Vietnam shopping for US military equipment

| January 30, 2016

The US fought a war in Vietnam to prevent a Domino effect of countries in the Pacific Rim falling to Communism. When the US left Vietnam in 1975, the new communist Vietnamese government did their best to make the Domino Theory a reality. They invaded Cambodia, but they were stopped cold by the Chinese which lost about 70,000 military casualties in their efforts, first in direct heavy combat and then in a two decade-long low intensity conflict which ended in 1990 with both sides declaring victory. Now, the Vietnamese are worried about the Chinese again as they make motions to control the South China Seas and the land it touches. So the Vietnamese are turning to the US to modernize their armies;

Squeezed by slower U.S. military spending, defense firms are looking to Southeast Asian nations for new markets, capitalizing on their concerns about China’s outlays on long-range planes, ships and submarines. The April roadshow, organized by the U.S. embassy, follows Washington’s easing of curbs on sales of nonlethal defense systems to Vietnam last October.

“In the coming months there will be more conversations, meetings and trips back-and-forth between American companies and their potential Vietnamese clients,” said Vu Tu Thanh, chief Vietnam representative of the U.S.-Asean Business Council, who attended the day-long symposium. “There is a surge of interest among American defense contractors.”


Vietnam’s military spending has risen 128 percent since 2005, reflecting its territorial tensions with China, according to an April report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Its defense budget jumped 9.6 percent in 2014 to $4.3 billion, it said.

The U.S. is providing Vietnam with six patrol boats, part of an $18 million military aid package.

Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Nixon opened China to end the war in Vietnam and now we’ll “lose China” by arming Vietnam. Sounds like a job for John Kerry.

Category: Foreign Policy

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I’m just sitting here, shaking my head. The irony is palpable. I’m sure Uncle Ho is laughing up his sleeve right now. I can hear the echoes.

Well, Vietnam has prospered and rebuilt its economy since the end of that war, moving into the 21st century rapidly. They have always been threatened by the Chinese. Maybe we can reopen the airbase at Bien Hoa. If anyone is interested, there are tours of the caves in western Vietnam, where you can find some extremely large spider catching bats.


My last Battalion did two Civil Humanitarian (CH),Civil Affairs (CA) missions there in 2009-2013. NMCB’s have been going there going back to 2008. The us has been slowly helping with their military most of the work we did was CA/CH missions but some was what we call mil to mil work or training.


Ho Chi Minh is probably saying, “It’s about damn time.”

Ho appealed for US support when he (as head of the Viet Minh) declared Vietnam’s independence from France in September 1945. The US told him no, and opted to support the French instead.

That was arguably the worst single foreign policy decision the US ever made.


Pity FDR had died a few months previously. He never trusted the French and was quite the anti-colonialist.


where is the like button? :/


Now what did they do with all of the toys we left them?

Sorry Charlie. I would lean towards saying fuk u.


A little bit of PMCS….


I think it is fah q

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that B. Hussein 0bama & Company WILL totally fuck things up in any and every way that they can, why should they stop now?

Silentium Est Aureum

Given this administration and how they handle weapons/arms (F&F, Libya, Syria), what could possibly go wrong?

Semper Idem

Sounds like a perfect time to push for regime change. Tell them we’ll help, but only if the Republic of Vietnam (the one that went bust back in 1975) is re-established as the sole ruler of the entire country, with its pre-1975 Constitution established as the supreme law of the land. Throw in a ban on Communist imagery, too. Get the proper flag of Vietnam (the yellow one with the three red stripes) flying over the Presidential Palace in Saigon. Free speech. Free press. No religious / racial discrimination.

Until then, Uncle Sam don’t give a schitt.


are you running for president? I like the way you think and you may have my vote!


Yeah, send sKerry over to negotiate this deal. Viet Nam will have a nuke in a year, and a ballistic missile program to go with.

NR Pax

Tell you what; give us the remains of our people still in your country first. That’s a good place to start negotiations.



Roger in Republic

If Skerry does the negotiations the Viets will turnout like the Kurds. The arms will be shipped to China for later distribution to the Viets, as needed.


I would support giving them all the assistance they are requesting, but only if they agree to rename Hanoi as Richard M Nixon City. 🙂

Perry Gaskill

Short answer: No

Long answer: Noooooooooooo…