Well Said, But May Need Saying Again

| May 14, 2016

I honestly don’t recall where I found this. If it was here  – my apologies. It says things well that need saying and bear repeating.  It hammers the phonies, but also covers other things that many here will likely recognize.

Watching this may rip open wounds most would rather forget… still

Category: Geezer Alert!

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HMCS(FMF) ret.

ZP – powerful… a powerful video!

Thomas Huxton

reminds me of having to listen to a guy telling war stories about his tour in the field. He was wearing a field jacket with a 7th Army patch. (Never left Europe)
His drunk chickie took offense when I called him out. She asked about my draft status and I had to admit that I had never been registered. ( entered service @ 17)
Would she like to see my DD214?
“Whut’s that?”

I had been sitting with beavis and butthead.


As H M C said, powerful stuff! The only way there could have been a happy ending was if the main character had cut an ear off the phony and stuck it up his ass….right before his appetizer had been served.

Steven Bison

So many mixed feelings. So many questions. So many stories I wish I had the courage to tell. So happy that one soldier found peace.


Holy.shit. I am sitting crying like a little girl. This hit me somewhere deep inside.

Mark (RM1 USN ret)

I never was in direct combat in all my 20 years in the
US Navy but to all who were “In the Breach” my thanks to you and your families. And a big Bravo Zulu for the person who posted this video. ???


-cracks his 5th Miller lite-
What’s all this then?

I’m using levity to diffuse my feels.
Damn fine video, if only I could work up some historic quote while seething with anger when I encounter SV.
Perhaps this should be a good warning to all that this isn’t a game.


Mom hasn’t seen this….so I will shed tears on her behalf…

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SERVICE..and for those who couldn’t make it home.. REST IN PEACE…