Terrorist attack in Germany
A 17-year-old Afghan shouted “Allahu Akbar” before he started swinging an axe and a knife at passengers on a train near the Bavarian city of Wurzburg according to Deutsche Welle;
The suspect was shot dead by police as he attempted to flee the scene.
Three people were seriously injured and a fourth lightly. Another 14 people were reportedly held up in the train.
The Washington Times reports that 21 people were injured.
Category: Terror War
That’s a lot of sheep on that train. Germany needs to grow big balls again.
Indeed. When one swings an axe, as opposed to a hatchet, he leaves himself wide open and vulnerable. Lodge that axe in a bone and there’s an opening a mile wide. But–and here’s the Big Butt–someone has to react by aggressing on the SOB.
That’s micro aggression and shall not be tolerated!
Just kidding!
Stick fingers through his eye sockets, curl fingers tightly, Hang on, and scramble what you can scramble.
“Allahu Akbar” is actually used in Lutheran services so let’s not be jumping to conclusions. We don’t know the motives of the axe man. B. Hussein O.
The Amish use it too.
I heard its used by the right wing sovereign citizens too!
Bush penned it originally.
I’ve heard rumor that Mennonites, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses use it as well.
Shhhh it’s supposed to be a Mormon secret, only used in the temple.
Hhmmmm. . . . It’s a secret to THIS Mormon.
Hey… it’s a joke
I heard that Mooooochellleee plagiarized it.
How ’bout them scary black assault axes? Ya know they’re only made to axe-murder lots of people quickly.
Scary black assault axes? That’s racist.
Black Axes Matter(BAM!)
One of those ghost assault axes? One of those really dangerous ones ‘with the shoulder thing that goes up’?!
No civilian should own one, or assault trucks, assault pressure cookers, assault AMFO, assault cigarettes, assault hamburgers (esp w bacon and extra cheese), assault 2 liter sodas…
What color was the assault axe?
Not sure but it wears a pants suit
Is it fully automatic?
That does it, MORE AXE CONTROL LAWS, NOW!!! Think of the chiiiilllldren…
The axe handle must’ve been made of hickory, which would have made it an enhanced axe. Germany needs to pass a law that says only axes with pine handles are authorized and all others must either be turned in or altered.
Obviously, this fellow had a message. He seems to have been too inarticulate to convey it to people, so he reached out with an axe.
I will never understand this… ever.
Too bad we can’t axe him…
I see what you did there!!!!
*Snicker*, OWB.
Oh, I see that Pun Central is here to stay this week. Drove in on the Punmobile. Keep it up. I need a good laugh.
We’re on it, chop chop!
People trying to be a cut-up, but being just a hack….
But, he was such a nice teenanger …
He just needed a job.
He din do nuffin’.
He a good boy.
He not ride trains, ebber.
Just finished 3rd grade again. Still eats (halal)crayons.
Along with copious amounts of glue and paste!
And sniffs spray paint
The over abundance of beer, pork, and pr0n drove the poor guy nutty. Clearly Germany needs to get on the caliphate train or there will be no peace.
Lack of goats warped his brain cell.
Don’t forget the sight of women dressed inappropriately, with NAKED ARMS (GASP!)
Just try getting the Germans to do away with pork…they’ll invade the Sudetenland first – again.
Naked arms – no problem. It’s the bush beneath ’em which drives some men wild…
Religion of Peace, Mohammed Bunyan edition; Allah just love them trees…///
Maybe its just me, but I am beginning to sense the problem might be
Walking in circles around a rock in a hut causes some kind of brain damage.
People get trampled, too.
Dave – I thought the problem was with the Lithuanian Amish???
Must not have gotten the memo…
This particular type of attack started a year or so ago in Israel and the occupied territories. Google the ‘Knife Intifada’ or ‘Stabbing Intifada’. Most of you will appreciate the response from the Mayor of Jeruselem.
Oh man, if the polizei shot him in the back, will Jihadi Lives Matter demonstrate?
Pork hater in the land of pork, great beer, and incredible bread. F@ck his couch and may Allah poop on his chest.
MO-HAM-HOCK licked Boar scrotums!!!
While Germany recovers, we here can give some thought to a pair who just can’t get traction:
There once was a turd named Barneth,
with a friend who said he would cometh.
They stumbled and bumbled,
in the rain, while the skies rumbled.
They talked of flight,
of sounds in the night,
of a shortage of fuel,
and fear of a duel.
The worries caused by foes,
of female judges and those woes.
They tried finding a better attorney,
But were hindered for lack of a key.
If only, they said,
we’d have just stayed in bed.
The plane had no gas,
we’re broke on our ass,
and those veterans,
treat us like ashcans.
Whatever will we do,
we’ve failed and can’t sue,
we’ve spent the last buck,
can’t even afford a cheap #@*^.
Don’t knock the poetry, I at least have a day job.
And yet I award it FIVE out of five COCONUTS!!
Obama blames it on him not having a job. He wishes he made it to America so he could have attacked us instead.
There was clearly a misunderstanding. The perp was a hungry Hawaiian, shouting “Aloha Snackbar!”
Bag and tag him, Danno.
What an axehole….
Time to ban assault youths.
Or not.
I read in another report that of those attacked, “14 were in shock”. W-T-F!!?
So much for the Aryan super race, the Ubermensch.
Our fathers and grandfathers knocked the fight right out of their DNA apparently.
Suprised Obummer is not offering him a beer.
The Prime Minister remarked that in some refugee camps it is easier to get an axe than it is to get a book or a computer.
You kids! You have until Friday to return your dinothesauruses and free scratch pads to the Punmobile. Theroptids can be returned next week.
It’ll be parked in the usual place, and no, we aren’t giving out free ice cream. The freezer broke down and things got all gooey. We had to let the frozen sperm find another spot to swim. Friday!
Don’t make me come looking for you.
Do I smell bacon?
Bring an Ax to a Gun Fight.
A 17-year-old Afghan asylum-seeker…vowed in a note that he would “take revenge on these infidels,” German investigators said Tuesday.
I wonder what he meant by that?
Probably some weird Shriner initiation ritual.
Heh-just saw this on another site, credited to Instapundit: Allahu Akhbar is Arabic for “my motives will never be known”.
The terrorist was from Afghanistan and one of the many single males w/o family who, we are told, just want to be free of war and oppression. Towards that end, I guess, he made a video, imploring others to jihad against the infidels, and promising to do his part for the caliphate, using an axe. Somehow, the German authorities have deduced that he was an instant jihadist, as if that’s going to lessen the German public’s concerns about the refugee Muslims being ISIS plants. Sure. Okay. Just goes to show that political correctness kills equally, without regard to national origin, race or ethnicity. (In Belgium at the moment, police are pointing their rifles at a man who, despite the warm tems in Brussels, was seen wearing an overcoat with wires protruding from it. This will likely cause a PP ISIS video reminding martyrs to be sure and tuck those wires in!)