Friday morning feel good stories

| September 16, 2016

BNG sends us a link to a story from Sunrise, Florida where a Walmart employee was approached in the parking lot by an armed gunman who intended to rob the working man. Unfortunately for the crook, the Walmart employee was licensed to carry a concealed weapon, and he made the criminal DRT (dead right there).

In Richmond County, Georgia, 40-year-old Anthony James Lawson tried to kick down 69-year-old Joseph Patterson’s door. When that didn’t work, he removed an air conditioning unit from a window and tried entering the home that way. When he got inside, Patterson, the homeowner, shot his ass. Lawson was DRT (dead right there) when the police arrived.

A Titusville, Florida resident reported to police that he had frightened off a burglar with a single round from his firearm after he and his family had barricaded themselves in their bedroom.

A 19-year-old woman shot 21 year-old Kyle Williams in Jacksonville, Florida when he forced his way into her apartment. Williams appeared at a clinic with a gun shot wound where he was taken into custody.

In Stockbridge, Georgia, a homeowner confronted John B. McClendon with a shotgun when McClendon broke into his house. McClendon fled the scene, but not before the homeowner shot out the tires of his car facilitating his arrest nearby.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Hack Stone

Florida and Georgia heavily represented in today’s Feel Goid Stories. Texas is conspicuously absent, bit I have the utmost confidence that we will see a few stories originating from Dallas and/or Houston this morning.

Hack Stone

Change “this morning” to read “this weekend”. Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.


Oklahoma is right up there.


We’re just feeding our DRTs to the hogs. Why bother the police with such minor matters.

Nothing to see here….


Shoot. Shovel. Shut up.

But then, the feral hog population is a problem in E Texas…


I’m wondering if there is a law that requires that police be called.

I see no good reason to call, but wonder if there is any such law.

In some states, police procedure is to confiscate your firearm, call it a homicide, put you through a lot of questioning, and then send you to a grand jury to see if charges should be filed. Meanwhile, the socialist press will label you as a murderer.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I guess that the criminal element of the country don’t read the news, where they could learn that more and more Americans are becoming armed, and legally carrying concealed. Even a Walmart employee could be armed and ready to protect his/her life.


Well, the criminal element is usually out at night, doing what they do and miss the news. The ones who survive sleep through the morning and noon news, and their friends do the same. They don’t have anyone to let them know what’s happening.

Bill M

And they really realize it, but too late, when they get to take the long dirt nap. Good riddance.


‘shot out the tires of his car’- Now that’s a real gigglesnort to start the weejend.

Wilted Willy

How can you be so cruel, don’t you know that “BlackTiresMatter?”

Hack Stone



WRT the Jacksonville story – B&E, shooting under investigation.

Florida has some strong “castle laws” plus “stand your ground laws” along with the “injured party” being charged with B&E.

I applaud anyone who shoots a bad guy to protect self & property, and I realize the “heat of the moment” with heart pounding and adrenaline flowing, but more range time folks.

Moral: Who are you going to believe? Me or the dead guy!


It may be under investigation due to the age of the shooter. Legally he can’t own a pistol at his age. So they will need to determine so background info I suppose.

Funny how I could join the Army and shoot automatic weapons at the age of 17 but couldn’t own a pistol until I turned 21…


Or have a beer


I have a better “feel good story” then people getting shot. Last weekend, one of our Hospice Residents at the VA wanted to get a haircut. He had limited financial resources and did not have any family in the area.

As a VA Volunteer and a member of the DAV,I arranged to have the VA barber come to the patient’s room and give him a haircut. The next day the veteran passed away. But he was clear shaven and had his hair cut.

Become a VA Volunteer. It will change you forever.


My eyes started sweating.

Well done!


Good on ya Jim !!


I have been volunteering in the VA Hospice (CLC) for years. You tend to get numb toward death. It happens.


This just in: Dirtnap in Sunrise. Film at 11.

Hack Stone

Ain’t no more sunrises for him.


Wally World will fire the employee for carrying.

B Woodman

That’s my question, what’s WallyWorld’s policy on employees “carrying” or otherwise defending themselves from “potential shoppers”? Did he have it in the store (GASP!), or maybe he had his gun out in his car in the parking lot (gasp).
If he does get fired, I hope he finds another job quickly.


As I understand it, if the employee was on duty and trying to stop a shoplifter, he would be shown the door.

On his way to or from work, and/or directly threatened with deadly force – that would be a different thing altogether.


I was a Wal Mart employee for about 94 days before telling them to… well you can probably guess where I told them to put their job.

Back in 2011 I can say for a fact that Wal Mart employees were not allowed to have weapons while at work.


If I were him, I would say I had left work, loaded up, and then realized I had forgotten something in the store. My story and I’m sticking to it…

I sincerely hope Mr. Patterson’s air conditioner was not damaged in the festivities…it’s still pretty warm in Georgia this time of year.

Jon The Mechanic

Every Walmart that I have entered has a sign on the doors of their stores stating that weapons are not allowed in the store.

Their official policy is that any employee caught carrying on the clock will have their employment terminated on the spot.

I am waiting for my concealed carry permit and policy be damned. I have a rating high enough for injuries that the only reason I work is because sitting in the house would have the same effect on me that long term solitary confinement has on inmates. My bills are paid and Walmart’s paycheck goes into the homefront entertainment fund.


Y’know, kicking on my door then taking the time/effort to pull an a/c window unit out give a heck of a lot of clues about the intended point of entry.

Which give me a long time to set up for the shot, choosing my rest, taking the safety off, etc. DRT is the only conceivable consequence of a scenario like that.


Do not mess with Sons & Daughters of the South. I’m making allowances for Florida residents, most (?) of whom are replants. I’m also purely for convenience sake considering Florida a Southern State. It may be in the South, but …

Anyway, damn near everyone in Florida and especially Georgia is packing. (Yeah, I know. I don’t care. This is my story.) Many/Most in Florida are too old to fight and too fat to run, so they will just kill you dead right there.

Great stories, straight from the South. And also from Florida. Bwhaaa