Who and from here to where
It was in February 1972 that I first saw Uijongbu, South Korea. Since then, I have been back a few times. The only thing unchanged since that first time is the rocky hilltops surrounding the valley, the Uijongbu corridor, which is the traditional invasion route from the north. My month long trip to the Land of the Morning Calm was restful and mind clearing. I long for those days of being a carefree Army private. For me, it was the time when political issues and the state of our country were things that confounded the minds of others. I lived through the hippie era, racial strife in the ranks, drug abuse, and alcoholic senior noncommissioned officers and all of it during the Vietnam drawdown. I was as disconnected from the truth of the political world then as much of America is today. Historically only about half of us vote in general elections and odds are much of that half is politically ignorant.
I suppose all of us can look back on a time and long for the days of blissful ignorance. Especially during a time when so much information is coming toward us that we can barely comprehend it and much less determine fact from fabrication and all of it during a time when the fate of the nation relies on our ability to do just that. Our crucial freedom of the press has been abused and forfeited by ideologues. No such freedom exists for them who are steered in thought and action by ideology and the unscrupulous neither of which is the least bit interested in truth – at least not interested in the people knowing the truth. Sadly, they and the many who consume massive quantities of their daily dose of gibberish, would not recognize the truth if it smacked them straight in mouth. Most remain wholly ignorant because of it, although it is not a blissful ignorance. These days it is an anger filled ignorance fueled by lies and many years of brain washing indoctrination. Out of ignorance, they will burn down their own towns and ultimately invite in tyrant saviors who are not ignorant of the truth to control their lives. As wrong and misguided as they are, they remain passionate about what they believe and who they support all of it antithetical to the free representative republic that is the United States of America.
A nation that has wondered so far from the pathway to greatness laid out in our founding documents, desperately needs leaders. Over many years, those elected as guardians of our great nation have failed us. They have failed because they are no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people. They are the living example that power corrupts. These are men and women who have spent lifetimes in national politics. They love the television cameras, the Washington social scene, their privileged lives, and people willing to steer large amounts of money to them and their families for the right piece of legislation. These under the table legal bribes hardly differ from the in your face hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars donated to bogus charitable foundations or for speeches paid for by banks and foreign countries. No matter their party alignment, all of them prey on the gullible and ignorant. In the foreground and from all sides, they stir up the ignorant with many promises never delivered. In the background they are great buddies sipping bourbon, smoking cigars and working out the next cash deal. Only strong leaders can put our country back on course.
The theory goes society creates the event and the man (man is gender neutral here – not my theory so I will not rename it). If you do not have a great event then you cannot have a great man. Without World War II, would there been an Ike or Patton? Or would both have ended their military time as Colonels? That is the question raised by the great man, great event leadership theory. Leaders are born, not made the theory declares and without a great event they become history’s everyman. Audie Murphy practically begged his way into the Army and once in Europe he had to plead for a combat assignment. He became our most decorated Soldier. But without the event?
I do not know if we have a great leader on the horizon. But, a wholly corrupted national government from Congress, to the Whitehouse, to the Cabinet Secretaries, to the Courts to the top echelons of the military, to an economy teetering on collapse, to big money from corporate lobbyists, to social justice warriors, terminal political correctness and all of it driven by a gigantic propaganda machine (also known as the main stream media) and a populace that largely gets its information from Facebook, Twitter, and that same ideologically driven media, and with the rejection of any moral authority, we certainly have an event. A nation driven dangerously close to its tipping point – a place from which, if not corrected, it will never return.
We have two people battling to be that great man or great woman to either save this nation or complete its fundamental destruction. For clarity, the issue is the fate of our nation and ideology aside there are only two choices. One is a product of this cesspool of corruption. A charter member of the Washington establishment, proven liar, as corrupt as the day is long, of seriously questionable health and mental capacity, and glorified each day by a doting sycophantic media and billed as better than the alternative by much of the like-minded establishment. The other, never held a political office and was never part of the Washington establishment, although it is likely he greased some of their palms along the way as the cost of doing business. In speech he is not politically correct, but with plain language he is touching the everyman. The media and establishment Washington, even to the extent they would prefer the dishonest and corrupt – for them a kindred worldview, hate his guts and try daily to derail his journey to the Presidency.
Each of us must decide who and from here to where.
© 2016 J. D. Pendry All Rights Reserved
Category: Politics
Well said.
Pretty much covers it. Great piece, JD.
Great editorial, thank you.
As usual, superb JD.
Ah the good old days, 1972. Vietnam, Watergate, Nixon, Jane Fonda the traitor. A few years after the 66-69 Korea DMZ incidents, but before the 76 tree cutting murders. Saigon still had not been lost. Wonderful times.
Nicely written, but I can’t see throwing away my vote on Trump or Clinton, I’ll vote for the best qualified candidate. To do otherwise is insane. Hopefully out of the ashes of 2016 a fractured Republican Party can reform into something US voters can be proud of again. Think 1982 and the Reagan years or back to the 1990’s Contract with America days.
There are two people with a chance to win the election. Which one do you prefer to win? That is your choice.
If you usually vote for one side, withholding your vote is effectively helping the other.
In other words, you can either help prevent the worst choice from winning, or throw your vote away making a point that no one will bother considering.
Yeh, you do that…throw away your vote on someone who won’t be shyt…thats a good little indoctrinated moron! Might as well delete the middle man and just vote for the hilldabitch, because thats what you are doing!!! WAKE UP!
There is enough poo-flinging going on this election. How about trying to persuade folks to join your efforts, as opposed to hardening the resolve of someone you made into an opponent?
If you are driving people away from your preferred candidate with venomous rhetoric, who are you really helping?
Excellent piece, JD. I find it so ironic that the Democrats, the party that treats our military so poorly and mocks the very concept of military discipline, has the highest degree of party discipline when it comes to supporting their candidate. I believe they’d have kept Hillary as their candidate even had she been indicted. The media would have become even more creative than they already are in explaining away her criminality.
Conservatives and Republicans, on the other hand, seem to look for every reason they can to abandon their party’s candidate. I can understand the treachery of the RINO’s in the elitist political class doing this for there’s little difference between them and what Hillary represents, but for the life of me, I cannot understand the ordinary folks, like those of us here at TAH, who can’t see the imperative to defeat Hillary and to seize upon this chance to vote against the Democrats AND those RINO’s and take back the Republican Party.
It simply amazes me…
I’m not disposed to vote for Trump. I am convinced that he is an authoritarian goofball, with no true conservative instinct. The idea that he now insults Hillary after spending much of his life as her friend and donor is disingenuous as far as I am concerned. My coworkers playfully mock me as the guy who makes Trump look like a liberal, only to be shocked when I reply that Trump IS a liberal. I am inclined to leave that part of the ballot empty (I would NEVER vote Democrat).
I’ve disassociated myself from Ace of Spades HQ for going from NeverTrump to full on Trump, seemingly over night. I refuse to visit Breitbart and other websites that press this guy too hard.
Getting to my actual point, this is the only website where arguments for Trump ever click for me. From this essay, to some of Poe’s stuff, to Jonn’s recent piece about Hillary’s hatred for the military (which I can no longer find), this is really the only place that motivates the 20% or so of me that could support this guy. Might be that I feel that voting for Trump dishonors my military service, and seeing a bunch of people who also served who do not feel that way helps me get past it myself.
So…umm…keep up the good work, I suppose?
I hear you about Ace and his seemingly sudden embrace of Trump (who i intensely dislike), but he has had a couple of pretty good essays over the last couple of days trying to explain his position (and the rise of Trump vis a vis factions within the conservative movement) which I thought were very good.
For me, it boils down to “Which candidate will most likely defeat Clinton, and keep that vindictive gangster loon out of the white house, and away from the power to appoint judges and to pardon her minions.”
Oops. Some folks forgot about that last bit, I think.
Cap’n, I am deeply complimented that you find my “Why Trump” exhortations worthy of thought. That I might help you to vote against Hillary would be a true honor indeed. We are unfortunately faced with the sad reality that the only way to do that is to vote for Trump. A vote for a third party candidate, a write-in or a non-vote is even more unfortunately, in reality, a likely vote for Hillary. Like you, I am not happy with my choices but I am so determined that we never reward that bitch and her pedophile, rapist husband for their venality and criminality that I will vote for Trump even if I throw up in the voting booth. That said, there are some advantages to voting for Trump that stand on their own merit, first among them being that a Trump victory would be a clear voice from the people that we are fed up with the status quo in Washington. The fact that our elitist RINO party leadership, for the most part, is withholding their support and thereby implicitly supporting Hillary is proof of the need for their removal, not so much for their lack of support for Trump but for their total disdain for the wishes of their constituents, who picked Trump as the party’s candidate in the face of all their principled condescension. That the Republican establishment holds its membership in such contempt is contemptible and Trump’s voice is the only one we have at the moment to speak to that problem. Should he win, watch how many Republican politicians will suddenly change their stances to positions more consistent with the will of the people. I believe the inclination of Republican politicians to cower in the face of political correctness, diversity and media bias will change dramatically. As soon as Trump has shown them that you can win by defying those Democrat cultural weapons, many more will emulate his tactics, hopefully in a more eloquent way. Once we get some backbone back in some of our Republican leadership, then we can start truly changing some things in… Read more »
I can’t argue with that last paragraph, Poe. The unfortunate thing is that Trump has made a few notable gaffes that have given Hillary the chance to wave the patriot flag. I don’t think that’s at all the true layout of this terrain, but Trump really needs to quit the blustery comments regarding military affairs (John McCain, Khan, wanting the PH, etc). Those are the moments where I have my closest encounters with “NeverTrump”.
I don’t give a fuck about illegal immigrants and their feelings. I don’t give a fuck about Megyn Kelly’s feelings. I don’t give a fuck about the feelings of Democrats, BLM members or Muslims.
However, I do hold veterans and their families in a place of honor. To get my vote, Donald Trump needs to get through the next ninety days without excessively shitting on that.
Consider this:
Trump is popular -because- he flings poo. He won’t play nice with -anyone- that he sees as not playing nice. That is his core.
To expect him to play nice with your sacred cows, some of whom tend to throw poo, is, well, unreasonable.
Yeah, I wish he was a little more Reagan-esque, the backhanded zing over the poo fling. But as long as he keeps that vindictive, ganster, harpy and her sidekicks out of the Oval Office, I am prepared to wear a hazmat suit and follow Trump around with a mop and bucket for four years.
We can always chose someone else in 4, remember?
If there is -one- candidate that might start rounding up “domestic terrorists”, pshaps including the posters on boards like this, it is HRC. Illegal? Not reallly, if she pardons the culprits.
HRC + President = the power to appoint judges and pardon henchmen. ONE candidate has a -chance- to stop that. Please consider voting for the candidate -most- likely to prevent an HRC presidency.
good speech, just like the DNC dictated it to you! The fact that the good ol boy network in wash dc is quaking in their boots about Trump being elected doesn’t give you a ph-cking clue?
Again, many of the regulars’ arguments for Trump resonate with me. The “you-only-might-begrudgingly-vote-for-a-notorious-Democrat-donor-so-you-must-be-a-DNC-plant” argument you put forward does not. If you can’t understand that Trump has some liberal tendencies and can indeed be genuinely attacked from the right (which every other poster in this strand does), then you are neither an actual conservative nor capable of intelligent thought.
So, stop fucking up Poe’s solid attempts to convince me, and go sodomize yourself with shards of glass, you worthless, basement-dwelling, kiddy-diddling imbecile.
Great piece JD. I remember my days from 1972-1998. The only easy day was yesterday….and who gives a fuck about tomorrow!
I’d do it all over again…….well, if I did I don’t think I’d be able to complete 26 years outside of Leavenworth or Portsmouth Naval Prison (if it’s still open).
Another solid write JD; well done as usual. By now most of us (at least the older folks like me) are keenly aware of the 80/20 rule of thumb. That is, 80% of people in any given organization, including the voting public, do NOTHING while the normal 20% always carry the work load. Regrettably that includes voting per se. One could minimize it for easier understanding by explaining the 80/20 rule applies to the haves and have-nots. Meaning…20% of voters have a double digit I Q while the remaining 80% have but a single digit I Q…..and no idea what the hell is going on politically. The latter group has not the foggiest that every vote in D. C. is predicated on how it will affect the careers of teat-sucking politicians who spend their lives conning and manipulating the uneducated and senseless voters with the best line of rhetoric and b. s. ever conceived.
Simply put, those in D. C. or the media who fear Trump are those who fear change and accountability might rock their gravy train boat. As much as I hate to admit, it would appear to me the non-thinking public will be even further isolated from the absolute truth between now and election day. Too stupid to see the truth, unwilling to face it, and thoroughly afraid of the truth, they will go along with the media’s distortion and vote for the pant suit Anti-Christ. If that happens, may my last day be the one on which gub. thugs show up at my door to take any weapons I might have. That, my friends, will be my LAST day above ground. That, I swear to God.