We Deplorables may have an Anthem…
A theme that is repeated every day here and all across the conservative Web is that we ordinary Americans, the folks whom Hillary Clinton characterizes as irredeemables and deplorables, are fed up with her and everything she represents, the constant lying and misrepresentation that pervades every aspect of her, her husband and the criminally dishonest political party they head. Over and over we find ourselves saying that we are sick and tired of the Clinton’s themselves as well as their usual corrupt way of doing business and that we need to stand up and say so, which is exactly what all those deplorable Americans are trying to do at those Trump rallies.
What we, and those folks at those rallies need is a political anthem that captures that fed-up, sick and tired feeling as well as a defiant refusal to put up with it anymore. Well, guess what? There is just such a tune and it has been done toe-tappingly well by the Gatlin Brothers for Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, Hillary’s America. Titled “Stand Up and Say So,” it contains clever, spot-on lyrics set to a lively, country-rock beat that is damned near infectious. Click on that link and see if you don’t agree it is a fitting anthem for us poor ol’ Deplorables.
It would be a great tune to fire up a Trump rally crowd if it’s not already being used for that purpose. Having the Donald do a few boot-scootin’ steps to that tune across the stage while lip-synching those catchy lyrics would likely bring the roof down in any venue.
Kellyanne, you hear I’m sayin’ Darlin’?
Crossposted at American Thinker.
Category: Politics
Yes! Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin brothers are singing “Our” song.
Greed is such a strange thing.
That was the best song I have ever heard! I say Trump will win by a landslide even better than Regan’s! We cannot lose this election, get out all of your friends to vote!!
Wilted Willy: I agree Trump will win the popular vote. Right thinking citizens, those who actually know what is happening in this country, are just sick and tired of politics as usual, the never-ending corruption, shady deals, ignoring Americans as they are being tortured to death and a variety of other bullshit that passes as politics.
Now, Wilted, my concern is not the popular vote, but the electoral vote. Trump simply MUST win several heavily populated swing states: Florida, NC, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania (The last four being Rust Belt States). I think Illinois is impossible to win. The others? Very close right now, and Trump really hasn’t started his media blitz. I suspect there will be a massive onslaught by Trump that repeatedly puts wideload on the defensive. I want her to defend her charity, health, Benghazi and pay-for-play at every speaking event. Now if she has a medical ‘issue’ during the debates, such as slurred speech, non-sequitur remarks or even falling out, she’s done.
Four – Eight more years of liberalism will destroy this country beyond hope of repair. If liberals are able to pack the Supreme Court, we are doomed.
Alice Cooper’s “Go To Hell” seems to fit nicely also…
All of you Gun Nutz are just upset because finally there is a strong woman who will stand up to the sons and daughters of Charlton Heston.
You loons have used the NRA to bully the rest of peace loving America into putting up with AK47’s in grocery stores.
Finally, there is someone who realizes the Supreme Court is wrong on the 2nd Amendment as is going to do something about it.
Sing all you want from the far right radical fringe of America. More hope and change is coming to America.
give it a rest…. first thousand times or so were amusing, now it is tiresome…yawn.
Re the song…I’m holding out for Paul Thorn’s “It’s a Great Day to Kick Somebody’s Ass”.
I am glad to see there is someone else that feels that way. The first million times I listened to her bullshit was not amusing.
Nor was her husbands and neither is Mohammad’s Horse.
Tiresome…I could not agree more. I am exhausted with it. The person who is leading thus far in this race has made it perfectly clear that she is going after guns. Most Americans evidently agree with her assessment of the 2nd Amendment.
The majority of my fellow Americans appear to have no concept of what being an American is anymore.
Tiresome…ya, we are at war with a Muslim culture that is dedicated to global domination. Most of my fellow Americans don’t seem to give a shit. I post these sarcastic rants so I don’t vomit every morning.
C’mon, Dave.
Everyone knows that the REALLY important things in America right now are ‘Dancing With The Stars’ and the most recent outrageous stunts from the Kardashians.
And everyone also knows that Hillary always tells the truth. Everything that she says is true, because she says so.
I am married to a woman who suffers from current-events- awareness deficiencies. Still, she knows enough about Wide Load to despise her and not enough about Trump not to despise him.
The other day I mentioned that a yellow-dog Hillary supporter I knew contacted me after a house was broken into in her neighborhood, and one of her first requests was “I need a gun!” Fast forward to today: a BLM activist at University of Houston was mugged at his off-campus apartment a day or so back: and now wants campus police to patrol his aaprtment complex.
I hope you told your acquaintance to go ask Hillary for help in getting a gun.
This is the problem with the election:
We have become so polarized the average person has lost any ability to engage critical thought.
Dave, you’re so not up with current affairs. Did you not know the new Apple Smart Phone, Model 830 (Actually #7, I think) was released today to rave reviews. (And the crowd roars its approval.) TV is available 24/7, the malls are packed and life is good. Oh, and the really good news is most Americans still get their news from MSM on TV. Yaaa. So, Dave, how about getting with the program? Watch the news, don’t read Drudge, go to the mall and buy a phone.
This Holiday Season, Hack Stone and his lovely bride Rosetta will be sending friends and family a Hallmark Gift Basket Of Deplorables. It even comes with a complementary rag in case you have any serving trays that need to be wiped.
So we are in agreement that she is a lying, corrupt, fraud.
But so is Trump.
So you are not accomplishing a damn thing by supporting Trump but choosing one pathological lying sociopath fraud over another.
Hillary is a more experience political operative with he bagging of the establishment in both parties. Trump is an ignorant man that has little support from either party.
That is like trying to decide what is worse a hard working idiot or a lazy idiot.
I suppose Trump is better because he is less likely to be able to accomplish anything he sets out to do.
Neither of them are going to work in the interests of the American people.
Oh, that is soooo funny.
Get back to us after you have published a few books being used as texts in business schools (or any other kind of school, for that matter). You are not smart enough to decide the intelligence level of others.
Yeah, well, you backed the guy who’s done nothing but fuck up America and turn citizen against citizen. While trying to eventually turn the country into one large Madrassa. So, why don’t you go play in traffic, Lars, or better yet, just go fuck yourself.
Actually, UpNorth, as I recall during this election cycle he backed one of the few politicians who’s even farther left than the current Occupant, 1600 PA Ave, Wash DC.
But remember: Don’t Fear the Commie.
Politics makes strange bedfellows. So does war.
And among lefties, so does stupidity…
Are you saying, politically, he is a “bottom”?
I see on drudge this AM that the Dems have picked that other Commie to replace the Hildog if she has to withdraw over her health problems. Or dies, or is arrested.
Yeah, I remember that nugget of wisdom that CPtBF dropped.
Buh-rock has been his guy since ’08. He’s one of those who would cheer “4 more years” for that ass.
More experienced, as in; “Pickpocket”? Is that whom you would rather have fishing around in your pocket?
So you are not accomplishing a damn thing by supporting Trump but choosing one pathological lying sociopath fraud over another.
Except at least preserving the supreme court as potentially objective, strengthening our military, decreasing the national debt, supporting our allies, defending the country, creating jobs, growing the economy, simplifying the IRS, decreasing illegal immigration,defending the constitution, etc….you’re right. There’s really no apparent difference.
LARS knows that he’ll get more free shit backing Bernie and Hillary that he would from Trump.
LARS is the Field Marshal of the Free Shit Army…
I do not back Hillary. And this is not about “free shit”.
Besides baby boomers have no right to talk about free shit they stop trillions from future generations.
If your so worried about future generations, get a job, work your and contribute… like myself and others here at TAH and across the country.
It must be real nice to be able to “pontificate and postulate” from those hallowed halls of academia you shelter yourself in, LARS?
She’s going to “bait the hook” next week for the millennials to try and get their vote
Hillary WILL make it about “free shit”… and who’s going to pay for it?
He says he supports Jill Stein, she of graffiti fame, and has since the Old Commie Bastard shuffled away. Personally, I hope many of the former Bernie Free Cheesers do the same. In this election, it might make the difference.
Still butthurt that Bernie sold out to DA MAN? Don’t loose hope Larsie-poo, here’s a link to Rasmussen concerning who should replace Hillary:
Bernie is so poor that he just had to go out and console himself by buying a new home:
The house is his THIRD one…must be nice to be a member of the socialist elite!
Oh, don’t forget the missus who ran a college into the ground:
Must have used funds from the “golden parachute” his wife got just before her former employer declared bankruptcy.
Anyone know if she’s still under investigation for possible fraud? I understand she was at one point, but I haven’t heard any recent updates.
While I’d love to see her end up in jail if she’s guilty, I don’t give enough of a sh!t about her (or Bernie the Commie) to spend the time to research the issue today.
Baby boomers ripping off future generations? No, it doesn’t work that way. Boomers were paid for by previous generatons. Now WE are paying for future generations.
It’d be nice if that quacking donuthole actually knew how things work, wouldn’t it? And wasn’t it Mr. Bill who decided the Social Security fund was just another fund he could plunder? It seems to me that’s when it started.
Sorry, Ex-PH2 – that’s simply not true. Because of the way Social Security plays the financial shell game it calls its “Trust Fund”, anyone receiving Social Security benefits today is being paid by FICA taxes paid during the past 3 years or so. I’ll have more on that in a future article, probably next week or next weekend.
FWIW: CPdk is FoS regarding his accusation, but for a different reason than Ex-PH2 offers above. That reason? It wasn’t the “boomer” generation who created the system we have today that’s spending the country broke.
The current Social Security system was largely finalized in the 1983 reforms during the Reagan Administration. The “boomer” generation did NOT hold political power at that point; at the time the oldest boomer was 37, while the youngest could not yet vote. The World War II generation was still running the show. It wasn’t until the Bill “Cigarman” Clintoon Administration that the boomer generation gained real political power in this country.
Similarly, welfare as we know it today and Medicare/Medicaid were created during the Johnson and Carter Administrations. Johnson was also of the World War II generation; ditto Carter.
Where the “boomer” generation deserves blame is for failing to reform these systems beginning sometime after about 1996. Clintoon was too interested in skirt and cigars (and in getting his cigar smoked) to care – and IMO likely didn’t much give a sh!t anyway. Bush43 was dealing with 9/11 and 2 wars, so it didn’t get fixed then. And due to his background, the current Tool in Chief probably has no clue where wealth comes from or how Social Security operates – if he even cares at all. He literally seems to think that wealth can be created on demand by act of government.
Moreover, Clintoon (and with Medicare’s Part D, Bush43) did de facto expand some of those programs by either adding benefits or de facto loosening eligibility criteria over time. And Lord knows how those programs have spun out of control during the last 7 2/3 years under the current Gang of Fools. You only have to look at what’s happened to SNAP and SSDI to see that.
Lars is on record for wanting a tax rate like in the 1940’s where the top earners gave over 90% of their income to the government, hell even the lowest rate was between 20-23%.
In Lar’s mind whats a little financial hardship when everyone can get free stuff whether they earned it or not.
Lest anyone think swormy is kidding – here’s 101 years of history concerning US income tax rates.
The top US income tax rate remained 91% or higher for a 20-year period – from 1944 to 1963. During that entire period, the lowest marginal rate was 20% or higher.
For a 50 year period – from 1932 to 1981 – the top US income tax rate was in excess of 62%.
I’ll leave it as the proverbial “exercise for the reader” to determine which party controlled Congress during the vast majority of that time.
CP: “Neither of them are going to work in the interests of the American people.”
That is where we part company, CP. I genuinely believe Trump will fulfill as many of his promises as the law will allow, and if the law doesn’t allow, he will do what opieceofshit does: Executive decree.
It worked for opieceofshit, so should be same-same for Trump. It will make the liberals batshit crazy. I can hardly wait for them to scream and throw their tantrums about ‘abuse of executive power’ and assorted other stuff. Fuck them.
OOOOHHH, so says the babbling package of parakeet poop who endorsed Bernie Sanders who a few years ago praised the Socialism in Venezuela that made it the festering shithole it is today. You’re BRILLIANT, Poindexter!! ??????
False equivalence, Lars. The fact that a candidate can be good at running for public office doesn’t necessarily mean that person is going to be an effective leader once elected. And the fact that a candidate is able to collect large sums of money from a few donors with deep pockets doesn’t automatically mean good for the rest of us.
It seems to me what we’re seeing is not a single, but a parallel set of zeitgeists. One is driven largely by a Manhattan-based media, academia, and Wall Street. It tries to wrap itself in a sanctimonious cloak of progressivism and diversity, but actually has utter disdain for the other zeitgeist which lives in the ‘burbs, works at an unremarkable job, and worries about paying the bill for the kid’s orthodontist. Should it be a surprise when the disdain is returned?
Years ago, I remember being at a press conference in Oregon when Jimmy Carter was running for President the first time. Carter had just finished a brief statement when the traveling national media started shouting questions. Carter then did a strange thing. He held up his hand and said, “I’ve heard enough from all of you lately. I’d like to hear what they have to say.” And he pointed to a group of grizzled senior editors sitting in the front row from local papers such as the Oregonian and Register Guard. What followed were some thoughtful questions about things like logging, environmental controls, and the local economy among others.
Say what you want about President Jimmuh, it was both a shrewd and perceptive move. It’s not hard to imagine Trump being willing to take the heat in a similar situation; it’s doubtful if the same can be said for Hillary. She hasn’t, for example, even had a press conference in almost a year.
Not true about Hillary Clinton not holding a press conference. It was just last week that a hard hitting journalist, most likely channeling his or her inner Edward R. Murrowb, asked Hillary how was her weekend.
And the candidate, feeling threatened by such direct questioning, quickly retreated to the front cabin of the aircraft where she berated her staff for allowing such impertinence. She was heard to scream,
“You’re supposed to have them trained!”
I’ve noticed wideload has been subjected to many hard hitting, insightful questions lately from the media. One that keep coming up is ‘What is your favorite color?’ Her response is always the same: Plaid. That is some tough stuff being directed her way.
One post and 21 herd mentality replies.
And I am the one accused of “hijacking” threads.
Trump and Hillary are both a disaster for this country.
And the binary socialism vs capitalism mindset you guys have is not even worth my time dealing with. EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD HAS A MIXED ECONOMY IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.
The capitalism vs socialism nonsense misses the point entirely.
It is about which theories work best to deal with which problems.
Your boy Bernie praised and espoused THE SAME Socialism that turned Venezuela into the impoverished hellhole it is today. Socialism has NEVER succeeded, it drags societies down. Have you seen any pics of the NICE waterfront home Bernie bought after bowing out of the race? Word has it he bought it for a cool $600K, how many hungry children could have been fed with that amount of money, isn’t that what your type always asks when someone spends that kind of money? How much of your so-called “education” could have been paid for with that?
You might want to dial down the hysteria level, Lars…
Perhaps you are so accused because you did in fact hijack the topic. You probably couldn’t tell from the title, but the topic was actually a song.
So, how do you like the anthem?
Is it even possible for you to consider addressing the subject instead of going off on one of your usual rants?
Lars’ continuing to do the same thing and getting the same reaction should come as no surprise to anyone. That is the behavior that defines you as a troll. Giving attention to a troll is counterproductive. But we already know that.
This anal dipstick can’t do anything else but resort to his usual leftard propaganda rants. He is a product of his indoctrination at the people’s republic of berzerkly. Remember, progtards live in a parallel universe where everyone in Venezuela is still enjoying the big chicken dinner paid for with other people’s money that never runs out.
It is about the “free shit”.
Don’t fear the commies!
And Socialism is truly -most- efficent at impoverishing the masses and producing 8-figure body counts.
CP: I agree with some of what you said. However, even given that Trump would not be the candidate under normal circumstances, that being if Republicans: Had fewer candidates from which to choose and had one strong candidate who actually said what conservatives wanted to hear and was thought sincere. The Republicans diluted their field with folks with little chance of being nominated. Trump spoke to the concerns of the conservatives, who are tired of liberal bullshit. Had the Republicans had fewer and better candidates, Trump would not be the nominee, IMO.
I believe Trump has an excellent chance of being elected but he must win rust belt states. Also, Trump knows his limitations while wideload believes she is the smartest person in the room. He’s a smart man but knows his deficiencies and will staff critical positions with smart subject matter experts. What he WILL do that wideload will not do, is surround himself with subject matter experts. Trump will take advice while wideload will not. Also, wideload will staff critical positions with an eye toward payback for her cronies. That would be a mistake. She is too arrogant and consumed with imagined self importance to readily take advice. IMO I think we will see an entirely different Trump when/if elected. Look for sweeping decrees from on high that will add millions of jobs. And I DO believe he will force Mexico to finance most/all of a fence. How? Either huge tariffs on goods coming into this country or just block entry from the trucks coming daily across the border with Mexican goods. He will cripple their economy and they will build a fence. Yeah, I know, a tariff war benefits no one. Most conservatives no longer care. We just want a change from the continued destruction of America. We will NOT get that with wideload. IMO Regards
Great anthem!
Welcome to a failed presidency now I know how Americans felt when Jimmy the peanut carter was in office
IMO it’s close, but the Carter years weren’t as bad overall. The time when that idiotic group of naive fools ran the show had a deeper valley (the Embassy Seizure and resulting hostage crisis), but it only lasted half as long. And it may well have done less long-term damage to the nation.
Carter was a good man but, wow, he rarely came up with the right choice.
‘Turn down your thermostat and wear a sweater’. Good advice but not what people wanted to hear.
Also, sooo many people were concerned about the survival of America in its then current form. I have much more confidence in my country than some. I never felt Watergate threatened the continuation of our government. I feel it was blown well out of proportion by liberals who wanted something on which to hang their hat for the next 100 years. They STILL bring it up in interviews to attempt to discredit Republicans. BTW, Nixon didn’t know beforehand of the break in. But he turned stupid and attempted to cover up the crime. Bad move. Had WG not happened, I believe Nixon would today be considered one of our better presidents.
The more the country sees Wide Load, the more it dislikes her. No wonder they were hiding her. Americans are so stupid that it took her lying about her medical condition in the face of video evidence for people to say, “Huh? Wait.”
Benghazi. Emails. Selling gov’t access to foreign governments. Standing by her rapist spouse. Lying about this. Lying about that. Lying about the other thing. None of these items mattered to far too many people or the Bitch of Benghazi would not be where she is. Hell, most probably don’t know about these matters; Show a video of her coughing, falling, and being passed out on her feet and voila!
Four Dead in Benghazi
The only jobs Clinton ever created were opened due to her incompetence and subsequent loss of personnel.
IDC SARC, you’re selling her short…Travelgate comes to mind.
Cankles partipaction in the firing of the White House travel staff was her idea of a jobs program… 🙂
Here’s a link I found on Drudge, the NYT, the moonbat rag of all rags talking about a panic spreading among Hillarrhoids that she’ll be defeated. Maybe I ought to start investing in Canadian Real Estate and then profit from the exodus of American libtards fleeing the reign of President Trump?
I figure the next big scandal will be after 10 plus years of worthless collage grads start crying that they didn’t learn anything because the focus in school was sensitive feeling and protesting wal street
And the flag when they should have been leaning something instead
No sympathies at all. None.
There is a good percentage that are in the STEM classes and schools and don’t get involved in that crap, but they’re smarter than the rest. And they’ll have jobs lined up when they graduate.
And they’re mostly Asians…
Not all of us.
I wonder how many of those who have wasted years of their lives and dump truck loads of borrowed money on worthless degrees like Gender Studies we’ll be seeing bawling for higher minimum wages because mop-slinging and deep fat frying is below them due to their degree? Hell, I’m a college dropout and I’m making more money in the Blue Collar world than I would have with that degree, Mike Rowe is right!
I would contribute to a Go Fund Me to pay for passports to get the scum to Canada. Let’s start with about 90% of MSM, 90% of college professors, the reverends al and Jessie. Oprah should go, and Cher, that whore Honda and a host of others. That IRS commissioner should be dropped into the Great Lakes and forced to swim. Where do I pay?
Trump supporters are deplorable.
Clinton supporters are deportable.
I saw this a couple of days over at the blog known as “Wicked Thoughts”… a pretty good one. It’s from a professor at the University of Georgia talking about “Progressive” taxation – here’s the link: https://bussorah.wordpress.com/2016/09/14/progressive-taxation/ When discussions of who subsidises who via the taxation system, I always give my students this example….. and ask them who we should thank for supporting those in need? Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this: The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7. The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59. So, that’s what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. “Since you are all such good customers”, he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20”. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80. The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his “fair share?” They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay. And so: The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings). The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings). The seventh now… Read more »
We are the Deplorable Infidels…
and proud of it!
Dave Hardin, you are wrong on the Second Amendment. Just look at Chicago, Baltimore and D.C. Tough gun laws, an lots of dead people. This country history is tied to the gun. What won the west? We did not talk them into giving up. What won the revolution? Again we didn’t talk ourselves free. How about the World Wars? Again we shot them till they gave up. If you want to give yours up go for it. I will keep mine.
Please be advised that Dave Hardin is known to routinely use healthy doses of sarcasm here in this forum. Methinks that you’re misunderstanding his post above; he’s actually pulling our collective leg there with his comments.
From what I’ve seen from Dave on these pages, he’s on your side of the issue(s).
Hope this helps.
Scorecards, Scorecards…Can’t tell the players without a Scorecard! Popcorn, Peanuts, Cold Beer!
Update your Sarcasm Recognition Software. I just happen to work for a “proud woman owned” software company formerly located on Wilson Kane in Bethesda MD. This week’s special is purchase an Adobe Sarcasm Recognition Software license, and you receive a free mailbox door. Quantities are limited, so please hurry.
$19.95 if he calls within the next 10 minutes?
Yep…and if he calls within the next 10 minutes, Earl Scheib himself will paint the Stonemobile for $99.95!
I don’t want the Earl Scheib paint job… can I get the Popeil Pocket Fisherman instead?
BUT WAIT! Call within the next 10 minutes and get a second for free. Just pay additional shipping and handling charges. Also, you get free batteries for life. (Just pay shipping and handling charges of $19.95 per battery shipment.)
Is this a great country or what? Make it great again!!
News….Wide Load did not expire over the weekend and is to make a speech at Temple University today. So the Death Watch shifts to Philly. What pa-monia?
That’s ‘pandernewmonia’, Air Cav.
As she walks to the stage, she will be saying to herself, “Left. Step. Right. Step. Left. Step” and may forget to stop when she reaches the podium.
And the media will be reporting, “Gosh she walks so well. Reminds me of a spring chicken. And rested. She looks so rested!”