Don’t much care if the aging leftist Canadian hippie who wrote the original is offended; he can pack up and go back to Canada for all I care. Fair use and all that.
Trapped in a seaside town building
Surrounded by jihadi
Can’t you hear the mortars crumping
Four dead in Benghazi
No way now to stop it
Islamists gunning them down
Should have sent help long ago
They had no chance since State
Hung them all out to dry
As SECSTATE surely did know
. . .
Help ready but mission canx
Soldiers told to stand down
As if nothing was at stake
Instead all still there were
Abandoned on the ground
“What diff-er-ence does it make?”
There would be no rescue coming
To that African city
We did absolutely nothing
Four dead in Benghazi
Four dead in Benghazi
Four dead in Benghazi
. . .
The attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi began at approximately 3:40PM EDT (9:40PM local time) on Tuesday, 11 September 2012. It spread to include the nearby CIA Annex early (local time) the next morning.
Four Americans died in the attack: US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, Embassy Information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contract employees Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. Smith, Doherty, and Woods were veterans. Stevens and Smith were members of the US Foreign Service.
Rest in peace, men.
The result of some “offensive film”? Film my ass. This was a well planned terrorist attack intentionally timed to occur on a date where we should have been on heightened alert: the anniversary of 9/11.
Ask the SECSTATE at the time why it was instead apparently “business as usual, no worries” in Benghazi that day prior to the attack.
. . .
Footnote: the CSN&Y original ended with Stephen Stills singing the interjectory phrases “Why?” (some sources say “Why did they die?”) and “How many more?” Those questions are apropos here too.
The identity of an Iranian scientist who was a US intelligence source was apparently exposed by material contained on Clintoon’s private email server – a server that was laughably badly secured, and which is widely believed to have been penetrated by multiple foreign intelligence services. As Jonn noted earlier, that Iranian scientist was hanged by Iran in August 2016.
The answer to the “How many more?” question is thus now, “At least one – and likely more.”
The answer to the questions, “Why?” and “Why did they die?” should be reasonably obvious.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence, Politics, We Remember
That song has been stuck in my head for the last four years. Paint her with it. Make her wear it and sing it loud every time her name is mentioned.
And to the everlasting legacy of the Scumbag in Chief. May he choke on this every day until he dies.
I would have written shame instead of legacy except that the motherfucker in the WH feels none.
It’s sad that you’re still trying to smear Clinton and Obama with this when the Ambassador’s own mother said that she holds her son’s death against neither of them; in fact, it’s Congressional Republicans you should be blaming, as they cut embassy security multiple times despite the protests of the State Department.
Do some research. That’s all I’m saying. That, and have some bloody respect.
Spare me. Maybe if Obama wasn’t giving money away to his cronies to fight “Climate Change” and put it toward other worth while needs such as embassy security they may still be alive today. What was an Ambassador doing in an unsecured compound in the middle of the night with minimum security, most who Libyans who ran off before the shooting started. They didn’t even try to send help before the shooting ended. After it all ended the Obama administration piled on by lying that it was a video caused the Ambassadors death not his and Clinton’s own incompetence.
I have respect for the dead. I don’t have respect for Obama, Clinton, the media and clowns like yourself who want to cover for them.
Horsedung. The embassy security funding issue you raise played no part in the Benghazi attacks, and is being used by Clintoon apologists such as yourself as an excuse of convenience.
The Benghazi facility was a temporary facility, declared so by State. It was thus ineligible for base funding for security upgrades appropriated for Congress. State knew that as well. Thus, State knowingly sent Americans to an insecure facility – and then did nothing to rescue them when that known insecure facility was attacked.
Here’s the truth about Benghazi:
(1) DoS was clueless enough to ignore the propensity of radical Islam for anniversary attacks and sent Ambassador Stevens on a public mission on the anniversary of 9/11;
(2) DoS intentionally sent the US Ambassador and his entourage to a facility it knew to be both temporary and not well-secured on that anniversary date, thus creating a lucrative potential target;
(3) DoS sat on its hands and did nothing while the US consulate in Benghazi was attacked that day; and
(4) DoS later tried to cover up its shortcomings by coming up with some fake story about a film, deliberately lying to the US public in the process.
Clintoon was involved armpit deep in the latter two, and possibly in the first two as well.
Finally, and FWIW: as I recall the parents of Mary Jo Kopechne never publicly blamed Ted Kennedy for her death, either. That fact is irrelevant to the fact that he was the one responsible for her early demise.
Perhaps you should do your own research. And maybe re-learn how to think for yourself rather than merely parroting talking points spoon-fed to you by the left.
It’s a useful lie Hondo, and the left has many of those. They repeat it to those who haven’t paid very close attention and unless someone who has is there to correct the narrative it gets accepted as truth. Our new friend has stumbled into entirely the wrong forum for his nonsense, but he likely won’t make the same mistake again.
Congress didn’t order anybody to stand down when calls for help went out. Do you know who did? Or does that not matter because it doesn’t fit with your little revisionist narrative?
And how respectful was it for Clinton et al to LIE about the attack and keep lying about it afterwards, huh?
Does your freaking head rattle when you shake it? Are you ph-cking NUTS? You wasted wart on the ass of humanity!!!!
A complicit media ran with the story about some two-bit filmmaker in order to cover for President Boyfriend’s re-election. You would think that his SECSTATE would at least bear some of the blame for the disaster, but what difference, at this point, does it make?
We have allowed the left, a cult completely without honor or shame, to infiltrate and control our schools and our media, and so their voice is the loudest in our culture. They have no greater ethos than to increase their own power and no reservations about how to do that-a lie about a documentary, sending the filmmaker to jail, destroying e-mails that are under subpoena-anything like that is acceptable so long as they have power. They are truly a vile bunch.
Guys, I don’t like Clinton as much as anybody here, but details about the scientist were published on Wikileaks back in March. Unless we gain insight into how the Iranians found out, we can’t pin this one on Hilldog.
Where the hell do you think Wikileaks got that info? Assange has all but claimed outright that Wikileaks got at least some of the contents of Clintoon’s email server.
Addendum: Michael Hayden – who was “only” the former Director of NSA; the Principle Deputy Director of National Intelligence; and Director of the CIA during his career – made the following public statement concerning Clintoon’s p!ss-poorly secured “private” email server:
Further, the current FBI
WhitewasherDirector also has said that he believes foreign intelligence gained access to that server.Emails that contained sufficient info to identify the Iranian spy in question were found to have been stored on that “private”, unauthorized server. You do the math.
Another act of cowardice which will never be forgotten.
She was useless back in Nixons time,got fired. Look up Clinton Watergate.Never has been a Leader never will.Money is everything only place she goes is where the money is to shake the pay for play can. Bought the primary and is now trying to buy the White House. She is not of the people but of the rich.I’m a Vietnam veteran(navy) we were called baby killers back then three years ago a lady seen my license plate and said “oh you are one of those baby killers” now Clinton calls me deplorable,irredeemable and non American, what the hell I was in the Navy. She will never be my President even if she buys it.
She is trying to steal it… That may include buying a ton of votes also
It’s almost funny nowadays to hear so many liberals try to claim that Vietnam vets didn’t really suffer abuse from the anti-war crowd (who totally weren’t being funded by the KGB, honest!) when they got home. That it’s all just a myth.
I actually had a history teacher try to tell me that it never really happened. He was a bit flabbergasted when I asked if my Mom was just imagining all the shit that multiple stank-ass hippies shouted at my uncle on his first day back home, before he changed out of his Marine greens. Mom was a kid at the time, youngest of nine, and was appalled at the things these people said about her oldest brother. “Babykiller” was one of the nicer ones.
My Grandpa , a WWII Navy vet and generally a calm and friendly kind of guy, almost went apeshit over the things they shouted at his son. To his great credit, Uncle Greg, who had seen quite a bit during his tour as a rifleman and war dog handler, ignored the insults they hurled at him and told Grandpa that they weren’t worth it. Ironic to think that those sacks of shit were saved from an epic and well-deserved asskicking by the combat Marine they were slandering.
Sure, it didn’t happen. And the commies in SE Asia were benevolent freedom fighters–my Cambodian father-in-law (fought on our side) can go on for WEEKS about how that’s bullshit–never mind the tens of thousands of ordinary Vietnamese civilians who caught helicopter rides to USS Midway to escape their “benevolent communist liberators” during Operation Frequent Wind, or the tens of thousands more who piled onto anything that would float and motored, sailed, or paddled their way to anywhere that wasn’t communist.