Yet Another Update About That “Private” Email . . . .
Well, this should be no surprise. Remember the other day that I mentioned the release of 725 pages of email from Clintoon confidante Huma Abedin?
Well, they were indeed released. Sorta
I say “sorta” because it appears that roughly 250 pages “released” – or over 1/3 of the total – were heavily redacted. Heavily redacted, as in “100%”.
Why, you ask? Good question.
But maybe we can discern a few possibilities by looking at the 7 July exchange between the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Mr. Charles McCollough, IG for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, concerning some of the Clintoon “private email” that the ODNI IG had been asked to review prior to its release to Congress. Here’s a quote from that exchange, with a bit of emphasis added.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, generated the response by asking McCullough if he could provide the committee, in a secure format, the classified emails transmitted over Clinton’s private email server.
“I cannot provide a certain segment of them because the agency that owns the information for those emails has limited the distribution on those,” McCullough explained. “They are characterizing them as OrCon, ‘originator control,’ so I can’t give them to even Congress without getting the agency’s permission to provide them.”
“Which agency?” Chaffetz interjected.
“I can’t say that in an open hearing sir,” McCullough replied.
. . . .
“This is the segment of emails that I had to have people in my office read-in to particular programs to even see these emails,” McCullough responded. “We didn’t posses the required clearances.”
Hmm. Remember: McCullough and his office are the freaking IG for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Those individuals are routinely cleared for TS-compartmented access. Yet at first they didn’t have the requisite clearances to view the material.
Remember, this is material that was formerly stored on Clintoon’s unsecured “private” email server. That system was NOT authorized to store anything classified – or anything that was even Sensitive But Unclassified. It wasn’t supposed to be storing official government information at all. But it was.
Nevertheless, two days prior to that exchange between McCullough and Chaffetz, FBI Director James Comey publicly declared that charges were “not appropriate”. And even in light of the above later relevation by the IG for ODNI, the FBI has declined to prosecute anyone for anything related to this matter since that announcement.
Wonderful. Just freaking wonderful.
Sheesh. IMO this photo sums up the Administration’s (and Clintoon’s) obviously and transparently absurd “party line” “official position” concerning this whole convoluted mess perfectly.
But you wanna hear the really sad part? I’m not sure she’s any less intelligent or competent than the current Occupant, 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC.
Oh, and in other news: Clintoon apparently has a new supporter. The California Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, Will Quigg, has endorsed her. Further, he’s also publicly announced that Klan members have donated over $20,000 to her campaign this year.
I’m guessing those donations haven’t been returned, either – and I’m guessing there’s a good chance they won’t be. After all, money is money. And the Clintoon Foundation certainly isn’t choosy regarding those from which it accepts cash.
Category: Crime, Foreign Policy, Government Incompetence, Legal, Who knows
I can tell you from personal experience that ORCON is most likely cucks in asses.
Nausea is a mild word for how I feel right now.
And das Hildebeast is getting her first National Security Brief today.
Simply amazing.
“Hillary Clinton has arrived at an FBI facility in White Plains, New York, for her first national security briefing as the Democratic presidential nominee.”
I wonder, what kind of security clearance did the associate editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs AKA Huma, have? That’s just me, I kind of wondered what kind of security clearances her lawyers had when they were given custody of her server.
And, how much of what Huma saw ended up on the desks of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority and various governments in the Middle East?
I well know what kind of security clearance I would have if I were to so egregiously mishandle classified materials.
As in none, zippo, nada. And that would just be the first step in a long and painful process.
Huma has a Top Secret-Presidential clearance.
Issued by the Muslim Brotherhood…
Google Clinton and BleachBit.
KKK and Klinton.
That’s some funny shit there. Wonder if the news networks will bother to say anything? ??
I’ll take, “Fuck No!” for $1000, Alex.
Giving her a brief shits on everyone that has not violated their clearance.
Doc, we’ve known this shit for over 20 years now.
To take from the liberal bumper sticker, if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.
And yet 48+ percent of the voters won’t care, so long as they get their “free” shit.
SEA: Which is why, regrettably, she has a solid chance to be elected in November. She is a lowlife traitor whose only commitment is to herself and her whore buddies. So we have 40%+ who are hooked to the government tit. I’m talking about those who never have/probably never will and who get paid for staying home, and whose contribution to America is to produce carbon dioxide. We have damn near 100% of the MSM whores who refuse to report anything of a negative nature about her, meaning if a person doesn’t visit certain websites or blogs, they have no idea what is happening. The fact that they DON’T know what is happening is ARO their mostly not wanting to know what is happening. The information is available with a little work, but too many have no desire to commit to the work to learn what is really happening in the country. They have the most recent smart phone and the malls are open, so, for many, life is good. Country in peril? Not my problem. I think it’s pretty much a slam dunk for wideload and the continued destruction of this country, unless Trump pulls the election from his butt. That may be difficult for Trump b/c his butt is where he stores his boot. He does not seem to realize that the MSM whores will blow anything he says out of proportion, so he pretty much has to be perfect in all he says and does. I’m simply laying out what I feel are obvious truths, your experience may vary. Trump’s battle is straight uphill, with the path lined with razor wire.
Some people have the sole purpose in life, of turning good food into shit.
And, apparently, voting democrat.
I can’t imagine listening to her as the POTUS on the news for at least 4 years….America’s suicide rate will escalate, listening & watching her phony persona more than we have to now
The military has a problem retaining airman, sailors, soldiers and Marines currently, with her it will get worse….I know some young men who are friends with my daughters who went in before the removal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” when they got out of HS, like most of us did in our time, they came back from their initial training all gung ho and ready to conquer all enemies,
But after the social engineering foisted on the military by Obama and the liberal idiots who never served anyone but themselves made the policy changes concerning the acceptance of the LGBT and the unsound rules of engagement that get people injured or killed for no good reason….to make a long story short, every time these young guys came home on leave 1 of the stops they always do/did was to stop by and chat with me, none of their dads served and I am the only that did and they would talk , like all us vets relate to each other no matter what branch we served in.
Anyway their change in attitude toward the military had changed dramatically and most of them can’t wait to get out or have already discharged, they say it just sucks the changes that have happened, the lack of spares, old equipment that doesn’t work as advertised, more admin type people than combat or maintenance folks, and constant “how to behave” toward oddities of nature classes. I some what understand their plight having served under Nixon, Ford and of course Carter and it sounds like the Carter years on steroids with hormone replacement therapy thrown in for good measure…Hillary will only continue the malaise or even make it worse
I am still blown away that she was not charged with anything at all.
And I am disappointed the investigation was so intentionally limited in scope that it ignored the 30,000 personnel emails and anything about corruption.
It should have led to a broader Clinton Foundation investigation for corruption.
Just take one look at the amount of people associated with the Clintons that have turned up dead just this year, not only are they filthy, they’re Sociopaths as well.
Yeah, I have been counting.
Normally these body counts are dismissed as coincidence because of the sheer number of people associated with he Clintons. But the number dying in the last year specifically connected with election rigging and ongoing investigations into corruption connected with he Clintons makes it very difficult to dismiss as mere coincidence.
There was certainly some backroom dealing taking place. Comey was promised much, possibly an Ambassadorship, possibly other reward. It’s a shame, and I honestly mean the type of shame that should make an honorable citizen tear up, to see what has/is happening in this country. And, more importantly, what will continue to happen when/if wideload is elected. The American populace take their cue from this foolishness. It doesn’t translate, I don’t believe, into Americans believing they, too, can escape punishment for similar behavior, but it is more along the lines of, and pardon me, but along the lines of thinking ‘…why the fuck should I care? Why should I attempt to live an honorable life? Who cares?’ It’s more an attitude which permeates our moral structure, making us, I believe, pretty much not give a shit, believing if ‘everyone’ else is getting by with such behavior, why should I try to live a noble life? It eats at the very fiber of what once was an American icon, that being the symbol of our honor and propriety. Those values are eroding and the erosion is not so much from the bottom up, but from the top. It’s a mentality of anything goes. Hard to explain. I can’t explain it well, but I know it when I see it.
Just fukking imagine if any of us were told to turn over our hard drives and we just went ahead and not only deleted files, but allowed people with no authorization to do it for us and then stated that we did so. It’s ludicrous.
Lars damn near sounds reasonable in this thread, doesn’t he? Well, don’t be fooled. He is not a fan of Wide Load for reasons that have nothing to do with why the rest of us despise her. Bernie was Lars’ guy and he is deeply disappointed that the old commie bastard for whom Lars volunteered is out.
I was against Clinton before Bernie ever announced.
I was against her for reason ways beyond Bernie.
She represents almost everything wrong with American politics and governance to me.
And Bernie is not a communist.
Let me put it to you this way. I get that mindless kids who have never operated in the real world latched onto Bernie and that the nation’s freeloaders did too. But when a 45 or so year old works for Bernie and continually insists on using his polly sci purist definition of a communist, well, that’s just pathetic. You are free to support whichever commie you like and I am free to tell you to get fucked.
It is not “poly sci purist” definitions.
Communism and socialism ARE NOT THE SAME THING.
Just like capitalism and mercantilism are not the same.
They are LITERALLY different things.
And why the hell do you have such a pathological compulsion with engaging with me. Seriously, if you are that obsessed, Google my name, download a pic, make a poster, and put it on you ceiling.
But do both of us a favor and just stop calling me out and trying to engage with me on this forum.
“But do both of us a favor and just stop calling me out and trying to engage with me on this forum.” Hell no. I made you an offer. You rejected it. Here I am and there is a way for you to stop asking the same asinine questions. Go away. It’s easy. Jusrt go away.
I am not leaving. And your offer was idiotic.
I promise that as long as you stop calling me out by name in your posts and stop responding to my posts (that have nothing to do with you), I will ignore your existence on the board.
That is a reasonable solution.
I gave your offer all of the consideration it deserved. And a half second later I arrived at my answer: GFY Commissar.
Goddamn awesome!
So, Bernie is -finally- the guy smart enough to make Socialism work? Right. he couldn’t make a carpentry business work in an era of ongoing shortages of skilled trades people.
Riiiiiight! Bernie is the one!
-He- won’t produce another Venezuela or Cuba! Be cause he is a “democrat socialist” or some other “tweak” of the Socialist thing, right?
Sure thing.
There was a perfectly good Messiah about 2000 years ago. If you can’t bring yourself to have faith in -that- one, why trust this clown from Vermont, who hasn’t produced a single alleged miracle in his much longer life?
Note: “Mysteriously” obtaining money in politics is not the same thing as “loaves and fishes”.
Nicely done, Postman!
I want to be clear about this; I absolutely despise corrupt politicians of any party or any ideology with the same hatred I hold for some of America’s worst enemies.
They are the enemies within. Literally traitors to the American people.
Clinton is among the nation’s most corrupted of the corrupt.
I despise her more than I can possibly articulate.
And by the way; I supported Bush Sr. in 1992. I was a liberal but Bill Clinton reminded my of a slimy used car salesman and I suspected he was corrupt at the time.
Though I did not like Clinton I did like Hillary for a while. I guess I was sexist and assumed she was merely in a bad marriage with a corrupt shitbag. I denied her agency by assuming she was not as bad as he was.
I was wrong. She is even WORSE than him.
What really frustrates me is that I think she is smart and competent and capable and COULD be a good president if she was not a reprehensible shitbag of a traitor.
But she is a corrupt sociopathic pathologically lying authoritarian. I do not think anything that happened with her emails was due to incompetence. It was intentional to hide her corrupt communications.
She is also not a liberal or a progressive. She is merely a high functioning sociopath and political opportunist manipulating the support of the left for political power.
So, the answer to corrupt politicians is to install someone who never held a real job on a steady basis, who was a self-described radical, a professed socialist, an admirer of certain communists, one who applauded tyrants b/c he approved of their socialist agenda, and thinks that more government control is always a good answer?
He is an honest, intelligent, man who worked tirelessly for what he truly believed was in the best interests of the American people.
Yeah, that was enough for me.
And as for his “professional” experience he was a Mayor for 8 years, a congressman for 16, and a Senator for 9 years.
That is far more experience than most presidents have had.
He also held several jobs after college such as teacher and carpenter.
He also does not think “more government control is always the good answer”. That is you idiotic low information understanding of politics being projected onto him.
Unlike most conservatives you support he has consistently opposed expansion of the security state and state power over citizen’s personal freedom.
In fact he mostly is against government power as it is being used today. He thinks the role of the government is to invest in the infrastructure, economic capacity, skills and education of the nation.
So yeah, he is a “radical” in that he wants the government to respect the constitution and go back into investing in the economic strength, capacity, and opportunity of the nation and the American people (like it USED TO DO) rather than shifting wealth and influence to the private hands of a tiny fraction of the INTERNATIONAL (not just American) population like our current regime does.
But you can’t get past idiotic low information labels like “Communist”.
Here’s Bernie’s resume. He was a mere lad of 40 or 41 at the time. And just look at what HE HIMSELF announced as his accomplishments.
You f’n commies are all alike. That’s your boy’s resume. He was a professional bum who finally scored with elective office. Never a steady job. On the public dole, taking, taking, taking and never giving. And all the while shouting about the evils of capitalism. That’s your boy. Don’t sugar coat it with your bullshit. He’s a Free Cheese guy and so are you.
You are so full of shit.
I bet you have collected a VA disability nearly your entire post service life and your service was BRIEF.
And you talk shit about a guy who worked in public service most of his life.
Unlike other politicians he does not use his office for personal wealth accumulation. He serves honorably and in the interests of the American people.
That is EXACTLY what we should want and support in our politicians.
Because he did not spend time trying to get rich you somehow think he is unworthy of office.
You commies are a hoot. You really do believe your own lies–and each other’s. Look, you are too old now. Your best years are behind you and you wasted them whining. So did Bernie so I get that he’s your hero, that his wasted life gives imagined value to yours. Now, go get yourself a Happy Meal and remember to chew thoroughly.
“…service time was brief…”
Hahaha. Go MESNA! Some intel guy you are, Commissar. Dipshit.
Excuse me, does not use his office for personal gain? Are you really that dumb? He bought a house with an assessed value of $600,000! His wife is under investigation for improper use of funds from the college that employed her. What part of that is NOT personal gain?
Are you really that deep in denial? Those things are online. Go find them. I will NOT do your homework for you.
lol…I knew the house was going to get mentioned. Quite a tidy sum for common man’s man.
My house on 22acres didn’t cost anywhere near that.
Don’t forget, Ex. Bernout’s D.C. house is assessed at $725K.
Don’t begrudge Bernout his money, he was lucky to escape the primary season with his life.
Yeah, when I build my dream home, it will not come even within a country mile of that sum.
He held several jobs irrelevant to the position (teacher, state employee, carpenter) so he tied them up into one line covering several years. Then listed his job as a Mayor and a Historical Society director.
Seems like he accomplished a decent amount by 40.
What the fuck had you done by 40?
It still seems like your greatest accomplishment is that you served in 2/17 Cav 40 years ago.
When I run for president I will answer your personal questions. Bernie balled up his bullshit temporary jobs b/c they were irrelevant to the position of he sought? That’s a scream. Is that the best you can do? And what are the jobs that you would deem relevant to seeking elective office?
Ooooh! Quiz time?? I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me! Let’s see: by 40, I had an online photo gallery, I had completed a series of paintings in the manner of Rembrandt Peale (and sold them), I had complied enough notes and storyline summaries for at least 30 SF/F novels, including three sets of series currently in progress, and completed 29 post BA hours in Fine Art. In addition, as a freelance preproduction graphic artist, I had built a good list of companies that called me regularly for 2 to 10-day prepress jobs. Then I was offered a very good job as a broker at a major corporate insurance company, completed and passed my agents and brokers licensing test first try, and complete 5 of the required CPCU courses to keep my brokers license in force.
I had also, by the age of 29, trained a long list of horses for hunt seat and open jumping competition, competed successfully as a semipro, and taught 35 kids to ride safely and comfortably. And that is ONLY in addition to my brief but productive NAVY career, making E-5 2.5 years AFTER I left boot camp.
Any other stupid questions, dicksnot?
I was not talking to you and your list of accomplishments, though great, is about what you would expect of someone in your field.
You chose a challenging field and succeeded sufficiently well to make a living. The challenge in your field however is that there is a very low barrier to entry and thus too much competition.
Also, an online photo gallery is an accomplishment to you?
I would say a list of clients is an accomplishment but that is literally what every person in your field is expected to do.
Not every politician makes it to the US senate. Less than a tiny fraction of 1% do.
I also consider US senator to be more impressive than photographer.
Harder to achieve, particularly for a non-party affiliated outsider that is not backed by Wall Street/finance regime.
Now if he was some privileged rich kid whose daddy was a senator/CIA director/CEO etc I would think Bernie has accomplished little through his own merit.
But he made it to the senate the HARD WAY; by actually representing the interests of the public instead of the private interests of the plutocracy financiers.
Bernie Sanders got elected the way every other candidate from the Left gets elected, Lostcause: he promised the ignorant masses (and many middle-class voters who are well-educated enough to know better, like yourself) free sh!t funded by OPM (other people’s money). And he continued in office because Vermont’s voters were collectively too enamored with the free handouts to decide to send someone else to DC in his place – and he was smart enough not to push too hard for anything too far “out there”.
Well, well, well. As usual, Lars the Mushroomsniffer has amply demonstrated a lack of comprehensive reading skills. What part of ‘I had built a good list of companies that called me regularly for 2 to 10-day prepress jobs’ do you not understand? Has it occurred to you, in even the most dormant recesses of your tiny lump of cranial tissue, that ‘prepress production’ includes photography, dipstick? Or that an online gallery gave prospective clients an opportunity to LOOK AT MY FINISHED WORK????
Your lack of comprehension about the private sector and its demands of people is vast. I suggest you try getting together with a shrink at the VA and discuss your Munchausen manifestations as well as your lack of job prospects.
Going on a limb here, Lostcause, but I ‘believe’ what PH2 is doing in her compilation of some of her accomplishments is demonstrating that she was a great success in her pursuit of self actualization. She sought to be highly successful in a variety of endeavors and did so. Therefore, she has achieved, for herself, SELF actualization. I’m thinking most/many U.S. Senators have also achieved what, for them, is self actualization. Meaning? On a level of desired personal achievement, both PH2 and most Senators are on par, in that they have achieved great personal success that is to THEIR satisfaction. Hope I got that right, PH2. (I dropped the Ex. Remember, I reinstated you to active duty.) Re barriers to entry, it’s of no concern when considering SELF actualization. What another thinks is of little importance is, in itself, of no consequence concerning self actualization. Besides, while there are only 100 U.S. Senators, it’s important to remember than not everyone can be a slimy, lying flaming asshole turd. I got into a heated discussion with a freaking PC psychology professor in the 70s, who said, in effect, that nobody who was not a highly paid professional (lawyer, physician, professor, etc.) could possibly have achieved self actualization and, therefore, they were a failure in life. I asked him what the ‘self’ in self actualization meant? He didn’t answer the question. Now for the best part of the story. Oh, I love this story. He asked me to see him after class. I did and he asked that I not return. I asked if he was banning me from his class. He said he was. Now, this was a time when I was a dick. I mean a real dick. No, not that dick. Much worse. I told him I’d think about it while simultaneously planning my revenge. I returned two nights later and he pulled me aside before class. He asked why I was there and I said to take the class. He said I could not sit for his class. I told him I had discussed the matter with my… Read more »
Yes, I do appreciate the creds for lifetime experience on the job, Chief.
I thought the ‘barriers to entry’ thing was a peculiar shot of pure ignorance from the Poodle Dik, when you consider that in the 1970s, getting any kind of work like what I did was difficult if you were a woman. Not impossible, just difficult. No matter, I did the work and billed the clients, anyway, and made a decent living. In fact, I was hired for the job I retired from when I went to a job fair in the Loop to see if I could drum up some corporate client business, and was called to come in for an interview. It paid well, the hours were great, as were the benefits, and I was happy. What more can you ask for?
But this kind of thing is something that the whiny Poodledix does not understand. Since he has no clear direction to follow, he’s lost.
I came on AD in 1968. At that time, women, Hispanics, people of color and others were relegated to a few ratings. Seemed that all MS (cooks) were Filipinos or worked directly for officers. Women, of whom there were few IIRC, were Corpsmen and almost entirely worked in support of female patients. People of color? Relegated to ratings that were manual labor intensive. Now, that was MY experience, and from someone who mostly worked during the late 60s in a Navy Hospital. In the early 70s I was a Grunt Corpsman, where there were NO women. I swear this is true: For the first few years, I thought that was just the way it was, that certain groups were precluded from some ratings. I don’t think I saw more than a handful of black Corpsmen during my first few years. Things have changed for the better. Just an old man recounting 50 y/o events. Glad to see the vast improvement. (I always wondered what white males could do as Corpsmen that women and people of color could not perform equally well. I thought that was the norm and I didn’t question it. I didn’t know better and, really, who is going to listen to an E2-E4?) Oh, something else. There were some patients who refused to be cared for by Corpsmen of color. At the time, their requests were honored. Make that request today, and some grungy old charge nurse or Chief will tell the patient to just lie there and quietly die.
Most of the exclusions were combat-related. No shipboard duty, for instance, but women could still be AGs (aerographers) or ACs (air traffic control), LI, DM, PH, JO, YN, PN, etc.
As far as I know the only bar in 1967 was whether or not the rate was combat or shipboard exclusively. If so, it was not open to women. Nurses, on the other hand, whether Air Force, Army or Navy, were sent to combat zones during the Vietnam War, as were Red Cross volunteers (Donut Dollies).
Correction. Bernie was older than 40 or 41 at the time he penned that pitiful resume.
It was not pitiful. It was humble and brief. But he had accomplished a lot by 40.
Being a Mayor is an admirable accomplishment, especially since he did it HONESTLY and without selling out the interest of the public for political benefit.
Hey, just send 22.99 to “Bernie’s Soiled Drawers” and you will receive a worn pair, guaranteed to have a Bernie skid mark. Please specify boxers or briefs. (Boxers $4.99 additional.) Shipping and handling extra.)
Right. So, when did he refuse to accept a Senate salary or donate 75% of it to the poor of the state of his choice? When did he move from pearly white VT to an inner city and live his nightmare of American life? Failing those things, when did he buy a new house?
“But he had accomplished a lot by 40.” Compared to you, probably, but otherwise he was a lout, a bum, a confused worker-shirt wearing former Polly Sci major.
WHICH college went belly-up after Bernie’s wife took over it? She wasn’t even there for long.
Lost: You nailed the Clinton Klan to a T. I agree wideload is much more an example of smegma than is Billy Bob. Wideload is an opportunist who will go in whatever direction the wind takes her and that most benefits her. Wideload is totally about wideload, and I think she would throw anyone under the bus, and I mean anyone, if was to her advantage. She is truly an evil, evil, slimy PoS. And those are her positive traits.
Thanks for seeing past my political ideology and finding common ground on justified disdain for a true scumbag in American politics.
Not just that, she’s a Sociopath as well, just look at the number of people who have dealt with her that turned up “accidentally” dead. She’ll throw anyone under the bus, she even did so with her own daughter! I wonder how much makeup they have to apply to Hillary every day to conceal the “666” on her forehead?
I wouldn’t want her to ‘unfriend’ me on Facebook (From which, BTW, I have been banned now for about 3 weeks).
ALL of the institutions that are supposed to serve the American people (congress, press, Supreme Court, IRS, military, local law enforcement in some cases where Trump supporters are peaceably assembling). Everything is just the ruling class of both parties taking care of its own. It is up to the American voter to put the Clinton crime family out to pasture.
You are talking about an electorate that returned BJ and Baracka to office and which continually rates Congress poorly but returns their critters again and again and again and doesn’t know the first thing about the Supreme Court or the Constitution. Sure there’s hope, but only after the bloody revolution that I hope will come one day.
Well, I can take the opposing view on that, bearing in mind that the entire clintoon clan is completely amoral and bloated as hell with greed, and say that if shrillary should be elected to office, the ‘house of cards’ factor is already reaching its crumble point.
Anything bad that happens on her watch, including spillovers from the 8 year term administration of the Fool on the Hill, will be blamed on her. She will never live it down, any more than Richard Nixon ever had a chance to live down his role in Watergate or get credit for any of the positive things that he did.
‘Remember, only Nixon can go to China.’ — Spock
You are mostly correct about this.
However, her actions will also be blamed on the left despite the fact that she is not really a progressive but a neocon neoliberal centrist authoritarian kleptocratic plutarch.
Her legacy will create a right wing backlash against American liberalism despite the fact that she will further entrench the finance feudalist regime which is exactly the opposite of what progressives want to see happen.
Which pisses me off.
Ah! ‘Her legacy will create a right wing backlash against American liberalism….’
Well, what goes around, comes around. The democraps did it to Nixon, which he thoroughly deserved and was unable to live down. He was unwelcome just about everywhere he went after he left office.
The karmic return is going to rebound on the democraps, should she get elected. One can only hope.
Yep. Even I advised him at one point to back up and regroup, to drop the silly Nazi/fascist accusations, to return under a different tag with a new approach. He changed his tag from Commissar to a self description (Lost cause) for reasons other than a fresh start and he’s in the sewer once again.
You are obsessed.
No, fuckwad, I won’t let you get away with your bullshit. You don’t like that and I like that you don’t like that.
Rationalize it however you like.
You seek me out and engage with me. And call me out by name when you feel I am not paying attention to you.
That is obsession.
Do you have any original thoughts?
Geez, AirCav, could you post a spew alert occasionally?
Oh, never mind! It was worth it!
Cleared the stale air out of my lungs, laughing.
I have to close this session. I’m heading out. I only hope that Lars had as good a time as I.
Missed this last night, or I might have had fun here too.
Lostcause just can’t admit 2 things. The first is that Socialism is merely a waystation on the journey between freedom and authoritarian Communism. Both are based on the principle that government should “take care of the people” – and should therefore have all power and authority over individuals to compel actions necessary to achieve that goal. Both are thus antithetical to the concept of limited government and personal freedom, viewing these concepts as “antiquated ideas” and “roadblocks”.
That’s in theory. In effect, Socialism is essentially nothing more than “communism Lite” – an attempt to be just “a little bit pregnant”, so to speak. Anyone with half a brain can analyze history and see that.
The second point Lostcause can’t bear to accept is the fact that his boi Bernie the Commie (and yes, Lostcause, he is; he just won’t say that outright for political reasons) is just as much a corrupt political insider with zero relevant real-world experience as the female Clintoon. His multiple houses, net personal wealth, and spouse’s financial dealings prove that (anyone thinking his position as US Senator didn’t factor into his wife’s past employment opportunities is a damn fool). Clintoon’s simply better at reaping the financial rewards of being a corrupt sh!tbag insider than he is, and is better able to hide her collectivist agenda than Bernie-boi.
^^^^^ This ^^^^^
I am not a socialist any more than I am a capitalist.
I support a mixed market. I think socialist ideas are better to handle some things in an economy and capitalism is generally better overall to handle most things.
And you characterization of socialism is too simplistic for it to be taken seriously as evidence that I can’t “admit” something about it.
Walk? Check!
Looks? Check!
Quacks? Check!
It’s a duck.
Hey Lostcause, if you’re still into Bernie, why not get with your group and spread the idea of a write-in vote campaign for him? I’m not shitting around, get a grassroots “To Hell with Hillary, Write-In Bernie” going!
Write in can’t win. It is not even possible in some states to write a candidate in and have the vote count at all.
Which I suspect is why you are suggesting we do it.
I think a Trump presidency will be better for the left than a Clinton presidency because his idiotic alt-right rhetoric will discredit a huge part of American conservative politics and create a left shift backlash in American politics.
That being said I do not live in a contested state so my vote is irrelevant and will simply vote Jill Stein to contribute to the message that the DNC is losing support, is a party in decline, and a new reform party is needed.
You say it can’t win but IT WILL send a message to that party and all that took part in rigging the nomination for her. He was a grassroots candidate from the political left, why not organize and send a message that way, the number of people doing that would send a HUGE middle finger right into the faces of the political elite.
[…] This ain’t Hell… notes another “private” email update […]
Oooh! Look at what I found on the internet! ABedon’s mommy wrote an antifeminist book advocating sharia law on women. And her kid is right there, in shrillary’s pockets! Ain’t that something else??
Don’t say you weren’t warned!
Jill Stein is Lars’ candiadate. The following is from the commie’s plan:
Create democratically run public banks and utilities;
Cut military spending by at least 50%;
Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote;
Close Guantanamo;
Abolish student debt…Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End…public school privatization
Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities
Protect LGBTQIA+ [WTF is that?] people from
Legalize marijuana/hemp
Lead on a global treaty to halt climate change.
Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage.
No, Lars is really not what he appears to be. He is either a commie or the most confused girl on the planet.
What difference does it make what her plan is? She can’t win. I am voting for her to contribute to the signal the the DNC is a dying party and a reform party is needed. And many of her ideas I do support. And you have literally ZERO understanding of economics. Calling me a communist is about as accurate as calling me a girl. I am neither. Neither by choice or by empirical fact. However, here are the things on that list I do support: Create democratically run public banks and utilities; YES! Nationalize some aspect of bankings and hold the remaining aspects both CRIMINALLY and MARKET accountable to wrongdoing. If they FAIL they FUCKING FAIL.They do not get bailed out. I they commit crimes their executive GO TO JAIL. If they commit TREASON they their executives responsible go to JAIL. Hell I would love to see some executed at this point. The finance regime is a rogue international criminal enterprise that has literally destroyed our democracy. Cut military spending by at least 50%; More like 25-30%. Stop funding pork barrel bullshit and ineffective weapons platforms. Invest in troops and technologies that are best suited for the kind of warfare of the future. Which is and will continue to be asymmetric. Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote; YES! That fact that you think it is wrong to be against this shows what a authoritarian shitbag you are. And I support a constitutional right to privacy. Also a constitutional amendment to force money out of politics. Close Guantanamo; Yes. Overdue. That does not mean release everyone. But move them into a justice system. The precedent of Guantanamo and the government’s fight to sustain it has led to legal arguments and precedents that hurt the rights of US citizens as well. Abolish student debt…Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End…public school privatization. Yes; investing in the education of our population is an economic and national security imperative. We have a workforce with a sizable percentage of laborers that have almost no market value in the… Read more »
“I am not a socialist” says Lars, who then proclaims his support for the socialist agenda and socialist candidates. Can he be that self delusional?
Hey fuckwad, I am half tempted to tell you where and what I studied in grad school before I took a different career path, but I like to keep such things private. BTW, calling yourself Commissar for months on end here and then demanding that we respect your new screen name is laughable.
Constitutional right to vote, huh? Well, gee whillikers, I do wish some of these incredibly dimwitted political nitwits would bother to READ THE DAMNED CONSTITUTION BEFORE THEY RUN THEIR MOUTHS!!!!
The 14th Amendment gave citizenship to freed slaves. Citizens can vote, right?
The 19th Amendment finally gave women the right to vote.
Here’s the text of that amendment, which was passed and ratified in 1919.
Sixty-sixth Congress of the United States of America; At the First Session,
Begun and held at the City of Washington on Monday, the nineteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution extending the right of suffrage to women.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislature of three-fourths of the several States.
“ARTICLE (19).
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”
It’s also enforced by the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
If Jill Stein is so ignorant of the law and the US Constitution that she thinks there is nothing on the books about the right to vote, she needs to go sit in the corner and shut up.
Anyone who would vote for her is a compleat moron. Anyone who votes for that jackass in whose pockets she’s sitting is even MORE of a BRAINDEAD MORON.
Well, that was fun!
Oh, yeah! I WIN! I WIN! I WIN!!!
Hmm, government take over of public schools, wage setting and control of the banking system sure sounds like planks of communist ideals to me.
You’re damn right it is.
Government takeover of public schools: they can try and they would fail, because of one small thing: public schools are reserved to the states and state legislatures. Why? Because they are supported/paid for by state taxes, teachers’ salaries come from state taxes, and teachers’ pensions come from state taxes. It violates the 10th amendment of the US Constitution, plain and simple. The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.[1] It expresses the principle of federalism, which strictly supports the entire plan of the original Constitution for the United States of America, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people. The amendment was proposed by Congress in 1789 during its first term following the Constitutional Convention and ratification of the Constitution. It was considered by many members as a prerequisite of such ratification[2] particularly to satisfy demands by the Anti-Federalism movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government. In drafting this amendment, its framers had two purposes in mind: first, as a necessary rule of construction; and second, as a reaffirmation of the nature of the federal system of freedom. – Source: Wiki Here is the text. Amendment 10: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. It is similar to an earlier provision of the Articles of Confederation: “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.” James Madison felt it was necessary to add the 10th Amendment. It declines to signal that there are unenumerated powers in addition to unenumerated rights. The amendment rendered unambiguous what had previously been at most a mere suggestion or implication. The existing states at that time were eager to ratify this amendment. Does… Read more »
Abolish student debt. So whose paying for it? The little cherubs that graduate with their liberal arts degrees will never contribute enough in taxes to cover this.
Banks and utilities run by the government. How’s that working in Venezuela right now?
LGBTAQRSTUZ rights. Who or what you fuck shouldn’t fall into the same classification as race or physical sex. I like drinking pepsi. Should I get my own constitutional right to have pepsi delivered to my doorstep for life? Why not? Isn’t that discrimination based on my personal preference?
Close Gitmo. Put them in a prison right down the street. BMW why are treating EPWs like regular criminals? During most other wars the prisoners were held until after the end of hostilities – and not in a jail or prison but a separate facility such as Gitmo.
Well, it’s like this. You go to work to support yourself or your family. Other people don’t, so you get to take home less money than the gov’t already rips from your pay so that you can support them too. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. It’s the commie way. It’s the road we are on and it must be stopped.
Where’s the damn like button when you need it…
We are less socialist now than we have been in 80 years.
You are an idiot. And have no clue what kind of economy we have.
You just regurgitate propaganda like a sheep minded twit.
We are one of the most “capitalist” countries of all industrial societies.
And it is failing miserably. We are less free and less economically stable than we have been in you entire life.
The market has been distorted to favor the few over the many because plutocrats sold idiots like you the notion that what thy are doing is best. But they twisted capitalism into finance feudalism and you are blaming socialists which had literally zero to do with it.
If Socialism is such a great system, then why is Venezuela such an impoverished shithole right now? If it really worked like you claim it does, that country would be a Utopia which would make Mayberry look like Detroit in comparison.
The United States economic system is characterized as state capitalism, or mixed economy. While pure laizzez-faire capitalism is ideal, our government is too big for that ever to happen, again.
“Reality tells us that state capitalism would be a step forward. If in a small space of time we could achieve state capitalism, that would be a victory.” (Lenin 1918)
It appears we have been heading down the wrong road for quite some time….
Plutocrats, huh?
Well, Taylor, you just proved what an ignorant slut you are with that single word.
For your information, you incredible moron, the very market that you say is twisted to favor the few over the many is the same market that allowed a few geniuses like Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs to develop the very fucking computers and software that you are using to voice your whining complaints. Without that, there would be no internet, no Wi-Fi, no tablets, no iPhones/Androids/whatevers – cell phones, period, no online TV like Netflix or Amazon, no opportunities for independent authors to be published because they were facing the bog and morass of traditional publishing houses, which, by the way, are now in complete disarray SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OF INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING ACCESS WITH COMPANIES LIKE AMAZON, SMASHWORDS AND OTHERS.
Instead, traditional publishers are now running con games on unsuspecting souls who still think that’s the way to go, making them spend their life savings on the vague hope that they’ll get published, while THE INDIE PUBLISHERS DO NOT CHARGE A DAMNED CENT TO THEIR AUTHORS.
Taylor, you are such an incredibly ignorant moron, it’s amazing to even consider that you can tie your own shoes without written directions.
And just in case you think I don’t know what I’m talking about, if MCI had not sued AT&T under the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1974 and won in 1980 (and I did an entire A-V series for that trial), there would literally be NO CELL PHONE COMMUNICATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER by 1990.
Plutocrats distorting the market so that no one else has access to it? That is the biggest load of unmitigated ignorance coming out of that malfunctioning, dormant organ you have for a brain, TO DATE.
You really cannot do a whole lot more to let everyone know what an ignorant, uninformed ass you are. But you can try. Just keep it up. Everything you plunk down here stays FOREVER!!!!
Ex-PH2, let’s not forget the many Rags to Riches stories from Capitalism. People like Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler, Dale Carnegie whose philanthropism lives on today and many more. Under Socialism one cannot do anything without bureaucratic permission unless they’re part of the party hierarchy. Under Socialism one’s inventions and discoveries are automatically property of the Government, so where is any incentive to develop anything there other than maybe having your name put on it and Government gives you a pittance afterward if you’re lucky. The richest person in Venezuela today is none other than Hugo Chavez’s daughter, coincidence?
J.K. Rowling is the epitome of rags to riches, even though she is a Brit. The reason is that Scholastic Publishing, and AMERICAN company, bought the publishing rights to her first Harry Potter book, and marketed the book to AMERICAN bookstores and AMERICAN companies like Amazon, as well.
You don’t know what you are talking about.
The rags to riches stories are all the result of SOCIALIST investment.
Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.
The internet, computers, cell phones, and the satellite systems to connect it all would NEVER have existed in a purely free market. Corporate investment timelines are too short for the kind of high cost 25 year uncertain outcome research investments that created computers, satellites, cell phones, and the internet.
Only GOVERNMENTS invest in long term uncertain 25 year horizons like that. Corporation have 2-7 year horizons at best,
So all your “rags to riches” stories are the result of people capitalizing on government research funding and technological development due to SOCIALIST PUBLIC GOOD PRIORITIES.
And, by the way, I am not a true socialist because I think the government (and thus the public) you own the royalty rights to ALL technologies developed through public research spending.
In my economic ideology Apple, Microsoft, and any company using public funding research technology would be paying ROYALTIES to the public as a for of government revenue.
Also the plutocracy/oligarchy is a actual empirical fact. Her is the most cited of hundreds of studies PROVING IT.
So you ignorant sheep minded denial that our country is not longer a representative democracy is irrelevant since it is based on idiotic mindless faith in propaganda and NOT the actual empirical data.
I’m right, you’re wrong.
I know the entire story FAR better than you do.
I’m right.
You’re W-R-O-N-G!!!!!!
Actually, no. Gates bought MS-DOS from Tim Paterson, who had written a port (or a copy, depending on who you ask) of CP/M for the Intel 8086 chip. It was first called QDOS then 86-DOS.
Microsoft first licensed the software, then later purchased it from Paterson outright. I don’t think MS did any real work on the code until MS-DOS 2.x, when they added support for hard drives, tree directories, and such.
But you are entirely correct in that neither MS-DOS nor CP/M were created by any government research. Gary Kildall developed CP/M as a way to use then-new 8″ floppy drives for storage instead of punched paper tape.
In an ironic inversion of Lars’ claims, Columbia University used a CP/M code base to create multiple versions of Kermit.
It’s a shame Kildall didn’t come to an agreement with IBM, since Digital Research consistently produced better operating systems than MS-DOS for a long time.
Lostcause, your screen name truly reflects who you are, grasshopper.
I work for a company with a 25 year plan.
I thought free market types did not do that sort of research?
Commissar has declared me to be an idiot. That settles that. I really don’t mind, Lars, not coming from you. If you thought that my educated opinions were on the mark and merited your concurrence, I would be aghast. So, thanks for the confirmation, you commie, free-cheese taking twit.
I rather like this observation so I’ll repeat it: “I am not a socialist” says Lars, who then proclaims his support for the socialist agenda and socialist candidates. Can he be that self delusional?
Why yes he can.
You want to know how I really feel? You are hypocrite piece of shit. You are a baby boomer. Your generation lived under a system far more socialist than we have today. Your generation TOOK MORE and gave back less than any generation in American history. You are NET TAKERS. You grew up in an era of widespread socialist priorities in our economy. Low cost education. Decent safety nets. Pensions. Good infrastructure and investment in public goods. You fucking moron. Taker. Hypocrite. Anchor baby. You took more and paid less in taxes as a generation than any in American history. You transferred TRILLIONS of the wealth of future generation into the hands and net worth of YOUR FUCKING WORTHLESS SHITBAG GENERATION. Then all you do is COMPLAIN about millennials and their desire for lower cost education. Low cost education YOUR GENERATION HAD BENEFITED FROM AND THEN CUT BECAUSE YOU DO NOT WANT TO PAY TAXES TO SUSTAIN IT AFTER YOU GOT YOURS! You live of a SOCIALIST PENSION PROGRAM. A SOCIALIST DISABILITY PROGRAM. And were educated by a SOCIALIST GI BILL and SOCIALIST INVESTMENT IN LOW COST or FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION. Taxes over your lifetime are lower for your generation than they were for you parents and will be for millennials and baby boomers. Because YOUR PARENTS GENERATION INVESTED IN YOUR GENERATION. Paying higher taxes to do so. Then your shitbag generation cut taxes for THEMSELVES and REFUSED to invest in future generations. While STEALING TRILLIONS OF THE of Future generation WEALTH DEBT SPENDING FOR SHORTSIGHTED DEFENSE CONSUMPTION FOR YOURSELVES AND YOUR CORPORATE EMPLOYERS and Shareholders. Now not only are millennials paying more for higher education that any generation anywhere at any time in the entire history of history of human civilization but they are saddled with the debt of your bloated retired NET TAKER generation. And you complain about single payer healthcare WHILE LIVING OF GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE SAFETY NETS IN RETIREMENT. You hypocrite shitbag piece of shit. You live your entire life benefiting as a fucking closet socialist. So don’t call me a socialist. Our generation has been fucked… Read more »
Actually the drop in tax rates started in 1964, and guess who controlled the both houses and the presidency then? Thats right, Dems.
No baby boomers to blame for the start of reducing tax rates, it was that greatest generation who decided that reducing an overbearing tax rate was best for the country.
Oh BTW, Dems controlled the house when tax rates were dropped even further in the 80’s.
Note the use of the pejorative “freeloaders”, used by the biggest freeloader that has EVER lived!
By his own admission, Commissar, aka Lostcause, has never held a job in the private sector except for those few months he spent at McDonald’s, a company that started small in Des Plaines, IL, and grew to what it is today, because Ray Kroc KNEW the MARKET he was aiming at.
No, in fact, except for that brief stint at McD’s, asking people if they want fries with that, Commissar aka LOSTCAUSE, has had only one other employer, the United States Army – Oh! And THAT IS A GOVERNMENT-OWNED AND RUN INSTITUTION! He lambasts those who paid for their education by using the GI Bill, which was a bonus ‘Thank you’ by the US Government, instead of sponging off the taxpayers by taking out student loans they would never repay until Doomsday. And yet, he, himself, has been a student at a STATE-RUN UNIVERSITY, UC BERKELEY, USING HIS GI BILL TO PAY HIS WAY.
And he has the unmitigated gall to call anyone here a hypocrite?!?!?
I could address the rest of it, such as his ignorance of the entire Social Security system, but I’m just bored with his asinine, ignorant shit.
Oh, lest I forget: if you expect anyone to take you seriously, TAYLOR, get a real job in the private sector as the rest of us did. Spend 40++ years at it, and then come back and tell us how unfair it is that MY social security and Medicare taxes aren’t enough to support your sorry ass.
The money I get from Social Security NOW was paid in by my mother’s and father’s generation, you ignorant wad of earwax.
Oh, but that money also goes into welfare, which I’m QUITE sure is YOUR biggest source of cash right now.
Fuck off. I am drawn to public service and what I did was sure is shit more difficult than the overwhelming majority of civilian jobs.
You only the private sector is a “real job” nonsense is pathetic.
You are a photographer.
That is not high up on the “real job” list.
And you completely missed the point. Your generation will also take more from social security than it paid in. That is a mathematical fact.
Um, no it isn’t.
For the last several years, people retiring have had the distinct pleasure of knowing that, on average, they will receive less in terms of inflation-adjusted value than the value of their contributions to Social Security were worth. That’s been the case since mid-2012, you ignorant blowhard.
If you’re going to comment, make an effort to actually know what you’re talking about. You’re otherwise merely showing your ass to the world. Please cover it – it’s ugly, and offends damn near everyone.
Read in several places on the net recently that the SS COLA for 2017 is 0.2%, which translates to $2 for each $1000 currently received. Don’t spend it yet, though, as Medicare goes up, per the net, about 20% +. Hey, somebody has to pay for free shit for life.
“I am drawn to public service and what I did was sure is shit more difficult than the overwhelming majority of civilian jobs.”
*YAWN*, you wouldn’t last ten minutes in the job I do, let alone any of the other past ones. I’m a Blue Collar Man and I already make more money than you, I don’t see you being anything other than a government bureaucrat and I don’t think you’ll even last long doing that!
Photographer ‘not high up on the real jobs list’????
That’s strange. 1965 to 1980 working for a paycheck as a photographer, getting paid for it, have tax returns for it, and it isn’t a ‘real’ job????
And it’s ‘low’ on the ‘real jobs’ list? Next time I run into one of the Putlizer (photography) winners from the Sun-Times or the Tribune, I will tell them that their job is low priority and wait for them to fall down laughing. I will also tell the people to get paid to field test new equipment for major production companies like Canon, Nikon and Sony that they are ‘low’ on the real jobs list. And since I know a few people from NASA, I’ll get in touch with them and tell them that their work on sensors from the Voyager, Pioneer and other, more current digital sensor equipment, which is now sitting in a whale of a lot of point-and-shoots, is low on the priorities list, too.
Oh, and your ‘math’ is WAY off on the numbers, dumbass.
Don’t forget he ridicules those who receive disabilty payments for service connected issues but has no problem with going to the VA for his medical issues.
I am not ridiculing him for using a pension and VA disability.
I am pointing out that he is a hypocrite for calling people a socialist while living off programs that a SOCIALIST programs ideologically.
Also, I spent thousands on my SERVICE connected medical issues though private insurance without filing a VA claim.
I only started going to the VA when it became clear that something seriously was wrong, was not going to get better, and was service connected.
I find it funny how so many on this forum talk shit about “socialists” when most of your livelihoods and medical needs are heavily government funded or subsidized. That is true hypocrisy.
Also, despite my “socialist” belief system, I did not file a formal VA claim until May of this year. Despite several service connected injuries over the decades.
And that was only because I was specifically told that the VA would not really “own” the treatment until I filed the claim and they adjudicated it. Despite the fact that I was still under the 5 year post deployment VA coverage.
“I bet you have collected a VA disability nearly your entire post service life and your service was BRIEF”.
Sound familiar?
Just like where he accuses others of being overweight sub-par troops that were disposed of by being made say, the CSM’s Driver while he was God’s greatest gift to the U.S. Army (Obviously what he still thinks he is).
Thats what I have been told by those who served with him.
His constant “I know better than you” attitude constantly got him in trouble with subordinates and superiors alike.
I do wish we could pursue that, but it’s not appropriate here.
Lets just say there was much laughing behind his back by the troops and more than a few discussions behind closed doors by superiors.
I just filed in may. And my service was two decades.
Also, not “God’s gift to the Army.”
But am not impressed with CSM driver’s acting they are door kickers while disparaging others for being “pogues”.
But since this has clearly become a gossip huddle between you folks there is no reason for me to participate.
Had fun with your circle jerk.
Glad to hear you had fun, every circle jerk needs a pivot man.
This sentence displays his pure ignorance.
‘I find it funny how so many on this forum talk shit about “socialists” when most of your livelihoods and medical needs are heavily government funded or subsidized. That is true hypocrisy.’
A-The majority of people who post here have worked in the private sector AFTER THEY LEFT THE MILITARY. That includes ME, API, AIRCAV – in short, anyone else who wants to lift a hand in confirmation.
B-The majority of people who post comments on TAH have or have had health insurance coverage provided by THEIR PRIVATE SECTOR EMPLOYERS. Therefore, that ‘your livelihoods and/or medical needs are funded or heavily government-subsidized’ is not just a load of crap.
It is a bald-faced lie.
As far as I can tell, he’s the only welfare slug who shows up here to post comments, and accuses others of the very thing of which he is guilty.
Love how you disparage people who do a military career as “welfare slugs” who don’t have “real jobs”.
And I suppose you were never paid when you were a Navy PH2? Nor did you get or use a GI bill?
Except for those few months at McD’s, you’ve never held a job in the PRIVATE SECTOR, and you still aren’t trying to find one now.
I personally know a LOT of people who had LONGER military careers than yours, and now work in – wait for it – THE PRIVATE SECTOR. One of them is a CB, 24 years of it. Now he runs a construction company. Then we have another ARMY guy who makes tons of cash more than you will ever make as an OTR bigrig driver.
Must be some kind of jealousy or some such thing cropping up there. They’re successful. You are not.
And yet, people retiring today – e.g., those disgusting, greedy “baby boomers” – will be the first US residents to get back LESS, on average, in value than the lifetime value of their contributions to Social Security. That’s been the case for a few years now. Further, the boomer generation wasn’t even a twinkle in their daddy’s eyes when your patron saint FDR set up the ridiculous Ponzi scheme called Social Security in 1935-1936 (along with much of the rest of the Socialist infrastructure now choking the nation), first doing a “con job” on the public by calling it “social insurance”, then selling it as a retirement plan, and then lying like hell by promising the maximum anyone would ever pay into the system would be 3% of earned income. And virtually none of those greedy, selfish “boomers” could even legally vote in any election anywhere in the US when LBJ added the next major albatross around the US economy’s neck by introducing Medicare and Medicaid in the mid-1960s. Hell, many boomers couldn’t yet vote when Carter finished the screw job by making foodstamps noncontributory and an entitlement – and dramatically increasing other government welfare giveaways while liberalizing the rules for same. Hell, many “boomers” couldn’t yet vote the first time CARTER ran for POTUS – many boomers couldn’t vote until Reagan ran for POTUS in 1980, and some couldn’t vote for POTUS until the SECOND time Reagan ran in 1984. Do not blame the boomer generation for the mess we have today. The boomer generation didn’t obtain political control until around the time of that abomination called the Clintoon Administration – that’s when the first boomers hit their early/mid 40s, which is the younger end of the typical US political leadership spectrum. Prior to that, it was previous generations “calling the shots”, politically, in the US. Clintoon and his boomer cronies do share a small part of the blame here. Their asinine home lending liberalization policies were largely responsible for causing the mid-2000s real estate bubble, the bursting of which led to the late 2000s economic recession from which… Read more »
Only a small percentage of high income earners will get back less than they paid. Those that topped out their contributions.
Here is a spectrum of sources discussing it.
Um, no. Per the SSA itself, high-income people have been getting boned in the ear since the 1990s in terms of getting less value in benefits from Social Security than the value of their contributions. However, since then the situation has continued to erode across-the-board. Middle-income earners started receiving less on average than the inflation-adjusted value of contributions in 2012. See my comment above for documentation.
By the way, the other source other than the SSA for the data in the news story I cited was the Urban Institute. So it’s hardly a “right wing hit piece”.
So because Lars the Dimwit does not understand how the Social Security system works, let’s review it, shall we? 1 – ERISA/MED (SocSec retirement and Medicare tax) taxes are paid into the Social Security Admin’s trust fund. This is not YOUR money being saved for YOUR future retirement. No. YOUR Social Security retirement income and Medicare Part A will be paid OUT OF THE TAXES COLLECTED FROM PREVIOUS GENERATIONS. So we, the Boomer Generation, have been paying into the SocSec Trust Fund to support the retirement plans of useless twits like Commissar aka Lostcause. 2 – At the same time, the Social Security retirement income that I and other Boomers get now comes from the payments into the fund by my parents’ and grandparents’ generations. That would be WWII and Korean War generations. They paid in, we get the bennies. 3 – In order to qualify for future Social Security retirement income and Medicare coverage, you MUST have a minimum of 10 quarters (3-month periods) of credit in the form of Social Security/Medicare taxes paid into the SocSec Admin’s trust fund. And that’s just to qualify to get it. If it’s depleted by welfare payments to people who want to sit on their asses and crank out babies but not work, well – that’s a problem, and WE THE BOOMERS DID NOT CREATE IT. BLAME IT ON LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON AND HIS IDIOTIC WAR ON POVERTY, WHICH HE STARTED IN 1965. 4 – Last, but certainly not least, the less you work for a paycheck in any sector, private or otherwise, the less credit you accumulate for retirement. It’s your highest income averaged over a period of XX number of years. Mine goes back to 1963 and ends in 2009, so I guess, yeah – I have all that credit for 56 years of wage earning coming to me. Commissar aka Lostcause doesn’t have even close to what MY generation, the Boomers he despises so much, have put in. Yeah, we’re entitle to it because we did the time. He, on the other hand, will probably get the bare minimum… Read more »
Dude. Back off. You’re getting spittle all over my screen…
There’s an old expression that holds that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. Socialism is not a better mousetrap and people such as Lars who have all the answers for everyone’s problems can’t get their own lives straightened out and squared away. So, fuck socialism, communism, progressivism, their tyrannical adherents and petty drumbeaters, like Lars.
Go read my comments.
They’ll make you giggle.
You are more socialist than you think.
A capitalist free market purist would regard your world view as “socialist” if they were as idiotic as you and insisted on viewing socialism and capitalism as binaries.
You advocate fighting terrorists. That is not a free market notion.
There may be profit to be made in the consumption spending of war but there is no profit incentive in the GOAL of defeating terrorism itself.
If we were market purists there would be no standing army. At best occasionally investors might pool their resources into a corporate enterprise to hire a private army to invade something to seize resources if it were regarded as profitable to do so (such as a private army to seize Saudi oilfields for the profit of private investors who funded the Army) but a market purist would not see any reason to fight terrorists.
In fact the reason terrorists are a national priority is because of our DISTORTED market.
So by the standard of a market purist you obsession with fighting Islamic terror is an obsession over a PUBLIC or social good. A SOCIALIST priority.
Lars, you are historically illiterate in regards to socialism. I suggest you research more.
Yes, he is. He’s the kind of moron who would regard Lysenkoism as the way to go in agriculture, disregarding the research behind REAL agricultural science. As a result, millions of people would literally starve to death under that, just as they did under Stalin, who thought Lysenkoism was SO cool!!
The thing is, Air Cav, that being a successful part of the free market capitalism requires hard work and the potential for failure. Nothing is handed to you. You either succeed or you don’t. The overnight successes that the media has wet dreams about aren’t really overnight. The most contemporary ‘overnight’ success is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series and other novels, and her ‘overnight’ success languished on library shelves until Scholastic bought the American publishing rights. J.R.R. Tolkien had several books published that preceded LOTR and The Hobbit, which he worked on for over 30 years and finally completed, and which did not reach bookstores until 1965.
Socialism destroys ambition, initiative and goal-driven people because it does not want those qualities. It wants same-same-same in everything. The Soviets had to steal US nuclear research (the Rosenbergs) in order to develop nuclear weapons, because their ‘perfect’ system couldn’t do it.
They made some damn fine tanks and fighters, I know that. 😉
Lars. There are far too many of those letter things–words, I think they are called–in your posts. Try to make your point in the first line or two. I can’t read more than that of your drivel. And try to come up with your own insults and stop stealing mine, chick.
I see Lars at his little desk (i.e., plywood over plastic milk crates) in a big huff, slamming his keys. The image pleases me.
I definitely get more emotionally invested in this than you.
which is why you are a textbook troll.
True believers are always “more emotionally invested” than critics.
You get hugely emotional over any criticism of Socialism, AKA “Communism-lite”. You also get hugely emotional when discussing Communism itself.
Those facts are IMO quite revealing.
True believers and fellow travelers, trudging along the happy road to ism.
I would love to stay and play, but I have three stories calling to me.
Once the enemy is positively identified as the enemy, there is no need for additional efforts to identify him. Thus, aside from the academic exercise being its own value, there is no need to slice and dice Commissar’s zany ideas. He is the embodiment of many of the country’s ills. Lars. Get ya’self more free cheese.
For someone who claims he’s not a socialist Lars spends alot of time expressing his support for socialist ideals.
What was it Shakespeare said about protesting too much?
Oh, hell, AirCav, I don’t consider it slicing and dicing. The academic exercise alone is worth the effort it takes to deflate his useless whoreson ego.
I reckon he’s not gonna address my comments. Logic and facts don’t sit well with him.
Yeah, well, consider yourself lucky in that regard.
He just doesn’t get it does he? I don’t think he’s ever spent a day in the “real” world…
Well, he did say a while back that the only private sector job he’s ever had was working at McDonald’s.
It’s like he didn’t even try to find anything after the Army left him. I think he’s going to be a permanent welfare recipient.
Well it appears 2/17 was exactly right when he began with, “Lars damn near sounds reasonable in this thread, doesn’t he?” Knowing Lars Comrade Poodle Dik Taylor as we all do, that didn’t last long. In no time at all he begins ranting insults at those who disagree with him. There’s nothing wrong with someone who works for Civil Service, but don’t make a fool of one’s elf as Comrade Poodle Dik has done and try to justify it as a “cause”. Especially when publicly reminded your only REAL job in life has been one of asking, “Do you want fries with that?” That revelation SHOULD be a bit embarrassing to most men. For what odd reason in his early posts on this thread, Comrade Poodle Dik identifies himself as NOT being a girl. Where is it when my thoughts filter the old saying, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” My point being, methinks Comrade Poodle Dik may in fact be the one known at the License Branch as “Tinkerbelle”. Yep. the same androgynous character that we all wonder about when we go to renew our license plate! Yep, that same annoying “thing” that always has to be so confrontational when dealing with people. Always so condescending. always knows it all and HAS to let you know it, and without fail talks shit to anyone who dares question anything “it” says. Perhaps we have a new chew toy, at least in name. I present to you Comrade Poodle Dik Tinkerbelle. You know I don’t enjoy this Lars, outing people like you is my CIVIC duty!! Meanwhile, would you please send a picture of yourself? Mrs. Jarhead has a great business plan in her mind. If I could wrangle a picture of you, she plans to get rich by having toilet tissue printed with your picture on it. At $1 per roll. I think she might be on to something! What a fool she married. My first thoughts were to print your picture on the inside of womens’ undies. Finally realized that would create more PMS daily than this fragile… Read more »
Lets just sum up Socialism, shall we? Oxford Dictionary: Socialism 1.a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. That is -it- in a nutshell. -You- are a “means of production”. Thus you are owned/controlled by the State, aka “the community as a whole”. The state being the -only- way a “community” can direct/coerce/control -anyone-. In other words, we are all the property of the State, to be directed as such. Socialism not working? Harsher, more pointedly coercive “directions” All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. Benito Mussolini “But that is Fascism!” So? That is socialism. Oh, wait, what about the original author statement: Stolen from Wikipedia: In Marxist theory, socialism, also called lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production, refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism. The Marxist definition of socialism is a mode of production where the sole criterion for production is use-value and therefore the law of value no longer directs economic activity. “Value” is what -you- decide something is worth. Socialism decides that the -State- decides what something, like you and your work, is worth. Nothing is outside -that- state either. Slavery, with modern wallpaper, just as wrong, just as backwards, just as evil. The only way Socialists can possibly create their fever-dream “Utopia” is to convince the rest of us to abandon the Capitalist, free-market system that has produced the greatest wealth in the history of civilization, for the greatest number of people, with the greatest upward mobility, the greatest personal Liberty, and the greatest potential for -more- growth of both wealth -and- Liberty. So first, wreck -that-, so folks might believe they need to buy the Snake Oil called Socialism. Here Comrade! These chains are not too heavy. I will not wield the whip too hard, promise! It is nice when an enemy so openly states it, by declaring allegiances… Read more »
You are Borg. You will assimilate….
Bah. I am Free. I will monkeywrench. Eat chaos and die. I thrive on it.
Ok. OK. Over the top. I was raised by a leftist who wanted me to be a revolutionary. So I rebelled.
Oops. She forgave me, I think. God rest her.
‘Eat chaos and die’. That is an eloquent answer to a challenge. I am SO stealing that, 11Bmailclerk.
HERE’s the cartoon I was thinking of, it was put out by Harding College in 1948 and is still true today. I wonder if “lostcause” can sit through even thirty seconds of it without shitting himself?
Excellent! That’s a keeper. The last two minutes could have been written, verbatim, today.
Nicely done, 11B-mailclerk. Hat tip.
As I’ve said elsewhere: Socialism is merely “Communism-lite”. Both are based on the principle that the state is supreme, and that government should be unlimited in scope and authority. Accordingly, both are antithetical to the concepts of limited government and personal freedom.
Thank you. Having read your writing for a while, that is a compliment I will treasure.
Except in both Italy & Germany the means of production were never government owned.
Fascism, alas, is not socialist. Totalitarian & statist, but not socialist. It’s one of the recurring arguments I’ve had with conservatives who enjoy a healthy slug of confirmation bias while blaming all the evil ideologies on the “left,” never mind that left vs. right is literally a nonsensical idea.
Not that that makes Lars right about anything, mind you…
Not exactly. While Fascism and Nazism were each politically different from Soviet Communism in appearances (e.g., single-leader concept vice Party-led), other than focus on Nationalism the systems and their results were otherwise quite similar. There are far more similarities between the two systems than differences.
Further, it’s not incorrect to refer to both Nazism and Fascism as having socialist economies. Market socialism allows for private ownership of means of production, provided the state is the one that ultimately “calls the shots”. That quite aptly describes the economies of both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.
Both Fascism and Nazism are generally termed “mixed economies”. This description is not inconsistent with calling them early examples of a real-world attempt to implement “market socialism”.
Interestingly enough, both of these implementations of “Communism-lite” appear to have been as antithetical to freedom as the contemporary attempt in the USSR to set up a “true” Communist regime.
Where did “market socialism” come from? That’s a new one to me.
As for more similarities, I must disagree. The ideologies are tremendously different. Both Communism & Socialism are profoundly rationalist, while Fascism and Nazism are deeply irrationalist. The former is internationalist in character, while the latter is frankly nationalist and jingoist. Communism pays lip service to “science” & logic while pointing to the future (hence the irrefutable march of progress), while Fascism is oriented towards the past, usually fixating on a previous golden age. For Mussolini it was the old Roman Empire, and for Hitler it was some fictional Aryan eden.
A large part of the problem lies in the left/right paradigm, which is deeply flawed. This is why I espouse Jerry Pournelle’s political axes. I find them superior to other maps in that the axes are externally definable and quantifiable, as opposed to many self-defined “what I call xxx” interpretations.
Even quick perusal of the linked chart shows why it is easy for Liberal/Progressives to see Conservatives as Fascist, and for the latter to return the favor by viewing L/Ps as Socialistic and/or Communistic, in that each is in a similar quadrant.
That doesn’t mean that Conservatives are Fascist, despite Lars’ spittle-flecked invective, but that they pay lip service to similar ideas such as fidelity to the state, respect for military strength, and an admiration for past glories.
In a similar way, this is how Liberal/Progressives align themselves with Socialist/Communist memes in that they abhor violence and military service, and see internationalism as superior to (as they would put it) crass jingoism. Citizens of the world as it were.
Recall that many people thought WW1 would never happen because the workers in each country wouldn’t allow it, following a “higher” allegiance.
“Market socialism” is apparently the new attempt to justify Socialism via recognizing the fact that public ownership of production generally doesn’t work worth a damn – and creating a socialist model that doesn’t require it. Lostcause would probably be able to give you chapter and verse on it, as he seems to believe it’s “the most-est perfect system evah!” Or some such. There is no inherent reason that a nationalist, socially conservative society cannot also be Socialist, economy-wise. Both Fascism and the Nazi party did publicly focus on national aspirations. Both also were among the first to recognize and use, effectively, public propaganda on a grand scale. The fact that both used “past glory” as a rallying point is irrelevant – in both cases, this seems more a cynical, conscious choice of method to “rally the masses” by creating a shared identity and myth than a bona fide desire to recreate the past in detail. (Remember – neither nation had been unified terribly long when the Fascists/Nazis too power; there weren’t a whole lot of national institutions and traditions in either nation.) IMO the latter was a minor element at best, and each was trying to create a “national myth” to bind their relatively new nations together more firmly. Further, I hold that both Italian Facism and Nazi Germany had highly command-directed economies where the means of production, though privately owned, were de facto under government control. Many of their social policies were overtly socialistic as well (national labor service, state-provided health care, guaranteed pensions, and an agrarian settlement program – AKA land redistribution). Until Hitler ran “off the rails”, both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany were also arguably rational vice irrational in their machinations and approach to the rest of the world. They each correctly assessed that they could bully other nations to their own advantage. This worked for Mussolini for well over a decade – and for the Nazis for roughly half a decade. Eventually, both overstepped and their foreign policies became counterproductive to their respective nations. I’d also argue that the “international” focus of Soviet Communism was… Read more »
Note: state -control- of the means of production.
If Partyleader Fritz is telling you how to run things, giving you quotas and directives, you really don’t “own” it, as you willingness to deviate will get you “reloacted in the east” and someone else put in charge.
Sure you “own” it. Feel free to remind the shower attendants of that.
The hard left hates the not-quite-as-hard left, thus “fascism” is right of communism, but way, way left of center.
Amusing to see socialism called “right wing”, regardless of flavor (national, mixed, 3rd way) they all start with “obey the state and end with “nothing outside it”.
Can you provide real-world examples of this happening in Fascist countries?
Also, as I remarked to Hondo, the right/left paradigm is severely flawed. We need to move away from that as it leads to sloppy thinking. The other side is equally guilty as the old mottle “there is no enemy to the left” shows.
As I recall, that’s precisely what Speer did during World War II as Minister of Armaments and War Production in the Nazi government. Starting in April 1942, he directed the German economy’s production in order to support their war effort – modifying it as necessary.
He allowed private factory owners to retain ownership, and they had no problems. So long as they did what Speer told them to do.
On a lighter note than my prior … comment:
Hilary seems to look most presentable in loose-fitting orange attire. Might we find some way to make this her daily wardrobe, at a relative low cost to the public?
Only if it’s trimmed with widow’s black.
Maybe she shops for clothes at the same place ISIS does…
Oh! Fashion show!!
She dresses in similar attire as that Cheese Whore in NK. You hear that guy recently had two high-ranking (?) officials publically executed? I have to read more. Wonder how he did the whacking?
How recent is that? I keep looking for stuff like that, but it slips out of sight before I get there.
Here’s the headline”
Kim Has Officials Killed by Anti-Aircraft Gun, Paper Says
(Damn, that’s gonna leave a scar.)
BTW, one was whacked b/c he dozed off during a meeting with the Cheese Whore. I’m thinking they can’t keep NoDoze on the shelves in NK.
Was in a meeting (ugh) once about 1990 with six others. One guy went to sleep. I mean completely out. We all quietly left, closing the door behind. Have no idea when he woke.
And here is the article:
Saw an entertaining bumper sticker locally.
“Hillary for Prison 2016”
May that prove prophetic, even if off by a year.
The pretense that socialists can also be good Americans is false. Good Americans respect the Constitution for what it says, not what is read into it by a small group of lawyers, and put individual liberty first and foremost. Socialists are about the State, the collective, and mask their tyranny in terms of helping others, whether the help be in government handouts that encourage and create dependency on government for life’s necessaries or teaching people that they are victims of various evils that require government’s protective hand. Anyone who insists that more government is needed is an enemy of individual liberty. Redistribution of wealth is the government’s taking what one has earned or inherited and doling it out to others. Redistribution of wealth is theft but it is worse in that it creates a dependent class and, at the same time, penalizes and discourages their ‘providers’ from pursuing goals for themselves. In my book,socialists/communists/Marxists/progressives are indeed our enemies, and I’m not going to pretend otherwise b/c it hurts anyone’s little feelings.
Socialism is an ideal form of government for people who do not want to assume or accept any responsibility, who fear progress and change, and who want to spend their days complaining with their friends over vodka and tonic with lime.
They don’t like a free market because it represents everything that they are not. Successful people are anathema to them, because it makes them aware of their own failures.
They despise people who started with nothing and built successful businesses because those were created out of good ideas and hard work, neither of which is common in the whiners who want Big Daddy government telling them what to do with their lives.
And Lostcause does not have a job in the private sector, probably never will, because he has no job skills, no people skills, and no idea what it means to be an independent, self-sufficient adult.