Newtown science teacher arrested for gun

Hondo sends us a link to Fox News which reports that Jason Adams, a 46-year-old science teacher at Newtown, Connecticut middle school was arrested for bringing a gun to school.
Adams was detained by school security after he was seen with the gun and then arrested by Newtown police who were called to Newtown Middle School, according to Police Chief James Viadero. Adams was charged with possession of a weapon on school grounds and released.
From, the Hartford Currant;
After an initial investigation by police and school district administration, Adams, who has a valid pistol permit, was charged with possession of a weapon on school grounds, a class D felony.
School officials said that Adams, a science teacher at the school, was placed on leave pending the results of their investigation. Police said that Adams had also violated a school policy.
“This matter is very serious and troubling, both the Newtown Public School system and the Newtown Police Department took immediate steps to address the matter. The teacher was immediately detained by security personnel,” the school system said in a statement.
While I think that school administration is over-reacting to the situation, Adams, who taught at the school since 2006, should have been aware how controversial it would have been for him to bring a gun to that particular school. It is illegal, after all. If his intent was to carry the weapon concealed, apparently he wasn’t doing a very good job of it. According to Heavy, another teacher saw him with a gun and told the security personnel at the school
Category: Guns
Oh no a SCARY GUN !!!!!
Help democrats ban all guns now and make us safe !!!!
and while your at if do away with the police to and legalize crime
because we don’t have safe spaces
Boy, BOTH serious and troubling! I’m surprised they didn’t throw in devastating. I’ll bet mommy is really upset, and counselers are on campus to assuage the butthurt.Goodness gracious!
they may have found a Trump 2016 chalk make on a wall so mental health services will be offered
As always, there’s more to that story:
Actually, if you read the linked article from the Snopes story, in the Emory Wheel, the special snowflakes come across as even bigger pussies than when it was claimed they were offered counseling.
One sample:
“Grievances were not restricted to shortcomings of the administration. “[Faculty] are supporting this rhetoric by not ending it,” said one student, who went on to say that “people of color are struggling academically because they are so focused on trying to have a safe community and focus on these issues [related to having safe spaces on campus].”
If it’s against the rules to have a gun on school grounds and ESPECIALLY considering the location, this guy was a dumbass for doing what he did.
Personally, I support teachers and other staff with CCW permits having weapons on school grounds considering that this could have very well reduced or eliminated the bodycount at Newtown, but this was a major SA screwup for the teacher.
Newtown, CT is also the location of Sandy Hook Elementary School where Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between 6 and 7 years old, as well as 6 adult staff members. Since Connecticut is about as blue of a state as you can be, Newtown is paralyzed by the thought of weapons and since this guy has taught there for a number of years, he really should have know better. Big Y Supermarkets are always looking for baggers, however, so he can kiss his 80K a year job in Newtown goodbye!
Well, it was the same school district but a different school than Sandy Hook. What I find most interesting about this story is that he was inside the school with the firearm for an hour or so before security was notified. In other words, had he been a deep-ender, someone who intended to produce Sandy Hook II, it would have been a done deal. If that doesn’t frighten more than a few parents, nothing will. I’m thinking he probably has been carrying since the Sandy Hook massacre and got careless with his cover. I suppose now he’ll be punished severely, fired, and banned from employment as a teacher in most, if not all, states.
If that doesn’t frighten more than a few parents, nothing will.
It will. But not the way I presume you mean.
The lesson the true-blue libidiots in CT will take from this is that “Concealed carry – bad!” They’ll not consider anything other than the fact that there was a “scary gun” near their kids that wasn’t in the possession of an “agent of the state”. They won’t even begin to consider the “big picture”; the fact that the guy was trustworthy; and that one such armed teacher could easily have saved 20+ lives at Sandy Hook.
In such areas, common sense is so attenuated in the population that they are incapable of seeing anything beyond the end of their nose, and are also gullible enough to swallow any BS they’re spoon-fed by those running the show.
I have no doubt that some parents will demand that the school employees now be frisked or at least enter the school through a metal detector. That way, the next whack job can be confident that the security guard at the door is his only potential obstacle to a murderous rampage.
That’s a given, 2/17 Air Cav. But also look for this to lead to calls to make CC permits even more difficult to obtain in CT – or to ban the practice outright for anyone who’s not “special” (e.g., LE/retired LE, public figures, etc . . .).
Dear Mr Adams,
RUN!, do not walk, to the nearest state exit. Your employment as a teacher is toast in gun phobic CT from this point on.
You may be cleared of charges (I doubt it, but miracles do happen). You may find employment, but it won’t be as a teacher. You’ll be lucky to get a job as a third shift night janitor at the local gas station.
Lesson learned. Do not move to Connecticut.
How’s it go again; Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Not the school district to test your 2nd Amendment rights in.
ahmm thinkin… this guy is about a 30 watt bulb.
Not too bright.
He may have been the only bulb in the school.
Should have waited and gotten one of these:
Is this some kind of protest setup to generate the legal case against public gun-free zones or something? It’s the only sense I can make out of it.
Tried, convicted, and executed already by the CT media.
Pour encourager les autres, indeed.
I have lived in CT my whole life. My motto when I retire is “ABC”: Anywhere But Connecticut. GE Corporate Headquarters just moved to Boston because of the strangulating, hostile business environment and oppressive taxes, and Aetna Insurance Corporate headquarters will be next. Our Governor, Dannel Malloy has just banned state workers from traveling to Mississippi on official business as he did with Indiana and North Carolina because of their “discriminatory policies regarding LBGT rights”.
Het Dan, let’s worry about trying to govern your own state which is circling the drain under oppressive taxes and “fees”, and the most generous “social programs” in the nation!!!! (God knows why they might have to)