Hillary’s latest email excuse: Blame the headers!
Last night in the NBC Presidential Forum, Hillary unveiled her latest version of dindunuffin with the very lame claim that all classified information is transmitted with a header that clearly indicates that the contents of the following or underlying document are classified in one ordering or another, ranging from confidential to esoteric versions of top secret headings that ordinary folks like us will never see. Nice try, Hillary, but that weaselly excuse is easily shot full of holes, with the first buckshot barrage being fired recently by the FBI, who verified that she did indeed receive and send emails that contained classified information.
Had NBC moderator Matt Lauer been on his toes (or so politically inclined), he would have immediately countered her latest justification with the simple question, “Might someone on your staff have removed those headings when the classified emails were taken off the secure State Department network so that they could then be retransmitted in the clear on the open email network you had established?” Of course, that had to be case, and Lauer knows it, as does Clinton, as well as all the rest of us watching this slowly evolving train wreck.
Removing such headings and retransmitting those documents on an unsecure network is a federal crime. Receiving such transmissions that contain obvious classified information – such as that regarding potential Air Force satellite drone targeting intelligence or details regarding American human intelligence assets on foreign soil on that unsecure network while lacking those classification headings – is a serious federal offense as well, carrying prison time for ordinary citizens.
FBI director Comey lamely professed that his vaunted investigators could find no evidence of intent by Hillary and her minions to violate federal security regulations. My question for him is, “Director, just what do you call the removal of security classification headers from classified documents so that they can be retransmitted in the open on an unsecure network if it is not a clear demonstration of intent to subvert the communications restrictions imposed by federal security statutes?”
And the last question that should be asked of Hillary when she makes these silly “heading” excuses for her felonious behavior is this: “Madame Secretary, could you please explain how such forewarning headers could be utilized in your voice-to-voice phone conversations that were classified? Without the presence of headers, would it not be the content of the conversations themselves that determined the manner in which they should be handled regarding their security level?”
Hillary Clinton, last seen heading south…
Crossposted at American Thinker
Category: Politics
For someone who proclaimed “I know what classified is!” back in August, she should know better. Especially being an Originating Classification Authority (OGA).
Most importantly, classification markings do not make something classified, the information makes it classified.
Matt Lauer can’t be mean to her, he works for the “Nobody But Clinton” network. But even liberal media is saying he was being a weak host. (He might not want to end up dead in a dark alley from suicide to the back of the head 3-4 times either.)
Matt Lauer is a walking yeast infection who shills for whichever candidate is “cool” with the left on any given day. Rumor has it he’s also a massive douchebag off-camera.
yeast infection …bwhaa
Anyone who has worked with information at the SCI and other TS levels knows exactly what the difference between the above and below the tear line is, and knows when they are looking at the TS version vice the secret and below versions. It doesn’t matter if there is a header and footer, it’s obvious when the document contains TS information.
She is as dumb as a box of rocks or lying and knows that she’ll get away with it because the general population has no idea what a classified document looks like. Since she’s been able to avoid prosecution since the Nixon era, I’m guessing that she isn’t stupid.
You’re expecting common sense from someone who just does not give a fuck.
How many times I gotta tell you, TJDGAF?
Simply put classified is like porn you know it when you see it especially when you have worked with it. Who ever stripped off the headers should be prosecuted as well. No matter how you cut it, it was a violation and a spill and there is no getting around that. Private Joe Snuffy doing the same thing would be doing jail time.
Maybe it’s changed since I was in, but messages used to be classified by the highest level of material in them. Each paragraph was preceded by a (TS), (S) or (C) to indicate the classification of that paragraph.
SIOP/ESI info was normally transmitted separately.
So even if you strip the header, each paragraph has an indicator as to classification.
But that was over 40 years ago, so to quote the Master Chief, what do I know?
Still the same rules. Though, there are even more restrictions on how you can handle classified material due to electronics and computers.
Come on RM3, (TS), (S) or (C) are just paragraph sorting thingies. Not sure what happened to (A) and (B) and why it jumps to (S). But The Smartest Woman in the World said so.
So this fat assed, lying shit stain who does not understand classified communications with the paragraph indicators, wants to be president? Please.
But..but..but…it’s Colin Powell’s fault !
seems that I read where while Colin Powell also used a private server, it was before they were required to use an official server – he didn’t break any rules by doing so. Anyone verify that?
I did read where Powell’s mails were hacked, but not until well after he left office. He also was never accused of sending classified material.
I never read that Powell used a private server. I only read he used a private email account. Clinton is counting on the general publics confusion about the difference. She had to control access to her pay to play emails; hence a server in her bathroom. If she only used private email like Powell, they could have been subpoenaed from google or aol
BUT,,, even if Powell did use a private server or email account,, is irrelevant to me because he is not running for president.
Along with what Herb said, while he used a private email, the rules at the time allowed it.
During the time she was SecState, Obama wrote new directives tightening the requirements for official email use by government officials.
So, in essence, it is her own Boss’ fault that she’s in trouble and violated the rules. Ironic really.
Portion markings are hard. Don’t ask me, I’m just Secretary of State, tee hee.
Hillary Clinton
And an Originating Classification Authority.
New campaign slogan for Hillary; Hillary Clinton mishandles more classified information before 9:00 AM than most people mishandle in an entire career.
Small point of correction, PT. Merely receiving classified sent thru improper channels isn’t a crime. That happens every time someone screws up and creates what’s called in the business a “spill”. So long as they promptly report the spill, the recipient is in the clear.
However, failing to report such a mishandling to competent authorities is in fact a Federal felony punishable by 10 years incarceration. Ditto retaining such information in an unauthorized storage location – like on-file in a commercial email account’s storage. See 18 USC 793(e) and (f).
Intent is required for both offenses. However, with all “due respect” to the FBI Director: it is implausible as hell to argue “no intent” for unauthorized retention of classified information and failure to report improper handling of unclassified materials when multiple portion-marked classified documents were found to have been sent to her account on that unauthorized and inadequately secured homebrew “private” email server.
Hell Yeah.