Hillary’s word game

| January 22, 2016

Judge Andrew Napolitano, being interviewed on The Kelly File, recently said something that caused my head to pop out of my nether regions – namely, that Hillary Clinton was playing a word game with the media when she denied that none of the emails in question were marked “classified.” It was almost an “aha!” moment for me for the simple reason that even though I have written that Hillary is playing word games in this matter, I had not previously perceived just how devious her word parsing is. And unless you’ve had a federal security clearance and understand the system of security classification and document marking, you aren’t likely to have a prayer of deciphering Hillary’s deception.

Here’s what she’s doing: in interviews with the media, Hillary carefully says that none of the emails in question were marked “classified.” Well, of course they weren’t, because “classified” isn’t one of the designations with which classified documents are marked. Classified is an overall designation wherein individual documents are marked CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, or TOP SECRET. I’m unfamiliar with how other designations higher than top secret are marked, because they were beyond my pay grade. But what I do know is that “classified” itself is not one of the specific markings found on classified documents, and I’ll bet the farm that whoever in Clinton’s campaign is crafting her media responses knows that as well.

Thus, when Hillary blithely denies that any of the questionable emails on her server was marked “classified,” she’s telling a strictly narrow, word-specific truth so that she cannot be shown later to be blatantly lying to the media, although that is precisely what she’s doing with such word-parsing. It’s another Clinton word game, much like Slick Willie’s infamous “it depends upon what the meaning of is is.”

Hey, they’re Clintons…whaddaya expect?

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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I’m a liberal and I’m just here like “if I’d done some DAMN FOOL shit like that and then said exactly what she’s saying, my ass would likely be warming a bench in Leavenworth right next to prison bitch Manning”. And she’s got the fuckin gall to run for president WHILE DEALING WITH THESE ALLEGATIONS, are you fuckin kidding me.

Haywire Angel

I was just thinking the same thing!


Anybody but Hillary in 2016.

Peter the Bubblehead

I just don’t see and punishment happening with this administration. FFS we have a CINC that couldn’t pass the BI to work where I do, but politicians are simply not vetted the same way nor held to the same standards.


any punishment, I meant


Awww, come on, you guys. Let shrillary have the spotlight for a while. It’s free entertainment. You can turn the sound down and say rude things that go with the way she flaps her yapper.

Haywire Angel

They could do more of the bad lip reading videos.


Good point. Add to that the talk of stripping markings as well.

I guess she must have missed her annual IA training that year, amiright?


100 bucks says she will do no time


Probably won’t lose any stars off her collar either…


unfortunately Word ^^^^^^
she makes, or they the Clinton mafia
makes the old Italian mob look like rookies:(

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Why is it whenever I hear the Words “Hillary Clinton” and “stripping”, I throw up?

Yes, I went there….


As my three year old says…..
YACK YUCK ! ! ! !

by the way do you have any eye and brain bleach

Wild Bill

On the road this AM heard a radio talker say that Sanders was on top of HRC, almost drove off the road, ran home for the brain bleach.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

If I had heard that, I’d have done the same thing… would have showered with Boric Acid just to get the stank off of me and out of my head….


I don’t think that it will really wash off. It will sit in the back of your brain fermenting until you end up siting in a corner in you ninja turtle PJs, drooling and soiling yourself while you listen to old Barry Manilow records.

As often as she is in the news,, we all must be very carful.


Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret are the only levels of classification. When people say “higher than Top Secret” They are most likely referring to special access programs or sensitive compartmented information. This information is still TOP SECRET, but with more strict dissemination controls. Those pages are labeled, “TOP SECRET//(SCI PROGRAM)”

Jus Bill


Although not frequently encountered, Compartmented Information can exist at the SECRET level, and even the CONFIDENTIAL level. Just sayin’…

Fines and even jail time are possible for improperly divulging *ANY* classified information, regardless of level, depending on the damage caused.

Hack Stone

Hillary is the queen when it comes to splitting pubic hairs. I took her comments to mean that there were no classification markings on the emails that she sent and received, which is probably true. Were the contents of those emails classified? Probably. But someone either printed them off on JWICS, taped over the classification markings, scanned them, then emailed them; or more likely just rewrote onto NIPR the contents of those classified documents without marking them. So yes, Hillary can say that she did not send or receive any emails that were “marked” classified.


You and I think alike, Hack. That’s exactly where my mind went when I heard that sound bite.

And the email released a couple weeks back about the staffer having trouble sending a secure fax, and her subsequent guidance, pretty much bore that out…

Old 1SG, US Army (Retired)

The guberment will hurry up and indict her, she cop a plea deal, Obama will pardon her and she’ll continue running for president…

No right-wing conspiracy here… just democrat status quo…


Maybe not.

Maybe Obama lets her get elected. Then he releases all the bad crap and even Democrats want her impeached. Then her VP pick gets to pardon her and faces impeachment him/herself/itself.

Club Manager

For regular troops including any or part of a classified document in a communication – regardless if it is marked, stamped, stripped, etc. means prosecution. Look at Gen Petraeus for example. However, the Penis Rule applies. In Petraeus’ case, unauthorized insertion tied with the providing of classified material. In Clinton’s case, she gets a “by” because no one is willing to insert theirs in her.


Oh, how I hate hypocrites who parse words, play words games, or simply play games in general. Life is too short to play games, especially on my dime.


NO one has addressed the access.
Was it air gapped or hard wired to her Hotmail?
SOMEONE had to do it.

Hack Stone

Yes, whoever it is that sent her those emails pulled them from JWICS. They better rollover real quick and make real with the feds before Billary has him/her Vince Fostered. Speaking of which, what is the latest on the State Department IT guy that set up her server and pleaded the fifth. Has he met his scheduled unfortunate accident yet?

Bernie Hackett

Keep in mind that both she and her husband are/were lawyers. That is what they do, rearranging their comments to reflect whatever left turn at Albequerque they’re trying to sell.
Another possibility is that she’s so out of touch that she doesn’t know what that classification or any others means. All these rules and things are just so beneath her. Besides, (scary stuff) her coterie of syncophants should take care of all that inconsequential stuff. Top Secret, Crypto, what does that really mean, after all these minutes?
I have a hairdresser appointment.
(cue Waltons march “Crown Imperial”)


Imperial March from Empire Strikes Back

Darth Hillary, seeking the acclaim of the Senate….


Cable Dawg

I think my dream scenario is for Trump to go Ross Perot, Cruz to get the Republican ballot, and Clinton to be marched off to trial and conviction AFTER getting the Dem nomination. Then we could t least have a choice worth thinking about for a change!


Something to ponder in that scenario: The US Constitution is silent on an indicted person or a convicted felon running for president (or even a currently imprisoned felon).

Can you imagine the arguing over who was “really” the nominee? Over who “really” won the election?

Gore vs Bush in 2000 is just a hint of how far some might take things.

Personally, I see no way to avoid a very, very chaotic scenario if the indictment comes post nomination, or even perhaps just before the convention.

And I have a sneaking suspicion that some folks are already prepped to take advantage of just that sort of chaos.

Jus Bill

Maybe if she mailed some X-Files information the Cigarette Man would come to call on her (just before she vanishes in a flash of light). We can hope.

MSG Eric

Actually, in a prior speech to that one, she stated she never sent or received classified material. That one with “Marked” came later.

She also indicated, “I know what is classified!”

At the end of the day, ignorance is not an excuse. But she’s not ignorant of what she did. She set up her own server for for self-convenience. Nothing more.

MSG Eric

I’m with you Poe, there are a few reasons she set this one up. I totally agree.

Hopefully the FBI actually gets to fulfill their duties and charge her criminal corrupt ass and throw her out and lock up the key, or something like that. Either way would be good.

Brown Neck Gaitor

I saw a tweet last night from Catherine Herridge that stated the FBI was able to retrieve the deleted emails, so your theory about the expanded investigation seems to have merit.


Come on gentlemen this is Slick Willy’s wife, don’t you remember???
“That depends on the what the meaning of is is”