A few good persons
The Marine Corps Times reports that the Corps has decided which job titles they want to make gender-neutral and which will remain unchanged;
In all, the Marine Corps plans to rename 19 of its military occupational specialties, or MOSs, as the result of a months-long review mandated by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. A service-wide message announcing the changes is expected to be published within the next few days.
The terms “rifleman” and “mortarman,” are among those that remain untouched, according to a list — obtained by Marine Corps Times on Monday — of 33 MOSs that were reviewed. And that was by careful design, said a Marine official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
In most cases, the word “man” will be replaced by Marine.
Of course, this is more important than finishing the wars that we can’t seem to end in the middle east – but this seems like something we can actually complete.
I wonder what the Army is going to do about my Combat Infantryman Badge.
Category: Marine Corps
I am a dinosaur, shit like this is why I do not want to live forever. There are almost no “young men” left in the world, only “young persons”.
I still open doors, never sit while a woman has to stand, take out the garbage, kill spiders, use tools around the house, stand to piss, (seat up of course) carry the groceries into the house, and by instinct alone get between a lady and harm that is in her way.
I will die a man, a Marine, and a “person” that never sat on the end of the couch crying because of some feeling.
Well said, Dave. I see the world the same way, and I agree with you completely.
What is happening to our Marine Corps?
obama is ‘what is happening” to the whole country and if morons vote for the lying, asshole, murderous, corrupt bitch hillary, it will all continue!!
FWIW, at least here in Texas there are a lot of young men like you to carry on when we old geezers are gone.
I know a number of them on active duty now. There is hope for our future – just not in our politicians and their lackies in the 5-sided asylum.
The rank and file are the same as they have always been. Rough men willing to fight at a drop of a hat, kill our nations enemies, and stand unflinching in the face of imminent harm. We still run to the sound of the guns, rush headlong into danger, and will bring our comrades home, come hell and high water.
So, you can continue to disparage those of the younger generation, but remember, it is your generation who is making all these asinine laws.
I believe there are 6,831 service members that would disagree with your assessment of their “manliness”, if only they could.
In case you cant tell, this struck a nerve. I have lost too many close friends and brothers to sit back and let you question their “manhood”. It seems you have forgotten, but, the rank and file don’t get to make policy decisions, we only get to follow. So instead of disparaging the men and women who are currently fighting, how about you go to your representatives and demand that they fight these changes.
You think we are happy with these decisions? You think we want all this social experiment bullshit going on while we try to fight a war with no clear end goal or policy with shit ROE’s that tie our hands and prevent us from destroying those goat fuckers as we are designed to do. If you do, then I suggest you re-evaluate your your opinions.
Rerun0369: I say this to you with professional respect as a fellow Marine, but I think that you may have misinterpreted/misunderstood what Dave Hardin was saying in his post above. I don’t believe that Dave was disparaging “those of the younger generation”, nor do I believe that he was questioning their “manliness”. I read Dave’s post as him simply implying that he’s fed up with all of the naïve, mindless social engineering that’s currently being forced upon the USMC by the clueless politicians, and that he’s glad that he’s not a part of it. He clearly doesn’t appear to think that any of this imposed social engineering enhances the warfighting capabilities of the Marine Corps, and quite frankly, neither do I, which is why I said that I agree with him. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see any attack on the “younger generation” or anyone’s “manliness” in what Dave wrote above, and I think that you’re firing on the wrong target in some of your comments contained in your response to him. I also think that it goes without saying that NONE of the (current/former/retired) Marines here on Team TAH would ever doubt or question the abilities, courage, dedication, or sacrifices of the younger generation of Marines that are currently serving. Please remember that we’ve all lost way too many close friends and brothers over the years, and not just in OIF/OEF, for any of us to ever utter anything so egregiously wrong and insulting regarding our fellow Marines. And you can rest assured that NONE of us would ever just “sit back” and allow anyone else to do it, either. You make good points regarding current policy decisions and ROE, and I’m confident that all of the Marines here on Team TAH understand very clearly that Marines don’t get to make policy or establish ROE. Rather, Marines comply with policy and execute their mission(s)in accordance with the ROE. We’ve all been there and done that, so we understand that process. I hope that this was helpful, and that it brought a somewhat fresh perspective to this conversation. Semper… Read more »
“Rough men willing to fight at a drop of a hat, kill our nations enemies, and stand unflinching in the face of imminent harm.”
Freedom Boner!
I most certainly was disparaging the younger generation. As a whole, they are needy little shits that melt if it rains, freeze if its cool, die if its warm, and are generally soft. Soft as in…we used to call persons with a penis that acted that way a pussy.
There are of course exceptions to that general rule. I should have been clear about that. Marines serving today are better equipped and better trained than we were. They still make me proud as they themselves should be.
My issue is with them as a whole, I could easily exclude those who serve in some branches of the military. I should have mentioned as much.
Yes, my generation has allowed this nonsense to go on. Some of us, more than most realize have been speaking out against the feminisation of men for decades.
I did not intend to disparage the men and women who are currently fighting. So, with that said…my apologies on that issue.
My generation and the one before me should be ashamed of themselves. I am. Many of us have been screaming about it for decades.
Bulling policies in schools make young men soft. Boxing gloves and a gym, or no gloves behind the school solve those problems.
Cyber bulling? Are you fucking shitting me? I can get picked on over the internetweb thingy?
How about an old farts brigade? 58-65 year olds. They dont even have to pay us. No benefits. Just arm us and get the fuck out of the way. Announce such a thing is being formed and see if 10 of thousands dont show up.
Most of us think this social experimentation is bullshit regardless of our age. We still have warriors serving, I have no doubt of that.
Most of the population of the younger generation today would have been slapped for acting like a pussy 40 years ago. We had them of course. I suspect every generation does have their share.
Their share is just getting bigger in time.
<Beware the old man in a world where men die young
I like how you think Hardin…you heathen you…
A few recomendations to combat SOFTNESS in the Corps:
Open Squad bays…the benefits of them would take pages to fill.
No payments for PTSD…NONE, to no one, nada, zip, nuttin. Treatment if needed or wanted…no fucking monthly payments for bad experiences and emotional breakdowns. Feed yourself or starve…fucking disgrace.
If women are going into Combat Arms then they get it exactly the same. Piss when and where everyone else does. Sleep exactly where everyone else does. Do exactly what every one else does. No special quarters, no special heads or whatever the rest of you call them. No special time for privacy.
Shitters…bring down the partitions. Shitters come out of the wall with nothing between you and the asshole next to you but air. What the fuck is “bladder shyness”? Believe me, sooner or later they will piss regardless of who is watching.
How does any of that make men harder? Better killers on the battlefield?
If you don’t know…you are the problem.
I think you’re right. We’re not just soft, we’re melting.
The Romans had public latrines all over the place. You picked a spot to squat. No partitions, just lift your toga, drop your loincloth and sit.
I hear ya Dave but personally, I hated those no partition shitters at the mountain warfare training center. At least in CAX they were in a single row. At the MWTC they were in rows, so you’re sitting there eyeball to eyeball with guys while you’re locking one out. Maybe I’m just being a pussy, but I can do without the face to face bonding experience. lol
HAHAHAHA, it made the cold morning after chili night a thing to remember.
They used to have the shit paper on a chain running along the back wall. Some smart ass would always push them to one end.
Hey, I didnt even mention the art of covert masturbation in open squad bays.
I wanna see some poor woman have to face all the morning wood. Cause you know, I can talk to my dick and tell it not to do that.
I haven’t been successful at talking my dick out of half the shit it got me into.
Any female woman that goes into the men’s room will only do so out of sheer desperation.
Do you have any idea what it smells like after you guys have been in there?
Yes, I do know what it smells like.
Paris in August smells a lot like that.
Fair enough man, fair enough.
I guess I just get pissed because I know what this current generation of Marines are capable of, and yet they are held back. Hell, even compared to when I came in, they are head and shoulders above where I and my peers were at that age. Tell us what you need destroyed and/or killed and get the fuck out of our way.
But don’t worry, platoon on platoon brawls are still the norm, a boot is still a boot (not a “new join”), LCpl’s are still troublemakers, going to the “treeline” is still a thing, and us Gunny’s are still grumpy assholes.
Semper Fi Mac!
The CIB?
My best guess is take the Ranger Woman that set the recycle and train up records and get her in the mix (or at least close to it being she has no Infantry command experience whatsoever, not that it will matter of course because she has been dubbed the 34th greatest leader in the world)as fast as possible!
The Army will not outdone by Rainbow Ray!
Rangerette. Kinda like raisinettes…
Okay, to solve the question about the Combat InfantryMAN Badge, it will probably become the Combat Infantry Badge, so no worries there.
I have no issues with ‘a few good Marines’.
I object to this desperate, infantile need to alter things that don’t need altering and lack of respect for traditions. A Photographers Mate or any RATE that ends with MATE is not about male or female, nor is it about sex. It’s about the job description. So a Boatswains Mate is still a Boatswains Mate. If you don’t think so, ask Mrs. Shipley. She’ll probably give you an earful about that. Frankly, MATE is the most neutral job description the military has.
This asinine need to fiddle with something that doesn’t need fixing has to stop. If I were in the combat end of the military in a Rifle Company I would expect to be designated as a RIFLEMAN, because that is the correct description and has nothing to do with gender.
And if that asswipe Mabelbus doesn’t get that, he needs to step down before he completely wastes any more tax money.
Yes, but what about being a female seaMAN? If they changed that term, at least some of the more childish jokes about the Navy would stop. 😉
No, it would never stop the childish jokes. That is what the Navy is all about. I can verify that even from my distant view. And Navy peeps are all sailors, squids and gobs.
Wait – maybe it’s time we modernized it all and started using slang as designated job descriptions.
For example, anyone who works on deck is a deck ape, you see, so add the word ‘ape’ to Yeoman and make it Yeoape. Personnelman = Personnelape. Or if that’s insufficient, as with artillery on land or sea, associate the old slang term ‘powder monkey’ with all artillery, and substitute ‘monkey’ with for ‘man’ so you have Yeomonkey and Peronnelmonkey.
I think that would work. (snarc)
Oh, sh!t. SJW’s inbound claiming racist intent in the above in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
We generally call each other much more offensive politically incorrect names than this on a daily basis. Or at least, we did when I was active not too many years ago.
SECNAV can do all the official name changes they want. Ratings like OS, PH and QM are still going to be called every awful name in the book by the MM’s, BM’s, and EN’s when liberty call comes around. 🙂
Oh, okay, how about this?
Boatswains primate
Now, you see how difficult this becomes? Can’t afford to offend our fellow primates can we? No, so that means we can’t use ‘primate’, either because Mongo the alpha male gorilla at the local zoo, might go on a rampage or even on strike.
Mongo like candy. (smile)
Dammit you’re quick. I was gonna say that.
I guess we could use hominid.
You people make my ass twitch.
Having deal with pay and service record issues aplenty in my brief foray into the skimmer puke world (tender), I’d say apes would be an insult.
To the apes.
Here’s a few ideas for that moron Mabelbus to use.
Musketeer instead of Rifleman
Secretary instead of Yeoman
Fileclerk instead of Personnelman
Powder Monkey instead of Artilleryman
Powder Monkey instead of Gunners Mate
Marlinspiker instead of Boatswains Mate
Ropemaker instead of Boatswains Mate
Sailmaker instead of Boatswains Mate
You guys getting the picture?
Can I write a nasty letter to Mabelbus and tell him to stop wasting tax money on this shit? Or is that wasting my time plus an expensive postage stamp?
Those names are degrading, Ex.
The PC SJW’s would never stand for it.
Powder Monkey? Really? And how can you call someone a Ropemanker?
Demeaning. It might cause PTSD, an early discharge due to drugs, a subsequent discharge review with upgrade and a life on the taxpayer dole from all of the psychological damage.
We always called a select set of folks “rope smokers”. So I don’t see a problem with “ropemaker” – particularly in some states. (smile)
Oh, you see, if you really look at that list, marlinspike, ropemaker and sailmaker are all part of the Boatswains Mate rate. And powder monkeys were the guys who were small enough to fit into the space between cannons on warships and strong enough to carry the powder and cannonballs to load and fire the cannons.
The amount of powder needed was determined by the weight of the cannonball, e.g., a 9-pounder solid iron cannonball, so the powder monkey also had to know exactly how much powder to load into the breech to propel a 9 pound iron cannonball the distance required to hit an opposing force.
The Roman army used a ballista, which was a massive projectile slinger, also known as a catapult. I’d guess they had names for the operators, maybe catapultam disputatio or something.
Oh, hey! I think I solved the problem! Latin is one universal language that has neuter gender terms. All those conjugations you have to do include the neutral words, which ALL end in -um.
That means that all those nasty gender-specific military words can be done over, as follows.
Gunners Mate: Gunnerarium
Boatswains Mate: Bosunarium
Artilleryman: Ballistarium
Combat Infantryman: Combatarium
See how easy that was???
There’s the solution right there. By golly, that’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?!? Oh, wait! I just did!
Where’s my promotion and my ARCOM?????? I WANT MY ARCOM!!!!
I am honored.
small correction – a ballista is like a giant crossbow and uses the tension on the ‘bow’ to throw things. A catapult throws big projectiles like rocks and the throwing arm pivots, powered by tension on wound rope. Then there is a trebuchet (powered by a heavy weight on the short end of the throwing arm) and others. None of ’em are anything you want to be at the wrong end of.
You’re right. I got the ballista mixed up with the other two. I did mean the trebuchet. But you do get the drift of what I meant.
If I don’t get it RIGHT NOW, I will throw a hissy fit that will curl your hair!
Talk to DoN. Sister service awards generally have to receive concurrence from the individual’s parent service prior to approval. (smile)
Yes, but I have to bribe the Lead PO (Jonn) to put me in for it. And I don’t know if he’d like my cooking or not.
Don’t think you’ll get very far calling Jonn a Petty Officer. (smile)
Platoon Sergeant Lilyea.
Master Gunnery Sergeant Lilyea.
Chief Master Sergeant Lilyea.
That should cover it.
Jonn has his very own ARCOM, all official and shit. Seen it with my own eyes…I did not read the citation however.
Rumor has it, Moerk had nothing to do with it.
I have three actually. All for doing pogue shit where they could see me from the flag pole.
Same deal as the CIB for my one shiny little badge.
It says it right there on the orders:
Type of award: Aircraft Crewmans Badge.
What’s a fella to do?
Well, I guess you could always “transition”. But that’s kinda a one-way trip, and it appears many end up not much enjoying their new destination.
Along with my CIB, I have in my 2-1 file the orders calling it what it IS and that, ain’t gonna change. I will die an “Infantryman” and proud of it.
It is a chairman’s right to seat himself at either end of his committee’s table.
That statement, while it may be factually wrong, used to be grammatically correct. It is no longer. And by no longer correct, I mean that it is an unacceptable (i.e., wrong) answer in current, standardized grammar tests.
In view of the desperate need to neuter and spay the entire English language, I suggest that the term ‘chairman’ be replaced with – wait for it.
Here it comes:
Arschloch auf einem Stuhl.
Well, I guess that works. But I’ve always been partial to HMFIC.
That stands for Honcho, Male or Female, In Charge. (smile)
The corrected statement:
It a chair’s right to seat himself or herself at either end of the chair’s committee. (Chairperson is also acceptable but chair is preferred. Additionally, replacing the second appearance of “chair’s” with “their” is also acceptable.) I used to do very well in grammar tests. I would likely flunk a grammar test today.
No, no. You must use neuter/spay terms in that sentence.
‘It is a chair’s right to seat ITSELF’.
IT. Their is appropriate for use when referring to two or more ITS.
No. The correct version is, “The HMFIC sits wherever they please. Everyone else waits to choose a seat until the HMFIC sits down.”
Everyone stands until the HMFIC says “SIT”
That too. (smile)
Its a good thing the military is getting plenty of money in the budget so they can spend it on things like this.
I’m guessing a few O-5s will be making O-6 for working on this and an O-6 or two will get their star.
Every Marine a rifle operator?
I’ve said it before, Mattis needs to go through the Pentagon knife handing idiots until the stupidity stops.
Of course he could do it with stops in 2 offices: SecDef and SecNav
Negative. OSD and DoN have no monopoly on “teh stoopid” inside the Five Sided Asylum.
I think I may have solved that little problem Stacy0311. We must not only be creative in our endeavors, we must persevere as well.
Here you go. To replace ‘rifleman’, ‘titipounamu’. See below.
A small wrenlike insectivorous passerine bird endemic to New Zealand, the titipounamu.
Not only will you get a special emblem, you can go down there and perform the Haka like the other warriors.
Just wait until the transgender “persons” just arriving. ???
…and the intersex, non-binary, etc
Look at it this way.
Nongender/binaries are ‘they’.
Trannnies are also they.
Why? Because the NGBis are not either/or, they are neither, and the trannies are two-for-one.
Problem solved.
It’s funny, since females have become more common at this command (mostly due to civil affairs)I haven’t had any of these so called problems addressing them….I generally call all the students “fukkers” anyway.
Well, there you go! Universal appellation applied to all. Problem solved.
I tell em all that “Fukkers” is a SOF term of endearment.
Well, and fokkers is a Dutch word that basically means ‘breeder’, so you’re correct.
Let’s say it like is is. They are queers and dykes trying to be worse than they already are and force it on the military because the military is the tool of social engineering with no say whatsoever about their own services. They are controlled by Secretaries who bow and genuflect to an anti-American president who cares less for the well being of this nation’s fighting force and in my opinion, despises them.
Somebody. Please. Make. It. Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it doesn’t make the enemy more dead or keep the good guys more alive, then stop spending money on it now.
From your lips to Gods ears, sister.
Preach it sister!
Sheesh. Next you’ll be telling us your favorite bird is a blue falcon. (smile)
And just WHAT is wrong with a blue falcon????????
I once suggested I would like to push one off the top of the building to see if it could fly, the Marine who heard my thought about busted a gut.
Oh, hell. Here’s yer damn ARCOM. Now quit whining!
(Sniff.) Thank you for caring, Hobo.
Msg to Dave Hardin: What about us coots over 65? How bout we be (un)organized into the Old Fuckers Regiment? Semper Fi!
Ok, we accept waivers for over 65. But we are not garnishing nets with burlap or going back to the old etool.
Maybe we use the old steel pots with a kevlar liner. I missed have my old steel pot.
And, the old m79 was cool, but I kind like the new belt fed fully auto thing.
We definitely go back to c-rats. this dried shit in the self heating foil pack is shit. I miss green eggs and ham. I can live forever on b3 units.
Still, if you come back with hurt feelings or on the wrong side of the zipper…no monthly payment to anyone.
Semper Fi bro
“I can live forever on b3 units”
Dave, you wussed out. I figured for sure you would have said “I can live forever on Ham & MF’ers”
Sign me up for the Old Farts Brigade. As the Supply Sergeant, I’ll make sure everybody gets a P-38/John Wayne with each meal of C-Rats.
What the fuck was that Chinese shit in a can? Came with dried noodles and looked like cat puke.
Two shit disks were not enough to choke down that mess.
But the pound cake…just like mom used to serve on our visits to prison. Good shit right there.
Did I mention that Islam is a disease of the mine lately?
Phuk Allah and his little bitch Mohammad.
Chinese shit in a can sounds like the Chicken & Noodles entrée.
But, Yeah, I could probably live for a long time on just a Peaches or Apricots over Pound Cake for every meal.
But they would have to throw in a Beans and Baby Dicks meal every so often, though. I did kind of like those.
Thats it! Chicken Chow Mein or some shit like that. Now that would put hair on your ass.
Baby Dicks in kinda cooked beans.
But man oh man, peaches and pound cake. That right there is worth raining freedom down on a shit load of Mo’s morons.
I remember making coffee by venting one of the small cans, and using it as a stove. One fuel tablet was just enough to boil a soda can full of water. A soda can, if you had one, worked better than a canteen cup because it concentrated the heat and was easier to balance.
FWIW, some of the best coffee I’ve ever had was at a small place outside Ban Me Thuot in the Central Highlands. The way they served it was you would get a mug with a half-inch of sweetened condensed milk in the bottom, an individual drip gizmo with high-octane French Roast, and a separate tea pot of boiling water. I’m not sure how I first went there, but vaguely remember it was because the ARVN I worked with got tired of hearing me bitch about the fact they were all a bunch of tea drinkers.
Perry, I am happy to see you on the site tonight.
I’ve been trying to catch both you and 3/17 to thank you both for the back-up you two provided a week ago on the thread where the Berserkly grad student who shall not be named wanted to go all ninja on my ass.
So, take a Fresca and a Tropical Bar out of petty cash, and again, Thank You.
Claw……we are who we are. We did what we did. No one but no one, has the right to call us out. Esp. That little fuck from Berkley!
I’ll always have your back!
Roger. As I have yours and many others.
PS.. Both Scooby and I did kinda like Perry’s reference to a Viet Vets Mafia. That brought out a chuckle from me and a snarl from the old guard cow.
You’re welcome, Claw.
Perry………how well I remember the vented can and using it as a stove. I also acquired a shall little stewpot. It was great for taking C’s and adding my own seasoning. Onion,garlic,hot sauce.
This of course, was before flying, beating the bush what a treat!
Small not shall
Someone once told me something about Khe Sanh hash? Does that ring a bell at all?
Just trying to figure out if he was fulluvit. It was a while back.
EX……..I never heard of it. However, we all had our own little ways of “dressing up C’s except ham and limas. Sparks is the only one I’ve ever heard of, that actually liked them! I’m sure the floor of the jungle in Vietnam is littered with rusted out cans of them! Absolutely TERRIBLE
Same here. Never heard of it.
I guess the closest thing to a hash would have been the Chopped Ham and Eggs (AKA Green Eggs and Ham) or the Beef w/Potato Slices in Gravy (AKA Beef and Shrapnel) meals. I guess if you were to mash up the Beef and Shrapnel with your fork real good and add some Tabasco, it might look and taste like hash.
Thanks. I just wondered about it.
That guy had a bunch of other stories that also didn’t add up, but that encounter was 20+ years ago, so never mind.
Hey! Who gets to be the Camp Cook in this love triangle?
Not fair! I was here first!
Now get off your calloused quarters and got shoot me a deer.
You can’t get all veggie and low cal on us. You start any health food rations and I will bring a Waffle House with us.
Health food?!?!?? You sick bastard!
I’m talking about whole hog on a spit over an open flame. Potatoes roasting in the cinders. Pan bread in a cast iron skillet, dripping in butter. Do you think I cook like a wimp?
What about us under 55? I’m just a yute of 53!
Can you do your own laundry? ‘Cause I ain’t doin’ it fer ya, Bub.
Okay, so if I’m the camp cook for you reprobates, here’s whats on the menu.
Pan-fried scrambled eggs
Pan-fried ham steak
Grits w/butter
Flour biscuits
Red-eye gravy made w/Cajun coffee (chicory)
Butter & jam
Slap your own sandwich together
Baked ham, roast beef, roast pork, roast chicken or roast turkey
Mayo, ketchup or mustard – your choice
Lots of sammich veggies including onions
12-grain wide-pan bread or sliced peasant loaf – your choice
Kettle chips
Tortilla chips w/salsa
Roast another whole hog and catch the drippings for more red-eye gravy in the morning
Roast pheasant from what you guys bring back from foraging
Roasted potatoes
Lima beans w/bacon, thyme & summer savory
Soda bread w/butter
And you’d better find a way to keep the bugs away from me, because they piss me off.
Everything was good until you get to the Dinner meal and encounter the Lima beans w/bacon.
Nobody but Sparks is gonna eat that, even though you may enhance the flavor with extra herbs and spices.
I suggest Poke Salad w/bacon (or if I may dare say it, Dandelion Greens) as a substitute. Anything but Lima beans.
Other than that, the Old Farts Brigade Mess menu is a GO!!
Okay, I’ll add barbecue beans topped with diced red onion to that list. Really, limas are quite good when cooked correctly, using baby Fordhooks. And campground brownie pie.
I’m also thinking that I could include food on a stick, like brats soaked in beer, wienies, smoked sausage and kielbasa.
As far as the bugs, they are on their own.
If the bugs don’t have enough common sense to stay away from an area where four to five hundred over age 55 old farts are eating a meal and passing copious amounts of gas, they deserve to die.
Just add them to the meal. After all, bugs are almost 100% protein and will add a crunchiness to every mouthful.
Roasted June bugs? Mosquito kabobs? Ah! Exploding mosquitoes!