Sunday morning feel good stories

| February 7, 2016

An off-duty detention control officer shot a would-be burglar when he forced his way into her home in DeKalb County, Georgia. Two others escaped and there is no word on the condition of the criminal. Updated: The injured thief has non-life threatening injuries and his partners have been arrested.

In Dade City, Florida, three more criminals forced their way into a home. There were two people inside at the time and one of the residents shot one of the trio and the other two fled. No word on the condition of the struck target.

A Dallas, Texas resident met an armed burglar when he forced his way into the home and the resident made the thief DRT (dead right there). The homeowner isn’t facing any charges.

In Houston, Texas, a police officer working his night job watching a convenience store interrupted a robbery when he followed two men in the store that he thought looked suspicious. When one of the criminals turned his gun on the officer, the policeman fired his own gun and wounded the crook. The wounded criminal is recovering in the hospital while his partner waits for him in jail.

In West Palm Beach, Florida, a store clerk disarmed an eight year old boy who moments before had demanded that the clerk “Gimme me the f***ing money” pointing the unloaded gun he had stolen from his mother at the clerk.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Hack Stone

Kids say the darnedest things.


Ain’t it the truth! If he had walked out with the, f***ing money and run into a LEO and waved the gun at him, we’d be seeing riots in West Palm Beach to include Sharpton and Jackson because a LEO shot a kid who pointed a gun at him, knowing not that it was not loaded. But that would have been the cry of the cause. “Unloaded Don’t Shoot”.


When I was 8 I knew how to load and shoot a gun. Good things parents don’t teach their kids about stuff anymore.


I guess those three burglars will get to know the detention officer at lot better at roll call.


Maybe they already know her and that’s why they targeted her?


Summary of today’s good guy “batting line”: 8 for 10 with 1 HR, and 3 other extra base hits.

Too bad about the two crooks that got away. Plus: geez, that 8 y/o kid needs some help. And if he’s learning that armed robbery crap by watching momma or hanging around with her boyfriend, perhaps he needs to be placed in a foster home.


Hey batter-batter-batter-batter!!!


Sucks when convenience stores are so damn inconvenient. Nice to have an actual security guard, and not a monitor. :0)

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

Lifelock itself would make a pretty good “Sunday morning feel good stories”: