It’s Sunday – So here is a Sunday Funny.
So many somber and serious events and posts seem to demand a little levity for relief.
If you are a Navy vet think about the first time you heard it. If you were relegated to one of the lesser branches just smile.
Doesn’t require much more elaboration folks, besides it don’t make one gay to enjoy this (I hope!).
Category: Geezer Alert!
So……which character is Daniel?
Thanks, Zero for the smile.
FF-1063 USS Reasoner
Parris Island, July 1981 about 03:30 the first day in the Receiving Barracks.
Drill Instructor #1: Last week, we had a recruit show up wearing a Village People t-shirt. The Village People are a homosexual disco group from New York City. We hate homosexuals, we hate disco, and we hate anyone from New York City.
Drill Instructor #2: What do you suppose happened to him?
Drill Instructor #1: He’s probably dead by now.
Did someone really show up wearing a Village People t-shirt? One of the great mysteries of the Marine Corps. Maybe one of the frequent visitors reported to Parris Island mid July 1981 could confirm or deny it.
My thoughts exactly.
I used to make gay jokes about the Navy. It was easy, what with the sore-ass waddle walk and the whitey whites. But those days are gone for me. The other branches are just as gay–and proud of it. In fact, the Navy seems to be lagging when it comes to trannies, with the USAF leading the way in that department.
1978 – USS Silversides SSN 679
I paid a visit to the Langley AFB enlisted club and the DJ changed Navy to Air Force during the tune.
Always enjoy the Village Peoples. Nothing quite like a well placed tool belt.
It’s not gay if you’re underway.
It is a little queer if you’re on the pier…
The False Commander Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) checks three of these off the block.
Fake Native American, Fake Law Enforcement Officer and Fake SEAL (although he was in the Navy).
And, as we all know, he works balls.
Need I say anymore.
Now happy that half my active duty was with the Marines at Camp Reasoner and not aboard the USS Reasoner. After watching the video – seriously cringe worthy – I think it best that I identify with the Marines. Does white-out work well on one’s HD certificate?
Damn, Zero, they’re queer? And here all this time us ol’ Airborne guys all thought they were the choral group for the official Navy Band.
I was sitting in the barber shop in 29 Palms, circa 1991, and they had a newspaper with an article on the Village People. Per the article, two pf the VP were heterosexual, but the label kept it under wraps, otherwise it wou;d jeopardize their careers.
Victor Willis (the Policeman) and Glenn Hughes (the Biker) were straight while Felipe Rose (the American Indian), Randy Jones (the Cowboy), David Hodo (the Construction Worker), and Alex Briley (the Military Man) were gay.
So, 1/3 of the group was not gay!
Just an observation!
Unbelievable. You can find posers anywhere…
But can’t you catch gay cooties from watching it? (apologies to “In and Out”).
So many gays are so sadly fucked up and confused in person…. but some of the funnier movies ever made take the subject and run with it. The excellent ‘Victor Victoria’ was on last night, ‘Zorro the Gay Blade’ was great, ‘In and Out’ a classic…