Idiot and Rapist Welcome Dallas’ First Baby of 2009 [COB6]

| January 1, 2009

This feel-good story in today’s Dallas Morning News is a very telling indictment of the state of our modern culture.

Dallas’ Parkland Memorial Hospital didn’t have to wait long to welcome the first baby of 2009 — a baby boy named Justin Daniel Ramirez arrived at 12:16 a.m.

Justin’s mom, a 15-year-old Dallas eighth-grader named Fernanda Rios, couldn’t stop smiling as she cradled her new son in her arms Thursday morning. “I was nervous at first about what my mom would say, but I told her I would try my best and she said okay,” Fernanda said.

Being 15 years old and half way through the eighth grade is not of indicator of over achievement but getting yourself knocked up in the eighth grade is clearly idiotic on a grand scale.

But it gets better.

Fernanda said she lives with her boyfriend, a 20-year-old construction worker, at her mom’s place.
That’s right folks, a 15 year old is pregnant by a 20 year old and this is celebrated in Dallas.

Just for the record, here is the law in Texas, statute 22.011:

Sexual assault for anyone to intentionally or knowingly penetrate a person under age 17, other than his spouse. The actor has an affirmative defense if he is not more than three years older than the victim, who is at least age 14

The penalty is 2-20 years in prison.

Category: Politics

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Just sickening. Let’s see if the Dallas DA’s office goes after this POS. Probably not, as he’s posturing to get into the Obamination Administration.



That’d be the job of Texas Child Protective Services. 😉


uh. Yikes!


disgusting and sick…


So why aren’t the left-wing whack jobs in here screaming that conservatives should be applauding this chicka and her baby-daddy for not aborting this bundle of joy? I tell you, the quality of liberal cat toys has plummeted recently…the only thing I can imagine is they’re busy writing their wish list to St. Obama.

“…from the top of the White House, to the lawn of the Mall, now tax away, tax away, tax away all!”


Jonn, you should’ve gotten a screen shot for this one. The newspaper has put up an “explanation” as to why this is seemingly “alright.”


Claymore, your tag line is great. Unfortunately, it’ll come true, probably by next Christmas.



CPS would take care of mom and the baby. The DA has jurisdiction over prosecuting the POS rapist father, along with her mom as an accessory-after-the-fact.

CPS doesn’t give me too much comfort, though, given their terrible record in Dallas County.

The good news here is we don’t need the teen’s testimony. She’s already given statements to The News, and the birth certificate will be a nice piece of damning evidence.



Well, speaking as a left-wing whack job, I don’t know where everyone else is, but personally:

1. Her mother is a moron. She’s letting this schmuck live with her daughter in her home?

2. I love the dumb-ass clause every state seems to have, where if you manage to get married, all the stat rape issues are immediately gone.

3. You know, if her mother were running for VP, Bill O’Reilly would say this was none of our business.


BDS is alive and well. Thank you for showing us that BBJ. With only 2 weeks before the coronation, the left shows its pettiness over and over again.

Typical leftard, can’t figure out that a 20yr MAN old impregnating a 15 yr GIRL old (who is in the eighth grade) is WRONG, both morally and legally. That is why we have statutory rape laws. The point of the article is that the Dallas Media is celebrating the rape of a 15 yr old as a grand celebration.

Whilst an 18yr old boy getting his 17yr old girlfriend pregnant is a bad thing, it is not morally or legally wrong. But since leftists have a morally elusive compass, they can’t seem to realize there is no moral equivalency in this case. Just an opportunity to make a another crude swipe at Bristol Palin.