Herschel Reynolds; motor-T on the streets of LA

20-year-old Herschel Reynolds was booted from the Marine Corps in January. Earlier this week, he led the Los Angeles Police Department on a wild ride through the streets of that city. The LA Times credits his military driver training for his middle-of-the-street doughnuts, fishtails and high speed near-misses of other vehicles;
It now appears the 20-year-old can thank the U.S. Marine Corps for helping him hone some of his driving abilities.
The Pentagon confirmed Friday that Reynolds was a trained tactical driver for the Marines before being “prematurely discharged” in January. The U.S. military said Reynolds had served as a motor vehicle operator for the 1st Marine Logistics Group at Camp Pendleton. Reynolds served with the Marines for nearly two years as a private, according to military records.
“Reynold’s premature discharge and rank are indicative of the fact that the character of his service was incongruent with Marine Corps’ expectations and standards,” the Pentagon said.
I’m not aware of any units in the 1st Logistics Group that have Mustang convertibles, but they do drive these sporty models;

They’re not real good for middle-of-the-street doughnuts, though. Maybe the Times wants to credit the Marine Corps for the fact that Reynolds is a burglar, too.
DMV records show that Reynolds has had his driver’s license suspended twice and had three speeding tickets from 2013 to 2015. His criminal record shows he was charged with reckless driving last year, but the charges were later dismissed.
Sounds to me like the local justice system has more to do with Herschel being on the streets than the Marine Corps.
Thanks to Andy 11M for the link.
Category: Media
Has anyone seen one of those heavy haulers do donuts? That would be some trick to pull off.
Got to read the rest of the LA dog trainer’s story… they talked to locals and, of course, the kids are “good churchgoing kids” that are “pillars of the community”…
Seen ’em ROLLED, never spun. Rolling them is usually a “one per customer” event.
The fact that the marines “booted” him explains everything.
Herschel – definitely the byproduct of a premature discharge.
Where can I get one of those hunky trucks?
No 5 Tons listed, but how about a wrecker?
Got to see them before I retired in ’08… Oshkosh be gosh!
Is these ones different from the ol’ 6-by’s that were around in the ’80s?
Looks the same, at least as much as I can recall.
This is the improved and upgraded models to those. The Army has the FMTV and that is 5 TON.
The Marines and Navy use the MTVR by Oshkosh and it is 7 Ton not 5 Ton. use MK 23-25 MK 27- MK 28 are 7 Ton Long beds. They have armor kits and run flat air system we traveled over 200 miles on a blown tire from Iraq to Kuwait camp 93. They do have to go through a pretty tough diver course and is a Tactical course but NO doughnuts.
Also have CBR defense system Capabilities.
I want one for Christmas! In pink camo, with a firehose mounted on the roof.
PH2: Be sure to get the model with the optional Dalmatian. They look sooo cool riding on top.
Ma Deuce for me…
Traffic problems are a thing of the past with them…
Will do, Chief.
PH2 … They can be found at many National Guard Armories. They are available for rental. Just go pick one out and take it for a spin. Best time to pick up one is, oh, about 02 on a Sunday. You pay the rental fee upon return. If questioned, tell them a Florida lawyer (?) said it was OK. Trust me. Oh, drive responsibly and be sure to stay in the slow lane.
/sarc off
Is that before or after I get arrested for stealing USGOV property?
Don’t tempt me, sailor. I need a ladder to get into the cab. What do I do with the ladder?
Went to a car show last weekend in Slammintonio. A guy had an M900 series 5T for sale for $11000. Looked to be I need good shape – cleaned up, had the canvas and painted woodland camo. Good memories. Mrs. NBC said NO.
“in real good – not I need good”. Aaargh…
Looking at the front fender in the pic, not everything was a “near miss”. As I doubt that Herschel bought the Pony Car, I wonder where he “borrowed” it?
The article says that it was a rental. I hope he bought the insurance.
I’m thinking that someone’s on the hook, other than Herschel. Last time I went through the process, they turned down a couple of 21 year olds in front of us, I don’t know if it was their age, or if it was the reloadable “credit” cards they tried to use.
Some rental companies won’t rent to people unless they are 25 or older. However, maybe he used his “I’m a veteran” status to get it rented. Really wouldn’t be surprised by that one.
I have to call bullshit on this one. If this guy were a Marine you would see two road guards and someone to count cadence in the Mustang with him. Or, do they have to turn them in when receiving an other than honorable boot?
Definitely not Army – NO PT BELT while he did it!
They nailed him on not doing his pre-operations check listed on his trip ticket.
Everybody knows the Marine Corps teaches how to do doughnuts when being chased by the police in Ford Mustangs in bootcamp. You US Army guys miss all the good training.
lol @ hoodrat escaping the hood, ruins an opportunity, and then gleefully returns to it publicly while committing crimes.
What a dipstick.
I’m so pissed at the MEPS counselor, she never told me about that! 22 years in the Army wasted, I could’ve been doing donuts in a drop top mustang….
” … the character of his service was incongruent with Marine Corps’ expectations and standards.”
Let me translate for those not familiar with military jargon: “Reynolds was a shitbird who wanted to return to mommy’s basement. The USMC was most accommodating.”
I was once inside a tank. Not driving, just inside. It was, though, actually moving. Based on those qualifications, I hope to become a NASCAR driver.
Word …
You were in a tank? I am SO jealous!
Oh, it was in the 1960s. I was surprised how small is/was the interior. There was little room for a fart to escape. It definitely kinda/maybe freaked me out. I’m not a closed space person. One time was enough. But, we went for a few hours over some of what I thought was rough terrain. The REAL tankers with me were laughing like heck at my discomfort. To them it was easy peasy. I need to find those guys and kick their collective asses. Oh, yeah, I’m no longer capable of kicking ass. Any-hoo, I’m glad I had the experience.
Note To Self: Post on TAH next month telling everyone that I was a 30-year career Marine as a tanker. Yeah, yeah, that’s it. That’s the ticket. Claim all previous posts by HMC Ret were by an imposter. Seems legit.
I was comm maintenance with Amtracks and tanks. It is fun the first few times out, burgers old real quick. Best time I had in the Corps was Delta Company 1st Tracked Vehicle Bn when we were abandoned at Camp Fuji. You can ask Tank Boy about those days. I still have my scar, I show it with pride.
Ol’ Poe can definitely relate to this story. In Vietnam, as a young single NCO, the thing I missed most was my white ’63 Impala convertible with the blue faux leather interior and some fast roads to drive it on. I’d left it with my sister back in West Texas. When I landed at Travis, I first had to go see my folks who lived in Ventura. Landing at LAX about midnight, I rented a Mustang convertible, bought a six-pack and just cruised those L.A. freeways with the top down sipping suds, for a very enjoyable couple of hours before heading up the coast, very happy to be back in America.
Of course, while driving fast, I didn’t pull any of this shitbird’s stunts.
Ok the news gets it wrong again 88M was a MOS that I picked up for a SECFOR unit and believe me they don’t teach that kind of driving in the military Lol… We were told to run it over
PTSD defense coming in 3…2….1
Word ^^^^^
It is pretty traumatic being at 1st Marine Logistics Group.
I was trained and licenced to drive several military vehicles. Sedan, pickup, M-151, 2 & half ton, 5 ton, 5 ton tractor with 40 ft trailer, and 40 passenger bus. I took the Mountain-Desert course so we could go tactical across the desert Southwest. At no time did we learn to do donuts or how to take selfies. Driving trucks was not my MOS, just a collateral duty.
I was in the military in the seventies.
In these modern times do they still secure vehicles with a chain and padlock through the steering wheel?
Why yes some if not most still do Lol.
Amazing how somethings never change
Should have said every unit I’ve ever been in
And never forget to PMCS before you go and your ground guide Lol….
did you remember to put down your drip pans and chock blocks after operation and make sure the tarp was put back over the vehicle square?
Forgot again ?
I may or may not have done a slow motion 360 spin in an M35A2C on an icy road near Camp Humphries in 1989. Stayed on the road and didn’t hit a thing. Or so I hear.
My Army driver’s qualification training went something like this: I reported to the motor pool where there was a desk. At the desk sat someone. Nearby was another someone with a typewriter in front of him. I was asked for my civilian driver’s license by someone #1. I said I had none and never had one. A few minutes later someone c#2 issued me a military driver’s license that authorized me to operate up to and including a deuce and a half, as well as (I kid you not) a generator of some maximum HP. Fast forward and I took that military license to my home state’s MVA/DMV and–based on it alone–I was issued a civilian driver’s license. Never took a test, written or otherwise. True story. Whether any, some, or all of that was proper I have no idea, but that’s the way it went.
In about 1970 in Fort Devens there was this armored personnel carrier with a lot of radios in it. It was wintertime and it seems that some E6 decided to use one of them to clear snow — run toward the fence, lock up one tread, slide up to the fence while pushing snow. Just a rumor.
MP car down the street, running a radar speed trap. Same APC. The story was that if you send a kilowatt or two of radio energy right back at the radar unit, it will set the radios and the rest of the car on fire. I think that this was a different E6. Just a story of course.
Anyone here who was there spreading these terrible lies about Ft Devens E6s?
I find interesting that people in the Hood were cheering for him.
They cheered for OJ, too.
and yet no word on where the driver of the TMZ tour bus who tried to block him in on the freeway here got his driving skills. somebody call Birdbrain in FL, and get him to represent this guy. at least that way he might actually get jail time instead of getting released because of jail overcrowding and the other nonsense here.