Military; Hillary and Trump are bad choices

| July 18, 2016


The Military Times says that folks in uniform aren’t happy that their only choices in this election are between the Democrat and Republican candidates.

American military personnel favor Donald Trump for president over Hillary Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin in an exclusive survey conducted by Military Times ahead of the Republican and Democratic national conventions, but a strong majority of respondents say they are wholly unimpressed with both candidates.

More than 61 percent indicated they are “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with Trump as the Republican nominee, including 28 percent of those who intend to vote for him. More than 82 percent said the same about Clinton, the Democratic nominee, with 30 percent of those pledging to vote for her voicing displeasure with the choice.

“This is the worst presidential election I have ever seen,” said one Air Force master sergeant who responded to the survey. “How in the world could we only have Hillary and Trump as the options?”

I feel ya. However, the Republicans have no one to blame except themselves. They thought that they could be Democrat Lite and win the election. After eight years of Obama, it was theirs to lose, and Behold! They did it.

CNN has Clinton on top, this morning.

In a two-way matchup, Clinton tops Trump 49% to 42%.
Both Clinton and Trump have bumped up their support among those who did not back them through the nomination process. Among those who say they’d rather see Sanders become the Democratic nominee, 79% now back Clinton, up slightly from 74% in June, while 74% of those who want someone other than Trump to be the Republican nominee now back him, up from 67% in June.

Republicans have misinterpreted their base for the last thirty years and they’ve paid the price for it. But, this time, the country is in the shitter and it’s only going further down the drain because of the GOP’s incompetence.

Category: Military issues

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The Other Whitey

Mattis 2016!


Hell to the YEA!!!!


Lighten up on Trump with that easy speak shty put out by the media…you are just liable to be damned glad you got him! As opposed to that wicked, evil, murdering, lying, thieving bitch of the east!!

Top W Kone

In my Reserve Unit, I have not met anyone who is voting FOR Clinton or Trump, they are all voting AGAINST the other person.

Some of the younger Soldiers are actually looking at the libertarian guy as someone they are voting for.


Is it time to ‘Feel the Johnson’ yet?


I guess the opposing hashtag will be #GagOnTheJohnson.


On the statistical breakdown of the survey, they had Johnson being backed between 13 and 30% depending on the branch.

42A Combat Clerk

well dude did scale all 7 summits and completed multiple ironman races according to his bio.

I dunno why you wouldn’t vote for him.


Besides that he can’t possibly win?

Fun fact: the libertarians have yet to elect any candidates to any position at the Federal level.

42A Combat Clerk

Meh I live in a solidly red state I can afford to vote for the candidate whose policies I like best.


…In that case, hard to argue… :-/

I expect you’re still casting real votes down-ticket, or is the whole state screwed?

42A Combat Clerk

not sure I follow, why would my State be screwed?

Yes I always vote for all ballot measures.


Hell, I feel the same way – I don’t like either choice.

But I do see a clear difference between the bad choices. And unlike some, I don’t plan to help the candidate I thoroughly detest by staying home – or wasting the vote by casting it for a candidate with zero chance of winning.

Perfect candidates do not exist, and sometimes it really is a choice between the lesser of two evils.



an ahmmm stockin up on whizzzzzkey


I agree that is simply who you hate the least. From my perspective on the right, we need the Supreme Court seat filled to keep the Court as conservative-leaning as possible. After that, Trump can lose after his 1st 4 years and he will have served his purpose.


Yep, on final analysis this is why I’m voting for Trump. Supreme Court picks. Maybe four of them?


Ronald Reagan was the last President I voted for. It’s been the lesser of two evils ever since.

Trump was not my first choice, nor my second choice, he was my last choice.

HRC Inc. is no choice.


322 million Americans and these 2 are the best we can come up with as candidates? That’s embarrassing.


Those who might be the best candidates for the job don’t want it.


Agreed. Not to mention I follow the syphilitic camel principle; I would vote for one rather than Hillary.

Unless you live in a place where your vote cant help the GOP win the presidency (like California) you are helping Hillary by giving your vote to a third party. Look at what happened to Gore in Florida in 2000. If even half the people who have voted for Nader had picked Gore, we never would have seen Bush ’43.


This time, it is not the lesser of two evils, but the evil of two lessers.

I will take the goofball (T) over the gangster (C).

Green Thumb

Deez Nuts, dude.

Deez Nuts.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, if you don’t like Wide Load or Big Mouth, decide by asking yourself which man, Pence or ANYONE Wide Load selects as veep, would you want as president if the CIC expires in office. As I have written more than a few times here, all I need to know is that at least one Supreme Court vacancy (and maybe as many as three) will be filled by the next pres. And that alone is enough for me to vote Trump.

Hack Stone

Maybe the Democrats can talk up that there is a good chance that Hillary will be impeached (for a variety of charges; CGI money laundering, perjury, mishandling classified material), so you would really be electing the Vice President. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig.


Yep, that’s about the size of it.


Yep, that’s about the size of it. This was meant to reply to 2/17


I’ve said this before and I will continue to say it until it’s driven home.

Hillary Clinton is ONLY running to get Bill Clinton back in the White House.

Everything she promises is bullshit.

If you think she won’t do her best to get another 8 years of Bill Clinton running things, you’re out of what’s left of your tiny little minds.

B Woodman

I mistrust surveys, anyone asking a survey question, and survey results.
A survey could tell me that the sky is blue and the sun rises in the east, and I’d have to step outside to verify for myself.


Vote Billary and get four more years of the last eight and I bet all here your guns and jobs are bye bye
the state of the Republican Party is the same it has been for the last 8 plus years do nothing say nothing
talk about a bunch of morons


All my guns were unfortunately lost in a flash flood in Davidson Canyon. Pity.

Silentium Est Aureum

And Johnson ain’t much of an alternative.

SMOD, take me now.


Sweet Meteor of Death has a Hilarious Twitter feed

For instance:

Sweet Meteor O’Death
Jul 13
Sweet Meteor O’Death ‏@smod2016
FBI Investigations: 0
Fraud Lawsuits: 0
Slush Funds Posing As Charities: 0
Neo-Nazi Retweets: 0
Husbands named Bill Clinton: 0

2/17 Air Cav

According to the NYT, hospitals in Cleveland and its surrounds have stockpiled medical supplies, courts will remain open for 20 hours a day to process arrestees, and the original 500-member security detail is now at least 5X that number. That’s great. Democracy in action.


That sounds like the Colin Powell story about needing a million body bags for Desert Storm.


The more Trump runs his mouth with outrageous bullshit, the more I have to wonder if he is in it to win it….or to help hand it to Clinton.

His campaigning on the cheap is one reason why I question his sincerity.

That being said, I am still casting my vote in his direction. Because the thought of her running this country makes me want to dust off the bug-out plan for the Cascades.


I don’t think Trump is machiavellian enough to want to help Hillary but I also don’t think he cares if he wins or not. In fact, I’m figuring he probably knows he’ll lose and just doesn’t care.

IMO Trump is not running for president. Trump is starring in a reality TV show called “Donald Trump Runs For President.” He doesn’t intend to win, he doesn’t want to win, but he sure loves the attention he gets.

Also as far as “throwing your vote away” I’m normally a 2 party kind of person but in this particular election, voting for either one of the two major candidates would be throwing your vote away.

Particularly those of you voting for Trump. He has ZERO chance of winning.

As I said above, I don’t even think he wants to win, after all, which would you rather be, President of the US or Donald Trump? Being Donald Trump is a MUCH sweeter gig than being president.

Being president is a job, it’s work, it’s everybody in the world second guessing every decision you make. It’s not having a single minute to yourself. It’s being criticized for everything you do, including doing nothing.

OTOH, being Donald Trump means you can do, and say, whatever you want, whenever you want at any time. Want to jet off to Hawaii for a few weeks? Nobody cares. Want to play golf all afternoon instead of meeting with the JCS? Go for it. Want to start banging another twentysomething mistress? Do it.

Donald Trump will never be president so those of you getting your hopes up should stop fooling yourselves. Hillary will nominate the next two supreme court justices, guaranteed.


“Want to jet off to Hawaii for a few weeks? Nobody cares. Want to play golf all afternoon instead of meeting with the JCS? ”

And your point is?????

2/17 Air Cav

Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself Martinjumper. Repeating that Trump has no chance doesn’t make you more correct. it just makes you sound robotic.


(Shrug) Keep whistling past the graveyard, then. Trump has zero chance of being our next president. He’s already down in the polls and the Dems have only just started in on him.

Trump’s supporters keep hoping that people’s revulsion of Hillary will make them pull the lever for Trump but it’s more likely to just make them stay home, which is going to hurt down-ticket Republicans.

Our only hope is that Hillary will have to spend so much time fighting off the inevitable scandals that she won’t have a chance to get much of her agenda passed.

2/17 Air Cav

When you shrug, have 20 lb weights in each hand. That way you’ll be getting some exercise. Hey, you don’t mind if we go to the polls, do you? You know, just for yuks.


AS one analyst has pointed out several time, the poll frontrunners in the last 4 elections LOST.


People kept saying that during the primaries, that he wasn’t serious about them.

How’d that work out?


There’s a big difference between straight-up vote contests (primaries) and the general election Electoral College math. I used to think Trump had absolutely zero chance because the EC is very much set against him, but the Democrats in their infinite wisdom have chosen someone so utterly unpalatable to people with any sense of integrity, that it’s possible apathy and/or third-party candidates will bleed off enough support from previously-safe ‘Blue’ states that Trump can win there.

It’s a very small chance now and may grow or shrink depending largely on how stupid both candidates are, but simply put comparing the primaries with the general election isn’t fair. I could easily envision a world where Mrs. Clinton loses the popular vote but still wins the election.

God, wouldn’t that be yet another fracturing moment in our democracy.

Right now, I like Sweet Meteor O’ Death the best.

Club Manager

I recall hearing from several sources that Mz Hillary treated crews on AF One badly. Can anyone validate this rumor? What remains vivid in my memory is Obama standing in the rain under an umbrella held by a Marine out in the rain. Hillary is just an extension of him.


Not about AF1, but suffice to say, she is not a nice person.

Bing “Hillary Clinton secret service” and you’ll get further reading about her nastiness, along with a Commissarian Snopes article that declares the accusations to be false without any proof.

Shame. I used to like Snopes when it did urban legends instead of leftist political “fact checking”.


I ignore snopes these days. Nothing but a husband and wife with a lot of time to Google. . . and an agenda.


CSB time.
I did a download of the First Lady’s aircraft and support press etc at Andrews AFB. At least I was sitting in a nice comfy 10K aircraft.
She left me and a SS agent standing on the flightline in the pouring rain for about 2 hours before more folks came and blessed the carge as safe and someone brought a flatbed trailer with more SS types to get the rest of the stuff.
Off the aircraft, in the car sped away with not as much as a FU to anyone.
I felt bad for that agent. She just stood there in the cold and wet and as long as there was no lightning within 5 miles, neither of us moved.
My Ramp Tramp guy offered for her to get in the pickup with the manifests and paperwork but she politely waived us off.
I know that Shillory was not directly responsible for her detail but if it were me, I’m have made sure that everyone was taken
care of.
And yes, I heard many stories too about the Clintoons but I can not verify anything firsthand.
/remember the old saying
“You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”


10K forklift (Right, even in Bernath’s world, there’s no such thing as a 120K aircraft. )

A Proud Infidel®™

A book was recently published that was written by a Retires SS Agent that chronicles a lot of Hitlery Cankles’s nastiness and acidity toward everyone and one quote was that Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like Mohatma Ghandi!


I know a couple of the Marine pilots who flew Marine One during the Clinton years, and they corroborate the stories of how badly HRC routinely treated the military personnel that she encountered.

They say that she was always rude, condescending, and downright nasty towards anyone in uniform.


“Everybody knew” in USAF just how she treated everyone, especially military folks. She refined her pratices at the Rock many years ago.

No, there were no complimentary terms involved.


I have a strong general dislike for Mrs. Clinton based on her tenuous grasp of concepts like honesty and principles, … but I do know one guy who worked for her some years back, and he actually had nothing but kind things to say about her.

Yeah, I know.

I wrestled with that briefly until I reconciled it with the logical assumption that she’s a ‘with me or against me’ type – people who help her she’s good to, and people who are not actively helping her are .. obstacles? Nuisances? Enemies?

I don’t imagine anyone else on this blog would have any remotely positive anecdotes of her being a semi-decent human being, though, so I thought I’d leave that one.


Both candidates suck canal water. I really hate both of them. But I’ve never hated a political candidate on a purely primitive, visceral level as much as I hate Trump. The man appears to me to have no moral compass whatsoever other than “me, me, me”. Hillary’s not much better, though.

The Supreme Court issue is the one thing that might sway me to suppress my gag reflex and vote for Trump (God help me). And, if Trump were to become unable to exercise his duties as President for any reason, I’d be very comfortable with Pence as President. Not sure I could say that for anyone Hillary is likely to select as VP.

Not that my vote is likely to make a difference; I live in Texas, which is solidly red, so its electoral votes are likely in Trump’s pocket regardless. If it continues to appear that way as the election approaches, I may just vote for Gary Johnson to express my dissatisfaction with the major parties’ candidates (and I’d truly prefer to see Johnson as President than either of the other two). If the state looks like it could be a toss-up, however, I may have to reconsider.

Pinto Nag

Trump hasn’t gotten anyone killed yet. Can’t say that about her highness.


As an Independent voter my entire voting life, initially I had a LOT of reservations about Trump. However, as I have watched him evolve, and win, during this election cycle, I’ve become impressed. He chooses good people to be around him and dismisses those not doing the job. Pence is a good example of how he chooses good people to be around him. Reagan was not a “hands on” President. He chose good people to get the job done. The more I see of Trump, the more I see this same management style. If you study his business management style, it becomes evident that this is his modus operandi.

Yeah he said and did things that were “un-presidential” but amazingly effective – especially with his assault on the PC culture. We are all fed up with that culture. In the last month he has rapidly reversed the un-Presidential image. I recognize that perception is reality for many, but I strongly urge all to sit and analyze what he has done to get to this nomination point and to watch closely how he is quickly moving into a “presidential” image with a strong coalition building purpose. His USSC list appears to be solid Constitutionalists (this is big for me).

Keep an eye on which mealy-mouthed, cry baby GOPer’s are not at the GOP convention. These are the folks who need to be ousted by conservatives. It is these kind of jerks who turned me to being an Independent 40+ years ago.

Clinton = hog slop

A Proud Infidel®™

“Keep an eye on which mealy-mouthed, cry baby GOPer’s are not at the GOP convention.”

THOSE are the establishment types that need to be sent walking, they can go pound sand for all I care.

Silentium Est Aureum

Like Kaisch and the Bush clan?

A Proud Infidel®­™

Two fine examples right there!




4 choices:
1. Vote for Trump
2. Vote for Cankles
3. Don’t vote (= a vote for Cankles)
4. Vote independent (= a vote for Cankles)

Green Thumb

Too bad Deez Nuts dropped out.

Deez Nuts would have dominated Hillary Clinton.

I may write in for him anyway.

Green Thumb

Watching the RNC.

Wolf just interviewed the chair of the DNC on the premise.


Anyway, the protesters are out. And word has it that it is being coordinated by the DNC.

Not that I get political, but I never see Republicans walking around, smoking pot and looking like bags ass.

Hell, I never see them protesting.

But hey, free food, booze, dope and a chance to step up to the mike to stake my “claim” so that maybe I can be Rachael Maddow’s next “expert” commentator is a lot to pass up.


Protesters are a win-win for the Dems…. they make it look like no one likes the Repubs, and if things get out of hand, it’s those mean old lawn-order (omission intentional) Republicans who mandated the protesters got their heads walloped (notable, since the city and police administration are I think Dems!)Wouldn’t be the first time, Chicago was Daley-land in 1968.)

2/17 Air Cav

I see it otherwise. The more crazy, loud, and obnoxious the progressive/commie/lib protesters are, the more middle America will like Trump. After all, if they hate him and fear him so much, there must be a lot to like about him.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Trump sucks…….
Butt Hillary sucks more !!!
but at least Trump will disappear after 4 years if he doesn’t cut it or loses the election
Hillary would be a bad penny, still hanging around interjecting her annoying kackle & nonsense , after being given the “archers elbow” or the boot by America, were still going to have put up with her even if she loses…oye yee vay

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Cankles owns the Barbed Cock of Satan (AoS trademark)… she gets elected preezy, she’s gonna use it on the entire country in ways we haven’t imagined.


The alphabet networks are going into a tizzy over Melania Trump’s convention speech having portions very similar to Michelle Obama’s from 4 yrs ago….yeah this is an outrage.


That is among the most hilarious things the media has pulled to date. The wife of every presidential candidate during my lifetime has said basically the same thing: my husband is a good guy, great family man, and would be a terrific president. How many ways are there to say it?

C-Span just played back to back repeats of both Mrs. Obama’s and Mrs. Trump’s presentations. The media must be desperate to find something to report that does not involve showing the strength of the current GOP and their support throughout the country.

What a funny thing to try to make into something controversial. Silly people.

Is this part of the GOP war on women? Oh, wait…

Wilted Willy

If you really want to destroy what is left of this great country, then vote for Cankles! Trump will go down as being at least as good as Regan, if not better! Who else wants to get rid of the Muzzies? Who else wants to stop the welfare train? Wake up People! Google deaths involved with the clintons? You could be next!
TRUMP 2016!!!


Agreed. I was in under Carter then Reagan. Sure, Trump may be no Reagan, but Hilabeast could be worse than Carter. Trump, you’ve got this old Dustoffer’s vote.


At least Donald Trump doesn’t have a trail of bodies, corrupt cash, and corruption leading to his door.


Cthulhu 2016: why vote for the lesser evil?