Defense Mobile dumps troops and vets

| July 28, 2016

Defense Mobile

AZtoVA sends us a link to the Military Times where they report that mobile phone service Defense Mobile dropped thousands of troops’ and veterans’ service without warning.

The company is in the process of restructuring, said its chief executive officer, Anthony Montoya, who recently took the helm. “The company wasn’t doing well. I’m trying to get it on the right track,” he said.

He declined to specify how many veterans and service members have been affected.

Montoya said the company lost coverage with some of its carriers.

The company has been providing refunds, and those are being processed through PayPal in generally three to five days, he said. “And our team has been working with folks to switch to new carriers” to port their phone numbers, he said. “We’re working with them every day.”

Yeah, well, your customers need some warning, dude. Generally, I use companies that support the troops, but I would never use a company who has the troops as the main part of their business plan. They tend to take the troops for granted.

Category: Politics

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Thanks for the article. I was thinking about trying them out for a long time since they offered such low rates. Now I know why.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

As with most things, you get what you pay for unfortunately….pay low ass fees and get low ass or no ass service…

I pay for 4g full blown coverage with Verizon and guess what? I never drop a call, never have a dead service area within a 100 miles of my house and I even can use Navionics on Long Island Sound on an iPhone because the coverage is just that good…I understand I pay more for it, but it’s never failed me and I use my phones/tablets etc… as mobile office tools all the time so it’s worth it to me.

The zero notice part is a sorry state of affairs but I avoid shit mobile companies like the plague for exactly these reasons.

Pinto Nag

You and me both! I changed to another carrier for their VERY LOW rates. I got what I paid for! I went back to Verizon, but went to a prepaid device, and am very satisfied. I get flexibility and good support without a contract.


Ditto. I’ve had Sprint for years. I had to add a line a while back which cost me a mere $5 more per month. I only need a phone for emergencies and the occasional phone con with some of the dreges of society.

If I ever go back to a landline, it will be through Comcast because I have never had any failures with Comcast, either.

Bill M

If he thought they were in trouble before, he ain’t seem nothin’ yet.

I’d never heard of these folks but I wouldn’t use them on a bet. Hope the rest of his customers decide to go elsewhere.


Yeh…but…but….but…..”they serve veterans”!

2/17 Air Cav

“The company wasn’t doing well. I’m trying to get it on the right track.” Yeah, well, if that doesn’t send you running away from DM, nothing will.

2/17 Air Cav

Consumer Cellular and Cricket. Solid. Cheap. Reliable.


I was thinking about switching, because $120/month for Verizon Wireless kinda sucks. So it was these dudes or Google’s new shindig, Project Fi. They have an amazing plan and advanced tech for $30/month, but you have to switch to Android… Ugh, decisions, decisions!

Green Thumb

I just yell really loud.

It seems to work…..sometimes.

Great way to save money.

Or just go to a house part and use the host’s phone to call your friends in Korea, etc.

Just kidding.

Not really.

Green Thumb

This dude’s name “Anthony Montoya” rings a bell but I cannot place it.

Seems like something to do with a book. I do not know.


2/17 Air Cav

Close enough?

2/17 Air Cav

I do not own a cell phone, by the way, but I do transact for them on behalf of family members. I had to have a cell phone some years ago and the experience was horrible. People called me. That sucked.

2/17 Air Cav

Also, I found that when people called me and pissed me off, I could not slam the phone down and hurt their eardrum. That really sucked.


Troops and veterans get screwed again. If it ain’t the DoD, it’s ass holes like this. I agree with the getting what you pay for aspect but a little heads up would have been nice and certainly within the company’s budget. I mean we’re talking about a simple, customer wide text at the least. If this clown does get his company “back on track”, how many former customers do you think he’ll get back? None.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Montoya stated that he was a vet in the article. I guess he must be a member of the Order of the Blue Falcon based on the way he does business with vets.


PH2: Any chance those dredges of society are related to lowlife or miscreant? They frequently call me. We have a prepaid plan through TRACFONE. We got a one-year prepaid plan with about 2 billion minutes and we were able to double from one year plan to a two-year plan for, I think, about an extra $50. Also has that texting thing and other functions. We supplied the phone we bought on sale at Amazon. We were also able to choose a number known to us which we switched from the plan we were replacing. So we have two years of use, gazillion minutes that roll over and really good service. We’re very happy. Out the door cost for two years, not including the phone? Less than $250. We’ve been with this company for ten + years. We’re very pleased. Primarily for use within family and friends. If we don’t recognize the number, we don’t answer.

Marcel Cartagena

I am one of the thousands that was cut off without notice from Defense Mobil. My investigation found that they were buying time from WireNet and didn’t pay their bell so were cut off. I was charged for TWO months service 2 days before my cutoff and as of yet, haven’t received a refund. It’s seem to me that there was a FOX in the Hen House.