ISIS kills 81, wounds 230 in Kabul with bombers
Two ISIS suicide bombers ignited their vests in a crowd of ethnic Hazaras who were protesting the government’s planned route for a powerline. Of course, since ISIS is mostly Sunni-styled Muslims, they targeted the Hazaras because they are largely Shi’ites.
The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying in a statement on its Amaq News Agency that two of its fighters detonated explosive belts during the march, the KHAAMA news agency reported.
The privately owned Afghan TOLOnews site quoted an unidentified high-ranking Afghan security official as saying security forces killed a third bomber before another explosive was detonated.
A Taliban spokesman strongly denied any involvement from his group in the attack.
“We had intelligence over recent days and it was shared with the demonstration organizers, we shared our concerns because we knew that terrorists wanted to bring sectarianism to our community,” presidential spokesman Haroon Chakhansuri said.
Maybe the Taliban didn’t touch this bomb attack off, but they’ve purposely targeted civilians in the past. You’d think that after a while the Afghans would get on board the freedom train and help the US and it’s allies eradicate these groups from the planet. Except that in that part of the world, fear is the only way to rule over the ignorant masses. Common sense is uncommon.
I guess that it’s more profitable to complain about the civilians that we kill accidentally with drones.
Category: Terror War
They kill each other, kill those not of their so-called “religion”, kill women, children, old people, all the while those males of an age that should be fighting them are running like the cowards they are. This is one sick bunch of teachings.
This what happens when you have too many generations inbreeding–too many first cousin marriages. IQ’s gotta suffer at some point. The dimwitted will believe anything.
Yeah, but lest not blame their behavior in retardness and inbreeding.
It is the ideology, their religion, and as long as someone can profit from that they will not reform or modernize.
We need to crush them and show them the way to a new future. A peaceful future.
Islam is a plague humankind needs to cure for the sake of all our children.
EXCEPT…..It is not a religion, it is a political agenda…everything about the quoran is a joke, a lie, a theft, partly from the Bible and bits and pieces inserted by corrupt sons of satan imams! They are without honor, without integrity, without morals and out of freaking luck for heaven unless they turn to Jesus…THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN!
You haven’t read much European history, have you? Try the Thirty Years War for starters. Parts of Germany were depopulated.
I have no use for Islamofascist murderers, but saying a society kills because of its religion is absurd. Protestants and Catholics used to murder each other with great enthusiasm.
True, Christians finally grew up, and it’s an open question if Muslims can cross the same river, but I wouldn’t be casting too many stones that way.
What a staggering loss of life.
And it is only going to get worse.
This is islam.
There is no Golden Rule.
There is no “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
There is only cruelty and death to the infidels.
Read “The Siege of Mecca” about when militants briefly took over the place to understand.
Shiites and Sunnis have been slaughtering each other and both have been slaughtering apostates and infidels for over a thousand years. It is pure arrogance and ignorance on our part to think we can stop it by any means short short of genocide, no matter how long we have troops there.
The Religion of Peace is being extra-peaceful this week!
“The privately owned Afghan TOLOnews site quoted an unidentified high-ranking Afghan security official as saying security forces killed a third bomber before another explosive was detonated.” Sure. I believe it. Absolutely. No question.
I must have been in the fire water too deep today, because when I first read the title to the story, I thought, “SHIT, these assholes have pilots now?”
Still very bad, but I’m glad they don’t have air-power. Yet.
I should have also said that is sad when the Taliban looks like they have morals compared to another islamoterror group.
Strange days indeed! WTF
I can explain that one,,,, their F’n stupid.
Nothing else follows.
Blue-blooded trust-funded silver-spoon-up-the-assed Ivy League educated Northeastern limousine and Lear Jet liberals, they SO smart, aren’t they? The same crowd that tells us we need to eat bean sprouts and ride the bus while they keep their limousines, private jets, mansions, yachts, and vacations on the French Riviera.
Time to take all the appliances out of Kerry’s home and office. We wouldn’t want the hypocrite to cause any more harm. He’s starting to remind me of ISIS with all those appliances.
What-da fuckin’ BLEHLEHLEHLEHLEH? More from “The Religion of Peace”. They can’t go without hacking, shooting and blowing each other up day after day and our Government says we need to take more of them in on our soil and hand them all we can?
Well, yes, absolutely, API, because magically, mystically, the federales can determine which Muslims, whatever hellhole they left behind, arrive here with daydreams of blowing up Disney World, Mall America, or a packed stadium and which ones don’t. When the federales find those who have such daydreams, they ask them, “Are you just daydreaming or do you intend to kill Americans?” So, far, for some reason, all say they are only daydreaming. So, not to worry. The federales are on it. Plus (and I almost forgot) every immigrant gets free internet access and is given the site listings to obtain weapons and explosives if ever they need them. The FBI and DHS are VERY clever. That’s how they have stopped a number of would-be terrorists so far. Thank goodness for Facebook, I say, and the free internet service.
What really sickens me is that they get medical care FAR faster than we do from the VA.
Is this apart of Obama’s wonderful strategy put together by a guy who majored in feminist studies and is only 22 years old?
Online commentary from a former Muslim, and current artist:
Bosch Fawstin
Some here may find humor/entertainment.
apologists for mayhem may need to wrap their heads in duct tape before viewing.