Weekend open thread

| May 13, 2016

Eagle Hunter
Photograph by Steve Morrison, National Geographic Your Shot
Launch Gallery

While in western Mongolia in the summer of 2014, Your Shot member Steve Morrison captured this photo of a nomadic herder who hunts using a trained golden eagle, a centuries-old Kazakh practice. The eagles are extremely quick and can dive upon prey at speeds of more than 150 miles an hour. “I had the opportunity to spend four days camped beside the ger (yurt) belonging to Shohan and his family,” Morrison writes. “On this day, we had followed Shohan deep into the valley that extends west beyond his summer pastures, above upper Dayan Nuur near the Chinese border.”

Here’s your open thread – I’m still supervising the contractor (meaning; I’m getting in his way).

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pure luck that’s all I’m going to say



“The price of peace is eternal vigilance.”


congrats Mick… I’m stunned I made the top ten this week Lol..

2/17 Air Cav

Jeez. There wasn’t even a close second. Mick looks like Secretariat at the 1973 Belmont Stakes.


yes he was out front and waiting for the rest of us to stagger in Lol..

2/17 Air Cav

Claw got stuck in the starting gate, looks like.


It would appear by the first comment time that I was sitting in the parking lot of the eye doctor where I was playing chauffer for Mrs. Claws while she went for her annual eyeball dilation/exam.

Sometimes (but not many) other things take priority over sitting under my bare 40 watt bulb furiously refreshing the page, with sweat running down my forehead, waiting for the WOT to show up.

But I’m here now. Did I miss anything?


Nah not much..
So far as I know ?

Perry Gaskill

Teach Scooby to type…


Yeah, that should be easy enough.

It’s only seven letters and three mouse clicks to get the comment to appear.

So simple even he could do it, but having him maintain enough attention to the task on hand when all those miscreant robins and magpies have to be chased out of the backyard will be the true test of my teaching skills.

2/17 Air Cav

This still gives me chills–Big Red, the greatest of them all. “He is moving like a tremendous machine…He’s all alone!”



“The price of peace is eternal vigilance.”

Lawyers Taylor's Narcissism

I’m always first, no matter when I post. Why? Because I said so! I analyzed and triangulated all of this, and used trigonometry and geometry to prove that I am always the first when I post on these open weekend threads.

My weekend has already started on a bad note.

The lesbian that I tried to pick up this morning left her skid marks on my face. I got pulled over afterwards. The law enforcement officer that pulled me over gave me a summons. I was driving the speed limit, following all traffic rules, and could not figure out why I would got a summons.

I asked the law enforcement officer why received a summons. He told me that people aren’t allowed to drive shit faced.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

That’s Lars, not lawyer, dammed speech to text. And you guys made fun of the sweaden guy.


At least it wasn’t Lawers.


Idiot speech detection software can only guess what the user is attempting to say, LT. Therefore, ‘lars’ may come out as ‘lawwers’ or as ‘lards’ or as ‘liars’.

Now you know how it works. And since cars are being turned into self-driving robots that can talk back, I am going to try to find a 1970 Chevy Impala with a V-8 and a stick shift, instead.


Every time I type in Bernasty pants I get turdbath instead.
And a gas gauge that reads empty too…
I wonder why that is…


Me, I’m going for a ’72 Duster or Chevelle.

The stick shift will keep it from being stolen too!


My preference for an automobile of that era would be a 67 Chevy II Super Sport in either a slate grey or sky blue color.

Not too big, not too small, a real sleeper as you’re sitting at a light.

Gimme that 350 horse 327 and a four speed, and all those GTO’s with a 389 Tri-Power can watch my tail lights disappear into the distance.


Claw – my first love was my 64 Chevy II. We stuffed a 350 out of a 73 Monte Carlo in it, bucket seats from a 65 Chevelle, 400 turbo tyranny and a rear end from a 68 Camaro. Used my first check from Basic Training for a black paint job.

Man I miss that thing.


I think nothing can beat Steve McQueen in the fastback pony car in Bullitt. There are two parts to this, the second one follows right after Part I.



Honey would you love my mom less if you knew she STILL CAN’T DRIVE A STICK SHIFT..
she’s still asleep from surgery so she won’t remember writing this.
Her younger sister tried and she took out her brothers passenger door.
Took out three new cars when her boss asked her to back up a VW van to another slot.
Took out my birth father’s (prick) 1952 Ford Trucks front right side in San Francisco going down Geary into a Post office box.
Put her behind anything else and I’d ride with her anytime.
I wish she would share pictures of herself with the people she trusts most..TAHers. Thanks for taking her in and a prayer to whoever you believe in that the specialist did his job…

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

Pardon me, but do you have 7 pound block cheese?

Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H Chevalier


No, cheesefish mCblobeater, and you stay the hell away from my fridge!

Bernath's Feul Plan

But of course! Bring the coconuts!




Is AAFES a private enterprise?
They behave like communists. They don’t care how long the lines are, they don’t react to consumer demands, they restock fast moving items, they don’t fire slow workers.

I suspect they are communists.


I meant, they don’t restock fast moving items.

I hate the PX. Frigging communists.


I shop at AAFES all the time the best time to go is on a Wednesday or Thursday between 11-2 or 1400 that’s when the clearance stuff comes out and the deals are nice.. I put half a house of furniture in our NM house for around 200 bucks about 2,000 dollars worth of stuff not bad the AF bases seem to do a better job then the Army post do


NEX and AAFES get the TSA castoffs. I really like Navy Commissary but not so much the NEX.




Wait, I thought that said EX-PH2


I just glanced downward, yep I am ex-OS2. Sorry for the let down.


Second guys always say that.



Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I think, maybe.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Oh well. Since I was sitting in a Rest Area, following up on some details, I thought I would try to hit the top of the WOT comments. Slow loading set me back a bit.

Pinto Nag

That’s okay. You’re always first in our book! 😀


Close this one came out of nowhere this week




I want to go to Mongolia some day – Mongolia, and Yakutia, and some of the zapovedniks in Russia.


BTW, what are you servin’ up for chow this weekend?

Always look forward to your recipes…


Oh, dinner! Dinner and a movie!

I got a nicely trimmed chuck roast yesterday, and I have some red potatoes, a pound of baby carrots, turnips, and onions to add to the mix. I’m torn between putting it all into a pan in the countertop convection oven, covered just enough to keep it from drying out, or put it in the slow cooker to make it tender enough to shred to pieces. Either way, it’ll be good.

Black & Decker is marketing an extra-wide countertop oven for about $80. Those things do save making my back ache, so I may just get one

So, dinner will be roast beef with vegs, cut veggies on the side, and gravy. And a good glass of red wine, and for afters, I have a choice of turtle cheesecake or the delectable fruit and cheese board. Or both.


Slow cooker and turtle cheesecake.


Why not have it all? I have brie and crusty bread, too.


Agreed, might as well go all out!


I’ll get pictures.




well I’m finally in the top ten again what the…..


Skippy, some day, you’ll get there first. Just keeping tryin’.




That’s it Ex-PH2, keep building him up for failure.

Me, I have come to accept that I will never be first, or second, or even third. I have instead realized that I shall just be… last.




Veritas Omnia Vincit

Tenth goddammit…I always get a sammich at the wrong time


This just in: according to the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still Not Eligible To Practice Law!

Further, it does not appear that this ineligibility to practice law is voluntary. Anyone who is curious regarding why Mr. Bernath is no longer eligible to practice law is invited to read this.


Hondo… the why maybe because he is bat shit crazy !!!!!! and I’m being nice about it too with coconuts Lol….. 🙂


Damn it Skippy! I even missed Number 16 because you were a few seconds sooner. You bumped me to 17.


I’m stunned the last few weeks I’ve been busy as all you know what getting ready

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m surprised he hasn’t Photoshopped that mfugly neckbearded face of his on the shepherd and claiming it’s him.

A Proud Infidel®™

The court recommends that respondent Daniel Alan Bernath be disbarred from the
practice of law in the State of California and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys.
California Rules of Court, Rule 9.20
The court also recommends that Respondent be ordered to comply with the requirements
of California Rules of Court, rule 9.20, and to perform the acts specified in subdivisions (a) and
(c) of that rule within 30 and 40 days, respectively, after the effective date of the Supreme Court
order in this proceeding.
The court further recommends that costs be awarded to the State Bar in accordance with
Business and Professions Code section 6086.10, such costs being enforceable both as provided in
Business and Professions Code section 6140.7 and as a money judgement

I love just thinking about what’s yet to come to him and the rest of The Dutch Rudder Gang! 😀

I’m all stocked up on beer, Brats, popcorn and pretzels!!


Movie theater butter popcorn??

A Proud Infidel®™



Standing in for my mom. I read your names and comments and its like I already know each person. We read good morning stories for the daily laugh. I spotted the name of Blowjob Bernath and had to jump in. We check the bar once a week. By the time he’s disbarred, he’ll already be decomposing and blow out the casket..asshole


Well in about 6 hour give or take I’m spending most of my summer in southern New Mexico at about 9,000 feet give a little more then take anybody on here passing through Alamogordo NM hit up Skippy…


You headed to Cloudcroft or thereabouts? Alamagoogoo is only 4500+, you have to be headed uphill.


Roger you win today trivia question Lol….


usedta live there. Hell of a shock moving from there to Houston…the things we do for money. Better job, 50% more pay… but gawd, I sure know what it feels like to be a cheap whore after multiple tropical storms and a hurricane a few years back. Still working on the back of the house after the last storm – 13″ of rain in 6 hours.


just a little south by Sunspot way better then 97 at 10 am in the morning the blast furnace is on here in the old pueblo and it ain’t going off until sometime in October


Trackin’ the weather in my kingdom, too. 48F this morning, clear, sunny and dropping to 39F tonight. It should be humid right now, but instead, it’s as dry as a bone, like winter air. Not a good sign. No lack of rain, either. I might be able to mow the grass this weekend.

Silentium Est Aureum

Gonna be rather cool for the area among the corn.

But then again, two weeks ago, I was in Vermont, getting snowed on.


I have pictures of snow falling on my front steps on April 18th this year.

And because it’s been so chilly, there aren’t a lot of bugs out so the grackles, redwinged blackbirds and cowbirds keep coming to my feeder.


Rain in the Mid-Atlantic region today.

Very dreary.


Number 16! Damn I missed number 1…again.


James (Cocksucker Phony UH-1 Pilot Chuck Norris Wannabe) Walls reads bedtime stories every evening over at the UH-1 Huey Helicopter Facebook page. I encourage everyone to check it out, it is a fucking riot. It usually starts around 2130 CST.


Those have been popping up in my newsfeed as well. He posts photos with narratives that give the impression he was right there in the shit but never actually comes out and says it anymore. If I didn’t know that he was such a LSoS, I’d say he was actually one of the better FB mods/admins I’ve seen. He engages quite a bit with the membership and knows his audience pretty well. It’s a damn shame that he feels the need to embellish so much, since between his perfectly honorable actual experience and how much he engages with the audience there he’d otherwise be a pretty solid dude.


Jimmy Balls has actually tuned down his “I was there” “We did this” bullshit, but he is still a cock-sucking liar.



HMCS(FMF) ret.

Well, it’s Friday… which means that it’s time for my weekly shout-out to Dickless Danni-boi Bernastypants and his buttbuddy, QuEeFeRs (aka: CoCkSlUuUuRrRrPtH41).

Hey Danni-boi, still waiting on that certified letter from the CA State Bar? As your buttbuddy would say, “ITS COMETH SOON”!!! One other question – is there a change in your plans coming soon? I’m guessing that you’re going to be spending quite a bit of time in court real soon on criminal matters concerning your prior career and some threats you’ve made to people in the past. It’ll be just another “accomplishment” in the infamous life of one Daniel A. Bernath – liar, fraud, NON-CPO and DEADBEAT DAD!

I can’t forget about QuEeFeRs!!! So how you doing, butt pirate? Are you still showing up at the local drop zones dressed as “PeePants, the inebriated, hobo, skydiving clown”, scaring off the local skydivers, children and pocket pooches? Still having those DRG COCKtails by the gallon and lusting after farm animals? What are you going to do when Danni-boi heads off to jail? Maybe you need to go on a road trip and meet up with William Church and his butt buddy, “Will Chamberlain” and pump each other behind the Dairy Queen? Nah, that’s too easy… you’re probably missing your “husband” at the local poundyouintheass jail, aren’t you?

Well, that all I have for this week for the two of you – here’s hoping that your Friday the 13th involves a set of handcuffs and a “meeting” with Bubba, Thor, Julio and Mr. “Tiny”.

BTW – DuLlAsS, if they do put the tip in, it DOES mean you’re gay…

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Fuck…27th again! Shouldn’t have gone out and had that Brazilian wax job done this morning.

Silentium Est Aureum

Pics or it didn’t happen!


Silentium Est Aureum

No way DULLASS is gay. I heard he doesn’t like the taste of cock, but then again, 20 bucks is 20 bucks!

It’s also nice to see Bernutless get it broken off in his ass as well, legally speaking. While the state of CA takes it’s sweet fucking time, all things in due course. Couple that with him playing peg boy for his spouse, pending litigation and judgements against him, and I’d say he’s pretty well fucked.

Rustle, rustle, bitch.

Jon The Mechanic

30th comment. I knew I should have waited to clean the hair clog out of the bathtub drain.

Hack Stone

I claim Honoray First, but only to pay tribute to Elaine Ricci.

A Proud Infidel®™

I self-identify as FIRST today, so there!



Can’t I get a sammich without being eliminated?

Green Thumb

Anyone try that Shock Top Pretzel beer yet?

Pretty tasty.

Oh, and the False COmmander and CEO of All-Points Logistics, “Phony” Phil Monkress works balls.

Silentium Est Aureum

Shock Top as a whole is too sweet for me. Ditto with some of the Shipyard ales.

Harpoon UFO, however, is very nice, and I do like me a Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat while out on a warm day, which today ain’t.

Ah well, I’ll just wear a sweatshirt and shorts.

While I’ll never move where I’m currently working, I am jealous of the fact the local markets like Meijer have steaks that are 10X better than the rat meat they pawn off back home. Then again, I nearly gagged walking by the fish counter, so there’s that. $16/lb for lobster? Screw that!


Hey!! Listen up!! This is the 240th year since this country got started out of a bunch of bright ideas! Let’s have a big party in July!


I’m up for a party in July.

We can participate in some nostalgia games, such as Free Range Livestock Management Specialist and Indigenous Persons, and a friendly game of Red Rover where we get to clothesline the people we just don’t like.

The fun and games list is endless.

So come on over to my picnic table where the drinks are cold and the friendship is free.


I am in! Since it will be around a Patriotic day, and many will be out in their “gear”, we may consider playing pin the tail on the poser.


‘Pin The Tail On The Poser’! Good one!

But I’m only playing if we get to use the old shelter half orange tent pins and then pound them into the posers’ asses with an e-tool.

Fun for one and all, kids!


I think they would work quite well.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m ALL for using the nice big wooden pegs used to hold up a GP Medium pounded by a nice big wooden mallet!!


I like the Red Rover idea.

We line up all of TAH on one side and all the Stolen Valor Thieves on the other.

Then we call out “Red Rover, Red Rover, send (insert favorite LSOS’s name) right over.”

The question is, who would be the first callout? Who would be second? Third? And so on.

The preference list could take a while to sort out. Make it a on the spot, with immediate satisfying results, Stolen Valor Tournament.


“immediate satisfying results”

Yep, an OSCA (On the Spot Clothesline Asskicking)



Red Rover, Red Rover, send James (Cocksucker Phony UH-1 Pilot Chuck Norris Wannabe) Walls right over.


Nay, Nay, my young Padawan.

There are many LSoS’s who have been exposed for deeper and longer fucktardery
that are more deserving of being named first.

Donkey Balls Walls is a mere neophyte newcomer compared to, say, the likes of Danni-Boi, Psaul, Frank Visconi, SlUrPeR41, and the steaming pile of dog shit known as Phil Monkress. Any member of the DRG deserves a first call rather than the Phony Spec4 Pilot.

I know making a priority list is a tough chore, but an in-depth analysis is part of the job./Smile


The force is weak in ex-OS2. I am a TAH virgin and yet to know the depth of the list of exposed cocksuckers. I will retreat to the woods behind my house until I am ready.


ex-OS2, just use the search engine at the top of the page to learn about the following individuals.

Be prepared, however, to spend many, many hours consuming many bags of popcorn and adult beverages.

Here ya go:

Daniel Bernath
Dallas Wittgenfeld
Phil Monkress
Frank Visconi

They are the main members to what we call the Dutch Rudder Gang/Club. (Google up Dutch Rudder to see what that means if you haven’t already done so.)

They constitute Stolen Valor fucktardery in spades.

Be forewarned. You may want to purchase a Stadium Buddy before logging in and starting the reading marathon.


I appreciate the direction Claw, very insightful. I have browsed quite a few on the Stolen Valor link and each one pisses me off even more.

Regarding the Dutch Rudder Gang/Club, I just have to say holy fucking shit.

Dutch Rudder
Double Dutch Rudder
Reverse Double Dutch Rudder….

I applaud this blog and everyone involved in exposing Stolen Valor. My enlistments were average, however, proud of my service. I look forward to becoming more involved at TAH. I tend to have a potty mouth (working on it) and apologize in advance.


Oops, OS-2, I almost forgot one of the more important members of the DRG, who most certainly is the pivot man at their weekly circle jerks.

That would be Dennis Howard Chevalier, more commonly known as Heavy Chevy, the Cheese Slayer.

He is currently on the prowl for wife #10, who preferably has a Wisconsin connection.



To fight for the right and to build the nation’s might, and the Army goes rolling along.

Perry Gaskill

Anyone of the TAH crew who has been labeled a global warming “denier” might want to bookmark the following link from this week. It’s about the current state of California’s High Speed Rail project, and pretty much a textbook example of what can happen when a radical green movement gets caught up in emotion and politics without thinking things through.



A bullet train in earthquake central – I always thought it was a loony idea, more suited to the east coast or the Midwest. But that report makes it quite clear no private investor would undertake something like that unless there is a clear profit. If a rail line between Chicago and Decatur were still available, I might have taken it once in a while, but it was gone by 1970. Reliable noncommuter passenger rail service in this country is needed, but something like a bullet train? 220MPH in earthquake country?

I wouldn’t get on one of those.


Gee. Sounds kinda like the story of Social Security.

Or Medicare.

Or ObamaCare.

Or Food Stamps/SNAP.

Or . . . well, you get the idea.


I told people when this turd train wreck (yeah, I know) was proposed that it would take decades and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. It would have to be stopped every six feet when a beetle or toad was found so the tree huggers could conduct a $20M environmental impact study. Those space cadets in CaliLand are out of touch with reality. I feel for those good people who bought into this monstrosity and forked over their good money buying bonds. The politicians? Use them for train railing. Dumbasses. Just freaking dumbasses. I predict north of $250B and 20-30 years, then with every minor quake it will be out of service for months to be realigned. Those stupid politicians should be realigned. Cancel this freakin’ thing NOW.

Silentium Est Aureum

Funny thing is, if you had wanted to build one from LA to Vegas, it would have been built and making a profit years ago.


Yes, and there would be several other competitive lines vying for customers. I predict those silly turds in LaLaLand will beg for a federal government bailout, as if THEY have any money.

Silentium Est Aureum

When I lived in CA and wanted to do a weekend in Vegas (which was at one point 5-6 times a year) I’d make it a point to leave by noon on Friday, or just take the whole day off.

Nothing says CA traffic like going 25 mph from Yorba Linda on the 91, up the 15 through Glen Helen to the top of the Cajon Pass. For the uninitiated, that’s about 50 miles. Then there was all that fun 2 lane crap from Barstow to Baker.

Take a 4 hour drive and turn it into a 7-8 hour nightmare, especially on holiday weekends.

Perry Gaskill

Something to consider is that buried in the original ballot measure was a provision that no more than 10 percent of funding be used for “environmental studies, planning, and preliminary engineering activities.” This apparently amounted to a $900 million windfall which might have had more to do with things than actually, as it were, getting the choo choo to Chattanooga.


Speaking of trains, this will make API and anyone else who loves the passenger streamliner happy.


Perry Gaskill

It’s interesting how many of those classic trains had an origin point in Chicago. The city’s function as a transport hub has also extended into other areas such as O’Hare for aviation, and was one end of the fabled Route 66 highway which ran all the way to LA.

A Proud Infidel®­™

Oh yes, Names like the Frisco’s “Firefly”, KCS’s “The Flying Crow” ,… Among many the undisputed Grand Damme is still AT&SF’s “Chief” and “Super Chief”.

A Proud Infidel®­™

Not just that, building a brand new freight railroad Right of Way (ROW) from scratch these days will cost at least $1 million per mile and that’s sans all of the idiotic tree-hugger lawsuits. Yes, I’m talking about run-of-the-mill 40-50MPH freight trackage and the Califruitnia pols promised all that shit and a bag of chips? They’ll be lucky if the pols and bureaucrats even deliver a dog turd in a paper bag.


59th? (Fuck yeah!)



Frankie Cee "In the clear"

I stopped off to visit some old friends, and show them my new $20.00 AR-15. We’ve been slinging lead at the Suwanee River bank. Tweaked the zero a little bit, and now driving nails at 100 yds through the sights. I like the traditional wood stock long guns, so I hadn’t bought an AR-15, but have been pricing them in the local pawn shops, finding them high priced for the condition they are in. This Bear Creek Arsenal Ursid Hybrid II is one nice weapon.



Frankie Cee "In the clear"

$20.00 for an AR-15? Actually, I consider it as free because I bought a $20.00 raffle ticket to support a veteran charity, with no thought of winning the rifle. I was as surprised as the Battalion Commander when he called my name.

A Proud Infidel®™

Winning an AR15 at a raffle, THAT’S gonna make some limp-wristed anti-gunners like Master Bateman shit themselves sideways!! 😀


Bateman is to busy burning the U.S constitution on some liberal arts college campus to notice. Or the front man for BLM in some sewer.
p.s Bernath bring me AV gas for the Ducati.


A little more stolen valor for the weekend. Only this guy will be doing some Federal “Pound me in the ass” prison time, which is nice.



So when arrested he admitted to the gun on his person and six more at his home? Well, that’s a cute little starter pack.

He enlisted under his brother’s name. That’s ballsy.

Stolen Valor and felon in possession of a firearm. Boom

A Proud Infidel®­™

“Security”, eh? time will tell if he can keep himself secure from Bubba & Thor while he’s in the shower!


This week’s edition of Woman’s World has everything you need to know.

Lose weight, keep the treats, and stick with more fruits and veggies, just like your mom told you.

Green tea will stop hair loss (pg. 15) and chocolate will reverse aging. (pg. 13)

Next time you guys are in the checkout line, grab a copy. Lots of good stuff in it, and your signif other will thank you for being thoughtful enough to get it for her.


My significant other prefers Guns & Ammo but I’ll give it a try!


Are you suggesting I now have a valid medical reason for eating chocolate? Thank you, Jesus!


There is always a valid medical reason for eating chocolate.

And FWIW, my mother lived to be 94 and ate handfuls of chocolate chips daily.

The downside of that is that she never did any kind of daily exercise like walking. Walking is great exercise. It’s the reason I don’t bring the teapot into the room where I have my computer.

Jon The Mechanic

I have wondered why my significant other looks 10 years younger than I do when in fact she is only 3 years younger. Now I know.

She is also smarter (has made either the Dean’s or President’s List the last 2 semesters and will have her Bachelor’s Degree in 2 years) and better looking than I am.


Here’s your basic homemade pasta sauce, from an Italian cook:

Tomatoes (canned are okay)
Olive oil
basil (fresh or dried)

The olive oil is to keep the tomatoes from sticking and burning. Simmer on a very low flame. A lot of salt is not necessary, just a pinch or two.

You have to stir this a lot, and if you want it lumpy, start with chunky-cut peeled fresh tomatoes. Otherwise, I use canned diced tomatoes.

A lot of commercial pasta sauces have sugar 2nd or 3rd in the ingredients list. There’s no reason to add sugar to this. I look for those that don’t have sugar in them.


Time I’ve posted today.
That’s gotta be worth something!


Hell-Yea !!!!!!
you buying the Beer 🙂
or am I Lol…

2/17 Air Cav

Traditionally, Fridays are slow news days. Just like many other non-news companies, news employees go home early, take off, or otherwise disappear. Consequently, Fridays are the days people get fired and press releases carrying controversial items are issued. Anyway, yesterday the DOJ released a small item. It concerns transgenders and schools that receive federal money, which is every public school in the nation. The DOJ and Education Department released “significant guidance” that mandates that those who identify as members of the gender inconsistent with their genitalia must not be discriminated against by requiring them to use school bathrooms and locker rooms that are restricted to male or female only. Terrific. But don’t take my word for it. Read it yourself. Here’s the link to the letter. (Oh, BTW, Trump was asked about this and said that he has no opinion on it. Now, that’s conservative leadership at its best.)


Accidentally clicked ‘report’. Sorry.


If it weren’t for Reuters News service and AFP, I’d have no idea what is going on in the real world. The local news peeps seem to think anything outside their AO is too unimportant to mention, unless there’s a bomb exploding or something.

Anyway, since Brazil’s leftist prezzie Rouseff has been impeached and removed from office, it seems that Maduro’s leftist government is weaker than ever in Venezuela. Not sure what is going on there, but the words ‘galloping inflation’ are an alert. I wonder if they can get toilet paper these days?


There are calls to remove Maduro from his throne. He’s blaming the USA, of course.

Green Thumb

Off to the yard sales!


So a blow fly landed on Obama’s head. He asked the Marine next to him, “What is this insect that landed on my head?” The Marine replied, “That is a blow fly. They land on piles of crap Sir.” Obama asked, “Are you calling me a pile of crap?” The Marine answered, “No Sir, but you can’t fool a blow fly.”

Green Thumb


Was this a transgender Marine that received special “training” for extra months at a stretch and promotion based on “merit”?

Green Thumb

And did this conversation take place in the Men’s or Women’s restroom?


Women’s of course. It’s the only place Obama ever gets to see any.

Toasty Coastie

*waivies* Hellooooooo TAH!

Hope everyone is having a fine weekend. Had a lovely time in France and found some lovely new recipes to share with you…but they are still packed away so I will leave you with this…

Irish Chocolate Truffles


3 cups dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup cocoa powder

1 fl oz cold espresso or strong coffee

1 fl oz Baileys Cream liqueur

8 fl oz fresh cream

Cocoa powder, desiccated coconut, ground almonds or cake crumbs for coating.


1. Melt chocolate together with the cream.

You can do this in a bowl sitting over a pot of simmering water. Don’t let any water get into your chocolate or it will go into a sticky lump from which there is no return.

2. Take the chocolate off the heat.

Mix together the cocoa powder, cold coffee and Baileys and stir this liquid mixture into the melted chocolate.

3. You have just made what is known as a chocolate “ganache”. If you were to let this cool a little at this stage it could be used for pouring over a cake as a chocolate covering.

4. Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the fridge until cold.

This will take two hours or so. You can leave it overnight if you wish as you long as everyone can avoid the temptation to steal little spoonfuls!

5. Give the mix a good stir with a wooden spoon before you start to measure it out with a warm teaspoon.

Dip the spoon in hot water and always dry it before scooping out the “ganache”.

When you have them all done, roll them with your hands, into little balls and refrigerate again for one hour.

6. Finally roll your truffles in the coating of your choice.

This is best done by having your crumbs, cocoa, almonds or whatever all sitting in separate soup bowls so you can literally ‘roll’ the ball around in the coating.


Chocolate will also help you live longer.

Thank you for the recipe and now I have to go get more baker’s chips.And cream. And Irish booze… and… and…


A state-run cooking gas plant in Iraq was bombed yesterday (our time). The video on the news showed a large explosion.



Exciting news here. The hen that got broody a while back is sitting on some new chicks. Counted 17 a bit ago, but it may only be 15. Or 18. They move kinda fast.


Pictures! We need pictures!!


Will work on that project later today.


Jason Blaha.
Its worth the google time.
Clams to be an ex mercenary assassin for the U.S govt hired to hunt dangerous big game. He cant talk about his past or the government will come after him. Except for his story’s on the interweb (its forever).
p.s his ex wife and dad say all he did was play World of Warcraft in the cellar.

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

I give you the DRC’s latest Youtube channel, which will be shut down just like all the other channels and web sites that they have wasted money on,https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3tn2i6DuzUfcKBBmU7Gwg


Does anyone ever watch that twaddle?

Silentium Est Aureum

Only in the same context one watches a train wreck.


Made it to the mountains of southern New Mexico…. 1 and a half of rain last night with a BIG Thunderstorm to boot high today of 62… The wife kids and one crazy blue heeler are loving it and so am I ??? The pain index today was a 3 so much better then a 6
Hope all have had a great weekend

2/17 Air Cav

Anybody see today’s Google screen? Under the search box is this: “Proud supporters of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.” So that’s what today is. It has been a long time since Psych 101 for me but I clearly recall that a phobia is an irrational fear of something. I honestly know no one who has a fear of queers or twinks. Finding something to be detestable or abhorrent or loathsome is quite different from fearing that something, let alone irrationally fearing something. But words matter, and he who controls language controls thinking and, by extension, behavior. This explains the phobia tag.


More interesting to me was that yesterday was the 100th anniversary of the Brits and Frogs dividing up the Ottoman Empire.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. Do you think your fellow AF Vet will have the backbone to reply to my two-part explanation? Signed, The Ass.


No idea. I do know that many/most of us in USAF get a bit testy at the barbs thrown at us occasionally. My response was generally pointed, but showed no fear, on those few occasions when someone strayed into that territory. Ya know – like smiling and promising to order something very special in their honor at the chow hall, on my way to my comfy bed.

There are many ways to defuse uncomfortable situations. Or walk away from them.

Bottom line being that I never called in for support from other services but was often around situations where other services called for USAF support. Doesn’t make either superior to the other – just points out the need to play nice with each other and perhaps to honor the different pieces of the whole that we each play.


I’m just going to drop this in here, in case anyone we all know thinks that pollution is a problem here in OUR country.

Of all the 10 MOST POLLUTED cities in the world, a city in Iran is #1.


And I look at the bright blue sky outside my house and thank all the Powers in the Universe that I live here, in the best country in the world.