Pentagon to track down “ghost soldiers” in Afghanistan

| February 18, 2016

Bobo sends us a link to the Army Times which reports that the Pentagon is finaly going to launch a program to track down “ghost soldiers” – Afghan troops who don’t exist, for some reason or another, yet still get paid by US tax payer dollars;

“(Our forces) now have no option but to rely on the Afghans to report on the number of troops and police in the field, yet audits indicate that record keeping by the Afghans is generally poor or nonexistent,” he said. “We continue to see repeated reports of ghost soldiers, ghost police as well as ghost teachers, ghost schools, ghost clinics throughout Afghanistan.”

Abizaid said she is hopeful the new personnel systems will solve many of those problems. U.S. officials have planned new biometric identification cards for all Afghan Ministry of Defense and National Army personnel. Plans are to start handing out those new IDs this summer.

But she also acknowledged the issue of ghost troops as “a significant problem” that threatens the long-term viability of the local forces.

I’m guessing that few Afghans have “direct deposit”, so it might be easier than they make it sound. I remember standing in line every pay day to collect my check from an officer. A couple of months of that might straighten it all out along with some public trials of officers. The problem, of course, is that they didn’t nip it in the bud when the practice was first discovered years ago and now it’s a way of life for many. Another option is to make them pay for their own defense and jerk the troops out of Afghanistan completely.

Category: Terror War

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The problem is that the disbursement officer in our Army didn’t put a check mark next to the name of the guy who didn’t show up and then pocket the money, and the CSA didn’t owe tribute to the tribal elders who loaned you and your buddies to the government for their use.

If they manage to get 20% of the fake names off the payroll list, I’ll be shocked.

MSG Eric

Yeah, because the 9800 troops still there will have the capability to track down ghost Soldiers.

“I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells of rainbow sherbet.”


Christine Abizaid — really? Abizaid? Oh come on! I wish I was a conspiracy theorist.


Possibly not related to GEN Abizaid, who commanded CENTCOM between 2003 and 2007, a rather important time for CENTCOM.


Here is an excerpt from “Defense One”. “Yes that Abizaid”. I can’t seem to find anything else from their BIOs.

Staffers on Hagel’s plane (full list) – Senior Military Assistant Lt. Gen. Abe Abrams, Kathryn Harris, Col. David Morris, Lt. Col. David Everly, Trip Director J.P Eby, Flight Surgeon Capt. Bill Cox, Brent Colburn, Rear Adm. John Kirby, Will Terry, David Plell, Kevin Vedder, Capt. Andy Rusnak, James Irvine, Roger Dalziel, Master Sgt. Daniel Whitby, Tech Sgt. Glenn Andrews, Valerie Tyburski, Alex Evans, Justo Robles, Lt. Col. Scott O’Neill, Brendan Sullivan, Tech Sgt. Ebony Rodriguez, Derek Chollet, David Shear, Christine Abizaid (yes, that Abizaid), Matt Spence, Lt. Col. Ryan Suttlemyre, Col. J.R. Clearfield, Kathleen Lloyd, Scott Roffman, Craig Seyfried.


She was a topic of discussion in the office yesterday. She’s the general’s daughter.

Holden Magroin

Shesh. the military coouldn’t (or wouldn’t) track down the local workers in the international AAFEES PX where I shopped. Local AAFEES workers would sometimes split the money with the boss to have someone else punch their time clock in the morning and evening and just never come into work.

If AAFEES could track them down in a civilized country, good luck tracking them down in A-stan



They have the VA over there too???


They couldn’t stop it in Iraq, what makes them think they can in the ‘Stan?


All I’ve got to say is this: “Best of luck, Madam Secretary. But I wouldn’t advise holding my breath waiting.”


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