Khalil Abu-Rayyan planned terrorism in Michigan

| February 6, 2016

Khalil Abu-Rayyan

The Detroit Free Press tells about Khalil Abu-Rayyan, a Dearborn Heights man who claimed to FBI informants that he supported ISIS and intended to commit an act of terrorism in the area. He hasn’t been charged with any terrorist-type crimes, but only because he’d already been arrested for possession of a controlled substance and an illegal firearm. He had initially planned to attack a 6,000 member church and then altered his plan to attack a hospital where his arresting officer was recovering from a heart attack – with the intention of killing the officer;

“Since May of 2015, the FBI has been conducting an investigation of Khalil Abu-Rayyan regarding increasingly violent threats he has made to others about committing acts of terror and martydom — including brutal acts against police officers, churchgoers and others — on behalf of the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraqi and Levant.”


The FBI had been tracking Abu-Rayyan through social media, phone conversations, and surveillance. He had two Twitter accounts on which he expressed support for ISIS, the FBI said in the complaint.

Khalil Abu-Rayyan first wanted to attack a church because ‘it’s easy and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church.’ Huh, imagine that – targeting a gun-free zone. Who would have thought that would happen? One day, one of these guys is going to avoid talking to one of the millions of FBI informants, you know, like those folks in San Bernadino did…and the guy in Chattanooga…and the guy in Little Rock…and the guy in Times Square.

Category: Terror War

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Dave Hardin

There are no guns in church? What? Are you trying to tell me that ultra right wing Bible thumping Gun Nutz don’t pack any heat in the pew?

And here I thought God loved Guns or was that not metaphorical and he actually meant only swords?

I thought it was something like Love your neighbor but carry a sword. Its all so confusing. I loved my neighbor once, the bitch tried to move in.

You know, if you put one of those beanie thingys on this guys head he could pass for a Rabbi. Weren’t Muslims all Jews at some point? Or was that Christians?

I have to renew my license soon, maybe I’ll go with one of those pasta strainers on my head. If I have to eat my deity I like pasta.


Be careful about that-one of the blogs I read talked about a Pastafarian who did that for his drivers liscence photo and now he is required to wear one while driving.

Dave Hardin

HAHAHAHAHA, I sooooo hope that is true.

Friend S. Wilkins

Speaking of Pastafarians, here’s some exciting news from CNN. 😉

Dave Hardin

That is awesome! How do I communicate with it? Does it talk back or just reveal stupid shit to me?

How do we worship it? Do we fill a stadium with sea water and baptize the masses? Do we have to eat its flesh, if so what does it taste like and is it gluten free. (crackers give me gas)

This great !!!! Does it like people worshiping other Gods? If not do we get to blow shit up or just hang out at airports annoying people to death.

We need to get the good word out! Can we go door to door during the Super Bowl and spread the word?

I am so excited. Can we put it on our currency or will it smell funny.

Ok, look, I am in. But, if I have to wear magic underwear, put a plastic replica on my dash, count strings of pearls, sport around with a beanie, or any other bizarre thing; I am not paying shit.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Dave… it may involve that think known as “alien anal probing”. I’m not into that stuff, but if you are, Hell you can talk to it about Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, the price of rice in some large Asian country or the meaning of life… whatever trips your trigger 🙂

Dave Hardin

Define probing. Are we talking a little tickle or full penetration? It appears to be self lubing, if so, is it hypoallergenic?

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Just remember, if it puts the tip in, you’re not ghey.

Lube??? For all I know, it just may spit or go in dry…

HMCS(FMF) ret.

BTW – if it knows who will win the Super Bowl tomorrow or the MegaMillions, please feel free to pass that intel onto the rest of us, OK?

Dave Hardin

It says Carolina wins but a Referee gets voted MVP.

Friend S. Wilkins

The Flying Spaghetti Monster knows. Ask him.


“Can we go door to door during the Super Bowl and spread the word?”

Nope, Sorry Dave, but you’re a day late and a dollar short on that deal.

I have it on good authority that the Biological Equality Foundation has a plan in place to send out their representatives door to door on Super Bowl Sunday with their latest petition in an attempt to reintroduce the Gray Prairie Jackalope to both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

Complete details and solicitation times can be obtained from the barkeep at the Cowboy Bar (which incidentally has been serving outlaws for the past 119 years) in Meeteetse, WY., Phone (307) 868-2585.

All in all, it sounds like a good job for Lars the Infallible to undertake. He could do something constructive for a change and make a real difference in the world instead of showing up here on TAH and making an ass out of himself.

Perry Gaskill

This is why jackrabbits should not be allowed to purchase stepladders, Claw…


Perry, Buddy, Old Pal.

Jackrabbits? Stepladders?

Try as I might, I can’t quite make the connection.

Does it have something to do with the Stepladder Mountains in California?

Throw a little help my way, OK?

If not, I’ll be up all night racking my brain for the punchline.


Consider the relative size/height difference between a buck jackrabbit and a doe antelope, Claw. (smile)

Perry Gaskill

Just pondering the origin of the jackalope species, Claw. And I’m not willing to consider male antelope as being all that desperate…


OK, Got it. That’s a hoot.

Being the farmer that I was, I would have been more inclined to have thought about a breeding cage or a set of knee high irrigator’s boots rather than a stepladder.

Good one. Thanks. Now I can rest easy.


But now after thinking about Jackalopes and stepladders, all that comes to mind is *Young Man Rodeo* Coldiron and his little bunny fe-fe.

Maybe I won’t sleep too well tonight.


At the church I attended in a previous location, the pastor was very open about the fact that he packed heat, even while preaching, and that the pulpit was specifically designed to stop a .45 round. And the county sheriff was the head usher.


This vermin from hell is going to get a big surprise when he wanders into a church like ours…several of us are armed at the pastors request! Oh and we are a little behind in our range time, so a little target practice at vermin might be in order 😉


Let them think churches are soft targets. They might be a bit surprised!!

John S.

Illinois has a convenient way to designate free fire zones, by way of the 4×6 inch “No Beretta M9” signs.


Standing by for the resident prog POS to wail about possible anti-muslim backlash….in 3,2,1….


Count me among those who don’t give a flip if someone trying to kill me is a Martian, a Muslim, or a Methodist. Don’t care if it’s old or young; male, female, or some other designation; whether the threat comes from someone associating with a group or not; or any other factor. Present as a threat? Expect a defense from this quarter.

Keep targeting those who wish us harm wherever they may hide and whoever they may be, FBI and all your alphabet cohorts. Keep detaining every threat without regard for anything other than the threat made.

That is all.

2/17 Air Cav

Jonn. The photo is not of Khalil Abu-Rayyan but of another fine Michigan citizen, one Ahmad Jebril, who was released from prison and is on probation for other bad acts. What tipped me off was that Bad Guy #1 is 21 and even with a very tough life, that’s no 21-year-old in the pic. The paper ran Jebril’s pic immediately beside the story about the would-be terrorist and the pic wasn’t captioned.

Dave Hardin

See, this place goes to shit when you are not around. I guess ‘they’ all look alike to Jonn.

Stop questioning everything, just take it in, lay back, relax, go with the flow.

Next thing I know you will be questioning that Hobo guy.

2/17 Air Cav

“[J]ust take it in, lay back, relax, go with the flow” That’s exactly what Bubba said!


I may be prejudiced when I say this, but the twig in that photo looks like that weighted bouncy clown you just keep punching, and it won’t stay down.

I will go put a paper bag over my head now.


You’re correct, 2/17. The link takes you to the Detroit News, which has a few employees who didn’t graduate from Berkley, they actually check some of the facts of their stories. It has a picture of the real Khalil.

Kinda old ET1

“Khalil Abu-Rayyan first wanted to attack a church because ‘it’s easy and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church.’ ”


I would not recommend a terrorist to use that line of reasoning at the church I attend.
The pastor discreetly encourages anyone legally able to, to carry.


Our pastor is mum on the subject. The congregation on the other hand is supportive and encouraging. To which I willfully oblige.


It would be safe to say that around 50% of the congregation of my church has a gun on them.


Squirt guns with Holy Water is what I’m thinking the altar boys should be packin’. Turn these pieces of S%#t into pieces of S%#t….melt-em right down to their true form.

Course a few 45 HP ACP’s from a couple of parishioners thrown in the mix for added effect wouldn’t hurt either.

A Proud Infidel®™

1. Rope.
2. Tree or Gallows.
3. Terrorist.

Some assembly required.

Bill M

Batteries not needed.

Dave Hardin


So, evidence of guilt:

Wearing a ratty ass beard in a nation where most other real men take pride in proper grooming.

But what do I know …

Note: No properly maintained beard was harmed in the process of crafting this comment.


People aren’t allowed to carry guns in church eh? Well come on over to my church and pull a weapon…please. See how fast you are made DRT.