to worry, Golf Cart 1 will soon come out and assure us that these were “lone wolf” attacks and not related to the religion he was raised in.
Sure is a lot of wolves around these days, when is open season?
I think that the people who refuse to face the reality of these things have worse personality issues than simple denial. Denial involves blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is just too much to handle, the person just refuses to experience it. Denial of reality is a primitive and dangerous defense. No one disregards reality and gets away with it for long. It can operate by itself or, more commonly, in combination with other, more subtle mechanisms that support it.
But there’s that whole spectrum of behavior that doesn’t just ignore the reality of these things. It also refuses to believe that anyone would really do that. It’s some kind of personality disorder that I haven’t figured out yet.
All I can add to this is that someone like Jung or Freud would have a field day with these people.
What does it take to get them to admit that these things are based in terrorism? I am completely gobsmacked that they essentially say ‘nothing is wrong’ in public and think it’s okay, when it isn’t. What makes them think any reasoning person believes now that they can be trusted with real responsibility?
How the feldercarb does one -accidently- fill a cookpot with boomstuff, wire it up with zappy clockwerk, and place it where the blasty bits hit passers-bystander?
Unless “intentional” means “we really wish you were off watching DWTS instead of asking us awkward questions.”
I’ll set all you bitches straight. In honor of Commissar, I bring to you corrections to all your comments. Courtesy of the piece of shit Barack “the magic Muslim” Obama.
Not when supper is still going on!
This is a little off topic but absolutely hilarious.
Clintoon Parody set to “Beat It”
(Hope it comes up as a link. Don’t know how long it will stay up.)
In case you wondered, Yes the Mall in MN was a “Gun Free Zone”. It’s a good thing cops can’t read?
I live in a CCW State that has reciprocity with many others. ONE Good Luck Charm I have is to put a dab of bacon grease or lard into the tip of EVERY hollowpoint round in every magazine I carry.
ALLAH PIGSHIT, you goat-raping muzzie piles of pig snot!!!
Some people were arrested last night in re: the NYC bombing.
Let’s see what comes of it.
I posted this on my FB. And I am going fucking crazy with the casualness of this. Here. You guys tell me. No. wait. Thanks to the Pied Piper, there is “nothing” to see, other than we are now like the people in Serbia and Croatia who treated Tanks on the streets as “nothing to see”!! FMD.
“Today and tomorrow I am attending the Social Good Summit, a conference that examines the impact of new media and technology on social good initiatives around the world. I am here as part of my role as an advisory council member for the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life program. Everyone is talking about the explosion last night in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. I was nowhere near it and am relieved that the people injured will all be okay. There are some pretty important people who will be attending the Social Good Summit over the next two days (to say nothing of it also being UN General Assembly week in NYC), so there is a very strong security presence on the Upper East Side.”
From injured people to famous people intimidate her…JHC.
Find them, Fix them in Place, And Finish them. I suggest in their country. Big bombs are the answer.