Mahin Khan; Tucson terrorist

In Tucson, Arizona, this 18-year-old Mahin Khan fellow was arrested for trying to plot a terror attack against a Jewish center with local members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force;
The agent said undercover employees communicated with Khan online and provided him a prepaid cell phone. He said Khan was trying to get rifles, a handgun and pressure cooker bombs.
“Mr. Khan referenced, at that time recent, November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris and said that he wanted to kill 200 to 300 people in a similar fashion,” the agent said.
Khan also wanted to target a Tucson Air Force recruiting center and a Motor Vehicle Division office in Mesa.
He also told the agents that if children were at any of those locations, he would shoot them, too. After he was arrested, he didn’t back down from his intent. he wrote in his statement that he hoped other jihadists would learn from his mistakes.
I’m sure that some agents are still trying to sort out his motivations for pursuing this path.
Category: Terror War
It has to be PTSD.
Sovereign citizen? Self loathing homophobe?
It’s definitely Bush’s fault, or maybe Reagen’s.
Got it!! He’s Amish?
Darn those Amish.
HEY, he could be a Mennonite or Jehovah’s Witness, ya know?
I’ve heard that those Lithuanian Mennonites are a real tough crowd…
Skin the little ignorant bas-ard and hang him in the town square until he rots as an example to other mentally retarded sons of satan!!
Guns! They’re bad.
Those damn Mormons
Mitt Romney was not available for comment… {/snerk}
Or the mouth breathing.
Another member of “The Religion of Peace” tries to carry out a love-fest… I hope Bubba & Thor have fun with his ass, knowhutimean?
Nah they wont.
Have you seen the numbers of convicts converting to islam? By now Bubba and that other guy are moonslims too.
This guy is going to be hero in prison. That’s why it piss me off when our guys take prisoners.
Religion of Peace, full of wonderful caring people who just want to lovingly coexist with all other folks…///
That boy needs an attorney. I know of one that was charging $500 an hour, but as recently as Monday, had lowered that rate to $350 an hour. If the dope waits a day or two, he may find the price even lower yet, say, $29.95 an hour, the way things are going in that lawyer’s life. The two would make a good pair. An inept terrorist and a low rate, inept lawyer.
Khan? And he didn’t quote Melville?
‘From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee!’
What a maroon!
So… does this mean The Wrath of Khan is now The Wrath of Khan’t?
(The preceding pun was intended for entertainment purposes only. No animals were harmed in its production.)
This guy looks like the kind of terrorist that wears skinny jeans and non Rx glasses even though his vision is fine. He prolly claims he wanted to join ISIS “before it was cool”.
Another example how, should terrorists start growing brains, we would be screwed.
Love the “He also told the agents that if children were at any of those locations, he would shoot them, too.” Why the special mention? Does Allah give extra points for smaller targets? Or in that sick mindf@ck they call a religion, do those kids count towards your 72 virgins? Testicle sh!++ing rectal wart.
That’s 72 RAISINS. Get your terminology straight.
My bad. With any luck, he is treated like a virgin 72 times by his new cell mates.
Nah. He’s probably very experienced from his days as a
innocentmuzlyn boytoy when the goats were not available.Was definitely popular on Man-Love Thursdays. Lips like that could suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch.
“Its Thursday isn’t it?”
Agreed. My guess is that all of that man-on-boy in the lands of peaceful religions spawns more hate/anger than catchin’ dah PTSD.
He probably knows “the joy of being the fat bottomed boy”…
He will be the “go to” guy for blowjobs once they knock his teeth out in the slammer.
I bet mommy and daddy are proud.
What IS the Farsi for “Yah got a pretty mouth, boy.”?
به یک پسر بسیار دهان
Ask and ye shall receive.
They never said all the virgins would be women? They will probably get the spring goat population instead?
Even when they’re alive, they look dead.
Hit the Mesa DMV? The DMVs are Satan’s spawning ground. Yeah, I’m up for that. (and I don’t even live in Mesa)
Actually, in this case the target selection was sheer genius. Where else are you going to find a high concentration of kafirs standing in line….
He apparently wanted to avoid the Tucson DMV because of the police substation located next door. He didn’t want to get dead before he could fulfill his destiny.
To be fair, who hasn’t at one time or another wanted to bomb the Department of Motor Vehicles Office?
I haven’t, but then again, I only have to deal with them every 10 years.
Word ????
I never thought of destroying the building. Hell, it necer did anything to me. However, I have had this recurring fantasy of waterboarding some clerks and imaging what they look like with a Bic pen in each eye. (Yeah, the Army taught me that second one.)
PTSD makes you feel that. You’re obviously a menace and a threat to society. Put yourself in timeout.
I actually LIKE the folks in our local DMV office! I’ve never had a problem there.
“His motives may never be known.”
Because we can’t accept his own statement, it doesn’t follow The Narrative.
Ed Zachary.
Well, he looks Irish. So, its tough to say. If only he was a Muslim we’d know exactly why he did what he did.
Toss him in a cell, and throw the cell away.
The day after his jailing, buddy boy got his ass kicked by fellow inmates. He suffered “non-life threatening injuries” and was placed in segregation for his own safety. He subsequently had a bail review hearing but that didn’t go so well for him either. When one is quoted by the FBI as wanting to kill children, it’s a safe bet that outside of California, bail will be denied.
I like to think that a couple of Vets in the hoosegow for fighting or a booze-related charges took their whacks.
I love it when Karma comes back around to visit!
How come after so much time, we still know nothing about his parents.
Well, Mapwife, we know that they gots money. Gated community. Multi-million dollar homes. Private school for sonny–until he had a disciplinary issue–and was outta there. Other than that, we know that their pride and joy wanted to kill Jews and was ready to shoot kids.
Are his parents in gay porn being so rich?
I’d not be too quick to blame the parents here.
A huge fraction of the “stank-ass hippie radicals” of the 1960s were from well-to-do families, were raised decently, but became radicalized as teens. The same may well have happened with this tool.
Alternatively, his parents may be radicals themselves and he may be a “chip off the old block”. At this point, we don’t know.
Ma and Pa muzzie are laying low and not talking.
A wannabe child killer? Put his head on a pike, with a hat fashioned out of pork, and leave it on a well trodden path in the AZ desert as a warning to any other incoming Islamo cocksuckers.
And for his afterlife, Satan, barbed prick, some assembly required.
No, no, no.
Satan, Extra-Large pineapple, fronds first, some assembly required.
I wish we’d figure out a way to use these people to suicide bomb Islamists.
Strap ’em to a drone, maybe?
“hopes others learn from his mistakes”….like that first one, being a dumb-as-a-box-of donkey shit stooopid motherf*cker…. that mistake?
Crazy this happend in my neighborhood when they put the cuffs on him
Anybody know off hand what the current bag limit is on terrorists?
Unlimited all tags are free with no limits
Bag limit? When the coyotes are no longer hungry, you’ve reached the limit.
Don’t forget the Feral Hogs. The limit is when you run out of ammo. Restocking of ammo allowed. Joe
In that part of the country, there aren’t many if any feral hogs. But there are coyotes, buzzards, and javalina.
And with apologies to Josey Wales: “They all gotta eat too.”
Gotta feed the buzzards!
The mountain lions in the Catalinas are a bit hungry, they already ate all the bighorn sheep that AZ Game and Fish so graciously delivered!
And I thought I had anger towards the MVD/DMV!!!