Manning hunger strike begins

| September 10, 2016

manning tears

I guess no one was paying Bradley Manning any attention because he’s announced that he’s beginning a hunger strike this week, according to Military Times;

Chelsea Manning says she began the hunger strike Friday because her pleas for better treatment at Fort Leavenworth have been ignored. She says she will not voluntarily consume anything except water and prescription medication.

In the statement supplied by her ACLU attorney, Manning says the hunger strike will continue until she receives the “minimum standards of dignity, respect and humanity” and she is prepared for the possibility of dying.

The little weasel isn’t balanced correctly and the Army caves to everything he wants, so it’s really no surprise that he’d try this to get attention, too. He should talk to the Guantanamo detainees about how much dignity there is in being force fed. But, thanks for another reason for me to post our TAH exclusive photo of his first day in the Army.

Thanks to Pineywoods NCO for the link.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Silentium Est Aureum

Lemme guess. This is going to be just like his “suicide attempt”, just another attention whoring stunt.

Bradley? If you were fucking serious about this shit, you’d have done it, none of this “poor me!” crybaby shit.

Either off yourself or STFU. Don’t really care which.


The name is bradley, not chelsea and its HE not she, IF YOU don’t believe it, do a DNA on the little bas-ard! in the meantime, let the A.H. starve, who gives a shyt!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

So BRADLEY Manning is whoring for more attention, IDGAF!! He/it shouldn’t have done what he did, that’s why he’s in prison, but I’m preaching to the choir.

2/17 Air Cav

Is sperm a food?




It’s probably the one thing that can excite him when the lights are turned down at night. To him, it’s a dinner date in which he gets ‘fed’ with the ambience of low lighting.


“He says he will not voluntarily consume anything except water and prescription medication.”

Good… hopefully, the vomiting that ensues causes a severe metabolic alkalosis and an end to his problems.


Ditto. “…and an end to his problems.” More importantly, an end to our problems in having to deal with his bullshittery.

I’m thinking that, with luck, the medication in the absence of food will erode his stomach lining and the resulting hemorrhage will result in shock. Or death. Well, a guy can hope, can’t he.


Bradley Manning says he will not voluntarily consume anything except water, prescription medication, cock meat sandwiches, and ass.

There, fixed that for them. 🙄


Much more likely Manning’s prison boyfriend noticed he was putting on the pounds and told him to watch his weight. He was getting to the point that no one wanted to rent him out any more, in which case he isn’t worth anything to anyone.


“Do these prison dungarees make my ass look fat?”


Even prisoners have standards.


I am sure a good force feeding would be like a hot date for it.


I’m sorry, but I was deeply engrossed in something important.

Did someone say something?

No? Okay, then. Back to ‘Don’t Squick Me Out!’

Remember: the term ‘moist’ only applies to cake mixes.


Geeez Ex-PH2, the phrase “Don’t Squick Me Out” is so far above my pay grade that I just naturally had to Google it. 😉

Also clicked on Squick II / Squick III / Squick IV


And I hope you fell down laughing over it.


Ex-PH2 be a wordsmith and shit.

And yet, another Friday with no sammich. Denied once again.

Bought some good pickle loaf today, 1/2 pound. Got some good cheese but it’s better w/o cheese.

Sitting here now with said sammich and watching VA Tech vs Tennessee, at Bristol. It is the 5th or 6th most populated ‘city’ in Tennessee right now. In a few hours in returns to being the 28th or so largest city.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Why is he taking his medications if he is so prepared to die?
Just starve and be done with it, for that fact why even drink H2O, dehydrate and be dead in a week , save the tax payers a lot of coin for ITS upkeep
ignore IT when IT cries wolf, that will teach IT, ignore it and he will cave in soon, IT has no balls


“…IT has no balls”

Wait, they already did the surgery???

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

figuratively not literally

The Other Whitey

Well, he did get his ass kicked by a girl, in a fight that he started…

NR Pax

A fact that was recorded during his trial and warms my dark little heart every time that I read about it. Although I like to say he got his ass beat by a real woman.


The meds are likely his girl hormones. Got to feed the delusion if nothing else.


Fine with me if the little turncoat bastard wants to starve himself to death. Give Bradley a jug of water, with free refills, and tell him to have at it.


I saw a tyranny at my local VA Hospital a couple months ago. Pretty bizarre looking. Male dressed up as a female.


Sure it wasn’t just Hillary on the campaign trail?


JimV……my guess would be somewhere in South Alabama, where we’ve seen “it” before in the Dothan and Ft Rucker area clinics. Am I right? Wrote about it once a while back and “it” was gross!


You mean, they aren’t treating you like you’re in a five-star resort when you’re in PRISON? I say they tie him down and shove a feeding tube down his throat. That way, he can’t complain that they aren’t feeding him.

The Other Whitey

He probably wants exactly that. He’s supposedly a bottom, but doesn’t get enough dick for his liking, so he wants it to be some kind of rape fantasy.


Have that feeding tube made in the shape of a big long dick and they WON’T have to force it.


Damn the luck, I appear to be out of fucks…


Came to say something very similar to this, so instead I’ll give you +1!



With this little puke it’s hard to come up with anything new…

MSG Eric

I guess he can watch the news in prison and didn’t see himself on the news for a month or so.

The Other Whitey

It’s prison. All he should get is a 4×8 cell, no windows, no reading material, a thin blanket, a bucket to crap in, and bread and water slid through the bars twice a day.

Well, he SHOULD get tied to a post between a brick wall and twelve guys with rifles, but failing that…

Just An Old Dog

Fuck wasting a bullet. Executions shouyld be carried out by those compressor “guns”
like the guy in that flick “No Country for Old Men” used.


Not a waste of bullet if they research effectiveness of the bullet on causing a significant wound channel. If we’re going to shoot the traitor anyway, might as well learn something from the exercise.

I wonder if the morticians doing the autopsy have a chance to determine the amount of damage done after a police shooting, and a real life comparison of the effectiveness of caliber A vs caliber B…


He’s just trying to get down to a size 2 so he can fit in that dress he had smuggled in for the prison Christmas ball.


He wants to look gpod for Snowden…


Yes, I’m thinking there will be a Christmas ‘ball’ and he will be providing the party favors.


Damn freak show


For some reason the Big & Rich song “Freak Parade” comes to mind…




Let him starve.

It’ll be an example for everyone looking at the Gitmo detainees who’ve been hunger striking for years and somehow never dying. Well, maybe now we can see how long it really takes.

The Other Whitey

He doesn’t like prison, eh? Boo fucking hoo.


bergdahl has started a new organization….

“traitors lives matter”
manning is a charter member.


Does this mean there will be no B. J.’s in the joint any longer, as long as his strike goes on?


He just won’t swallow…


Quick question: Is Attention Whore an actual MOS or is it an additional duty?

Anyway, here’s me not caring if twatwaffle starves to death.

But if they crack and go with the feeding tube, I hope they run it in dry/no lube……


Liar. He’s cheating on this hunger strike by eating wheenies at night when no one is looking.


why hasn’t anyone fragged, shanked or otherwise relieved us of this pustulent boil on the ass of humanity?


He’s in solitary confinement I’m sure if given a chance someone will do it


I’d say stick a tube up his ass an feed him, but he probably would just consider that foreplay


Dammit, I was going to post that.


This is a “problem” that will soon fix itself.


Gonna be one hell of a miserable Thanksgiving if the joint doesn’t have a gobbler available.


They’ll just treat him the same as the dumb ass rag heads at Gitmo who pull this stuff…force foodstuffs into him via tube. And they’ll put him in restraints while doing so. Maybe they’ll even treat him with the minimum dignity they give to rabid dogs.


They don’t know this, but I personally would volunteer if I could be the person that feeds him food via a tube inserted up his ass. Appetizer would include fresh road kill, main course would include diarrhea specimens from prison infirmary, desert would be mostly ground up glass shards from bottles run over daily by trucks. As for dignity, I’d have him wearing a crown showing him to be Queen of The Exercise section of the yard. Finally I’d change his name to Monica Wantsmore.


Wasn’t he already doing the hunger strike thingy?

Richard "Jake" Jacobs

My buddy SFC (former) John Hatley, who is serving time for a bogus crime, says old Chelsea is being made fun of by the entire USDB population for a failed attempt at suicide. John also said that he/she went to get his haircut in the prison barber shop and was run out because he was wearing a bra. He/she makes a wide swath around Top while in the chow hall; ain’t nobody got time for that.

Bill M

F*ck him/her/it. Let it starve.


hope it enjoys forced feeding….


Proven cocksucker.

Green Thumb

I doubt he/she will starve.

Nightly protein supplements…


Is it dead yet?


We wish


New on the menu at the prison canteen……….
Now serving schlong slurpees!


Is it dead yet??


Not yet, It is being sustained by sucking cock.