Army officers to be vetted before consideration for promotion

| August 26, 2016

The Army had a “duh” moment last month when they released a directive to determine the suitability of officers for promotion before they are considered for advancement instead of during the process, according to the Army News Service;

While the Army has always investigated officers to ensure they are suitable for promotion, in the past such vetting usually took place at the same time that senior Army, Defense and congressional leadership were considering them, rather than before.

Now, the directive published Thursday, July 18, requires that officers who are selected for promotion be vetted for mental, physical, moral, and professional fitness and meet the standards for exemplary conduct before their names are forwarded to the secretary of the Army for certification.

The previous concurrent vetting process sometimes resulted in the Army having to remove officers from promotion lists, resulting in embarrassment for the individual and the service.

Well, that makes sense – so much sense that they should be asking themselves why that hasn’t happened until now.

Category: Army News

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so if you swing, no stars for you?

Commissioner Wretched

And wave bye-bye to future oak leaves or eagles, too …


Unless you’re willing to blow the secretary of the Army, then it’s GAME ON!!!
/knee pads anyone?


So that means PV8 Moerk has a better chance at going Warrant Officer as versus making E-9.


Skippy (my dependa does not speak for me)



Well….the very MINIMUM should be that they can walk and chew gum at the same time! I know some of them CAN’T!!


Fuck you, troll. Are you mad that one if them busted you down from PFC to PV1?



Silverback EOD

Dude.. I am retired Army and honestly, a walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time requirement, might weed out some of the tools we both have seen that wear shiny shit. On that note… nothing was more righteous than watching a 2nd LT getting his ass chewed during a Battle Up Brief, for something his Commander approved, realize that the pompous ass doing the chewing, was neither on his rating scheme or in his food chain. 🙂


“so if you swing, no stars for you?”

No, but you may get an invite from Bill Clinton


Under the current SecDef and SecArmy, it’s to ensure you support the current regime’s policies.
God help us if Hildebeast gets elected and Michelle Flournoy comes in to finish the job Carter started

Prior Service

The army currently conducts a command review board on all officers selected to command at BN and Bde levels. (And I assume for higher, too.). After they look at your performance and select you for command, then they double check for the little things that may not have, and probably shouldn’t, have affected your last promotion. For example, after being selected for BN cmd, I was flagged for a command review board. My particular offense, which got me a trip to the provost martial, was yelling at a hospital clerk and punching a wall when he recommended that I go around the corner and falsify my wife’s signature and come back to him. Ideally (but not always, unfortunately), the evaluations process correctly identifies who should command and who should get promoted. What this process will do is take a deeper look at those who do get selected. Why screen the 20-50% that aren’t going to make O5/O6 anyway? Waste of time and manpower. Board them all, then double check those you selected. And, yes; despire having snapped and gone off on a deserving clown several years prior, I beat it and took command.


Thanks for the insight.

What I hope this does is identify those officers who escape a job with OER in hand before an issue they were responsible for becomes visible (a skeleton in the closet if you will). As there is now a certainty of some review and action, perhaps organization and leaders will be more willing to follow through with appropriate IG/JAG action on such discoveries.

If this is now going to be done for all ranks, perhaps there should be a system to place on the promotion list the next qualified officer is someone is kicked off the list? My rational is that the promotion list is based on vacancy, if you kick someone off there is now a new vacancy that can be filled by the year group cohort screened; rather than the next year’s cohort.

Last week I ran into an officer (O5P) who was in a promotion hold, he had been on for 10 months. I think there really should be some time limit for the Army to take some type of action.

A Proud Infidel®™

Reviews are only as good and honest as those conducting them, I wonder how many will “Good ‘Ole Boy”‘their way through or past them?


Wonder if obama or Hillary or Bill would be able to make O-2?


Well, wideload DID attempt to join the Marines as a lawyer, so today she would probably be Commandant of the Marine Corps.


Funny … the MSM hasn’t reported on this for a while. Maybe their time is being taken investigating Dan Quayle’s spelling of ‘tomato’. Now THAT is serious, national security stuff that is worthy of scrutiny.


It was actually his spelling of “potato,” and not “tomato.”


Tomato, potato, lets call the whole thing off……

Silverback EOD

“Potatoe” according to Quayle


Why do I think this is directed towards those who need to get their mind right on the pc train?

Guard Bum

There were and are a shit load of Guard officers not worthy of their ranks or command so I hope this helps winnow the herd there as well.

Don’t get me wrong there are some mighty fine officers in the Guard but there were an awful lot of moral failures that I saw and most of them escaped any real consequence.


The answer to the problem of unfit officers, is -not- more paperwork.

This is a broken process, and that fault is primarily due to a boken culture.

What if, for example, every single officer had to first enlist, earn a Ranger School slot, and graduate? (Create a parallel school tuned to females, with hardships suitable to flush out the same proportions and attitudes.)
(Officers-from-Rangers not original by me. From someone I respect very much.)

What might you expect from that?

What if we simply took the West Point Honor Code, and enforced it Army wide? NCO and enlisted too? What then? If that isn’t the right one, then some other honor code?

Treat “me, my ass, and my career” as -cancer-. Excise it. Nuke it. Ditto anything that detracts from -combat- readiness.

-Increase- penalties for misconduct as rank increases. A 17-year-old E-1 is -not- more deserving of stockade time for shitbaggery, than an NCO or Officer.

Has to start at the top. Has to be ruthless.

Silverback EOD

-Increase- penalties for misconduct as rank increases. A 17-year-old E-1 is -not- more deserving of stockade time for shitbaggery, than an NCO or Officer.

Nail on the head my brother… that 17 year old private might have been told what is wrong… but that Officer and/or NCO is expected to KNOW that it is wrong.