“Chicken Runs at Midnight”

| July 17, 2016

Ran across this article the other day; I then found the video at this link on the same subject.  IMO both are worth your time if you like baseball.

If you do follow either or both of the links above, I’d recommend you grab a tissue or two before you start.

Yeah, they’re from ESPN.  Can’t say I much like ESPN’s politics these days, but IMO they’re no better or worse than SI or most other sports media in that respect.  Or most other media, for that matter.

Category: Baseball

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Truly a tear jerker.

It shows that little things mean a lot and to treasure every precious moment we have together.

Thank You for this Hondo.

AW1 Tim

Sorry Hondo, but I don’t give FESPN any clicks. In fact, the only time I will watch FESPN is if they are the only station broadcasting a New England Patriots game, or Alabama’s game.

Otherwise, they can eat sh!t and die as far as I’m concerned.

AW1 Tim

Actually, it’s only because on at least once a year, it’s the only outlet to watch the patriots. I don’t like it at all, but if I want to watch the game live, then that’s what I am forced to do. Pisses me right off that at least once a year, I have to tune into FESPN to watch Alabama play as well.

I wish there was another option, because I’d pay to be able to NOT have to tune in to them at all.


I saw “the chicken runs at midnight” feature the other day and ESPN does a pretty good job with its documentaries and features (despite the network’s obvious and nauseating lefty bias) but I honestly don’t think that many of it’s sports-talkers understand one simple fact: sports are supposed to be a distraction. Specifically, sports are supposed to be a distraction from all of the concerns of everyday life that we have to deal with and stress over on a regular basis-particularly politics. Frankly injecting politics into that part of life which we choose to indulge in as distraction alienates many viewers-I can get better political commentary on a wide variety of networks-I don’t need it with my sports.


But you see, if they admit that sports is just a distraction then they are admitting the same about themselves.

They are a distraction, nothing to be taken seriously or listened to seriously, so these announcers have to make themselves more important than they really are by lecturing to us rubes and showing how much smarter they are than the rest of us.

Of course, they usually just end up showing their ass, but that’s the way it goes.


Yeah-there used to be more or less an acknowledgment among sportswriters that their’s was the domain of the trivial. The trade off was that you got to have fun for a living by getting paid to go to ballgames. That’s not enough for the giant egos that are ESPN sports-talkers, who obviously have so much to teach the rest of us?.


So, on Mike and Mike this morning Greenburg started on what I took as a hopeful note by saying that Sports were supposed to be a distraction WRT things like the shooting yesterday and that he wanted to get to that, but then he let some jock natter on for 10 minutes about the politics of the matter.

Again, I can get that in a dozen other places. I tune to sports radio for sports, please spare me the rest.


This has already made my day. Thank you.

Just An Old Dog

Great Story.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Read the story couple of days ago… my allergies kicked up afterwards.