Friday morning feel good stories

| August 12, 2016

In Buffalo Grove, Illinois two men broke into home and stabbed three people. Their spree ended when the homeowner retrieved his handgun and fired a shot and the pair took off at a high rate of speed. No one was injured by the gun, but the victims all paid a visit to the hospital for their injuries from the knife.

Samuel Reed, 18 and Cameron Jackson, 18 planned to steal an AK-47 in Byram, Mississippi. Reed went to distract the owner of the rifle while Jackson sneaked into the home to steal the rifle. Unfortunately for them the owner thought Jackson was an intruder and shot him with the AK-47 – Jackson was DRT (dead right there) – and Reed is charged with capital murder.

Two men in Dover, Delaware were approached by a third man who pulled out a weapon and demanded their money. One of the men was legally carrying his firearm openly and there was a gun fight right there on the street. No one was injured, however. The thief was arrested soon after the incident. This story reminds me that I need to go to the range this morning.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Range time, people. Merely owning a weapon is not enough. Proficiency is not something that you can buy at the store, nor can you store it within yourself. Be as familiar with your weapon as you are with your knife and fork. I am getting pretty good, but only because I have a good range set up right here at home, where it is convenient to use every day.


And a disciplined training regimen that involves various positions and conditions.

AFAIK, seldom does a gunfight involve the perp standing there like a silhouette target.


I shoot IDPA to keep somewhat proficient


Good plan when you can.

I have yet to understand why, but the nearest IDPA course to me here in Texas is more than an hour away. And they only shoot on Sunday – leaving us church folks out.

I have to set up a course in a gully on our land and shoot that. I’m really really prepared for trench warfare…


My matches are always on a Sunday as well, but our church has an online and Saturday night service at 3 locations, so I don’t miss. (Or have an excuse not to)

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

That is just how I shoot. uncommon positions, less than ideal lighting, weather, etc. I consider the needs of home, in commercial buildings, and in vehicles in parking lots among my scenarios. Also important to me is shooting, not rapid fire, but “fast, return to target” shots.


The Buffalo Grove incident included stabbing the dog, a mere bystander, but who probably went to the defense of his/her family.


Trying to rob someone who is openly carrying. Stupid.

However, it sounds as if Mr. Open-Kerry was doing such activity more for show than for protection as evidenced by his inability to hit his target.

Also stupid.


For me there is not enough info as to why they both missed.
Lighting conditions? Positions of the different actors? Relative sizes? (Was the perp a 5’3″ scrawny druggie? Harder to hit that target than a 6’4″ chubbie dummy.)
I would think that at the usual distances, someone should have been able to hit something, but adrenaline can throw a monkey wrench into any shooting scenario. Think “buck fever” on steroids.

B Woodman

I can’t help but chuckle over the MS shooting. Thieves shot by the very weapon they were attempting to steal. Both irony and karma. A lethal combination. One DRT, and the other charged with the murder, even though he didn’t pull the trigger.