Clinton’s hubris
You may have seen some of the discussion about Hillary Clinton and her inability to comprehend classified material. Let me explain; One of the main function of the executive department is the collection and distribution of information to folks who need the information. Some of that information is classified. A document might have a “Top Secret” classification, but not all of the information is classified as “Top Secret”. Some portions might be less classified. The author of the document indicates which portions are which level of classification by putting a parenthetical letter designation in the left margin.
For example a (C) in the margin means that the information in a particular paragraph or sentence can be disseminated to people with a “Confidential” or higher security clearance – so an editor can cut and paste that information into a document releasable to folks who need that information – even though other paragraphs in the same document might be restricted to them.
Hillary claims that she didn’t know that.
“When asked what the parenthetical ‘C’ meant before a paragraph … Clinton stated she did not know and could only speculate it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order,” the FBI wrote in notes from its interview with her.
I guess she didn’t notice that there was no (A) or (B).
I know it because I was a low-level editor in the National Archives and I was required to take training to reinforce my lawful behavior. I took my job seriously, so I took the training seriously.
Clinton, not so much. In fact, that stuff about parenthetical designations is like lesson one of online training. I guess national security isn’t as important to some folks in government as others.
Category: Politics
Gee, when I got a secret clearance, I just assumed anything I touched was in that level of classification and treated it that way.
I guess my attitude is — well, plebeian. It couldn’t all have possibly been secret, could it?
The lying pig is at it again, this time, they are getting to close and she knows it, so she admits she has a mental problem to keep from going to prison for LIFE! Send her anyway, might even clear up her thinking, if not SO WHAT!
And she didn’t know that NOFORN meant that you couldn’t share it with foreigners.
And she didn’t know that pending drone strikes was sensitive info.
And when she was in the Senate she was on a committee that got read in on all kinds of SCI stuff and yet she didn’t know jack about classified info security.
Such mundane matters are unimportant to Her Imperiousness. That is for the little people, who are her servants, not she who must be elected.
Marvelous picture, however. Looks like she’s saying”What does it matter, anyhow?” I suspect that is her ongoing mantra, for everything. Egocentrism, anyone?
PH2, that was my take on it, back when I was working with it.
In classical tragedy, Hubris is supposed to bring about Nemesis (the fate that the protagonist cannot avoid due to his excessive pride) and then finally Catharsis, but Hillary is no tragic hero, far from it. No, if anything Hillary-and Obama-are Nemesis and they are the result of the Hubris of our “elite” classes who hold themselves far superior to the rest of us proles morally and intellectually. And what the tragic fate that the gods have in store for them I cannot say (though it would not surprise me to see our whole economic house of cards collapse), but I fear that the rest of our nation will suffer for their folly. Whether or not we achieve Catharsis will depend on whether or not we can return to virtue.
There is such a thing as hitting the bottom of the barrel and rising back to the top.
We may be at that point.
Please do not give up.
At the moment, it appears to be a bottomless barrel.
No such thing as a bottomless barrel.
Remember that old saying: As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
And if our elites have sown the wind?
She will definitely reap the whirlwind!!
Storm on the horizon?
Very well said, 68W58, very well said. ALAS, “virtue” is an hard sell today, near to impossible. Virtue has been a very bad name by those most loudly proclaiming to possess and arbitrate virtue. Is virtue merely inconvenient or was it a casualty of the campaign to disestablish objective truth?
According to there are only 21 OCAs (Original Classification Authoritys) for Top Secret information, the Secretary of State is one. The Secretary of State is responsible for writing the Security Classification Guide (SCG) for that department. This document must be signed by the OCA. There is no way in hell that the hildebeast can ever claim that she didn’t know if anything was “classified at the time”. This is proof positive that the FBI and DOJ let her slide. At a minimum, Come and Lynched should be prosecuted.
Err, Comey
Good point about the OCA issue. According to the FBI reports, Hillary apparently claimed she was depending on people in the State Department to tell her how to handle classified material. She also claims that she doesn’t recall the details of various briefings on how to handle such material.
Things may have changed more recently, but back in the day everything about the distribution of sensitive material was based on a need-to-know basis. It didn’t really matter if something was Confidential or Top Secret; who got to see what was restricted to those who had both a need to see it and the necessary clearance level. Those with a Secret clearance or whatever, for example, didn’t automatically get access to all Secret material. All of the stripping of document classifications, and distribution by e-mail “chains” by the Clinton State Department seems to have thrown such fundamentals out the window.
What also seems apparent is that those who gather raw intel have a much different view of its relevance, sensitivity, and how it should be handled than those who may end up being the final end consumers of the intel work product.
Everything is still distributed on the “need to know” basis. Sure, she could have gotten assistance in preparing the document and most SCGs are mostly derived from the previous version, but her signature is her orders to the department on what is classified and to what level. It’s her responsibility and there is now way she can say she didn’t know. People usually get burned for not following the SCG. She can’t distance herself from this document. It’s pure incompetence that the FBI didn’t persuade this line.
I had a ‘Secret’ clearance for decades. But I never had the need for viewing ‘Secret’ material until we deployed. And then, only the material that applied to the Battalion’s mission. Later, briefings that I contributed to for CMC were compartmentalized so that only things pertaining to our section came down to us. Some of our products were classified farther up hill. NOTHING we worked on at HQMC left HQMC, NOTHING period.
I’d love to know the last any Secretary even looked at that manual.
Or even the current one, since when has John “Lurch” Kerry ever proven himself to be anything other than just another self-serving bumbling IDIOT?
I only hope I live long enough to piss on her grave.
Better learn of the proposed burial site and get there now, while she is alive. I’m thinking it will be a long line.
Maybe they’ll give out numbers. I can see it now: “Now serving #88,384,297.”
Perhaps they’ll sort the participants by state, alphabetically? Living in Michigan, I may have to have one of my sons transport a container to Arkansas, and do a pour on it’s grave.
What a picture. It will be a long line . . .
Doesn’t matter to her supporters. According to drivel over on winning, the material released by the FBI on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day (how convenient) proves that Hillary Clinton did absolutely nothing wrong. They must be reading that information with some defective 3D glasses left over from the last Pixar movie.
I wonder if she ever order a pizza from a secure line?
She also “claims” a hat drive and thumb drive were lost in the mail
Hard drive sheesh
No, I like hat drive. May be a typo, but is says more than you can imagine about her.
When I opened the CG’s safe in Div. Hq to retrieve a weapon, I knew it contained classified information/documents (marked or whatever). I was a fucking young kid at the time, and knew not to share, copy, discuss or what have you. Hell, I even knew what NOT to read due to it’s classification. Oh, I vividly recall it that stuff even thoughI have fallen many times (from planes, helicopters, down hills/mountains, ruck sack flops and drunken flops). Damn she sucks.
For clarification: I did have a clearance to read everything in that safe, I chose not to, much less share….. regardless of the “classes” we had to take as mentioned below. Anyway, she sucks ass.
My training said storing classified information with weapons and/or money in a safe was a big non-no. They didn’t want your garden variety criminal looking for cash or weapons to stumble onto the Crown Jewels (intel). Am I remembering that correctly?
Yes you are, Hack. Big no no, but when did that stop anybody especially a general.
Or a Secretary of State?
They stop when they’re made to stop. I guess the question becomes, who is willing to lose their career to tell their boss that what the boss is doing is wrong? THAT is why our government is so fucked up — because NO DAMN BODY wants to be it. Everybody in any position to do anything is looking around wildly, praying to not be THAT GUY. The one who puts himself in the breach, the one who jumps on the grenade. Everybody just wants to keep their head down and suck up the slops. Any job that has power, prestige, and/or money attached has responsibility that goes with it. If you can’t stand the heat, then you need to carry your sorry asses out of the kitchen!!
When I received my TS, I had to go through classes every year. They weren’t like the typical “don’t rape anyone” classes, but were only for people in the Battalion with clearances. I actually had to go through all three classes (once for each level of clearance).
To break it down Barney style, the classes said to not leave shit laying around and keep your yap shut. There were other lessons, but these were the two biggest.
I guess that someone with brain damage in addition to a deteriorating physical condition can’t be bothered by stupid little things like protecting national security.
The servers the destruction of evidence, the narrow scope of the investigation preventing the FBI from expanding to the clinton foundation, and the fact that the FBI was not able to expand the scope of the investigation based on anything found in unclassified emails is all to protect her from a broader corruption scandal.
I am certain that there are a lot of people that know that if she falls she will only be the first domino in a long line that will implicate dozens of very powerful people in a national and international corruption scandal.
Where is Jack Bauer when you need him?
ie, the Clinton Foundation.
I see the “Know Nothing Party” is no longer sa historical footnote, but making a resurgence.
Remember when the howler monkeys flung poo over minor W brain-fades like “misunderestimated”? I guess the double-standard is blatently explicit:
Elephants never forget,
But donkeys don’t remember nuthin.
I was a Navy cryptologist for 25 years. My initial security education happened in a course called Common Block when I was an E3. Lasted about 3 days. Of course I had refresher training in my 25 year career, but everything I REALLY needed to know I learned in that course. I NEVER have forgotten that initial training.
This is NOT rocket science for fuck’s sake!
I read somewhere that Hill didn’t know you could not give foreign partners NOFORN info. God damn! She is either lying, totally incompetent or both. I lean towards both.
Pulling out the Schmuckatelli Defense; The Private Didn’t Know.
I would lean towards lying and doesn’t give a fuck. Incompetence can be faked (she is faking it) but GAS/GAF and lying her ass off are less easy to fake.
It’s a shame that you can’t find thumbscrews any more. I guess that eliminates the Spanish Inquisition.
But then, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Question for the TAH Cadre – how may people have been killed because of Cankles carelessness with Classified material, to include the server kept in NY?
Will we ever know?
Somewhere I read that 67 people known to be associated with the CCF (ClintonCrimeFamily) have died..none from natural causes….And it makes me wonder about Mike Flynn- The Breitbart guy who died unexpectedly…or the two young dudes that have died in the last 4 months….
I don’t have that many relatives and I can say in 52 years that only 7 of mine have passed…all older than 65!
Mike Flynn died of a heart attack. These things do happen and there is nothing suspicious about them.
There are so many people who have written scathing articles online under their own names about both of the Clintons that if those crapweasels were killing off their critics, the body count would be enough to populate a small town.
As much as I love conspiracy theories, people do die of natural causes. Those two messenger boys, which was basically all they were – well, it does seem odd that they’d do what they were told and then be murdered for doing it, doesn’t it? Why bump off a loyal quizling?
I’m not saying there is nothing suspicious about any of the deaths alluded to Clintonian responsibility. But without anything except innuendo – they’re connected to the Clintons somehow – it has the appearance of fabrication enhanced with gossip. And I’m definitely NOT defending the Clintons in any way at all.
But I’ve heard that anyone can commit murder , but it takes a real professional to commit a “natural death” .
*** THIS ***
Strictly due to carelessness, I know only of one, the Pakistani that helped with finding Bin Laden. His named was outed in an “unclassified” personal email.
Jonn, I’m going to speculate that she didn’t have any training because she (A) Only answered to one person and (B) that person didn’t dare to reprimand her (as if he could/would) because she was the obvious heir apparent for the Party. Politics will trump security every time.
If the FBI really wanted to make a case, they would have gone after her for not attending the annual SHARP and EO training. That’s the only thing that’s taken seriously, anyways.
She would have gotten a pass on no SHARP training because she did make a contribution to the Combined Federal Campaign.
Interestingly enough, a check of the charities under the Combined Federal CampIgn does not list the Clinton Global Initiative.
Re Jonn: “I guess she didn’t notice that there was no (A) or (B).”
And that it went from (C) to (S) and then (TS).
The sad thing is not that she says this shit but that libs believe it.
Never saw a (C) on a line, just (U) for unclass and (S) for secret. I would assume that (C) was confidential, as “Classified” isn’t a classification in and of itself. But then, maybe in the personal server world of the State Department, they only have one level?