WMs convince Corps that they should bulk up

Chief Tango and Mick sent us links to articles about how Women Marines are trying to convince the Corps’ leadership that they need different height/weight standards to keep up with the men. From the Washington Post;
“Being big, strong, having a certain body mass, gives you an advantage,” [Commandant Gen. Robert B. Neller] testified [to the Senate Armed Serivces Committee]. “One of the things I’ve heard as I’ve gone around and talked to female Marines is, ‘Hey, I’m out working out. I’m lifting weights. I’m getting bigger. And now I’m outside the height-and-weight standards. Are you going to change the height-and-weight standards?’”
No. they don’t need different height-to-weight standards, they just need a different way to measure muscle mass. If you allow standards for weight to surge, you’re allowing the less active soldiers to “bulk up” on stored energy (fat). I’m pretty sure that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus will just take this random information at face value with no research, unlike his rejection of the mixed gender Marine units experiment a few months ago. I was a 128 pound, 68″ tall private and I never needed to “bulk up” to meet infantry standards. The most I weighed was 160 pounds (68″ tall) when I was living the high life in Germany – beer and food – before I went to the Master Fitness Course where I learned about that whole physiology thing.
Category: Marine Corps
…. or just do away with the ht weight standards and require the PFT (with higher standards) to be administered quarterly.
Given that the BMI was invented in the late 18 hundreds by a frackin’ sociologist and was intended as another form of phrenology and has absolutely zero medical value…
Given that this whole focus on physical appearance is just another example of form over function incompetence…
I have to agree with you, JAOD.
Test the abilities of the personnel regularly with a testing system that’s actually functional in measuring needful performance and durability and if they pass they pass.
This could also serve as a filter for the higher ranks. Whenever some intellectually inbred sack of shit posing as a leader tries to add some appearance related metric to the testing, drag his ass out in front of a formation, strip and whip, cut off nose and ears, escort to the nearest gate and then put a bullet in him if he’s still in viewing range 5 mins after release.
Any officer of any rank or NCO of same, that’s into form over function needs to be purged most harshly.
The USMC standards are not the same as the BMI. I don’t remember the authors of the system in use. BMI is just height and weight while the USMC uses measurements and has height/weight tables. If you simply plug in USMC height weight standards even those don’t correlate with the BMI figures.
Unfortunately, as a once size fits all methods, it doesn’t account for people on the left or right of the bell curve due to any particular reason, it just assumes they’re under or over “the standard.”
Short of expensive hydrostatic testing I don’t think there is any one system that isn’t going to have faults due to individual differences.
Of course, that’s why waivers should be considered.
Actually, that’s why bullshit charts should be done away with completely and those who are all so concerned about nothing but appearance should be burned at the stake.
The only metric should be ability. But, that ability should be tested vigorously and thoroughly. I don’t believe it possible to properly test for the necessaries for someone who is slotted for or might end up in combat (all swinging dicks and sucking holes in uniform, regardless of job or station) with less that 72 continuous hours of non stop mental and physical testing.
If I sound hostile to charts of all types, it’s because I see them as indicators of the whole appearance over capability that our military has been slinking into over the last while.
I understand what you’re saying. I’m just more or less voicing my opinion/experience based on what is there. Doubtful(IMO) the Corps will do away with standards which at least in part relate to military appearance.
IME the waivers were sought for damn good Marines that were over standards due to lean mass.
addendum: The only packets I ever did for weight control due to being fat were in a few support type Marines. They were messcooks or Motor-T types. How lean, mean, strong etc does a Marine need to be to do that if he is nonetheless passing his PFT?
Wasn’t my place to question that, it was my job to come up with a plan to get him back into standards within an acceptable time frame.
Oh, I know full well that there’s no hope for the USMC to go fully towards ability vs appearance. For all it does well, the Corps has issues with form over function. I saw it at its worse at Camp Lejeune in the early ’80s. The Corps was begging for funds from congress. Congress critters were coming on tour of Swamp Lagoon to see for themselves how dire the situation might be. It was dire enough that the division couldn’t transport it’s arty reg to Ft. Bragg for a shoot ex without leaving a very large portion of its motor transport along the sides of various roads as mobility casualties during the road march. So, what did the division leadership do for the inspection? Various makes and models of vehicle, transport, armor, self propelled arty, were freshly painted, washed in diesel to make them shiny and then parked along a road on base for the viewing pleasure of the congress critters. A rather large dog and pony show was conducted with helo born light arty doing its thing, along with a battalion of infantry, also helo born, and some tanks thrown in for fun. The congress critters said it was great. Good fun. Lots to enjoy. Obviously, no money issues if the Corps can afford to do all that. Same base. GI coming up. The word came down to paint the sidewalks white, the roads black, the grass green*. No one batted an eye. We all started gathering up paint from various places… when word came down to kank it. It was also not at all unusual for field training to be canceled so that division wide dress uniform inspections could be conducted. * the grass was mostly dried to a nutty brown due to the need to cut back on watering to save money. As to the fat body thing… I once had a Sgt Maj explain to me that the reason for the appearance thing was because the sole and only purpose for a Marine to exist was to look good in uniform when in transit so he’d… Read more »
You could really do both. Measure body fat by doing a hydrostatic measurement and then do a fitness assessment based on the standard test.
So, if someone can pass the fitness test but it still overweight you have a better idea of what to do with them rather than going with a standard that is based on a BS chart.
Yes, I do think the military should have an appearance that invokes confidence, but that also has to go all the way through the chain of command. We had chiefs who could barely pass the PFT and were sporting beer guts that would put Santa to shame.
They won’t pay to do hydrostatic testing on everyone in the military. The logistics alone would be ridiculously expensive.
Since a woman of the same height as a given man still has a smaller heart and smaller diameter vessels (which is a HUGE matter in perfusion, look up the 4th power law)they tend to quickly suffer decreased performance in endurance based tasks.
Additionally, they have less skeletal mass, smaller and less resilient tendons and ligaments which means they can be more likely to suffer injury before their male counterpart likely would.
A wider pelvis creates a less efficient angle (Q angle)which puts inordinate stress on the knee which is why so many female military members suffer from patellar femoral syndrome and other knee injuries. Adding mass only increases the stress.
There’s no quick fix to make a WM perform to the standards of their male counterparts.
Right, after leaving the military I went on to coach soccer for almost 30 years now…one thing that’s absolutely true with respect to females is the predisposition to ACL injuries due to simple body mechanics. Female quadricep muscles are inherently smaller than the male version, females playing soccer are 6x times more likely to blow out the ACL than their male counterparts.
These are real number and real issues, pretending they go away because we would like to wish them away is bullshit and everyone knows it.
Planning and risk aversion is appropriate with specialized training to recognize the reality of the differences.
Oh you and your whole “anatomy and physiology”. Our feminist betters have rejected such ancient “science” in the name of “great justice” (or “fairness” or just plain “screw you that’s why”, and hi can keep any of that shit straight).
“Sure, go ahead and ‘bulk up’. By the way, body fat % for females is now dropped to 18% just like the male standard. And we have 1 PFT standard. Welcome to equality, have fun.”
“By the way, body fat % for females is now dropped to 18% just like the male standard”
In the Army, I never once made weight. I never got below 225, at 6’3″. The idiots at MEPS wanted to disqualify me because I was “overweight.” That was until my recruiter convinced them to tape me. I was 12% BFI. The highest I taped, before my injury, was 15%.
My best friend is a Marine. She had her baby 5 months ago, almost 6. She spends between 10 and 16 hours a week in the gym and is looking at doing bodybuilding. She’s been passing tape, but is still considered overweight by USMC standards and given dietary restrictions (even though her PFT scores are 94%). She’s looking forward to the increased standards because she’s always been broad shouldered.
Yes, some un-moto Marines (her description) are going to use the increase to dependa-up. However, if they include PFT scores in with the higher standard, or even a BFI standard, then it should even out. With female Marines looking at Infantry jobs, don’t we want them to be muscular to keep up with the already-muscular males in those units?
Thinking it’s just a matter of lean mass is an oversimplification.
Re: Females and infantry work –
It doesn’t matter a bit. It ain’t gonna work except in the pathological lies that will be the reports on the issue produced by duress from higher.
No one but idiot utopianists don’t understand that.
Re: your BFI –
You were right at the bottom acceptable for USMC infantry for body fat percent. We’d get all kinds of grief if we went below 12%. Negative impact on long term endurance, increased susceptibility to negative environmental impact, increased dependence on garrison level daily food intake for health maint which is no go for field duty.
Iirc, our bracket was 12 – 16%.
18% for 18-26 year old males.
Female marines have MORE STRINGENT weight standards than male marines.
A 68″ male has a minimum standard of 125 lbs and a maximum of 181.
A 68″ female has a minimum standard of 125 lbs and a maximum of 160.
A 21 lbs difference in max weight.
These standards are based on the assumption that women have significantly less muscle mass. Based on muscle mass indexes measured in the general population.
Women serving in combat arms are going to have much greater muscle mass than the general population and the standards need to be adjusted to allow for that.
And the constant anti-female service member narrative on this board is obnoxious.
You may be right, but right now that hasn’t been proven LT. The Corps has procedures for waivers when lean body mass indicates the need for a waiver. I was routinely involved in getting those waivers for Marines, it’s not rocket surgery.
There’s nothing wrong with using the regulations in place until it is proven that such a standard actually needs to be changed.
I think the max weight difference needs a relook. And the methodology used to determine those figures probably needs to be reviewed again.
Honestly…the methodology has needed a look for more than 30 years.
The USMC Instruction also has a military appearance clause which can be used by the CO to support the waiver, so it is not purely done using only the computation figures from the tables.
It’s all about the narratives. Fuckwits.
This whole damn board anecdotally shows how narratives effect social structures. This board exists and its active membership is centered around a shared narrative that resists inputs from outgroup members.
The regulars on this board have become a tribe.
Lars, I am reminded of an old bit of wisdom. If you meet an asshole today, then you’ve met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long, then you’re the asshole.
DAMN, I’m gonna have to steal that! ?
You cannot steal that which is freely given. Enjoy!
MikeD: the variant I heard (and use) was, “If one person thinks you’re a jerk, it might just be them. But if damn near everyone thinks you you’re a jerk, well . . . you’re a jerk. ”
But I like this version. Might start using it instead.
I’d be honored, if it was mine. But I lifted it from somewhere else (no idea where). Enjoy it!
I’m sure you disagree with a lot of Berkley’s political views right Lars? Name one for me.
UC Berkeley does not have political views. Students do. Professors do. Individuals do. There are more than 30,000 students and it is one of the more diverse campuses in the world.
The whole “liberal UC Berkeley” narrative is bullshit.
The campus is 47% asian, which on the whole is a pretty traditional demographic. It is also overwhelmingly upper and upper middle class, also a conservative demographic.
The courses are comprehensive, When they study economic and polical theory they read a spectrum of authors. Their original works.
Including right wing authors and extreme right wing authors.
I guarantee I have read far more of the original works of the authors that set the foundations for most of the political beliefs of those on this board.
Berkeley’s has a perception of a liberal bias because the fact is the overwhelming historical and contemporary evidence shows that in the current American political environment the “left” is more on point with what is wrong and what needs to be done.
Conservatives and republicans just happen to be wrong right now. Overwhelmingly. There are times in our history when the conservative viewpoint was largely in line with the evidence and the policy needs of the nation but this is not one of those times.
The majority of republican policy ideas are flat terrible.
And the politics of the republican campaigns blame the wrong causes for the current issues.
Actually, looking at Bernie and Hillary, Nancy P and Dingy Harry, the “left” is what’s wrong and what needs to be done is they should all be left on an island somewhere. Survival of the fittest and all that.
As for the historic reputation UC Berkeley has for being “liberal” it is derived from the political narrative of the Reagan campaign where Reagan demonized the university and its students as evidence of the need for more conservative values in the state.
The students had defied the conservative university administration attempts at banning unapproved political speech in Sprout plaza, which was the heart of student discourse at the time. The students RIGHTFULLY stood up for their constitutional rights and the legitimate notion that colleges must have free expression of ideas or it undermines the value of universities in our system.
The university called it an “insurrection”, conservative legislators called it a “rebellion, the national guard was called in on students, and the Reagan campaign capitalized on the controversy by using it to highlight the loss of conservative values in American youth.
Berkeley “liberal” reputation comes from a conservative administration trying to suppress the speech of its students and the students defying that attempt.
Berkeley students should be celebrated for standing up for the 1st Amendment, but instead MORON right wingers still act like they did something wrong a half century later.
You don’t know me, Commissar.
And in direct answer to your question; name a view that you think UC Berkeley has and I will tell you whether I agree with it.
Remember UC Berkeley has the largest young republican group in America. So it is going to be hard to find a political view that can be attributed to the students overall.
Son, your entire argument reminds me of a survey done a while back on media bias: Many people view the so-called MSM as a bastion of white upper-class Ivy league liberalism, rather than of centrist pragmatism. This surprised most of the movers and shakers of the media world, who felt they WERE the centrists and that anything to their right was some kind of reactionary buffoon. Demographically, however, they were almost universally white, upper-class, liberal Ivy League grads. One’s view is distorted by the company one keeps.
To quote the famous philosopher Bandit Darvill, “I guess how stupid you are depends on where you happen to be standing.”
I bet you’re really proud of yourself for using all those big words, Lars. Did you do it all by yourself? The lack of misspelled words tells me you had help.
Anti-intellectualism much?
You don’t know me, Commissar.
I have a formal education too, fuckstick. I just don’t try to lord it over everyone else. But then again, I only went to a lowly CSU school (San Diego State, specifically), so I guess I’m just not worthy to stand with the Olympians of the ass-end of the UC system, right?
Hell, I just went to a private art school.
Yes, it’s the number 2 art school in the nation but since it’s not Bezerkly CA I’m sure it doesn’t count in the world Lars lives in.
Commissar does NOT know me.
Well LT. I’ll agree that in my case I am a bit of a curmudgeon that is resistant to change. I do try to overcome it and hear both sides though at least.
Thanks, and believe it or not, the reason I continue to read the board and a few other generally conservative sites is to see a opposing viewpoints.
I do try to hear both sides. But most of the responses to my comments are not about the actual issue. So the topic almost instantly breaks down into petty, pedantic, and divisive bickering as soon as I post.
Bullshit. If that were true, you wouldn’t be a giant douche towards people who offer you credit for your rare good point, as you repeatedly did to me and others. That’s why we treat you the way we do, dicksuck. You tried hard to earn it. Now go fuck yourself.
Let me rephrase that for Lars:
“I do try to hear both sides, but it’s all drowned out by the sound of how awesome I sound to the echo chamber I live in.”
Yes a tribe.
A tribe of Been There, Done that, got the T-shirt.
So please pardon us for using personal experiences. It’s the only kind of experience we have…
I’m sure that Lars has led a “TOUGH” day to day existence sitting in classrooms listening to lectures given by ponytailed freeze-dried hippies with PhD degrees and he’s CERTAIN that what he memorized from it flat-out trumps anything and everything we’ve experienced in real life.
Hey, twit. I went to Berkeley in my 40s. My ideas were well established after decades of military service, life experience, and education – outside UC Berkeley.
But you still don’t know me, Commissar.
Good for you. You’re still full of shit.
In other words “I was a conceited, know-it-all fuckwit LONG before college!”
Fuck off Lars
So what you are saying is you have been a fuckwit you whole life…
That explains a lot of your pretentious attitude towards the tribe.
[/By the way, all creatures are tribal by nature. Since humans are creatures; we are also tribal. That being said, All tribes form because of a common bond. In this particular case, because of Military experience and the need for someone to push the idea that true stolen valor is a wrong and must be stopped. Any time you want, you can return to your tribe of fuckstains; or you can stay here and remain the town jester. You move, Asshat.]
Some of us were probably tribal long before we found this board…shared background experiences and all tend to do that.
Humans tend to invariably seek those of similar background and outlook, it’s something I believe may have been hard wired into our brain pans back when tribal groupings were necessary for survival reasons.
I work with a wide diversity of people who hold quite contrary opinions about a wide variety of topics.
While I understand what you’re point is I would suggest that for myself the pleasure of this board from time to time is knowing I can be my militarily cranky old fart self and everyone reading gets my point. Instead of being my business PC self where self censorship and a smile is how I run my business to keep everything at my shop within the law and avoid undue litigation.
I can be called a dickweed or fuckwit here and it absolutely has no negative effect and will more likely make me laugh out loud because the nature of grunts is to be loud, profane, and exclusionary and fuck those that don’t get it.
I miss that in the civilian world, this site offers a glimpse into the past that is both easily understood and appreciated with some wistful nostalgia.
So yeah it’s a tribe and we sort of fucking love that it is…at least some of us.
Crazy Man that Infidel call Poodle Dick, if we tribe, then who Chief?
Chief? I’ll volunteer for that. I could use the refreshments that go with it. There are refreshments, right?
Free beer, supposedly. BYO strippers.
Geezo Pete, poodle, learn the difference between ‘Effect’ and ‘Affect’.
They are NOT synonymous. They are NOT spelled the same way. They do NOT have the same meaning.
Not even about spelling this time. You can’t use that excuse, poodle.
Females are also allowed 26% boday fat whereas males are only allowed 18%.
At least you didn’t say “Bidet”!
With some thick girls it really is a boday and some of us like that…not plumper thick, but muscle/fitness thick…I’m good with that body style cuz I’ve never been a little dude…I’m north of 6’4″ and run about 250 these days and those skinny little girls just can’t take the hit if you get my drift…so yeah, some boday is fine with me.
Yeah, that is determined in the the test after they miss the weight limit.
The whole thing needs a relook.
what, how well they deal with VoV? That’s gotta be one carefully written reg….
Taylor, the gender physiological difference is already accounted for in the existing height/weight tables. Men in the military also have significantly more muscle mass than do their counterparts in the general population. Barring evidence to the contrary – which you have not presented – it is disingenuous to argue by implication that the male tables take this fact into account while the female tables don’t. You’re also conveniently ignoring facts that don’t “fit the narrative” (no surprise there). The height/weight tables are only the first of a two-tiered test. There’s also the second tier: body fat percentage. Existing Army standards allow women to have a higher max body fat percentage than men – 10% higher in every age group – before they’re out of compliance. (See Table B.2, AR 600-9.) That means the female height/weight tables are skewed to be more “advantageous” to those who wish to be on the heavy side than the male tables. But since that doesn’t support your preconceived conclusion, and since you have no intent to be objective, you conveniently omit that little fact. Further, absent a bit of illegal “better living through chemistry”, women who exercise in general simply can not build as much muscle tissue, proportionally, as can men of similar size. There’s a hormone involved that to a large extent impacts the ability to develop muscle mass; it’s present in both genders, but to a much greater extent in males. It’s called “testosterone”. So the basic premise you’re advocating here without explicitly stating (“women will develop just as much muscle as men given the chance, so they need similar height/weight tables”) is generally unsound absent chemical intervention. Now, regarding those height/weight tables. The current height/weight tables are used due to resource constraints. Yes, they’re flawed. However, while flawed for most cases the table figures are “close enough” – and the tape test (also flawed) catches most legitimate “outliers”. As noted above, if you really want accurate body fat measurement you need hydrostatic testing. That ain’t cheap and easy, and requires facilities. You’re talking about around 1M soldiers total between the RA/USAR/ARNG –… Read more »
Well, they could always try a performance-based standard. That’s how it’s done at my physically- and mentally-demanding job. There’s a set of job-oriented physical performance tests that are administered equally to males and females. These tests will snap you the fuck off, but they are doable. A fair number of girls pass them all the time. Not as many girls as guys, obviously, but there are no doubts about the basic physical ability of anyone who passes. Each of the tests is a compilation of related basic firefighting skills that must be performed under a time limit. Most of them involve dragging/carrying hose or carrying and throwing ladders.
I’m sure the Marines could apply the same concept, but you know the SJWs won’t like it when they get exactly what they asked for. And while we’re at it, they better start making chicks sign up for selective service, too. Equality cuts both ways.
Following the USMC study on integrated combat units, the Corps released standards for infantry jobs.
The SJWs (Col Herro or whatever her name is) complained that it was simply a list of tasks with no accompanying time limit qualifications and such. My thought was/is: you have the rest of your life to complete the task…
I think a performance based test makes sense. But too often the “performance” standards make no sense.
You wield stupidity like Chuck Norris wields his hands and fists!
Cite an example from the military of physical standards that do not “make sense”. Then back your assertion with hard data – NOT opinion or propaganda – indicating you are correct.
I don’t believe you can. Convince me I’m wrong.
Here are the standards for 0300, 03XX has different requirements per MOS. This is the assessment just to start ITB. You will notice that the standard is fully spelled out, including time limits, and gear etc etc. Basically, Col Herro needs to learn how to read. The MOS specific tasks are even more detailed. EXECUTION. a. 0300-MED-1001x Casualty Drag 1. Description. This is a 50 meter movement, simulating moving from a covered and concealed position, to a casualty’s position, and dragging that casualty out of direct fire to a safe position. See Figure a-1 for Casualty Drag course layout. 2. Environment. The assessment is intended to be conducted outdoors, upon a smooth and level grass surface. Prior to the conduct of this assessment administrators/monitors will ensure the course is free from hazards and/or debris, which may cause injury to participants. 3. Standard. Complete this assessment in the manner described in Par. 5, within a time limit of fifty-four (54) seconds or less. 4. Required Equipment. (a) One (2) Training mannequin (165 lbs.), equipped with a 40lb load bearing vest and plate carrier (214 pounds total) or, (2) Training mannequin (165 lbs.), equipped with an assault pack with (35 lbs.) in it will be a total weight of (216.51 pounds total.) (b) (6) Large cones (c) (2) Stopwatches (d) (1) Distance measuring wheel 5. Execution. (a) Prior to execution, the simulated casualty will be placed 25 meters from the starting line, lying on its back with the head pointed towards the starting line. The simulated casualty’s head will be the closest point to the starting line, no closer than 25 meters. (b) The Marine executing the event will start while lying in the prone firing position, chest on the ground, with the head pointed towards the simulated casualty. The top of the Marine’s head must be the closest point to and behind the starting line, such that no part of the Marine’s body is closer than 25 meters to the casualty. (c) The preparatory command is “Ready” and the execute command is “Begin.” On the command “Begin,” the Marine will rise… Read more »
The Olympic bar has been replaced with a replica rubber Mk-19 btw.
I like that tribe business. Ya got ya Cree, Dakota, Mohawk, Paiute, Crow, Apache, and Dickweed.
I thought we were the “Cadre”?
Cadre/Tribe/Clan/Committee/Board–take your pick. Whatever the hell we are, there is a core of proud and true-blue Dickweeds.
Being of Celtic extraction, I prefer “clan.”
And, of course, Lars can eat shit.
Clans are a group of families with common ancestors.
Members of tribes do not necessarily share the same ancestors.
How is that bag of dicks tasting, Lars?
Besides, I’m perfectly familiar with the dictionary definitions of “tribe,” “clan,” “faction,” “clique,” and “cadre.” In case you were unable to figure it out, I was ridiculing you, as was everyone else, because you’re a self-righteous dumbass who thinks he’s a genius. Now fuck off.
Commissar wields stupidity as fast as Chuck Norris does his hands and fists!
Hmm. By that definition, it would appear that the entire human race qualifies as a “clan” – particularly if either the Creationist or Out of Africa/Near Extinction Event theories regarding the origin of mankind are correct.
Methinks Taylor the Inconstant’s definition here may be incomplete or lacking in some other way.
Is there a tribal initiation rite, like how much beer you can down in one sitting?
I propose the tribe name of “Hellions” for this merry little band.
That’s the best you’ve got, Lars, you poodle? Everyone on this board is an asshole except you? You need to pull back, regroup and get your ego under control. You are the only asshole on this board, so far.
You have some serious authority issues, there, poodle, because you no longer have any, and yet, you’ve thrust yourself in amongst the pack wolves, the very people you despise.
Did you really expect anyone at all to just roll over belly up? Did you?
People here are assholes because they don’t agree with you or simply take your word for something? Pot->kettle->black. You can’t even reference sources for your assertions. It’s just ‘I have spoken, and thus it shall be.’ Hogwash.
Get some help with your problem. And stop blaming some amorphous ‘disability’ on your mistakes. You’re sloppy and lazy, and also tiresome and boring.
^^^ I remain in awe of the comments posted by this clan/cadre/tribe of true and EXPERIENCED professionals.
And Lars? (Never mind…)
Accidentally hit report when I meant to endorse. Sorry, Top, I am in full agreement and will now go off and haze myself.
This blog hosts some of the most creative insulters I’ve ever read. You can bet some of these wonderful phrases will land in my book. Eventually.
You’re all basically the kind of talented people who tell a person to go to hell in such a way that the person will enjoy the trip.
I’m proud to “hang out” with you all.
On behalf of all those whose fingers have cranked out said dressings down, we thank you, MAJArkay.
Commissar reminds me of a self-righteous PRICK in my OSUT Platoon back in the early 90’s that the Drill Sergeants nicknamed “Poodle Dick” by the second day of Basic Training.
Dammit! Would you kindly post a spew alert when you say something like that???? I almost blew hot tea through my nose!
Sorry Ma’am, I honestly thought that by now my screen name alone said “POTENTIAL SPEW ALERT”!! 😀
He got that nickname because of his attitude and demeanor, he was just as prissy-assed and thin-skinned as Commissar!
I am an asshole.
This board is full of assholes. And I would fit right in if I shared your often ignorant political and social views.
Are you really going to sit here and claim that those comments about the female captain in a maternity uniform on another thread were not the comments of a bunch of assholes?
You don’t know me, Commissar.
Lars – you should be writing that 300 page dissertation on “Why I am a Feminist in a Man’s Body” for the next meeting of the Bezerkly chapter of “Manginas R Us” club…
Yes, Lars, you are an asshole. But not for the reasons you think. Let me share a pearl of wisdom that was imparted to me by a far wiser man than I:
If one person you know is an asshole, it’s them. If everybody you know is an asshole, it’s YOU.
My comment about the VAGREP was lascivious. I would bump her uglies so hard her baby would have a dent in its head.
I bet you’d even do “Wicked Wanda” in the bowling alley parking lot!
Well, apparently you have NOT got the slightest bit of understanding of how REAL men behave, especially when they are in combat. I KNOW how they behave. I know what they say, how they think, what drives them, and what hurts them. And you don’t, Lars, you poodle, because in your view they are all beneath you, like the smug, self-serving twigdick that you are.
You can’t stand it when someone questions your authority on anything, even the slightest thing. You detest anyone who makes racist or sexist or otherwise prejudicial remarks, and yet you do it yourself. I guess you think no one notices.
I said you were boring, tiresome, sloppy and lazy. Those are my direct observations of what you have posted here as comments. You are the stereotype of a 1960s male chauvinist pig, whether you admit to it or not.
Taylor, you are considered an a-hole here because you exhibit here a persona that could p!ss off a fence post. You perceive many here as “a-holes” because we are fed up with your abrasive and clearly unwarranted arrogance (among other issues) – and either tell you so in no uncertain terms, or are otherwise rude to you for precisely that reason.
You’re reasonably intelligent. You’re not the most intelligent individual here.
You’re reasonably successful. You’re not the most successful individual here.
You’re reasonably well educated. You’re not the most educated person here.
You’re also closed-minded; unwilling to do your homework before running your yap; make unsupported assertions, but when challenged are unwilling to back your arguments with fact; and are unwilling to admit errors (which you make frequently) even after they’ve been pointed out to you. People here react badly to any of those flaws. They react very badly towards someone who exhibits all of them simultaneously.
Act like something other than an smug, arrogant bastard with unwarranted delusions of grandeur and inflated self-importance, and you’ll be treated with much more civility. Otherwise, you’ll keep being deservedly treated like the a-hole you claim above you are.
Sloppy, lazy, boring and tiresome are his good points.
Maybe Mabus should bulk up. And maybe grow some balls while he is at it.
Oh, you are a funny, funny man, GT.
Long read and lots of tables. One of the interesting points is that Female recruits who are OVER wieght standards have a lower attrition rate (18.1%) than female Recruits who are UNDER the minimum wieght standards(22.4%). As a matter of fact those that start Overweight have less than a 1% higher attrition rate than Normal (17.2)…
Well, for anyone who is really interested, that BMI scale has been used by the life insurance industry for decades as a means of denying coverage to clients. And, yes, they can do that.
Ditto health insurance carriers. They were vicious about your weight, never mind the pre-existing conditions, which is ludicrous for people who had desk jobs which are definitely NOT the best thing to do if you want to stay healthy and live longer.
Now, how do I know this? I had friends who worked for UNUM, one of the larger health insurance carriers in the 1980s.
The BMI is being forced onto the trucking industry to disqualify drivers who fail. It is a whole lot of bullshit. When I was in I was 5ft9in and 185, right on the edge. I was lifting weights and running half marathons at the time and had quite the go around with the weight standards. It was silly and I ended up challenging the 1st Sargent to a 15mile run.
BMI is a ridiculous one size fits all measure and like any one size fits all is doesn’t fit anybody.
It’s outdated, no matter what. The average height of American women has increased from 5’2″ in 1880 to 5’4″ by 1995. It doesn’t apply anything except the cardboard it’s printed on.
Hey, I am all for women lifting weights. As long as I get something out of it. A powerful Vagina can be a good thing. May I recommend the following progam:
Not sure if hot or terrifying.
The record is a Russian woman who can do 35 pounds.
She might never let you go, you know.
Here. This should give you guys a cheap thrill.
It’s always something with BAMs isn’t it? They aren’t suddenly becoming power lifters gaining mass to where they are it of regs. That’s the shitty excuse every fat ass in the infantry used and everybody knew they were just fat.