Hans Rudolph Gresham; an update

Earlier this summer, we highlighted the work of Bulldog and the boys at Guardian of Valor on Hans Rudolph Gresham who served on the board of the worst rated charity National Vietnam Veterans Foundation with J. Thomas Burch. Gresham had claimed to be a Special Forces Captain in Vietnam, but his records say that he was a PFC clerk typist in Germany with no time spent in Vietnam.
GoV has updated their research – they’re getting push back from Gresham’s friends.
So again they tried to show me the letter from General Yarborough, and again I tell them that this holds no water as it was written in the 90’s.
They also showed me photos of Mr. Gresham with the director of the CIA, trying to also convince me that he was also some type of secret agent for the Government. I had to just shake my head. We left the meeting with a promise to meet with Mr. Gresham the following Friday in Charelston, S.C. I awaited the phone call for the meeting but it never happened.
These investigations aren’t the result of pulling a name out of a hat and concocting a case against someone. We approach them as if we’re presenting a case in court – because all too often, lately, that’s what we end up doing. In fact, I try to exonerate the subject before I write a word.
I had a case like that this week. The NPRC said the guy had no service, but I had a feeling that they were wrong, when I emailed the subject, he presented me with proof that he was exactly who he claimed he is – so you didn’t read about him.
Bulldog is just as diligent when he makes these busts as me – as far as I know, he’s never been wrong.
In regards to Gresham, a PFC chaplain’s assistant in the 82d is a long ways from being a Special Forces Captain in Vietnam.

Promising a meeting and then not meeting doesn’t help your case.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
That picture begs to be taken to the range for target practice.
Or at the bottom of my commode…
You can make copies ya know. It’s not an either or situation.lol
What evil did your commode commit to deserve such a horrible fate?
Unless I misread how these people think, the whole thing is based on a desperate need to be the center of attention, to get the attaboys and the pats on the back, and even the possible awards or honors. They get so caught up in it that the lies become ingrained habits (Visconi) until they’ve convinced themselves it’s all true. Then when they’re found out and exposed to the light of day, they simply cannot tolerate it.
There’s a level where the delusions become real and they just go with it. Most of the time it’s harmless and annoying, but then there are times when people like this scumbag just suck it up and roll with it and try to pull a Spodofora or a Jared Stern on people who expose them. Those are the worst of all, because they profit from it.
And they will never pay any of it back.
Ditto with their being attention whores. I’ve asked before and will do so again …
Can you imagine living the lie, praying the next phone call isn’t from SCPO Shipley, or the media or a real veteran?
Don’t misunderstand. I don’t care how miserable is the life of a poser. But, speaking only for myself, I’d rather be a real LCPL or HM3 or LT who did her/his time and did so honorably and never having to worry about that knock on the door or phone call. Give me that life over being a bogus Ranger, SEAL, sniper, Special Forces, etc. How the hell can one live like that? Heck, just remembering the trail of lies has to be a 24/7 undertaking. As Judge Judy says, if you tell the truth you don’t need a good memory. Really, how much must one’s life suck to embellish in such a manner? The attention whoredom must be great among these people.
The career poser fucksticks who rock the lie really double down when confronted with facts that exposes their lies.
It’s as if that since they’ve invested so much time and money over the years, keeping the lie alive becomes the most important thing.
VISCONI FILES MOTION FOR APPEALS COURT TO VACATE ITS MOTION TO DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE. DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION • · • No. 3:12-cv-01012 (M.D. Tenn. Oct. 31, 2016) VISCONI V. U.S. GOV’T • • • Senior Judge Haynes Senior Judge Haynes MEMORANDUM Plaintiff, Frank J. Visconi, filed this pro se action, under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), 5 U.S.C. § 706, seeking judicial review of alleged arbitrary and capricious action by the Board for Correction of Naval Records (“BCNR”) in failing to correct his military records. Plaintiff alleges that he served in Vietnam from March 1965 through March 1966, and that the BCNR and the United States Marine Corps Headquarters Manpower Management Division, Military Awards Branch (“MMMA”) refused to correct his military service record regarding medical treatment, dates of service, operations in which he participated, and awards earned after he repeatedly provided documentation to support the corrections from March 2006 through September 2010. Plaintiff filed five motions to supplement his pleading (Docket Entry Nos. 4, 8, 10, 20, 54) that were granted, as well as a motion for leave to file supplemental pleading (Docket Entry No. 36) that was denied, although the Court stated that it would consider the information attached to this motion on the issue of the Court’s jurisdiction in this action. Plaintiff filed a motion for summary judgment (Docket Entry No. 35) and Defendant filed a motion to dismiss, or in the alternative for summary judgment (Docket Entry No. 44). The Court concluded that the decisions of the BCNR and MMMA to deny Plaintiff’s requests to amend his military records were based upon substantial evidence and were neither arbitrary nor capricious. (Docket Entry No. 58 at 15). Thus, the Court denied Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment, granted Defendant’s motion to dismiss, and this action was dismissed with prejudice. (Docket Entry No. 59). Plaintiff appealed the Court’s decision to the Sixth Circuit, and the Sixth Circuit affirmed the Court’s judgment and noted that Plaintiff’s fiduciary duty claim is outside the limited scope of review authorized under the APA. (Docket Entry No. 70). Before the Court is Plaintiff’s… Read more »
Could it be that booger-brained asshatted Swamp Donkeys like him have lied so much for so long that they actually believe what they say regardless of existing evidence?
They like to say that API. You know the old “I almost started to believe it myself.” I don’t buy it. It’s like they’re trying to make themselves look mentally off in order to get sympathy.
They want us to believe that somehow they’re victims here too. As if. I mean did they really look in the mirror at some point and say, “man I’m glad I’m not back in combat” when they never actually served in it?
Case by case, I might actually buy it if I was told “I started to believe my own lies.”
Check out the interview between John Hines and a military historian. That asshole definitely believes his own bullshit.
I am sure that is the case here, he has lied so long that now even he believe his own bullshit. Just like the case of my brother that has lied so long, that I am sure he still believes his own visions of grandure! I live for the day that he will finally be exposed for the shitbag that he is! Not to mention the $3K a month that he is still getting for his phony PTSD and Purple Heart! I am so sure they needed a secret squirrel sniper dental tech? When is the last time you saw them send a dental tech to Ranger training and jungle warfare school?? I just wish there was some way to get someone in government to finally hang this miserable sack of scrotum sniffing shit! Have him show some kind of scar related to his Purple Heart, or a scar from where his chopper was hit and blew off half of his arm? They both look of equal size to me? I know, the government gave him a bionic arm that is so life like, that even he cant’ tell the difference?? I would love to buy all of you a cold beer when he finally gets thrown in the gray bar hotel!!!
his scam started decades ago apparently, considering that pic of him with captains bars at a young age, wonder if he did this to get pussy or dic ? considering he likes to pretend to have manly pursuits, I’m going with dic
How many of these assclowns promise to provide proof and never do, thinking that Jonn, et al, will just give up and go away?
This guy’s case is especially egregious to me. Special Forces poser, rips off a charity for his own enrichment, then gets his asshole buddies to do his dirty work when he gets caught.
On many levels, this fucktard is worse than the DRG.
physically he resembles Jeb Bush a bit, both are from Florida, wonder if he passes himself off as Jeb once in awhile also ?
Sgt. Vaarkman: No, no, no. Look at this pic of actor Robert Wagner. He looks freaking exactly like Wagner. Jeez …
LOL…he looks a bit like both of them
He’s Jeb Bush and Robert Wagner’s love child!!!
Somewhere, taken last year, is a picture of me with the current CIA director. I’m still waiting for my cloak and dagger to show up in the mail along with my orders to report to Langley.
Donald Rumsfield was ahead of me on the escalator at The Pentagon. What does that get me, other than a mail box with a door?
Was it this escalator?
Rumsfeld is a anal orifice, he was in his 1st round as the SoD when I was in and when I was working for many decades for a particular LBO firm in NYC in the flight dept. maintenance. he ran a company called General Instruments out of the Chicago area , almost ran it in to the ground, used to fly him a lot on GI’s assigned G-3, then he was replaced by someone far more competent that turned that company around.
Rumsfeld badly handled the war in Iraq, but his tenure at General Instruments was highly successful. The company’s market value increased from $1.5 billion to $3.8 billion, and once it went public in 1992, share values tripled from $15 to $45 a share by 1993, when Rumsfeld stepped down.
Pffftttt. I walked by GEN of the Army Omar Bradley on the E Ring once. Last O-10. And all I got was a NDSM.
sj, I can do you one better.
GEN Omar Bradley shook my hand when I graduated from the Basic Leadership Course in July 1972 at Fort Bliss.
I’m still waiting for my ARCOM for that.
Damn! You didn’t tell us that at the stately Claw Manor. You win. Again.
Well, Buddy, here’s a couple more “no-shitters” when it comes to big wigs.
In the mid 80’s when I was running the S-4 shop for 1/12 Inf there on Carson, a future Chief of Staff of the Army and a future Sergeant Major of the Army would stop by my place just to have a cup of that good old Claw coffee and shoot the breeze.
The individuals in question? One was GEN George W. Casey, Jr. while he was the Battalion Commander for 1/10 Inf (our sister Battalion that shared the same Headquarters building with 1/12) and the other was CSM Jerry T. Alley (who shared the duties of SMA with McKinney’s twin brother after McKinney got canned) who at that time was the 1SG for A, 1/12.
I could tell a few more coffee drinking related stories about the man who was my Brigade Commander from 88-90(before he left command and went on to be a four star GEN), but I’ll save them for another posting.
No ARCOMs or AAMs required for providing the best damned coffee within the 1st Brigade of the 4th ID.
Was that mess hall coffee? In my S-4 shop one day we were talking about different brands of coffee. The W2 PBO said he didn’t know that civilians sold coffee.
Well, of course it was. I wasn’t buddy-buddy with the Bn/Bde Mess Stewards for nothing, you know.
Coffee, thermos jugs and chem lights were always the best trading materials, as well as jeep spark plugs.
Paint was highly valued back in my day…
I talked to General H Norman Schwarzkopf once on a road march going through Denali National Park when he was only a full Bird Colonel !
Ain’t I special !!!
I saluted and talked to Field Marshal Montgomery at the dedication parade for the Allied Airborne Museum in Aldershot, England. Does that qualify me for the OBE.
Um, sj . . . GEN (4 stars) is O-10. Not sure what the formal pay grade designation for GA (5 stars) might be.
Why yes, you’re right (yet again). Had a brain fart. Thanks for the correction.
Fuck Donald “I’m not Santa Claus” Rumsfeld. He came and talked to the 172nd SBCT wives after we got extended in Iraq. He managed to piss off an entire Brigade’s worth of wives.
To each his own.
When he was on the ground with the spearhead of guys in AStan in early 2002, he shut down all the middle management yes men (much to their dismay), went right to the guys doing the actual work, and literally passed out his # for direct contact.
To paraphrase him: ‘If you guys need anything – ANYTHING – and ANYONE gives you a hard time in getting it, you call ME – directly’.
That # was used, more than once after that.
Not saying he’s perfect, not saying nobody has reason to be angry with him, but I can verify first-hand that he gave a damn about the guys doing the job and making certain they could focus on the job alone as much as possible.
Considering the present replacement, I’d take him back in a heartbeat.
While the wife was on the Ortho Ward at Walter Reed, Rummy dropped by all the time – alone. Spent a lot of time in the rooms of wounded. Staff treated him like just another visitor.
I also feel the need to affirm that in my opinion the Guard and Reserves were massively abused, for a long time, when it comes to extensions and repeated activations. Not taking issue with any hatred from anyone regarding that.
Thanks, and we’re back to getting hand-me-downs from AD Army when it comes to equipment again. Maybe a year or so after the next time the SHTF we’ll temporarily stop being buck-toothed bastard stepkids for a little while.
Bobo: Actually, Bobo, you did receive your cloak and dagger. But, since they were both cloak and dagger, and probably delivered by a team of ninjas, they were invisible. See my post below showing the annual ‘Ninja Parade’ held in various locations throughout the country.
Bobo: Here is a collection of videos I have taken over the years of several Ninja Parades. Number 4 is my favorite:
As you can see, they have much in common. And, being Ninjas, they are invisible. I would enjoy seeing Ninja Parade photos that others may have.
Those are as nice as this pic of the last Area 52 Personnel Picnic:
Nice one, eh?
And another thing, this dude looks a bit “latent” which might be why he got to “pose” with the barely ambiguous Lindsey graham in the photo posted on GOV. Graham used to run around the MNF-I staff as a Reserve USAF JAG 0-6, and “straight” up, he would set our collective GAYDARs off…he would actually purse his lips like he wanted to kiss you…guess maybe he was wasn’t concerned about general order one or UCMJ article 125 applying to a US senator…if he’s not a raving buggerer, he might as well be because he rocks that image…
I once had an hour-long, one-on-one conversation with CNO Elmo Zumwalt, about 1973. He was my patient at the time and I was doing a procedure on him at Bethesda. Know what we talked about? Me. How enlisted people felt about the Navy. Any ideas I had for making the Navy more user-friendly for enlisted personnel and their families. Did I plan to make the Navy a career and why/why not? I had roughly 4 years in at the time. How were his Z-Grams received by the enlisted personnel and was there pushback from the officer corps because of them. If I could make one change in the Navy, what would it be? About the most unassuming, decent senior officer I encountered. (I encountered several senior officers as patients. Most were decent folks. Some … not so much.) Talking with him was like talking with a buddy from high school. So here I am, an E5, talking with a 4 star like we’re old friends. Really decent guy. He didn’t let the conversation lag, as I attempted to do b/c, really, I didn’t have much to say. So he kept the conversation going, smooth sailing, really civil. His grandson (?) is running for public office in Florida. I believe his son died young ARO AO exposure.
my Latin professor told us in her last class that Admiral Z had been in her first class. Closest I ever got to him, only about two generations apart.
What some don’t understand, or willfully ignore, is that the Army SF guys have kept records from ‘the beginning of time’ as far as SOF goes.
All through the Cold War (to include Vietnam), Army SF guys were wandering in that gray area where clandestine intel and SOF mingled.
Case in point: one of the hostages taken by Iran was CIA, and former Army SOF. A real badass, suffered numerous mock executions at the hands of the Iranians, etc.
I guarantee his training records with Army SF are there to be found. Sadly I know this because he was killed after being crashed into by a young drunk punk doing 100+ MPH while driving the speed limit in the early AM several years ago.
Some of the LE who responded to the accident noticed he had a peculiar pin on the reverse fold of his cap or jacket, can’t recall exactly which. I was involved on the periphery of the asking around, understand that at no time was he every suspected of being a phony anything.
But if a former SF Soldier who was 100% balls deep on the clandestine side of things could be looked up at the Army SF Schoolhouse, there is no conceivable reason the same would not hold true for Gresham.
Guys get sheep-dipped, recreated, etc. when going to/near the spooky side of things. That does not involve or include erasing where they came from at the base records level. There would be/is no point to it. Were a cover/assignment or full-blown alternate ID and life history ever blown to the point that the opposition was scouring SFAS records, the intelligence officer in question would be long dead, peeled like an onion, etc.
Posers believe they can create their own make believe cover for their make believe missions.
This other guy Mike Mika who made that website for him and defends him…how does he NOT see that he is a fake? That letter is pretty damning in every way possible. Letter on GoV is also little unprofessional. Dude sent letter to agents he claim are friends with senators. Not the way to do things.
Call Jeffery Stacey at VISN 19 Regional Counsel’s Office and ask him if he is looking to take Burch’s slot.
I would love to hear your feedback.
Public number by the way…..
Attention on the lot…ATTENTION ON THE LOT PLEASE. Will all sales personnel please take a moment of your time and introduce yourself to our newest Top Gun Professional Liar joining our crew? This lying mthrfcker is a Liar’s Liar in every sense of the word! So much so that if you don’t watch yourself, this sumbitch will have YOU driving a junk piece of shit with four flat tires before you know it! Imagine that, a fckn liar like each one of you no-good cocksuckers making payments on the same kind of worthless piece of shit you push every day to the “You Can Make Your Payments HERE” crowd. Now keep this in mind you low life bastards…YOU have been warned. This ain’t Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer joining the team. This is Con Man Hans, Selling Eskimos Ice Warm Fans. BTW, tomorrow we are changing our company name to “Charity Car Sales”.
Here’s an update.
This dude is still a ball-working turd.