Who Says Lightning Never Strikes Twice?

| March 5, 2016

Remember Tracy Dart? The “lady” out in Seattle who claimed to have cancer to raise money, but who in reality never had cancer?

Well, who says lightning never strikes twice? Looks like some guy on the East Coast decided to do the same.

Like Dart, he also got caught. But unlike Dart, he’s facing trial for larceny by fraud – apparently to the tune of $22,000+.  Predictably he’s pleaded “not guilty”.

As I’ve said before: whenever someone can get free stuff simply by asking, sooner or later someone who doesn’t qualify will lie their ass off to get it. And it’s been my experience that generally happens sooner rather than later.

Fox News has a short article with the particularrs.

All I’ve got to say to this “fine fellow” is this:  be careful what you wish for. You might get it.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit

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Green Thumb

This clown strikes me as a graduate of the All-Points Logistics School of Executive Management.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

A Phildonious type of dude….

B Woodman

(rubs thumbs against temples, closes eyes, speaks in low voice):
I see four people in your near future. .. .let me see. . . The names Bubba. .Thor. Julio. .Tiny. . .you will be given many many proctological exams. . a steady diet of cockmeat sammichs with extra manmeat mayo. . . that is all I can see for now. . .that will be $25. . .thank you.