Will a Trump win grow a spine in Republican leaders?

| April 28, 2016

Donald Trump appeals to a large segment of American conservatives because he is exploiting a weakness they have long recognized and grown increasingly angry over as the condition worsens. Republican Party leadership, especially in Congress, are a craven bunch who so fear the liberal media and the tyranny of political correctness that they have allowed media-protected Democrats to walk all over them, even in matters where Democrat bureaucrats are criminally culpable.

I am reminded of this by the latest dismissive letter sent to two Senate committee chairmen by hotshot Washington attorney Mark MacDougall on behalf of his client, Bryan Pagliano, Hillary’s I.T. guru, in which he essentially tells them to go pound sand, chiding them in the process for relying on the media for their legal misinterpretation of his client’s constitutional rights:

“With all appropriate respect, whether and when a citizen may assert a constitutional right is not up to your legal staff,” the lawyer wrote. “Whatever agreement Mr. Pagliano may have reached with the Department of Justice in no way constitutes a waiver of his Fifth Amendment rights.

“Much of the media reporting with regard to Mr. Pagliano – that is apparently relied upon by your Committees – is inaccurate and misleading.”

From Fast and Furious through the IRS scandals and Benghazi to the present Hillary e-mail investigations, the Democratic Party’s entrenched bureaucrat buddies have spit in the collective eye of the Republican congressional leadership – not quite ignoring them completely, but responding to them with such deliberately disdainful delay and minimal compliance with their demands as to casually convey the Democrats’ utter contempt for the supposed equal powers of the legislative branch of federal governance. And how does the Republican congressional leadership react to such disrespect? Well, for example, Republicans supposedly responded to the Obama administration’s complete intransigence in the case of Fast and Furious by citing Attorney General Eric Holder for both criminal and civil contempt of the House. And what did that get them except for a pair of big sneering middle fingers on Holder’s way out the door more than two years later?

Three years after IRS official Lois Lerner was exposed for politically weaponizing the IRS to suppress conservative voting in the 2012 elections, nothing has been done to this federal bureaucrat, who hid her criminal behavior during the performance of her job behind the Fifth Amendment. That is a protection that should not exist for federal employees when it regards criminal job activity. Nevertheless, while Republicans in Congress blustered and threatened to no end, Lerner is free and drawing a six-figure retirement, protected by her bosses and a co-conspiring federal Justice Department full of Democrats.

The Obama administration knew from the outset as it took power in 2009 that the way to consolidate political power was to politicize the prosecutorial process in such a manner as to be able to punish enemies and protect friends, the essence of Chicago politics. It is the prosecutorial form of jury nullification: no matter how clear the criminality, you simply ignore it until it has faded into political oblivion or, if pressured, devise murky justifications for why it is not possible to indict. A nation of laws survives as such only as long as those responsible for enforcing those laws willingly apply them to themselves, which the Obama administration clearly never had any intention of doing. We should have known that a political cartel with its toes splayed deep in the muck of Chicago’s Democrat swamp would quickly move to corrupt the Justice Department so that it then had nothing to fear, so that any criminality involved in expanding its power could be nullified.

Eric Holder was perfect for that job because he had learned at the feet of the Clintons, masters of the legal obfuscation process, and Holder held a card the Clintons didn’t: the Black Ace of Race, which he didn’t hesitate to play to counter criticism and block congressional investigations. In this he was constantly aided and abetted by Democrats, especially members of the Congressional Black Caucus, sitting in committee meetings, solemnly nodding agreement every time Holder slapped that black ace down on the Republicans’ evidentiary table. Had we had a courageous contingent in Congress to counter such corruption, Republicans should have been able to have contained it, especially once we had gained back our Republican majorities. The Constitution does grant enforcement powers, including incarceration, to Congress to deal with such nullification of the nation’s laws by executive scofflaws, but it takes men and women of principle to enforce the necessary provisions. And as we have seen, they simply were not there.

With the Obama administration and its completely politicized Justice Department poised once again to nullify the crimes of another media-protected Democrat, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump’s appeal to America’s conservatives sick of this flouting of law and order on behalf of protected elites can only grow. This ongoing Republican chicken-heartedness has left conservatives holding a vacuum of fortitude. While Donald Trump’s vows to prosecute Crooked Hillary may sound like nothing but hot air to some, such threats may well carry him to victory because even in politics, nature abhors a vacuum. Trump has found the vacuum, and he’s filling it.

This brings the question: if Trump wins the presidency, will the Republican leadership finally grow a spine?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Quite honestly, i think they all play for the same team…beholden to either Soros or the Koch brothers.

But, I have become a jaded fucker.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto that Atkron, I traded my rose-colored glasses in years ago, now I see things with jaundice-shaded lenses. I don’t know if anything could clean up that ginormous whorehouse on the Potomac River.

Pinto Nag

Preach it, Poe!

B Woodman

Will the Republitard GOPe RINO leadership ever grow a spine?
Does the sentence above give you a clue as to my answer?

B Woodman

Did Lois Lamer and Eric Hold’em’up ever rate Secret Service protection when they were in office?

If they did then, do they now, now that they’re out of office?

How about the other two mentioned in this story, Mark MacDougall and Bryan Pagliano?

Just askin’.


Q – Will they grow a spine?
A – No. May as well ask for balls while you’re dreaming. Ain’t happenin’, they’re bought and paid for, and it ain’t by us.

Ah, I can smell the tax audit coming….


I’m not sure what principles the Donald is going to inspire in the Republican leadership-a greater appreciation for seizing other people’s property maybe?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Boehner was swooning earlier about Trump, made some half-assed remark about Cruz being Lucifer in the flesh.

Boehner has a spine as rigid as Bernath’s flaccid penis… minus the catheter!

A Proud Infidel®™

Bawler (*OOPS*, Boehner is about as steadfast and loyal as a third world HOOKER. He’d rush up to Trump and hump his leg like a puppy if he thought it would get him ahead.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hit the “POST COMMENT” button too soon, IMHO Bawler, I mean Boehner is living proof of how right Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was when he said “Politicians and diapers both need to be changed often and for the same reason.”

B Woodman

I thought that was from Will Rogers.
Either way, same sentiment


When Eric the Red decided that he’d fucked up the Just Us Department enough that he could leave(with Buh-rock sitting on his presidential pardon if anything went bad), the R’s could have done something with Loretta Lynch. Like, Just Say No!!!
But, they couldn’t even do that. They were too afraid they’d be called racist, and obstructionist. Well, they caved, and they’re still called racist and obstructionist. Now, with the advent of Queen Hillzy, they will add misogynist to the words that they’re afraid to be called.
A pox on both Houses. Hillzy will get elected, and she’ll pack the SCOTUS with left-wing, America hating morons, with the connivance of the newly dem-controlled Senate, and the Bill of Rights will end being something talked about in the past tense.


The ultimate irony will be when the Republicans fight a President Trump tooth and nail.

A Proud Infidel®™

IG ONLY the GOP RINOs fought against B. Hussein 0bama and the demo-rats as hard as they’re fighting Trump…


Read it the American Thinker site. Great write-up, and the answer is of course, no.

charles w

I am a Cruz guy. Both parties hate him so he must be the only real conservative. Trump is a vote for Hillary. Trump is out for Trump and nothing else. Remember everyone, He supported Hillery and Obama, He registered as a Republican to run but has always supported the Democrats.


[…] This ain’t hell […]

2/17 Air Cav

Trump’s personal voting record is atrocious, rivaled only by that of Cruz’s newly announced running mate, Carly Figaro/Fignewton/Figatoni/Figwhatever. Of course, both will urge American to get out and vote, to exercise our right gained and preserved through the sacrifices of many. Yawn. Next item

2/17 Air Cav

It seems my choice is being reduced to Bitch or Bigmouth. My hope for Cruz is dwindling and his choice in running mate eases that pain. He remains the only conservative with a chance but this grotesque sideshow of Trump and Commie I or Commie II is just sickening to me.


I’ve said this before. You may not like the choices you’re offered, but you do have choices. Unless you WANT shrillary or the bernout to win, you are going to have to hold your nose and vote for the other one – whoever that is. I’m as tired of the public bitch-slapping contests as anyone else. I think I could put the Donhair in his place in the blink of an eye. You know quite well that the bernout has made a lot of promises that he’ll bump up the minimum wage to $15/hr, so where is THAT money going to come from? He has no clue about the real source of cash flow. He thinks money falls out of the sky, like his paycheck does. Shrillary is worse because we all know that she is as slimy a snake as you can get. If you really pay attention, she has become so obnoxious that people are moving away from her toward the bernout, or even toward Trump/Cruz. However, I think she is less concerned about the minimum wage thingy and all that crapola, than she is about being back in the White House where she can treat people like dog shit. Please note that my opinion (nothing else) is that if she somehow by the grace of the Horned One gets her ass into the White House again, we may see less SJW howler monkey** shit than we do now, but we will see more attacks on American soil. She knows how to play the game better than the bernout does, by a country mile. (**thanks to Nicki for SJW howler monkey) Trump appears to be no more than a loudmouthed blowhard, but there have been brief recordings made behind closed doors in which he shuts off that crap and becomes more relevant. Yes, he’s made some faux pas, but who in this election cycle has not done so? Both Cruz and Trump are as opportunistic as shrillary and the bernout right now. I’m not going to defend either Cruz or Trump. The conventions are not too far off.… Read more »