Richard Thomas Hall in the news

We wrote about Richard Thomas Hall almost a year ago when Scottie busted him. He had less than three years in the Marine Corps and was discharged in January 2001 – so he missed the whole war on terror. But apparently, that bothers him so much that he is forced to wander the streets in uniform panhandling door to door, according to Watertown Daily Times;
According to the criminal complaint, the victim was put in contact with the detective who handled the previous case. She stated she saw an article and picture in the paper about Hall and recognized him.
She said she couldn’t remember the exact date but sometime in November 2014 a man dressed in a military uniform knocked on her door. He told her his wallet had been stolen and he needed money to fly to California where he would be deployed to Iran or Afghanistan. He needed $81 to cover the cost of checked bags. He also asked for a cigarette.
The victim gave him a pack of her cigarettes and $100.
The judge gave him a year probation and some other stuff;
He must perform 40 hours of community service, pay $300 of restitution to victims, pay financial obligations to the clerk of courts, submit a DNA sample and write an apology letter to the victims…
He was arrested for this particular crime a few months before Scotty busted him and he became internet famous.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Take him behind the paint love cker and beat his ass with an E-Tool.
My Thoughts also
‘love cker’? Hack, your iPad is sneezing on you again. It doesn’t understand a word you’re saying.
I really Bernathed that post. Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error. Really regrets the error. As penance, I will promptly remove the door to my mailbox and erect a car tent in my driveway.
Just watch out for coconuts when you do that.
If Bernath were a candy bar, he would be an Almind Joy, because it has coconut and is full of nuts.
I guess he missed the class on “HONOR” in the Corps!!
Stolen Valor – usually just the rancid cherry on the top of a dung-flavored ice cream sundae.
Dude needs a serious Wall-to-Wall Fan Room counseling session. Too bad the judge didn’t give him time with “the Boys” in the local poundhimintheass lockup…
At least it is a start.
I wished he would have knocked on my door…
And I doubt he need the money to “deploy”.
More like buy bus fare to make an interview at All-Points Logistics.
now he can earn some prison stripes
enjoy F($& Face
Hey, Don’t disparage my call sign.
[/god dammit, I clicked the damn report button. my bad]
no problimo I’ve done it a few times to
I’m guessing that the DNA sample is because the judge expects bigger and better things from him – that eventually he’s going to commit a crime that will be solved with DNA evidence.
Or he will piss someone off so badly they need DNA evidence to figure out who he was.
Hey, a guy can dream.
“I’m guessing that the DNA sample is because the judge expects bigger and better things from him – that eventually he’s going to commit a crime that will be solved with DNA evidence.”
Comment of the day Sarge
Memo to civilians:
No service member needs money for baggage fees, or pretty much anything else. The other red flag is unless you see the entire unit or command standing behind him, it’s probably bullshit.
WORD ^^^^^
AMEN TO THAT and they DON’T need money sent to them for airline tickets to go home on mid tour leave either, that’s another scammer favorite.
A Marine…that can’t spell Corps…da fukk?!?
And a commander-in-chief who cannot pronounce it! (I realize he was referring to a Navy ‘corpse-man’ when he committed that error but it’s six and a half dozen. In fact, I hear he avoids the word corps altogether nowadays and just refers to Marines as “my umbrella bearers.”)
He aint no guud spellar ether. Coundn’t even spell Qwanteeko.
Furst clew…three yeers an alreedy a E-6!
A 2000 Wisconsin law required the collection of DNA for felons. They were behind about 14,000 DNA collections.
The law was changed in 2014 to make the collections more restrictive. Which makes this story a little curious as to which law applied in this case (and the severity of the crimes committed by Hall.)
The guy was arrested in 2014. Depending on when the change in WI’s law became effective, he might have committed his crime and been prosecuted under the previous law – and thus still been subject to the DNA sample requirement.
I was about to ask what the hell happened to my old hometown and then I realized that it was Watertown Wisconsin.