Imran Yousuf saving the world

| June 15, 2016


Our friends at We Are the Mighty tell the story of former Marine Imran Yousuf, reportedly a bouncer at the Pulse night club in Orlando. He’s being credited by Orlando police with saving 70 people from the gunman on Sunday morning;

“You could just tell it was a high caliber,” Yousuf told CBS. He saw the patrons were frozen in fear and that no one was moving to open a nearby door.

“There was only one choice — either we all stay there and we all die, or I could take the chance,” Yousuf said, “and I jumped over to open that latch and we got everyone that we can out of there.”

From the Marine Corps Times;

“There are a lot of people naming me a hero and as a former Marine and Afghan veteran I honestly believe I reacted by instinct,” he wrote on Monday. “I have lost a few of my friends that night which I am just finding out about right now and while it might seem that my actions are heroic I decided that the others around me needed to be saved as well and so I just reacted.”

While he appreciates the support he has received, Yousuf stressed that people should focus on the victims’ families, not him, he wrote.

From CBS News;

Yousuf, a 24-year-old Hindu, served as a U.S. Marine in Afghanistan. On Saturday night, the combat zone followed him to Orlando.


“I wish I could have saved more to be honest,” he said through tears. “There are a lot of people that are dead …there are a lot of people that are dead.”

Before the interview, Yousuf told CBS News he hadn’t really processed all the lives lost. But, once the combat vet started talking about it, the tears kept coming.

Thanks to Tom for the link.

Category: Marine Corps

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Well done, Marine. Damn well done. Kudos.


Damn fine young man. In all the panic that must have erupted, he had a clear head. Kudos, indeed.


Well Done


BZ, shipmate. Thank God you were there and were able to at least save some.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Once again proving that service never ends…well done indeed.


Good job, Marine.
As we say in the South: “Y’done good.”


Maybe GERSH KUNTZMAN should take note on what a real man does.

BZ Marine!

The Other Whitey

CUNTzman ain’t fit to breathe the same air as this man.

A Proud Infidel®™

CUNTZman ain’t even worth a squirt of that Warrior’s piss.


Kuntzman is still sitting in the lobby, waiting to be called for his GYN appointment.




We learn door-opening skills in the first day of bootcamp. Marines don’t forget their training!


God Bless Brother, and may you find comfort in the lives you were able to save. Mourn the loss of your friends, but you did damned good!


Nice story. I’m glad he survived.


Damn well done son, damn well done.

2/17 Air Cav

Panic kills. Makes people do strange things. Freezes others. When everyone moves as a pack to the left, it’s usually a safe bet not to move or to go right. I’m glad he unlatched a door. At least someone kept his wits about him.


Sheepdog! Thank you.