Richard Hall; Overachiever phony Marine

| March 28, 2015

Rich Hall

Scotty sends us his work on this Rich Hall fellow;

Rich Hall claims

Recon, sniper, blah-blah-blah. Doesn’t the Marine Corps have any regular old riflemen anymore? Wounded by an IED, two Purple Hearts. But he can’t spell “Corps”;

Rich Hall claims Purple Heart

Yeah, this is one confusing-ass DD214 – two years and eight months in the Marines without a promotion from E-1, no schools, no training, no awards beyond rifle qualification. I’m just guessing here, but it looks like he went AWOL during training and stayed away for two years and now he regrets it.

Richard Hall DD214 (1)

He was discharged in January 2001, so he kind of missed the whole Global War on Terror thing. He also missed a lot of IEDs and a lot of better men than him were really awarded Purple Hearts.

Category: Phony soldiers

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His DD 214 shows the last unit he was assigned to was NAMALA. The Corps must’ve court-martialed him for putting himself through sniper school and getting blown up without asking his D.I.’s permission first. His ribbons are as fucked up as he is, by the way.

Just an Old Dog

Hes not wearing a lot of the awards he is claiming..

Ozzie 11B

It was a misspelling. It was supposed to say:

NAMBLA North American Man Boy Love Association


Argh! You beat me to it.


Yeah, I understand he was a “wide receiver” on their football team. 🙂

Friend S. Wilkins

Or a “tight end”… 😀


I heard he was the “catcher” on the softballs team.


What??!! It’s NOT the North American Marlon Brando Lookalike Association??!!

I was misinformed.


Like! (need a like button)


I agree, USMCE8Ret.

One possibility is extensive AWOL, followed by a court-martial, reduction to E1 w/confinement, followed by an admin discharge. The other is a court-martial for some other crime, followed by extensive appellate leave awaiting finalization of his sentence.

His DD214 shows he should have 2 yr 3 mo 29 days of active duty, but he only has credit for 2 yr 1 mo 8 days. That would imply he has “bad time” totaling 2 mo 21 days. This means he was in confinement, was AWOL/UA, or was on appellate leave awaiting final approval of a punitive discharge (or some combination thereof) for a total of 2 mo 21 days.

Since he was discharged from the NAMALA, I’m guessing the latter (conviction via court martial and sentence including a punitive discharge followed by spending 2 mo 21 days on appellate leave pending approval of punitive discharge) is the case. That would also explain the lack of his signature on his DD214. However, I could be wrong.


You’re probably right, Hondo. Even though we haven’t seen his chronological assignments/status listed on the “page 3” of his service record, your conclusion is a reasonable one.

I stand corrected on my original post, however. The last unit he was assigned to was Security Battalion at Quantico, not NAMALA.

As for his awards, he’s missing the Purple Heart he claims to have earned and a Combat Action Ribbon (for the “IED to the knee” incident).

His Iraq Campaign Medal is missing the bronze star devices for each phase of the campaign. (There were 7 phases). He claims to have deployed 5 times, so he would have at least 3 bronze star devices on his ICM (Presuming all his service was in Iraq). (The last bronze star device would have covered the campaign phase covering up through the “National Resolution”, at least).

If he came in during 1998 and was discharged in 2006 (as he claims), shouldn’t he have at least 2 bronze star devices on his Good Conduct ribbon?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if he deployed in support of OIF (or OEF for that matter) 5 times, his Sea Service Deployment ribbon would have at least 4 bronze star devices on it.

Also, he’s sporting a Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. He can’t wear the ICM and GWOTEM at the same time. He would have had to make an election to wear the ICM in lieu of the GWOTEM when it was authorized. He’s also not wearing the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, but unless he’s claiming service in that area, in real life the GWOTEM would cover that since he’s not wearing the campaign medal issued for that theater.


The USMC may handle it differently, but in the Army having the GWOTEM and either the ACM or ICM for service in either Afghanistan or Iraq, respectively, is authorized – PROVIDED one had different tours qualifying for the GWOTEM and appropriate campaign medal under the rules in effect at the time. Soldiers serving in Afghanistan or Iraq prior to the transition date could convert their GWOTEM for early service to the campaign medal if they desired; however, conversion was not mandatory. For the Army, the ACM and ICM became effective for service in Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively, in either Mar or Apr 2005. A tour in Iraq completely after that date qualified only for the ICM. Tours ending before that date qualified for the GWOTEM; after the ICM was established, the soldier could opt to convert it to the ICM campaign medal but was not required to do so. Single tours that qualified under both rules (e.g., 30 days consecutive service in Iraq both before and after the transition date, such as from Jan 2005 to Jan 2006) qualified for one or the other – but not both. Here’s an example with concrete dates. Say a soldier received a GWOTEM for a tour in 2003-2004 and later did a tour in Iraq in 2006-2007. He/she would be authorized to wear both medals if they chose to do so – the GWOTEM for the 2003-2004 tour, and the ICM for the 2006-2007 tour. They’d only have to remove the GWOTEM for the earlier tour if they opted to convert it to the ICM. However, if they opted to retain the GWOTEM, the individual would not be authorized to wear the campaign stars on the ICM associated with the time covered by their GWOTEM for service in Iraq. That service would be recognized by their GWOTEM. I personally know at least one guy who’d served twice and Iraq, and was authorized both medals. He was there early – 2003-2004, I believe – and later received the ICM for a second Iraq tour in 2007-2008. He opted not to convert his GWOTEM to… Read more »


In reply to the thread above and not the douchebag that the above article is written on… I deployed aboard the USS Wasp for seven months in 2002, and we were all over the Middle East, from the Horn of Africa to as far as Pakistan and India. For that deployment, I was awarded the GWOTEM. Then, we deployed to OIF II in 2004 during the First Battle of Falujah, for eight months. For that service, I was awarded the ICM with two campaign stars. So, in the USMC, it is entirely possible to wear both of those medals. Theoretically, a given Marine could have been awarded a GWOTEM for a shipboard deployment to the Area of Operations, an ICM for a deployment to Iraqi soil, and an ACM for a deployment to Afghan soil; in this scenario, both the ICM and the ACM would also rate campaign stars for the phases of the campaign.


[…] Pingback: Richard Hall; Overachiever phony Marine : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here […]


I use to be a recon sniper, then I took an IED in the knee…

AW1 Tim

Gotta find a new way to make the Skrilla now!

I actually feel sorry for any new recruit whose real name is Leroy Jenkins. 🙂


Now I have to post this


So you’re the Dragonborn? Which one was the Dragon? Your mother or your father?


This is what happens when someone steals your sweetroll.


I’d love to show this guy and similar asswipes my half-assed “sniper” abilities by putting a set of horns on his head and let him walk 200 yards downrange. It would be a chip-shot for my .270.


I probably have more sniper training that this douchecanoe. Then again, all I did was test-fire the sniper rifles after servicing them.




92Y assigned as Armorer to an Infantry unit that later turned scout/sniper and mortars.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Dick looks like he’s addicted to dick…

Green Thumb


He does have that “I want your balls in my face” look.

Big Steve

This wannabe enlisted at Milwaukee Wisc. MEPS, which might mean he’s in my neck of the woods.

Richard, I mean “Dick,” my advice to you is: Pull your head out of your ass and disembark from the Stolen Valor train. Clear?
Sniper? No. Guttersnipe? Yes.

Dave Hardin

I will bet he has ‘IHCA’ somewhere in his records. He was not reduced to PVT that was his only rank. If he made it to his first duty station it wasnt long thereafter he was arrested most likely. He was not available to sign his DD214, probably because he was locked up someplace.

He ‘Served’ alright, just not the way he wants everyone to believe.

Another little shit wearing my uniform, rank, and hash marks. Starting to lose count of how many this makes.


DH: for my education – how can you infer no promo from the DD214 vice promotion followed by court-martial, full reduction, and punitive discharge? Not saying you’re wrong – the guy obviously wasn’t exactly a “stellar troop”. Just curious, and you know USMC records far better than I do.

Dave Hardin

His Effective Date of Pay Grade is the same as his Date Entered Service. If he was ever promoted that date would have changed.

Probably got locked up on leave after boot. No primary MOS is assigned so he earned basic Marine from boot camp never made it through his first school.

Dave Hardin

It appears he was processed out of the Corps without his physical presence. Odds are a civilian drug charge but could have been any felony arrest and conviction.

Probably the only thing at his command (Security Battalion, Quantico Va) were his records. His station where separated is used only for paper drills. That command doesnt really exist in brick and mortar sense, it is used to process Admin Seps/Legal Seps when the service member is not physically able to be present.

Hope that helps.


Well, yes and no.

Good point about the DOR. I missed that, and it does seem to show he was never promoted past E1.

However, my understanding is that “bad time” (confinement, AWOL, appellate leave, etc . . . ) is currently not counted as active service. (It’s no longer made up at the end of an enlistment, as it was back in the 1970s and 1980s).

If that’s the case, any time he was held in civilian confinement would come off his active service time shown on his DD214.

However, he’s only “missing” 2 mo 21 days. So my understanding is that the most “bad time” he could have would be said 2 mo 21 days. That seems to rule out protracted civilian confinement. That also sounds to be in the ballpark for approval time for a punitive discharge.

My guess is the guy did something monumentally stupid at San Diego/PI or immediately after arriving at his 1st unit, and the investigation and court-martial took a while. (Alternatively, maybe he was a problem child who never made E2 because he kept getting in trouble at his 1st unit.) After close to 2 years, he ended up getting court-martialed – maybe his unit got fed up, or maybe the investigation took a while (or a combo of both). He then got court-martialed, got a punitive discharge (BCD or DD) as part of his sentence, and was put on appellate leave pending approval. It then took 2 mo and change for his discharge to be approved.


Dave Hardin

I think you are correct on all points. There is a small amount of loss time. It could be he was being held on pre-trial confinement. There are several types of that, base restriction, barracks restriction, or actual confinement in the brig.

Pre-Trial confenement would not be counted as lost time. 6 months spent in boot camp and loss time with a little leave in there. Then 18 months fighting a civilian trial with his time in service being credited at his sentencing no doubt.

It would explain his lack of promotion and account for his active time served.

Of course you and I are all too aware anything is possible with these shitbirds.

Green Thumb

Another quitter who needs some attention.



NAMALA was not an acronym I was familiar with so I looked it up. Once I saw that it was “Navy Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity” it became clear that this guy was court-martialed and convicted.

Big gulf between “war hero” and “shitbag convict”.


I wonder what type of discharge he got. Also wonder if he went awol after or during basic training. Guessing after basic and on his way to tech school or mos school

Friend S. Wilkins

Here’s a nasty idea that just came to my sick, twisted little mind….and I mean nasty! Hope this doesn’t go over the line….

Ozzie 11B

WICKER MAN — That movie scared the hell out of me. Gotta watch out for those women!


You are a sick, sadistic, fucked up motherfucker. This being said, I like your style.

John Robert Mallernee

SOOOOO – – – ,

This guy (and others like him) was allowed to enlist in the United States Marine Corps.

Yet, that same United States Marine Corps turned ME down, AND, they also turned away Audie Murphy, who was awarded the Medal of Honor and a Battlefield Commission for his heroism in the Second World War!

Not only that, but the ficticious character in the Hollywood movie, “BABY BLUE MARINE”, Marion Hedgepeth, portrayed by Jan-Michael Vincent, was also not good enough to be accepted into the United States Marine Corps.

But, all three of us proved ourselves worthy by completing honorable service in the United States Army.

According to the TIME-LIFE series of books, “THE VIETNAM EXPERIENCE”, I managed to become a sort of “Marine” after all, because the 101st Airborne are “the Marines of the Army”.

Boy, I sure had a good laugh when I read that!

Mox nix.

(That’s what you learn to say if you’ve ever been a G.I. stationed in Germany.)

Xin loi.

(That’s what you learn to say if you’ve ever been a G.I. stationed in the old Republic of Viet Nam.)


2 kinds of people in the world. Those that want to be Marines and those that are.

(jk–throwing a stone back).


Three kinds; the Marines don’t have the communications jobs I’m looking for.

Dave Hardin

In an odd coincidence, he ‘Wasn’t MOS yet’

Hack Stone


Hack Stone

I never could understand the motivation behind some dirtbag choosing the most rigorous branch of the military to join, completing boot camp, then pissing it all away on some stupid decision(s). I realize that not everyone is going to be the next Chesty Puller, but doing an enlistment, earning a steady paycheck with benefits, in most cases learning a marketable skill, and getting preferential treatment in hiring because you are a veteran are some pretty good incentives to keep your mouth shut, put the bong in storage for four years, and show up to work on time.

A Proud Infidel®™

Aaahhh, yet another snotnosed little candyassed cream puff of a Smurf-hugging glitter-farting tinsel mouse/Sparkle Pony! I wonder if he ran away from Boot Camp missing his Mommy and now spouts that shit to feed his precious self-esteem?
One halfassed handshake and a lukewarm cup of cheap ramen noodles with cheap Bologna in it on the way…


Block 21 of his 214, “SNM not available for signature”. AHAHAHAHAHA! I bet the Marines just said F’it and discharged his ass in absentia just to get him off the books and mailed a copy out to his home of record.

Dave Hardin

His 214 actually is a bit odd. If he was indeed assigned to Security Battalion his school would have required a security clearance.

Speculation on this 214 is interesting. Could have been they did the background check and found a warrant from some state on him.

Probably tells everyone he was off fighting the war during the years he actually ‘served’ time.

Stolen Valor claims often turn out to be a scab covering a puss filled ego from living life in the cesspool.

Friend S. Wilkins

Hey, Richard Hall!

Look familiar?

John Robert Mallernee

Why would there be a pre-trial confinement cell at Leavenworth?

I thought Leavenworth was for prisoners who were already convicted and sentenced.

When I worked at the Utah State Prison, I don’t remember seeing any pre-trial confinement cells, although the punishment block, “A” West, and the Maximum Security Unit (where Death Row is located) might have served that purpose.

When inmates did something wrong, that was where they’d be sent to do their time, either the “A” West Cell Block, or the Maximum Security Unit.

Of course, I’m talking about MANY years ago.

Since then, the Utah State Prison system has continued to expand and change, with newer facilities being constructed.

That, to me, is proof that our penal system is an abysmal failure, for if it was functioning as intended, there should be FEWER prisons, not more.

John Robert Mallernee

I remember one night when a big fight broke out on the third tier of “B” Block.

I escorted one of the inmates, who had a reputation for violent behavior, over to “A” West Block.

He gave me no trouble at all.

Years later, that inmate was executed for murdering a lawyer during an escape attempt.

John Robert Mallernee


I had it backwards.

“A” West Block was for Protective Custody.

“A” East Block was for punishment.

Big Steve

Glad you corrected that. I was confused for a minute.


Like! (Actually double like–we need a like button).

John Robert Mallernee

One of the men in my Scout team at Fort Hood, Texas was court-martialed and sentenced to twenty-one years at hard labor at the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

I didn’t know anything about the case or the charges, except he was AWOL, and we were ordered, that if he showed up, to use any amount of force necessary to detain him.

Earlier, I had him in my home for supper, and the following Saturday, when washing my car, I found a hash pipe that had fallen out of his pocket.

I kept it for a souvenir, and still have it among my personal possessions.

I reckon after all these years, he’s probably a free man, if he’s still alive.

Just an Old Dog

There is a facebook comment above and a posting to Scotty’s page updating this shitbag, “om Chernetski 12 hrs I emailed a couple of local places on this bonehead. This is the email I got from the Volunteer Fire Dept that Hall claimed to volunteer with: Tom, Update on Richard Hall for you. Watertown Daily Times has an article of him. It is subscription only but here is the text. So much for keeping his address secret! JUNEAU — A 35-year-old Watertown man has been charged with theft while impersonating a member of the armed forces. Richard Thomas Hall, 1063 Perry St., Watertown, made his initial appearance in court Tuesday on two counts misdemeanor theft by false representation. Judge Steven Bauer set a $500 signature bond with the condition Hall not solicit money from anybody for any reason. If convicted, Hall could be fined up to $10,000 and imprisoned for up to nine months on both counts. According to a criminal complaint, on Nov. 26, 2014, a Dodge County Sheriff’s deputy responded to a report of a man dressed as a Marine who was soliciting money in Reeseville. A man told the deputy when he was outside in his yard with his dog a man driving a 1990s model green Dodge pickup had stopped, wearing a Marine dress uniform with no hat on. The man dressed as a Marine said his vehicle had been broken into and his wallet had been stolen and he was due back in California the next day. The man says he felt sorry for him because he was in the military and went back into the house and gave the unknown male $100. The man said after thinking about what had occurred he recalled one of the buttons of his dress uniform had been unbuttoned and there was a tattoo on his neck. A few days later the deputy made contact with a woman who had seen the Marine in Hustisford at Joan’s Country Cooking on Nov. 21, 2014. She said the male dressed as a Marine entered the restaurant around 12:30 p.m. and asked… Read more »